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AERODYNAMICS (25%) A. Objective: To determine the basic knowledge of the Examinees in the Fundamentals of Aerodynamics and Applications to Aircraft. B. Subject Contents: 1. Standard Atmosphere a. Composition and Properties of Air b. Layers and Characteristics of the Earths Atmosphere 2. Fluid Laws a. Incompressible (Low-speed) and Compressible (High-speed) Flows b. Energy and Thermodynamic Relations c. Continuity, Bernoulli, other Fluid Equations, and Flow Measurements d. Supersonic Waves and Characteristics of Compression (Shock) and Expansion Waves 3. Aircraft Classification and Operating Principles a. Heavier-than-Air Aircraft (Fixed and Rotary Wings) and Principles of Flight b. Lighter-than-Air Aircraft and Principles of Flight 4. Airplane Aerodynamics a. Aerodynamics Forces and Moments b. Flight Performance Power Required c. Flight Envelope Gust and Maneuvering Loads d. Stability and Control Static and Dynamic 5. Helicopter Aerodynamics a. Aerodynamics Forces, Moments, Torque b. Flight Performance, Stability and Control 6. Wind Tunnels a. Classification and Wind Tunnels b. Operating Principles c. Applications C. References 1. Elements of Practical Aerodynamics Bradley Jones 2. Technical Aerodynamics K D Wood 3. Engineering Supersonic Aerodynamics Bonney 4. Aerodynamic Theory (Volumes I to VI) Durand 5. FAA Codes of Federal Regulations, Parts 1 to 59 US Printing Office 6. Basic Helicopter Handbook US Printing Office 7. Wind Tunnel Testing Pope 8. Aerodynamics L.S. Clancy II. AIRCRAFT STRUCTURES AND DESIGN (20%) Objective

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