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India Economic Statistics and Indicators

GDP (PPP), US Dollars India 8,000 US$ Billion












14, Oct 2011, CEST. Welcome to the Econ Stats Beta from Country: India National or Regional Currency: Indian Rupee, INR Year of data: 2012 Change year Date of Last Update: 1st August 2011 Area: total: 3,287,263 sq km land: 2,973,193 sq km water: 314,070 sq km Natural Resources: coal (fourth-largest reserves in the world), iron ore, manganese, mica, bauxite, rare earth elements, titanium ore, chromite, natural gas, diamonds, petroleum, limestone, arable land Capital: name: New Delhi geographic coordinates: 28 36 N, 77 12 E time difference: UTC+5.5 (10.5 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time) Data Source: All Sources (IMF, World Bank, UN, OECD, CIA World Factbook, Internet World Statistics, The Heritage Foundation and Transparency International) More on the India Economy More on the India Export, Import and Trade

Economic Indicators for India 2012

GDP (Constant Prices, National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 60,666.14 Billion. Real GDP is expressed in billions of national currency units; the base year is country-specific. GDP Growth (Constant Prices, National Currency) for India in year 2012 is 7.823 %. Annual percentages of constant price GDP are year-on-year changes; the base year is country-specific. GDP (Current Prices, National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 98,352.93 Billion. GDP is expressed in billions of national currency units. GDP (Current Prices, US Dollars) for India in year 2012 is US$ 1,858.97 Billion. Values are based upon GDP in national currency and the exchange rate projections provided by

country economists for the group of other emerging market and developing countries. Exchanges rates for advanced economies are established in the WEO assumptions. GDP Deflator for India in year 2012 is 162.122 (Index, Base Year as per country's accounts = 100). The GDP deflator is derived by dividing current price GDP by constant price GDP and is considered to be an alternate measure of inflation. Please note: Data are expressed in the base year of each country's national accounts. GDP Per Capita (Constant Prices, National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 48,560.84 . GDP is expressed in constant national currency per person. Data are derived by dividing constant price GDP by total population. GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 78,727.62 . GDP is expressed in current national currency per person. Data are derived by dividing current price GDP by total population. GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, US Dollars) for India in year 2012 is US$ 1,488.03 . GDP is expressed in current U.S. dollars per person. Data are derived by first converting GDP in national currency to U.S. dollars and then dividing it by total population. f er Ads by Google

