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0000 |NS!Æ||Æ!|0N
0ÆN H||P !0Uk
H0|S! k0P| Æ!0|0
Æ !|k! U0|! |U!Uk|.
lt`s surprlslng to us how
few professlonals exhlblt the
proper degree of oare they
should when handllng
elevator holst ropes.
Some even treat them
as lf they`re lndestruotlble.
lf only that were so. ^otually that they are
oomplex, preolsely englneered devloes made of soft
steel, offerlng many flexlble oomponents.
For lnstanoe an 8 x 19 Seale holst rope (one o|
the o|d |avorítes o| the índustry) has 152 movlng
parts, oonslstlng of elght strands oomposed of 19
wlres per strand. Thls permlts the rope to be both
flexlble as well as strong and durable. 0therwlse
holst ropes would ohew lnto surroundlng maohlnery
(such as sheaves) and wear out too qulokly.
Certalnly lf holst ropes were not englneered to readlly
bend, flex and readjust, today`s faster aooeleratlng
and deoeleratlng elevator systems (whích demand
reverse bend ropíng arrangements, the use
o| mu|típ|e de||ector sheaves, tíghter sheave
p|acements, sma||er components and compact
ínsta||atíon desígns) would be lmposslble to oreate.
0ne should not forget that holst ropes oan serve
as a dlagnostlo tool as well. Some professlonals oan
slmply look at a rope and determlne what problems
need to be remedled durlng a malntenanoe vlslt.
lndeed the fastest way to asoertaln the overall
oondltlon of the drlve sheave ls through a oareful
revlew of rope oondltlon. So, holst ropes oertalnly do
more than hang around and llft thlngs up and down.
Naturally we`re not asklng you to handle holst
ropes wlth kld gloves and treat them llke royalty÷
that would be lmpraotloal. But one needs to handle
them oarefully, and then lnstall and malntaln them
oorreotly. That way you`ll get longer rope llfe, better
performanoe and save money. Thls wlll not only
lmpaot both the short and longterm profltablllty of
your buslness, but wlll help ln all our efforts as work
together to preserve valuable natural resouroes.
Holst ropes must always be proteoted agalnst
damage durlng handllng and transport as they oan
easlly be damaged by forkllft forks. Refer to the
drawlngs ln ¨Rope Handllng lrooedures¨ for
reoommended ways to oonvey your holst ropes.
^lways try to llmlt or ellmlnate dlreot physloal oontaot
between the soft wlre of the ropes and hard lndustrlal
surfaoes as thls oan break wlre strands.

Ropes must always be plaoed on pallets, and
kept dry, olean and dust free. Short term outdoor
storage ls permltted lf the ropes are proteoted from
humldlty. Carefully monltor proteotlve oovers for water
entry or for oondensatlon. Ropes must always be
proteoted agalnst strong sunllght to prevent the
softenlng and drlpplng of oore lubrloant.
Unreel ropes oarefully to avold oreatlng klnks or
lntroduolng torslon. lrlor to unreellng, olean the work
area of dlrt and debrls. Try to llmlt aotual oontaot
between rope and work surfaoes, as thls oan lead to
damage (even as you care|u||y |o||ow the techníques
we show ín 'Pope Hand|íng Procedures')
^s an example, though manufaoturers do permlt
one to roll a reel forward, ln order to allow rope to play
out from beneath, thls oan result ln the rope belng
dragged along and lead to surfaoe strand breaks.
Ato|d Pu|||og
^vold pulllng your ropes over sharp edges. Thls
oan oreate torque whloh may ohange rope geometry.
when posslble use a smooth spool or rolllng splndle
to asslst you ln oonveylng rope over surfaoes.
Ihe 8rugg |-|IN£
Iosta||at|oo ||oe

Correotly lnstalled ropes dellver longer produot
llfetlmes and provlde greater safety, oomfort and
shorter downtlmes durlng servloe oalls. ^ny rope,
regardless of oonstruotlon or orlglnal manufaoturer ls
susoeptlble to unoontrolled
twlstlng durlng lnstallatlon.
To ald you ln thls we offer
l-LlNE÷ a unlque feature
applled durlng manufaoture whloh
permlts easy deteotlon of twlsted
ropes. Durlng lnstallatlon note
the lLlNL durlng a run and oount
the number of oomplete turns of
lLlNL around the rope`s axls.
