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Church-wide Prayer Requests: A permanent church location that we can afford and that meets all the space

e requirements of each ministry. Strong and discerning leadership who can navigate the church through this season and deliver us to higher ground. Improved communication and connection between the various ministries, staff and congregation. Divine and deeper yoking among small group members, leaders and coaches. Protection and guarding against discontentment, division, discouragement and discord. Staffing Budgeting for 2012-2013 Baptism Ministry: That the Lord will provide creative options for us to baptize adults at our current gathering spots or move us into a more permanent home. Also, that the Lord will stir up the hearts of those who need to take this next step in their faith. Couples Ministry: That the Lord would prepare dating and engaged couples to take the next series of classes to prepare for marriage. That any married couple in need of support and encouragement would find refuge and resources through these classes. We also need a location to hold both of these ministries on a weekly basis if we do not have a church home. Small Group Ministry: more small group leaders and coaches leaders who can help start a small group in the area between West LA and South Bay retreat planning more people to find community and accountability in small groups Film Team: enthusiasm/energy/not getting burnt out serving cohesion and camaraderie as a team that our equipment doesn't die (some of it's on its last legs) that we know how to prioritize and organize so we know how to do everything now that Rickey's not in charge JAC: Dependence on God's leading as we continue to get our footing To build strong relationships with JAC partners Scheduling with small groups to come lead a bible study, if interested Missions Team: Faithfulness in organizing the Harvest LA event coming up on 9/8-9/9. Pray for God to light a fire in the hearts of our congregation to share about Christ. Pray for the New Song missionaries in the field! (Karen, Duron, Jean and Jenny) Sound Team Ministry: More volunteers For people who know how to do stuff

For Evie to better learn and train others

DORCs: Figuring out logistics (place, time) that will work for our group Strengthening the core Growing unity/community among members Growth and commitment GEECS: Wisdom to apply the word that we are learning Heart to serve New Song and our surrounding communities Spiritual healing for those who need it Jars of Clay: We studied and memorized Philippians 1:9,10 so please pray that we would live it out. Please pray God will give us wisdom in deciding how to best use the gifts He has given us to glorify His name through our work. Love Abides (LA): Prayer for those who are consumed by life's issues to the point that it is pulling them away from the community (our members are quite busy it seems!). Prayer for the Music Meetings led by Ted as we pursue a deeper appreciation for praise and worship. Prayer for increased accountability within the members of our group as we grow deeper as a community. Prayer for continued strength and diligence within the Core team as we do the work that God has set before us (we are a core with pretty active social/work calendars!). Prayer for continued spiritual guidance and growth for the (relatively) newer folks in the small group. Prayer for guidance as we organize our 1st retreat. Brian: Prayer for the dissertation! Ted: Prayer for upcoming tests/exams! Love Out Loud (LOL): Prayer for leadership and direction for LOL and its members. Permanent Beta: Prayer for wisdom for Darren on how to love and serve his mom during this time, for her emotional healing, and her salvation. Pray for greater understanding of, love for, and obedience to God's Word for Darren.

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