GDP (PPP), US Dollars for India in year 2012 is US$ 4,863.14 Billion. Gross domestic product based on purchasingpower-parity (PPP) valuation of country GDP. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. GDP Per Capita (PPP), US Dollars for India in year 2012 is US$ 3,892.75 . Gross domestic product based on purchasingpower-parity (PPP) per capita GDP. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. GDP Share of World Total (PPP) for India in year 2012 is 5.803 %. Gross domestic product based on purchasing-powerparity (PPP) share of world total. These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. Implied PPP Conversion Rate for India in year 2012 is 20.224 . These data form the basis for the country weights used to generate the World Economic Outlook country group composites for the domestic economy. Please note: The IMF is not a primary source for purchasing power parity (PPP) data. WEO weights have been created from primary sources and are used solely for purposes of generating country group composites. Investment (% of GDP) for India in year 2012 is 40.248 %. Data are based on individual countries' national accounts statistics. For many countries, the estimates of national saving are built up from national accounts data on gross domestic investment and from balance of payments-based data on net foreign investment. Gross National Savings (% of GDP) for India in year 2012 is 36.455 %. Data are based on individual countries' national accounts statistics. For many countries, the estimates of national saving are built up from national accounts data on gross domestic investment and from balance of payments-based data on net foreign investment. Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (Indexed to Year 2000) for India in year 2012 is 204.266 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100). Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data. The index is based on 2000=100. Inflation (Average Consumer Price Change %) for India in year 2012 is 6.852 %. Data for inflation are averages for the year, not end-of-period data. Inflation, End of Year (Indexed to Year 2000) for India in year 2012 is 209.271 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100). Data for inflation are end of the period, not annual average data. The index is based on 2000=100. Inflation (End of Year Change %) for India in year 2012 is 5.88 %. Data for inflation are end of the period, not annual average data. Import Volume of All Items Including Goods and Services (Percent Change) for India in year 2012 is 9.106 %. Import Volumes of Goods Only (Percent Change) for India in year 2012 is 9.077 %. Export Volume of All Items Including Goods and Services (Percent Change) for India in year 2012 is 14.711 %. Export Volumes of Goods Only (Percent Change) for India in year 2012 is 14.213 %. Value of Oil Imports for India in year 2012 is US$ 126.39 Billions. Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil imports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Value of Oil Exports for India in year 2012 is US$ 62.235 Billions. Value is equal to the price per unit of quantity of oil exports multiplied by the number of quantity units. Population for India in year 2012 is 1,249.28 Million . General government revenue (National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 19,089.72 Billions. Revenue consists of taxes, social contributions, grants receivable, and other revenue. Revenue increases government?s net worth, which is the difference between its assets and liabilities (GFSM 2001, paragraph 4.20). Note: Transactions that merely change the composition of the balance sheet do not change the net worth position, for example, proceeds from sales of nonfinancial and financial assets or incurrence of liabilities. General government revenue (% of GDP) for India in year 2012 is 18.781 %. Revenue consists of taxes, social contributions, grants receivable, and other revenue. Revenue increases government?s net worth, which is the difference between its assets and liabilities (GFSM 2001, paragraph 4.20). Note: Transactions that merely change the composition of the balance sheet do not change the net worth position, for example, proceeds from sales of nonfinancial and financial assets or incurrence of liabilities. General government total expenditure (National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 26,486.95 Billions. Total expenditure consists of total expense and the net acquisition of nonfinancial assets. Note: Apart from being on an accrual basis, total expenditure differs from the GFSM 1986 definition of total expenditure in the sense that it also takes the disposals of nonfinancial assets into account.

Economic Indicator Listing

For India in year 2012 GDP Grow th (Constant Prices, National Currency) GDP (Current Prices, National Currency) GDP (Current Prices, US Dollars) GDP Deflator Indicator Value 7.823 % INR 98,352.93 Billion. US$ 1,858.97 Billion 162.122 (Index, Base Year as per country's accounts = 100) INR 48,560.84 . INR 78,727.62 . US$ 1,488.03 US$ 4,863.14 Billion US$ 3,892.75 5.803 % 20.224 40.248 % 36.455 % 204.266 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100) 6.852 % 209.271 (Index, Base Year 2000 = 100) 5.88 % 9.106 %

GDP Per Capita (Constant Prices, National Currency) GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, National Currency) GDP Per Capita (Current Prices, US Dollars) GDP (PPP), US Dollars GDP Per Capita (PPP), US Dollars GDP Share of World Total (PPP) Implied PPP Conversion Rate Investment (% of GDP) Gross National Savings (% of GDP) Inflation, Average Consumer Prices (Indexed to Year 2000) Inflation (Average Consumer Price Change %) Inflation, End of Year (Indexed to Year 2000) Inflation (End of Year Change %) Import Volume of All Items Including Goods and Services (Percent Change) Import Volumes of Goods Only (Percent Change) Export Volume of All Items Including Goods and Services (Percent Change) Export Volumes of Goods Only (Percent Change) Value of Oil Imports Value of Oil Exports Population General government revenue (National Currency) General government revenue (% of GDP) General government total expenditure (National Currency) General government total expenditure (% of GDP) Total Government Net Lending/ Borrow ing (National Currency) Total Government Net Lending/ Borrow ing (% of GDP) General Government Structural Balance (National Currency) General Government Structural Balance (% Potential GDP)

9.077 % 14.711 %

14.213 % US$ 126.39 Billions US$ 62.235 Billions 1,249.28 Million INR 19,089.72 Billions. 18.781 % INR 26,486.95 Billions. 26.058 % INR -7,397.23 Billions. -7.278 % INR -7,553.97 Billion. -7.675 %

General government total expenditure (% of GDP) for India in year 2012 is 26.058 %. Total expenditure consists of total expense and the net acquisition of nonfinancial assets. Note: Apart from being on an accrual basis, total expenditure differs from the GFSM 1986 definition of total expenditure in the sense that it also takes the disposals of nonfinancial assets into account.