For 1:1 ¡nsta¡¡at¡ons, a
max¡mum of 2-3 rotat¡ons ¡s
acceptab¡e ¡n 30m or 100 ft.
of trave¡ d¡stance w¡th
8 x 19 S¡sa¡ Core Ropes,
wh¡¡e a max¡mum of on¡y
one rotat¡on ¡s acceptab¡e
w¡th Brugg X-Ser¡es or Po¡nt
Contact ropes. For 2:1
¡nsta¡¡at¡ons, rotat¡ons may be doub¡ed.
A correct¡on ¡s recommended ¡f the number of
rotat¡ons exceeds th¡s gu¡de¡¡ne. Turn the end
ñtt¡ngs on top of the car (1:1) ¡n the appropr¡ate
d¡rect¡on to remove tw¡st¡ng. Norma¡¡y th¡s ¡s ¡n
the d¡rect¡on that ¡s c¡os¡ng the rope.
¡f a ¡arge tw¡st ¡n the ho¡st rope ¡s found
after you have comp¡eted your correct¡ons
rev¡ew your equ¡pment geometry, tract¡on
sheave and pu¡¡ey a¡¡gnments c¡ose¡y.
NOTE: A¡¡ ropes shou¡d be secured to
prevent untw¡st¡ng both dur¡ng and
fo¡¡ow¡ng ¡nsta¡¡at¡on.
8ruyy i-line
!0U 00N'! HÆ!| !0
0|!| k0P|S k0!Æ|
!k|Æ!M|N!, 8U! !H|
k|0H! K|N0 0| 0Æk| W|||
H||P !H|M |ÆS! |0N0|k
ÆN0 0k|Æ!|! |MPk0!|
|NS!Æ||Æ!|0N P|k|0kMÆN0|.
we reoommend the use of approprlate
and well malntalned Rope lulllng Grlps to
prevent bulldup or the transfer of rope torque.
0ther methods lnoludlng the use of Reevlng
Splloes are also permlsslble.
A¡ways doub¡e se¡ze
ho¡st rope ends when
¡nsta¡¡¡ng new ropes
(far ¡eft) or whenever
you shorten them.
A¡ways Tr¡p¡e se¡ze
advanced Para¡¡e¡ rope
des¡gns or Po¡nt contact
construct¡on ropes (near
¡eft) ~ such as Brugg
X-ser¡es ropes.
For add¡t¡ona¡ data
on secur¡ng ropes w¡th
rope term¡nat¡on dev¡ces,
consu¡t "Tech T¡ps"on¡¡ne.
kope teos|oo|og |s more
thao just a good |dea
^fter lnstallatlon, takeup and or as part of your
regular malntenanoe routlne, we reoommend you
revlew rope tenslons and keep them equallzed
Remember that s¡mp¡y gaug¡ng tens¡ons
by "p¡uck¡ng" the rope, "eyeba¡¡¡ng" ¡t, or
mere¡y adjust¡ng the spr¡ng or buffer tens¡ons ¡s
NOT SBFF¡C¡ENT ( th¡s ¡s because manufactur¡ng
to¡erances on spr¡ngs and buffers are not
prec¡se¡y contro¡¡ed).
loorly tensloned ropes lnteraot wlth other key
faotors, and thelr lmpaot ls multlplloatlve not merely
addltlve ln nature. Thls means that oomparatlvely
mlnor errors durlng malntenanoe oan lead to severe
degradatlon ln rope performanoe and even
premature rope death. ln faot, lnfrequent, poorly
performed, or negleoted rope equallzatlons oan
negatlvely lmpaot a rope's llfe expeotanoy by up to
50º and oause damage to other oomponents.
Hlgh rope tenslons lead to rapld wear on outer wlres
and sheave grooves. Low rope tenslons oan make
ropes sllde through the sheave grooves and oreate
wear on ropes and sheaves.
To make tenslonlng faster and far more
oosteffeotlve we offer Brugg RLE (Rope Load
Equa¡¡zer), a devloe that turns a tedlous task that
onoe took four manhours lnto a job that takes less
than 30 mlnutes. Deslgned prlnolpally for 2:1
lnstallatlons, RLL oan be oonflgured to work ln
varlety of lnstallatlons where spaoe around the
shaokles ls oonflned or where the deslgn of the
faolllty makes varlous oomponents hard to aooess.
