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VERGIL, Aeneid IV But the queen, wounded for a long time now by a serious longing she feeds the

wound with her life blood and she is seized by a hidden fire/passion. The abundant virtue of the hero and the abundant honour of his race recur in her mind; his face and his words cling, fastened in her heart and longing does not give pleasing rest to her limbs. The next days Dawn was illuminating the lands with the touch of Phoebus and moved apart the damp shadow from the sky. When she, barely sane, addresses her like-minded sister this Sister Anna, what dreams terrify me and put me on edge! Who (is) this new guest (who) has entered own abode(s), Whom bearing himself in the face, how with a strong chest (brave heart) and weapons! I indeed believe, and my faith is not in vain, that his family is of the gods. Fear shows up ignoble minds. Alas, by what fates has he been thrown around! Of what wars endured he rings about If it were not sitting having been fixed and having been unmoved in my mind that I should not wish to associate myself to anyone by a marriage bond after my first love deceived me, having been cheated by death I could have succumbed, perhaps, to this one weakness. Anna, I will confess after the death of my wretched spouse, Sychaeus and the household gods spattered by a brothers slaughter This man alone has turned my senses and he has driven my wavering mind. I recognised the traces of old passion. But I would prefer (that) either the deepest earth should open up for me first or the all powerful father drive me to the shadows (death) with his thunderbolt, the pale shadows in Erebus and to the deep night, before, oh shame, I violate you or release the oaths Ive made to you. He who first joined me to himself, that man has carried away my loves; let him have my love with him and let him look after my love in his tomb. Having spoken out thus she filled her bosom (heart) with tears having welled up 20 1


Unfortunate Dido is being consumed with fire and she wanders through the whole city raging, just like a deer having been struck by an arrow, which at a distance, unsuspecting, amongst the Cretan groves a shepherd has pierced, hunting with his weapons and he has left the flying shaft in her, Unknowing: she passes through the woods and the glades of Dicte, the lethal arrow hangs to her side

Passive to indicate lack of control, powerlessness, placement of the word uritur at the beginning of the sentence very emphatic to add greater emphasis, erotic vocabulary, Dido is associated with words, hapless, unfortunate, unlucky, miserable sad. quails coniecta cerva saggita almost chiastis with the alliteration emotional distance between the two (the deer and archer) (dido and aeneus) (cupids arrow) indicates lack of intent on aeaeus part why crete? by setting the simile in a particular colour is adds colour and richness to the similar, the reader is able to associate with the island of crete. gives the reader a more vivid appreciation by localising it. evokes the notion of the skill of the archers of crete. the archers of crete had a reputation of being the best pastor, enjambment, postponed subject of the clause, protecting his flock, 7 ships of Troy, Dicte is the largest mountain in Crete enjambment of Dictaeos

how are the characters of dido and aenaeus presented in this extracts? how effective is this simile in portraying dido and aeneus relationship in carthage

dido uritur passive, powerlessness, placement infelix Dido vagatur furens coniecta (pierced, linked with sagitta) cerva incautam fuga peragrat letalis harundo (lethal shaft)

aeneus procul (far off, symbolic of physics and emotion distance/difference/distinction) fixit (coniecta) pastor (enjambment, postponement, placement in the line) agens telis nescius volatile ferrum (flying iron) silvas saltusque

neither totaque urbe quails (word that introduces the simile, like/as) sagitta nemora inter Cresia (enriches the simile, tangible for roman reader, archers of crete)

3 types of ne clauses Fearing clause - I fear lest he arrive (afraid that he will arrive), I feat lest we forgot (I fear that we might forget). The lest is negative Pygmalion, King of Cyprus, misogamist, he killed Sychaeus. So Dido leaves the area of modern day Lebanon and sails to Tunisia (City of Carthage, very close to Sicily) Prolepsis referred to by an adjective, only that state after it has been acted on by the verb. For example, he hit the angry rabbit. The rabbit is angry, after being hit. wavering mind optem, potential subjunctive. Would you like to go the movies? I would like to Parataxis: a literary technique, in writing or speaking, that favours short, simple sentences with the use of coordinating rather than subordinating conjunctions. Juxtaposition of two verbs, such that neither is subordinated by the use of a subordinating conjunction. I suggest you do this. I suggest that you do this.

We did this we did that que m alliteration feeling of imminent doom, foreboding Didos people, they are referred to here, Vergil uses this epithet. Dido dux et Troianus intimacy between the two, Aeneas might become separated from his responsibilities, depersonalised, Dido has personal involvement, Trojan leader depersonalisation Meanwhile, the heaven begins to be mingled with a great rumbling, rain followed with hail mixed into it, both the Tyrian companions all over the place and the Trojan youth and the Dardanian grandson of Venus, they sought different shelters through out the fields, in fear. Dido and the Trojan leader come down to the same cave. Primeval Earth and Juno, matron of honour, give the signal; the fires flashed out and the air is a witness to the union and the Nymphs wailed from the mountain heights. That day was (fuit) the first (day) of death and the first cause of bad things/badness/evils for she is not moved by appearance or reputation, and she no longer contemplates a hidden love: she called it a marriage, she conceals her sin with this name.

COMMENTARY ON THE WORDS Lines 160 - 161 What part does this meteorological description play and how does Vergil make it effective. The use of pathetic fallacy in these lines intensify the dark atmosphere which foreshadows the lack of communication, murmur, gossip about the relationship tempestuous, the storm he uses transitions cinematic, shifting the focus. the weather thing is the transitional vehicle

162 - 164 (half) What significance is this list of protagonists? cumulative listing, the use of the epic periphrasis accentuates the crescendo of the tricolon highlighting aeneus bloodline child is the beginning of the roman bloodline 165 - deveniunt. How does Vergil portray Aneas in this line? The placement of attachment to dido, but detachment from his own people as a result of this relationship, impersonal tone contrasting the intimate nature of their relationship the periphrasis of

166 - 168 What elements of a Roman wedding are evident here? fire symbolic of their passion, symbolic value of the torches that would have preceded. primeval earth and juno spiritual sense/presence, fire=lightning from the storm, nymphs wailing

169 - 172 Is Vergil justified in his moralistic judgment of Dido in these lines?

furtivum weakening in her resolve to thinking about a public relationship with aeneus, negative connotations culpam covers up her sin. both her and vergil thinks that she has done the wrong thing. extra element of guilt

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