Total Government Gross Debt (National Currency) Total Government Gross Debt (% of GDP)

INR 68,790.93 Billion. 67.678 %

Fiscal Year Gross Domestic Product, INR 101,645.01

Total Government Net Lending/ Borrowing (National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR -7,397.23 Billions. Net Current Prices Billions. lending (+)/ borrowing (?) is calculated as revenue minus total expenditure. This is a core GFS balance that measures the Current Account Balance (US US$ -70.5 Billion Dollars) extent to which general government is either putting financial resources at the disposal of other sectors in the economy and nonresidents (net lending), or utilizing the financial resources generated by other sectors and nonresidents (net Current Account Balance (% GDP) -3.792 % borrowing). This balance may be viewed as an indicator of the financial impact of general government activity on the rest of the economy and nonresidents (GFSM 2001, paragraph 4.17). Note: Net lending (+)/borrowing (?) is also equal to net acquisition of financial assets minus net incurrence of liabilities. Total Government Net Lending/ Borrowing (% of GDP) for India in year 2012 is -7.278 %. General Government Structural Balance (National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR -7,553.97 Billion. Data are on a national income accounts basis. The structural budget position is defined as the actual budget deficit (or surplus) less the effects of cyclical deviations of output from potential output. Because of the margin of uncertainty that attaches to estimates of cyclical gaps and to tax and expenditure elasticities with respect to national income, indicators of structural budget positions should be interpreted as broad orders of magnitude. General Government Structural Balance (% Potential GDP) for India in year 2012 is -7.675 %. Data are on a national income accounts basis. The structural budget position is defined as the actual budget deficit (or surplus) less the effects of cyclical deviations of output from potential output. Because of the margin of uncertainty that attaches to estimates of cyclical gaps and to tax and expenditure elasticities with respect to national income, indicators of structural budget positions should be interpreted as broad orders of magnitude. Total Government Gross Debt (National Currency) for India in year 2012 is INR 68,790.93 Billion. Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). Total Government Gross Debt (% of GDP) for India in year 2012 is 67.678 %. Gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or principal by the debtor to the creditor at a date or dates in the future. This includes debt liabilities in the form of SDRs, currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. Thus, all liabilities in the GFSM 2001 system are debt, except for equity and investment fund shares and financial derivatives and employee stock options. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face values (GFSM 2001, paragraph 7.110). Fiscal Year Gross Domestic Product, Current Prices for India in year 2012 is INR 101,645.01 Billions. Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year is the country's GDP based on the same period during the year as their fiscal data. In the case of countries whose fiscal data are based on a fiscal calendar (e.g., July to June), this series would be the country's GDP over that same period. For countries whose fiscal data are based on a calendar year (i.e., January to December), this series will be the same as their GDP in current prices. Current Account Balance (US Dollars) for India in year 2012 is US$ -70.5 Billion. Current account is all transactions other than those in financial and capital items. The major classifications are goods and services, income and current transfers. The focus of the BOP is on transactions (between an economy and the rest of the world) in goods, services, and income. Current Account Balance (% GDP) for India in year 2012 is -3.792 %. Current account is all transactions other than those in financial and capital items. The major classifications are goods and services, income and current transfers. The focus of the BOP is on transactions (between an economy and the rest of the world) in goods, services, and income.
* Source: IMF