For more lnformatlon ask your Brugg Llftlng
Naturally we offer Brugg RPM (Rope
Performance Measurement ) whloh permlts
slmple verlfloatlon of rope tenslons as a baokup.
However lt, llke every other load measurement devloe
avallable today, uses rope defleotlon as the prlme
basls for all oaloulatlons. ^nd whlle thls speeds the
prooess, thls slmple method ls lnherently flawed and
adds a degree of error to the prooess whloh we flnd
less than ldeal. Thls means that due to Brugg RLL`s
preolslon (whích ís based on the concept o| usíng
hydrau|íc pressure to guarantee that per|ect|y equa|
amount o| tensíons are app|íed to a|| ropes ín a set)
the devloe ls aotually far more preolse than
the devloes that oan be used to verlfy lts results.
As rope performance and ¡ongev¡ty are
cr¡t¡ca¡¡y ¡mpacted by sheave groove depth
var¡at¡ons (where the hardened outer cas¡ng
has been breached and ropes come to sett¡e
¡n the softer meta¡ beneath), Brugg offers
profess¡ona¡s Brugg CDC (Croove Depth
Comparator). Th¡s d¡agnost¡c too¡ a¡¡ows you to
contrast ¡nd¡v¡dua¡ groove sha¡¡owness and
prov¡des you w¡th a s¡mp¡e way to ascerta¡n
overa¡¡ groove hea¡th and dec¡de whether
regroov¡ng or rep¡ac¡ng the sheave are requ¡red.
we strongly urge you make both groove depth
verlfloatlon and rope tenslonlng an lmportant part
of your regular malntenanoe routlne. lf not to
preserve holst rope health ln general, then to avold
the destruotlve longterm lmpaot badly tensloned
ropes wlll have on the oondltlon of your sheaves.
Ma|oteoaoce Accessor|es
Today elevator professlonals use a range of tools
to do thelr job both efflolently and safely. Though the
baslo aooessorles we detalle are not oomplete any
professlonal ln the fleld would beneflt greatly from
havlng ready aooess to them. lf you do not already
own them oonslder purohaslng them. However lf
you already have them, take the tlme to revlew how
to use them oorreotly by oonsultlng our "TeohTlps"
seotlon ln our onllne oatalog.
For more detalls on Brugg RPM, Brugg RLE
(mentíoned prevíous|y) or Brugg GDC (Croove
Depth Comparator)÷ whloh ls extremely useful ln
gauglng sheave groove varlatlons÷ you may oonsult
our onllne oatalog for produot lnformatlon or oonsult
your Brugg sales representatlve
0oos|der kope Stretch
^ll holst ropes stretoh to a oertaln degree.
lndeed rope flexlblllty ls a major faotor why they are
so effeotlve a oomponent ln an elevator lnstallatlon.
lrlor to lnstalllng ropes be sure that the oar ls
lts lowest posltlon and that lt does not oontaot the
safety buffer. 0n the prevlous page we offer a ohart
as a gulde to preparlng rope lengths. ^fter the job
has been oompleted we reoommend returnlng to
8ruyy offerx a wiue ranye of uxeful accexxoriex
incluuiny kope Pulliny 0ripx anu keeviny Splicex.
Poorlj tenxioneu ropex actuallj travel uifferent overall
uixtancex. !hix leaux to poor inxtallation performance,
xeverelj xhorteneu hoixt rope life anu can rexult in
uamaye to the xheave anu xurrounuiny componentx.




 f

8ruyy kl£ (kope loau £qualizer) uxex baxic
hjuraulic principlex that turn tenxioniny into a taxk
that one man can hanule in lexx than thirtj minutex.
8ruyy offerx a varietj of toolx for profexxionalx
incluuiny (clockwixe) caliperx, 8ruyy 006, metric anu
imperial rope meaxuriny yauyex, anu 8ruyy kPM.
