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President: Debbie Walker 441-1126 Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 Editor: Rose 839-2935

Volume 38 Issue 8 AUGUST 2012

Reach Out

According to the Gallup Poll, there is a fairly large enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to voting this year. Republicans are very motivated to get to the polls. Democrats, by and large, are not particularly motivated, so we have a real opportunity to make some positive headway this November. As of this writing, three new polls show Romney up: Rasmussen shows Mitt Romney surging to a three-point lead nationwide; in a NYT/CBS Poll: Romney Takes the Lead, with Brutal Internals for Obama. On issues, Romney has an eight-point edge on the big one -- the economy -- plus sizable advantages on de cits, taxes and immigration...Only 28 percent believe Mr. Obama has ful lled his promise to deliver positive change for the country; The Hill's poll nds that 47 percent of voters say that Romney most shares their values, compared with 44 percent for Obama, 48 percent of voters pick Romney as the stronger leader, versus 44 percent for Obama. Romney also edged out Obama on a measure of trust with 46 percent calling Romney more trustworthy versus 44 percent for Obama.
California voters may be more inclined to 'vote the bums out' seeing as Democrats have controlled the state for decades now, running the once-prosperous state to the brink of bankruptcy. Even though there's widespread sentiment that California is a lost cause, YOU can make a di erence. You can take an active roll right from your kitchen table, calling voters in swing states. Mitt Romney has a Super-Easy Call From Home program. Go to and click on the Get-Involved button. Sign up, and their calling program will set you up. There's a demo video that shows you how. Dan Roberts is running against democrat Jarred Hu man for what was Mike Thompson's seat, Learn more at Sign on with Elizabeth Emkens campaign. Shes running against Dianne Feinstein. Find out how you can help at

The Republican National Committee also has a calling program in full swing right now, and the California GOP has a dynamite voter outreach program gearing up, complete with a calling program and neighborhood walks. Watch for more info. There will be links to all of this on our site, with more information posted as we move towards the election.

The next three and a half months are critical! And YOU can help - getting people registered to vote, phonebanking, walking, all those important things... Remember: Sarah Palin changed the course of the debate with a simple Facebook page. And, in recent months, conservatives and Republicans have successfully pushed back against Obama's false claim that Republicans hate women, have exposed Obama's dishonest attacks on Mitt Romney, and set his dirty tricks department back on its heels - all with people like us using The New Media Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. Humboldt Republican Women and Humboldt GOP have sister websites, chock full of information you need to GET INVOLVED and STAY INFORMED. Visit and We encourage ALL OF YOU to visit our website(s), sign up with Facebook, and go to our page(s) and hit the LIKE button. We can share a lot of information with you very quickly with Facebook - AND it makes us look good to have NUMBERS - Republican Women Leading the Way!

Follow us on TWITTER @hrwf ( ) Find us on FACEBOOK - Humboldt Republican Women
Affiliated with NFRW (National Federation of Republican Women)/CFRW (California Federation of Republican Women - Northern Division)

311 E St. Eureka 444-2823 (877)445-0152

Richard Whitaker Insurance Services, Inc. Richard Whitaker CLU, ChFC Phone: (707) 442-1505 (800) 504-1555 FAX: (707) 442-0717 3932 Walnut Drive, Eureka, CA 95503


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As the ght over illegal immigration rages on, and the polarization continues, sadly it appears we will never be able to make a decision on how to deal with the problem. Most other countries have very strict policies on immigration that would hardly be stomached in this country by either liberals or conservatives. Even when I lived in several foreign countries, it was easy to see how di erently they view those who come to live in their country. Until recently many other countries did not anticipate the kind of immigration that exploded on them, and they began to crack down. In Europe, the formation of the European Union really brought immigration into sharp focus. One of the sharpest di erences between other countries and the United States is how we view immigrants. We are mostly a population 2 or 3 generations removed from other soils. Though many of us still think of ourselves as hyphenated Americans, be it Irish-Americans or Italian Americans, we still are rst and foremost Americans. Most of our ancestors came here to build a new life and, even though they may have dreamed of returning to native soil, they built lives here and stayed. This is who we are. In my travel business I escorted many Americans on trips to countries where their ancestors emigrated from. It was di cult at times for many of them to understand that their ethnicity did not impress the locals. To the locals they were Americans, not Italians, and so on and so on. It was great to visit where the grandparents were born, but it was a visit and not home. Our conglomerate of races and ethnicities makes us so who we are. We are a messy country, full of color and personalities and a gobbledygook of cultures, and it is magni cent. I love how di erent we all are. Other countries I have lived in have a sameness that is not nearly as much fun! We should never apologize for who we are, but celebrate it. Those who choose to come here, for whatever reason, should hopefully want to join us as citizens. That is why citizenship is so important. It anchors the person as no longer a citizen of the country they left but now o cially an American, free to voice an opinion, vote legally, and live anywhere they want. However we choose to end this crazy illegal mess, the end game should be making those who want to stay make a choice of becoming Americans or choosing to return to their native soil. We want you, but we want you for real! I believe we should give them the shot to make the choice. In the early 90s when we lived in Turkey, many of us Americans helped the Franciscan missionaries who had built schools for the Turkish children. They helped many refugees from Iraq, mostly Kurds and Christians, who had ed Saddam Hussein at the end of the rst Gulf War. Most of these missionaries were Italian and had lived in Turkey for many years. They sent many Turkish young men to Europe to be educated so that they could return and educate their own population. I asked one of the friars if the men ever wanted to stay in Europe and not return, and he explained that they could choose to stay but always understood that they should return home, because they were taught as children that no one should not be able to live in the country they were born in." I understand and celebrate that concept, but I believe the United States will always be the best place for those who choose not to live where they were born.

