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Lesson Topic: Plant Life Cycle Grade level: ____4th_____ Length of lesson: _(3)45 Minute Periods & 10 minute

observations over 3 weeks_ Curricular Context / Overview: This lesson is part of the 4th grade structures of life unit. Students will have been introduced to the structures of a seed and will now observe its life cycle. Students will begin to identify life cycles of plants with life cycles of animals. Following this portion of the unit students will do similar observations with animal life, crayfish.

Stage 1 Desired Results Goals/Content Standard(s): 12.A.2a Describe simple life cycles of plants and animals and the similarities and differences in their offspring. Students will be able to describe the life cycle of a bean plant.

Understanding (s)/goals -Everything in life experiences a cycle life is fragile, even in plant life. -Lack of water, sunlight or other environmental factors can have a detrimental effect on the plants life cycle.

Essential Question(s): Overarching -Why are cycles important and who are they important to? Topical -What else in life goes through a cycle? How is that different or similar to our bean plants cycle? -Is a seed a living thing? How? -What kind of outside environmental factors can have a detrimental effect on the life cycle. Students will be able to... -Describe and reproduce the stages of the plant cycle

Students will know -The stages of a plant life cycle -The necessary components to successful life cycle (e.g.,water,sunlight, etc.)

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): (Grasps)

Other Evidence:

G-Students will be creating an informational presentation demonstrating their knowledge of the plant life cycle R-Scientific consultants A-Greenhouse partners S-Students will work as partners with the local greenhouses to provide information on plant cycles to customers P-Voicethread, Presi, PPT whichever chosen medium presentation S-Rubric

Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities: (WHERETO or Gagne) Where/Why/WhatShow bean seed What is this? Show fully grown bean plant How did this turn into that?! We are going to continue our exploration of the structures of life today by looking at the life cycle of a plant What is a cycle? HookOur exploration today is VERY serious because we have some very important people counting on us to learn this information so that we can help them out. The local FFA and greenhouses want to help the community learn how the life cycle of a plant works so that people can better take care of them! We are going to each become experts and then create a presentation on our Ipads or computers that the greenhouse and FFA can post it on their website for the community to use as a resource Explore/Experience/EquipStudents will conduct a Think-Pair-

Share on what it takes to germinate a seed and facilitate the seeds successful life cycle, teacher will record. (Students will also read plant life cycle excerpts in guided reading groups throughout the day) Students will be given all materials to plant their own bean seeds in groups and observe their growth over the upcoming 3 weeks. Students will take observational notes and record exactly what care they provide to their plant. Rethink/Revise- At the end of the three weeks, students will compare plants and what actions they took that resulted in their success, or failures. Students will use this information to devise a list of tips to successful planting. EvaluateClass discussion- So what does it take for a successful life cycle? What else in life goes through a cycle? What does it take them to be successful? Students will always be given copies of the rubric the teacher uses in any assignment. They should use this rubric as a guide to ensure their own success. Tailor-Students will be able to choose what type of medium they will use to present the information as long as they are able to post it onto the website for the greenhouse.

Differentiation Techniques: -Process X Ability- Students will be reading and further exploring the details of the plant life cycle in their ability based guided reading groups. -Product X Interest- Students will be grouped to complete the final product based on the type of technological medium they would like to use to complete the presentation.

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