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
Rope Length in Feet
8 x 19 RRL Sisal 0ore 0.6¼or 6 in./100It
Max¡mum Stretch ¡n ¡nches Based on Rope Length Measured ¡n Feet
0P9 & M0X RRL (PP 0ore) 0.26¼ or 3.6 in./100It
HRS &S0X RRL (PWR0 &IWR0) 0.2¼ or 2.46 in./100It
the slte wlthln approxlmately slx weeks so you may
shorten the holst ropes and tenslon them agaln.
kope |uor|cat|oo
Brugg ropes are lubrloated durlng manufaoture.
However all elevator ropes must be oheoked for
sufflolent lubrloant lmmedlately after lnstallatlon and
be relubrloated as needed. Ropes should never be
operated lf they are not lubrloated.
Use only the proper quantlty of lubrloant for the
job. Lubrloant should not drlp from the rope durlng
elevator operatlon. we hlghly reoommend the use of
the Brugg speolal lubrloant or an equlvalent lubrloant.
Regular rope lubrloatlon has been shown to have
solld, posltlve effeots on overall servloe llfetlmes.
So, wheo |s |uor|cat|oo
rea||¡ oecessar¡?
lf when you touoh a rope lt feels dry and leaves
no olly resldue upon your flnger you should lubrloate
the rope. Ropes should be lubrloated onoe per year
or every 250,000 oyoles.
|uor|cat|oo 0u|de||oes
The ohart above oan serve as gulde to determlne
the oorreot amount of lubrloant to use for a varlety of
rope dlameters.
Ropes should be routlnely lubrloated wlth an
even applloatlon of lube over the entlre surfaoe of
the rope (Brugg o||ers V1 Lubrlcator, a |íghtweíght
app|ícator, |or detaí|s ask your Brugg representatíve).
Lubrloatlon outdoors must only be oarrled out ln dry
weather. lt ls essentlal that the rope ls ¨olean¨ prlor
to lubrloatlon. We reccmmend that rcpes be |ubricated
cnce a year at |east~cr every 250,000 cyc|es (starts7
Brugg V1 Lubrlcant ls a llghtbodled oll for use
as a fleld dresslng on elevator ropes and has been
formulated wlth hlgh quallty parafflnlo oll fortlfled wlth
addltlves to provlde good oxldatlon and oorroslon
proteotlon. vT Lube
offers superlor stablllty,
antlwear oapabllltles,
penetratlon and
molsture dlsplaoement
propertles. lt oontalns
no solvents and has a
hlgh flash polnt.
when oleanlng
ropes never use a
degreaser or agents
wlth solvents.
Never apply solvents to slsal oore ropes as they oan
remove manufaoturer lubrloant and destroy the holst
rope oore.
Brugg recommends a ¡ubr¡cant for ho¡st
ropes w¡th an ¡SO grade of 10, a V¡scos¡ty
¡ndex (ASTM D-2270) of no ¡ower than 80, w¡th
a V¡scos¡ty#104°740°C CST7SBS (ASTM-D4457
D2270) of 10759.
|uor|cat|oo character|st|cs
New lubrloants should be oompatlble wlth the
orlglnal lubrloant (homogeneous solutlon). lt should
have a good penetratlon oapablllty, a ooefflolent of
frlotlon of µ 0.09 () (matería| paír stee|.cast íron),
and lt offer very good adheslon.
kope Iospect|oo
Llevator ropes must be oarefully lnspeoted durlng
lnstallatlon, and regularly afterwards, by quallfled
malntenanoe personnel. Routlne lnspeotlon lntervals
should be soheduled and rlgorously adhered to, so
potentlal damage oan be deteoted and addressed ln
tlme. The determlnatlon of when a holst rope should
be dlsoarded and the proper way an lnstallatlon
must be monltored should be made ln aooordanoe
wlth DIN 15020, sheet 2- and ASME A17.1 tab|e
10001.2 J2)J29)Ja)~A17.2.1. tab|e 3.29.1 Ja).
Dependlng upon the type and number of wlre
breaks, the number of bearlng wlres ln the outer
strands ls orltloal ln determlnlng rope dlsoard tlmes.
we reoommend that all data aoqulred durlng an
lnspeotlon be reoorded and properly arohlved for
others to use. we also reoommend that rope
termlnatlons be regularly lnspeoted.