Aggregate Indicators for India

Indicators Geography (Location, geographic coordinates, map references, area, terrain, elevation extremes, borders, coastline and maritime claims) for India Climate and Environment (climate, environmental issues, environmental agreements, natural hazards) for India Natural Resources, Agricultural Products, Land Use and Water Use for India Telephone Statistics: Number of Fixed Lines, Mobile Phone Penetration Rate for India Age Structure, Median Age, Gender and Urbanization for India Population Grow th Rate, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Net Migration Rate for India Life Expectancy Rate, Infant Mortality Rate and Total Fertility Rate for India HIV, AIDS and Other Major Infectious Disease Rates for India Nationality, Ethnic Groups, Languages and Religions for India Literacy Rate, Educational Expenditure and School Life Expectancy for India Gross Domestic Product (PPP, Official Exchange Rate, Real Grow th Rate and Per Capita) for India Labor Force by Occupation for India Poverty Line, Gini Index, Household Income and Consumption for India National Budget and Public Debt for India Bank Rates (Commercial Bank Prime Lending Rate, Central Bank Discount Rate) for India Stock of Money, Stock of Quasi Money, Stock of Domestic Credit for India Stock Market Capitalization: Market Value of Publicly Traded Shares for India Industries and Industrial Grow th Production Rate for India Electricity Production, Electricity Consumption, Electricity Exports and Electricity Imports for India Oil Production, Proven Oil Reserves, Oil Consumption, Oil Exports and Oil Imports for India Natural Gas Production, Proven Natural Gas Reserves, Natural Gas Consumption, Natural Gas Exports and Natural Gas Imports for India Trade Statistics, Export Statistics, Export Partners and Products, Import Statistics, Import Partners and Products for India Foreign Exchange Reserves and Gold Reserves for India FDI Statistics (Foreign Direct Investment at Home/ Inbound FDI, Foreign Direct Investment Abroad/ Outbound FDI) for India Exchange Rate Statistics for India Television and Radio Statistics (TV Stats, Radio Stats) for India Internet Statistics (Internet Users, Internet Hosts, Country TLD) for India Airport Statistics (Paved Runw ay Airports, Unpaved Runw ay Airports, Heliports) for India

Transport Statistics (Railw ays, Roadw ays, Waterw ays, Ports and Terminals, Airports, Merchant Marine) for India Military Statistics (Military Expenditure, Military Branches, Service Age and Obligation, Manpow er Available and Fit for Military Service) for India Disputes, Refugees, Human Trafficking and Illicit Drug Production for India
* Source: CIA

Internet Indicators for India

Indicators Number of Internet Users for India Internet Penetration Rate for India Number of Facebook Accounts for India Facebook Penetration Rate for India
* Source: IWS

Economic Freedom Indicators for India

Indicators Economic Freedom World Rank for India Economic Freedom Regional Ranking for India Business Freedom for India Trade Freedom for India Fiscal Freedom for India Government Spending for India Monetary Freedom for India Investment Freedom for India Financial Freedom for India Property Rights for India Freedom from Corruption for India Labor Freedom for India Tariff Rate for India Income Tax Rate for India Corporate Tax Rate for India Tax Burden % of GDP for India Government Expenditure % of GDP for India
* Source: HFO

India Economic Indicators in other Years

India Economic Indicators for Year 2016 (Forecast) India Economic Indicators for Year 2015 (Forecast) India Economic Indicators for Year 2014 (Forecast) India Economic Indicators for Year 2013 (Forecast) India Econom ic Indicators for Year 2012 (Forecast) India Economic Indicators for Year 2011 (Forecast) India Economic Indicators for Year 2010 (Current) India Economic Indicators for Year 2009 India Economic Indicators for Year 2008 India Economic Indicators for Year 2007 India Economic Indicators for Year 2006 India Economic Indicators for Year 2005 India Economic Indicators for Year 2004 India Economic Indicators for Year 2003 India Economic Indicators for Year 2002 India Economic Indicators for Year 2001 India Economic Indicators for Year 2000 India Economic Indicators for Year 1999 India Economic Indicators for Year 1998 India Economic Indicators for Year 1997 India Economic Indicators for Year 1996 India Economic Indicators for Year 1995 India Economic Indicators for Year 1994 India Economic Indicators for Year 1993 India Economic Indicators for Year 1992 India Economic Indicators for Year 1991 India Economic Indicators for Year 1990 India Economic Indicators for Year 1989 India Economic Indicators for Year 1988 India Economic Indicators for Year 1987 India Economic Indicators for Year 1986 India Economic Indicators for Year 1985 India Economic Indicators for Year 1984

India Economic Indicators for Year 1983 India Economic Indicators for Year 1982 India Economic Indicators for Year 1981 India Economic Indicators for Year 1980

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