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Today, CCSVI treatment is one of the most discussed topics when it comes to multiple sclerosis. Many clinical studies have been conducted to establish the relationship between CCSVI and MS symptoms, however no clear results has been obtained. However, many places have reported positive results in the CCSVI treatment. However, what we need to understand is that Multiple Sclerosis and Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency are two different conditions but most of the times, people confuse them for one another. The MS symptoms and CCSVI symptoms are pretty much the same and occur in the same region of our body. MS is a very complex condition and has various symptoms. Most of the people do not experience all the symptoms and also, all the symptoms do not show at the same time. Some diseases have symptoms similar to MS. Some of the common symptoms for diagnosing MS are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vision problem due to optic neuritis. Dizziness, complexity with walking and balance. At times, the person may suffer with bladder problem. Constipation and bowel incontinence. Vision issues like blurring vision, improper co-ordination between eyes, temporary loss in vision or double vision.

If you are going to have multiple sclerosis treatment, you would need to visit a neurologist. You must obtain a diagnosis from the neurologist before you can move ahead with further treatment. Doppler Sonogram and MRI are two most commonly used procedures for diagnosing MS and treating it.

On the other hand, Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency more commonly CCSVI is a condition that was identified by Doctor Paulo Zamboni in 1998. In this condition, there is a limited blood flow in the veins that are connected to the Central Nervous System (CNS). This is mainly caused by barrowing or thickening of veins in spine, chest or neck. Now, to compensate for the low quantity of the blood supplied from CNS, what our body does is that it uses the collateral veins instead to bring the blood from the CNS to the heart. As a result, the blood leaves a deposit of iron in the surrounding tissues of these collateral veins. Dr. Zamboni observed that in most of the patients suffering from MS, there was deposit of iron in their brains which was caused by the venous insufficiency condition. Therefore, in a way, if a person has a condition of CCSVI, it is an earlier symptom of MS. The most commonly used method for the diagnosing CCVI are Doppler ultrasound of the neck and brain and venography (also called dye injection). The ultrasound is done to check the presence of any blood reflex.

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