0roote geometr¡
^s a holst rope engages the sheave groove
surfaoe lt beoomes subjeot to tremendous foroes
of frlotlon and wear. Lventually traotlon, bendlng and
lateral foroes wlll oause the holst rope to lose
dlameter and alter lts shape from round to ovold.
The worn holst rope wlll eventually erode the
sheave groove surfaoe and oome to rest ln a sllghtly
deeper and narrower ohannel wlthln the groove.
when new ropes are plaoed on thls sheave they
oannot flt (as these ropes are wíthín to|erance) ln thls
ohannel. Suoh a dlsoontlnulty wlll lead to oontlnued
sheave groove damage and severely shorten rope
llfe. For more detalls on the lmpaot of sheave groove
varlatlon oonsult Brugg oonoernlng Brugg RLP
(Rope L¡fe Pred¡ctor).
We recommend that the shape of grooves
be checked (Brugg CDC or rad¡us gauge) ¡f
new BRBCC ropes are to be used w¡th worn
tract¡on sheaves. Tract¡on sheaves shou¡d be
rep¡aced or regrooved shou¡d they dev¡ate
from nom¡na¡ groove d¡mens¡ons.
Reference: Ounces of Lube per 100 ft. of ho¡st rope
ñope 0/ametet {/a.)
6/16 3/8 ?/16 1/2 9/16 6/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 ?/8 1
!he rexult of hanuliny errorx founu uuriny inxpection
reveal: (left) forklift fork uamaye, rope pulleu over xharp
euyeu xurfacex (miuule), anu kinkiny uue to poor
unreeliny technique (riyht).
ünuercut Y-0roove
ünuercut ü-0roove
!houyh one normallj cannot control xheave
aliynment or xheave placement, one xhoulu be aware
of their impact upon hoixt rope life expectancj.
Monitor jour üeet anylex cloxelj anu trj to
minimize the ueyree of mixaliynment. !oo wiue an
approach anyle inuucex torxion into a rope, cauxiny
them to roll into xheave yroovex, which can leau to
premature rope wear alony one plane of the rope.
â ximple 4° üeet anyle can reuuce rope life bj 33¼.
6loxe xheave placementx can rexult in excexxive
benuiny cjclex for the ropex anu create hiyher overall
operatiny xtrexxex on xjxtem componentx.
Step 1
Iosert rope |oto socket.
luse|| ||e eud o| ||e W||e |ope doWu |||ouç| ||e
Wedçe soc|e| oody. Iu|e up s|uc| |u ||e |ope. I||eud
||e eud o| ||e |ope up ||e ||ou| s|de o| ||e Wedçe soc|e|
oody, |euº|uç u r|u|ru| urouu| o| |oop |o |us|u|| ||e
Wedçe |use||. P|uce ||e |ope |u|o ||e soc|e| oody us
s|oWu o| || W||| uo| u||çu co||ec||y.
Step 2
Iosta|| the wedge |osert.
luse|| ||e upp|op||u|e Wedçe |u|o ||e |ope |oop.
wedçes u|e c|eu||y ru||ed |o eusu|e ||ey co||ec||y
ru|c| ||e des||ed |ope d|ure|e|.
Step 3
Pu|| oo |oose rope.
Pu|| doWu ou |o|s| |ope W||| oue |uud |o ru|u|u|u
|uu|uess. I|eu pu|| up ou ||e |oose eud qu|c||y.
I|e |oop W||| ||ç||eu d|uW|uç ||e Wedçe W||||u.
Step 4
||rm|¡ seat the wedge.
I|e Wedçe W||| l| l|r|y W||||u ||e soc|e| oody.
|e| ||e We|ç|| o| ||e cu| uud couu|e|We|ç|| |es| ou ||e
|opes. I|e |ope uud Wedçe |use|| s|ou|d ||se uoou| 1 |u.
(2.54 rr) |o ||e luu| ¨se|' uude| |oud W|eu p|ope||y
seu|ed. Cu| su|p|us urouu|s o| |ope ou| |e|u|u upp|o\|
ru|e|y G |u. (15.24 cr).
Step 5
I|ghteo outs
I|ç||eu Wus|e| uud uu|s. I||s W||| |oc| ||e |oWe| jur
uu| uud Wus|e| secu|e|y uçu|us| ||e c|oss|eud. luse||
||e co||e| p|u uud oeud || |o p|eºeu| ||s |eroºu|.
Step 6
Iosta|| c||ps.
A||uc| u| |eus| |Wo |e|u|u|uç c||ps |o |us|eu ||e deud
eud (e\||u |ope ere|ç|uç ||or ||e soc|e| oody) |o ||e
|oud oeu||uç eud o| ||e |ope. P|uce ||e l|s| u ru\|rur
o| |ou| ||res ||e |ope's d|ure|e| uooºe ||e soc|e| uud
uuo||e| W||||u e|ç|| ||res ||e |ope's d|ure|e| uooºe ||e
l|s| c||p. |o| udd|||ouu| |us|u||u||ou |u|o|ru||ou |eº|eW:
I£0h IIPS: k0P£ 0|AMPS uud I£0h IIPS: k0P£ £N0
00NN£0II0NS. C||ps u|e used |o |e|u|u ||e Wedçe uud
p|eºeu| |ope s||ppuçe s|ou|d ||e |oud oe |eroºed. I|e
doWu u|| |ope soc|e|s upou corp|e||ou |o p|eºeu|
poss|o|e |o|u||ou.
Iocorrect Procedure.
8kü00 00£S N0I k£00MM£N0 ||e use o|
|urre|, sc|eWd||ºe| (o| uuy o||e| |oo|) |o secu|e u
Wedçe W||||u ||e |ous|uç |u o|de| |o |eroºe |ope s|uc|
due |o cous||uc||ouu| s||e|c|. I||s cuu ueçu||ºe|y
|rpuc| |ope |||e uud pe||o|ruuce.
Rope c||ps oeu| uo |oud uud u|e ou|y used |o |o|d
||e deud eud o| ||e |ope |u pos|||ou. w|eu |us|u|||uç
|e|u|u|uç c||ps 00 N0I APP|Y M0k£ IhAN 8 |I. |8S.
(0| I0k0ü£) 0N Ih£ 80|I AN0 NüI. Ho|e p|essu|e
cuu de|o|r ||e c||p ussero|y uud s|eu| ||e oo||, de|o|r
||e |ope o| |u|se u s||uud. l| ruy oe uecessu|y |o |ooseu
uud |eudjus| ||e |e|u|u|uç c||ps u||e| u |oud |us oeeu
p|uced ou u Wedçe soc|e| us roºereu| o| ||e W||e |ope
uude| |eus|ouí|oud cuu r|su||çu |ope c||ps.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. o.
wedge Sockets
üs|og 0a||pers 0orrect||¡
Eºeu ||e lues| |oo| used |rp|ope||y |s o| |||||e ºu|ue.
I|ouç| seer|uç|y ooº|ous, uuyoue cuu oºe||oo| de|u||s
I|e |u| |e|| |ruçe de|u||s ||e ||ç|| Wuy |o reusu|e |ope
d|ure|e| W||| cu||pe|s.
Pr|or to ao¡ |osta||at|oo ter|f¡ rope d|ameters
o¡ measur|og w|th a set of ca||pers. kememoer to
A|wAYS measure rope s|te proceed|og from crowo to
crowo (or peak to peak) oo the straods, aod N0I as
showo |o the oottom |mage, from rope straod ta||e¡ to
ta||e¡. 0apture setera| measuremeots aod compare.
üsefu| I|ps
üsefu| I|ps
8aoo|t Socket Ierm|oat|oos
|o| ro|e de|u||s cousu|| ou| ou||ue cu|u|oç: "IechI|ps:
Ierm|oat|oo of w|re kope/Iapered Sockets: Mo|teo/
kes|o 8aoo|t". w|eu us|uç ro||eu ouoo|| so|u||ou
e\||ere cuu||ou rus| oe e\e|c|sed us || cuu duruçe
s|uc||es, |o|s| |opes, uud |esu|| |u seºe|e pe|souu| |uju|y.
use ||e |upe| o| ||e soc|e| us u çu|de |u o|de| |o ru||
||e co||ec| |euç|| o| |ope ouud|e |o oe used. Add|||ouu|
|euç||s o| |ope ouud|e ruy oe uecessu|y |u o|de| |o
oeud ||e W||e ||ps. Rope se|t|uçs rus| oe rude pe|ru
ueu|. hote: !he xeiziny muxt not exceeu the wiuth of
the hole (or bore) of the xocket. 8abbit muxt be able
to üow throuyh the bore. (Seiziny wire xhoulu be xoft
iron, tin-coateu or yalvanizeu xoft iron xtranu wire).
Socket Preparat|oo
1. I|e |uuue| |u|e||o| o| ||e soc|e| rus| oe ||ee o| d|||
uud deo||s. A||e| cu|||uç uud se|t|uç ||e |ope |use|| ||e
W||e |ope W||||u ||e s|uc||e |||ouç| ||e sru|| eud o| ||e
soc|e|. |euºe su|lc|eu| d|s|uuce o| ||e |ope W||||u |o
pe|r|| eusy ruu|pu|u||ou. hote: !he xeiziny muxt not
exceeu the wiuth of the hole (or bore) of the xocket.
8abbit material muxt be able to üow throuyh the bore.
2. Sp|eud ||e |ope s||uuds upu|| uu||| ||ey u|e |u||y
sp|uyed. Cu|e rus| oe pu|d (particularlj with xteel core
~ lwk6 or hkS ropex) |o ussu|e ||u| ||e W||es u| ||e
ouse o| ||e se|t|uç u|e uo| oeu| e\cess|ºe|y.
3. I||r co|es ouc| |o ||e ouse o| ||e se|t|uç u|eu.
4. A||e| ||e loe| co|e |us oeeu |esec|ed you ruy
deç|euse ||e ou|e| su||uce o| W||es us|uç e|||e| s|eur,
|eu|, o| u so|ºeu| ||qu|d. hote: Some 0£Mx omit thix
xtep reljiny on the molten babbit to burn off anj
remaininy lubricant. Ior quextionx ax to whether or
not cleanxiny ix requireu, conxult the proviuer of jour
babbit xolution. lf jou ueyreaxe the wire xtranux thor-
ouyhlj urj the wire bunule prior to pouriny babbit.
6. Beud ||e W||e s||uuds, |u|u|uç ||er |u uud ||ç|||y
ouuc||uç ||er |o c|eu|e u ¨|ose||e¨ coulçu|u||ou. Be
su|e ||u| euc| s||uud |s |u|ued |u ||e sure d|s|uuce. As u
çeue|u| |u|e, ||e |euç|| o| |u|ued |u sec||ou s|ou|d uo| oe
|ess ||uu |W|ce ||e d|ure|e| o| ||e |ope.
6. 0|uW ||e s||uud ouuc| W||||u ||e ouoo|| ous|e| so
||u| ||e |eru|u|uç se|t|uç |s º|s|o|e ou|s|de o| ||e sru||
eud o| ||e soc|e|. I|e oeud o| ||e |u|ued |u |ose||e
s|ou|d s||ç|||y p|o||ude oºe| ||e |u|çe eud o| ||e ous|e|
uud |eru|u º|s|o|e. h0!£: when rope with an lwk6 ix
uxeu, cut the rope core center even with the top of the
loopeu xtranux.
|||||og Procedure
Secu|e ||e soc|e| |u u ºe|||cu| pos|||ou, ru||uç su|e
||u| ||e |ope |s s||u|ç||. Io p|eºeu| |eu|uçe o| ro||eu
ouoo|| |||ouç| ||e s|uc||e opeu|uç you ruy W|ud soc|
e||uç |upe o| o||e| |eu| |es|s|uu| ru|e||u|s u|ouud ||e
ouse. P|epu|e ||e ouoo|| ru|e||u| uud |eu| ||e so|u||ou
|o||oW|uç ruuu|uc|u|e| çu|de||ues. we |ecorreud ||e
use o| e|||e| u ouoo|||uç rus|, su||uo|e su|e|y çoçç|es
uud ç|oºes du||uç ||e pou||uç p|ocedu|e.
App|y |eu| |o ||e su||uce o| ||e s|uc||e p||o| |o
pou||uç uud p|e|eu| ||e s|uc||e s|oW|y uud eºeu|y. Io
uºo|d duruçed do uo| oºe||eu| uuy spec|lc po|||ou o|
||e s|uc||e.
7. w|eu ro||eu ouoo|| |us u||u|ued |erpe|u|u|e pou|
s|oW|y uud eºeu|y |u|o ||e ous|e|. Bo|| |u ||e
c|eu||ou o| ||e ro||eu ouoo|| uud |u ||e ||uus|e| o| |||s
so|u||ou |o ||e s|uc||e, use ou|y cou|u|ue|s spec|lcu||y
rude |o| |||s pu|pose.
8. use su|lc|eu| urouu|s o| re|u| |o corp|e|e|y
l|| ||e ouoo|| u|eu. S|ou|d ro|e so|u||ou oe ueeded, udd
|| qu|c||y |o uºo|d ||e |o|ru||ou o| ºo|ds W||||u ||e ous|e|.
\ou ruy use u |urre| uud |up ||ç|||y ou ||e s|uc||e |o
|e|euse escup|uç çuses. 0||e|W|se ||e ouoo|| so|u||ou
s|ou|d |eru|u uud|s|u|oed uud oe u||oWed |o coo| eºeu|y.
After Pour|og
0uce ||e ouoo|| |us coo|ed, º|suu||y |uspec| ||e soc|e|
uud |oo| |o|:
a. Buoo||| corpouud u| ||e sru|| eud o| ||e soc|e|.
b. I|e ||ps o| ||e |ooped ¨|ose||e¨ s||uuds o| W||e jus|
uppu|eu| uooºe ||e su||uce o| ||e ouoo|| ous|e|. (|o|e:
l| us|uç u |ope W||| uu lwRC co|e, ||e co|e W||| u|so oe
º|s|o|e |rred|u|e|y uooºe ||e ouoo|| su||uce). l| |oWeºe|,
|us|eud o| ||e W||e ||p, uu eu|||e |oop o| W||e uppeu|s
uooºe ||e ouoo|| ||eu |ejec| ||e soc|e| uud |esoc|e| ||e
c. |o |oss o| |ope |uy W|e|e ||e |ope eu|e|s ||e ous|e|
us s|oWu uooºe. (xee I). l| |||s |s eº|deu| ||eu |ejec| ||e
soc|e| uud p|oceed |o |esoc|e| ||e |ope.
d. I|e W||e |oops su||s|y|uç ||e r|u|rur uud ru\|rur
p|ojec||ou c|||e||u us de|e|r|ued oy ASHE.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*h0!£: âSM£ 17.1 yuiuelinex (Sect.2.20.9) permit the uxe of thermoxettiny rexinx to terminate 8abbit Socketx
anu 0pen Spelter xocketx. Ior uetailx review: !ech!ipx: !ermination of wire kope(!apereu Socketx: Moltenzkexin
8abbit) (http:zzwww.bruyyrope.comz6â!âl00z43.!ech!ipx_Molten_kexin¼208abbit_£h.puf
ho|st kope haod||og Procedures
Iraosport Storage
hote: !he urawiny at left, while xhown in other
literature in our üelu, uetailx a proceuure that
xometimex uoex not work well in actual practice.
!hix ix becauxe the reel alwajx unwinux lexx rope than
the uixtance the reel actuallj travelx. ln effect,
the rope will be urayyeu bj the worker.
!hix can inuuce torxion or even uamaye wire
conxtructionx (expeciallj if the xurface ix xtrewn with
tjpical conxtruction uebrix). ât the verj leaxt, thix
technique can make the rope uirtj, which can impact
hoixt rope life expectancj anu performance.
2011 ßrugg Lifting
/ll mate|ials a|e p|ovided l|eely lo| the use ol elevato|
indust|y p|olessionals. /ny edito|ial |ep|inting ol content
should include the lollowing statement,
"Used ccurtesy cI Brugg LiIting."
ho|st kope haod||og Procedures (cou||uued)
Ato|d Pu|||og
Brugg Wire Rope, LL0
Pome,C/ US/ - 8oo.542.7844
Brugg 0rahtseiI A0
Bi||, CH --41 (0)5o 4o4 42 42
Brugg Wire Rope MiddIe East
Dubai,U/E --97 14 813 7813
Brugg Wire Rope Suzhou
P.P. China - -8o 512 o299 0779

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