Thoughts On Immigration:

Serving Humboldt County Since 1932

Ways & Means

A very grateful thank you to everyone who made a contribution at our July 19th meeting to the Opportunity Drawing, Patriotic Jewelry Sale or voluntary Donation Jar. You are the individuals that keep all our projects successful. Our July Opportunity Drawing prizes were donated by Colleen Hedrick, JoAnn Stanhope and Margaret Sta ord. The winners were Freda Hand, Liana Simpson and Dennis Mayo.

To donate a prize for future drawings, please telephone Linda Arata at 839-5054.

Overseas Coupon Project:

The Overseas Coupon Project needs YOU!!
We have sent over $178,000 in coupons to our military families overseas since November, 2009, and would like to keep this worthy project going. Instead of a few good men, we are looking for one terri c woman to head up this project: the committee, the guidelines, and the coupon sources are all in place. Please contact President Debbie Walker or Americanism Chair Chris Wennerholm.

New Chair needed

Top Left: Our speaker, Kay Backer with President Debbie Walker at last months meeting. Top Right: Our Scholarship Recipient Grady Sheehy with Debbie Walker and Nancy Elcock. Middle right: Grady and Mary Jerland. Bottom Left & Right: Carol Del Biaggios pictures from the Fortuna Rodeo Parade - with Irene Hannaford, Carol Del Biaggio, Annette DeModena, Gail Nielsen, we were well represented!

Help man the booth at the Humboldt County Fair - its fun, and its important! Get in touch with Barbara Hecathorn, 442-7124 hecathorn @ or Lia Fontillas from Humboldt County Central Committee 839-0551 You can also quite often reach Lia at Humboldt GOP HQ 442-2259

Humboldt County Fair - August 15-26

Donald W. Bellairs
Donnas dear father-in-law

In Remembrance:

If you'd like to take a leadership position in the HRWF Club, The Nominating Committee (Margaret Sta ord, Jeanne O'Neale, Nancy Elcock, and Rose) would love to hear from you. The open positions are: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Director-at-Large. These are elected positions, to be lled in the fall, to serve beginning in January. In addition, there are three appointed positions: Auditor, Corresponding Secretary and Parliamentarian. They shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Board of Directors. If youd like to know more about the duties of each position call Margaret at 822-3255.

Humboldt Republican Women Nominations for NEW O cers OPEN:

On The National Front:

Hi, everyone! Ive been out of commission for about 7 weeks two weeks with husband on vacation and then four weeks of intense Montessori teacher training in and near San Luis Obispo, CA. With my head occupied with training and mostly oblivious to the normal world, Ive been relying on calls home to husband to see whats been going on. Michael reported that the Supreme Court did not outright overturn Obama Care, but then we heard some details of Chief Justice Roberts ruling. It seems Roberts deemed Obama Care to indeed be a tax, although the administration has said all along that it is not. Being a tax means the states can opt out. Obama Care is not a slam dunk. It is important to follow this issue as the administration will certainly try some other means to force their will on us. We all know now without a doubt what Obamas plan has been all along to wreck the American economy and replace it with his vision of socialism. The only people nave enough to feel justi ed in supporting Obama are just not really paying attention to all the legitimate news available. They rely on how they feel when they see/hear him talk. They absorb news from the so-called mainstream media that overwhelmingly nourishes their naivete with a good measure of demonizing anyone who dares oppose or even question Obamas motive/policies. Just remember, folks if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duckits a duck! In this case, a tall skinny one who does not have our best interests at heart!

Standing Tall in Northern California Sheri s, the chief law enforcement o cers in each county, are coming together from across the nation to defend our Constitution, laws, and rights. Regionally, 10 sheri s are standing together in Northern California to hold monthly townhall-type meetings to inform communities of the issues facing them. Their primary concern is public safety and with continuing cuts in county and state budgets, sheri s are nding their resources diminished to the extent that the safety and health of their county is at risk. These sheri s are committed to the oath of o ce they took to protect their citizens and are prepared to stand on the Constitution to address problems facing their county. They include: Jon Lopey from Siskiyou, Dean Wilson from Del Norte, Greg Hagwood from Plumas, Bruce Haney from Trinity, Mike Poindexter from Modoc, Tom Allman from Mendocino, Larry Jones from Glenn, Mike Downey from Humboldt, Dave Hencratt from Tehama, and Tom Bosenko from Shasta. At a June 23rd event in Red Blu , Dave Hencratt stated, We are here to be reasonable and do what is right. The rural tax base that once existed from timber, mining and agriculture is either non-existent or threatened. Over-regulations by some environmental government agencies are a ecting businesses and rural society as a whole. He went on to talk about how the economic recession has hit rural counties hard and worsened by multi-jurisdiction regulations. Many feel that our rural way of life is threatened with little political will at the state and federal level to rein in bureaucratic tyranny. At the July 14th event in Del Norte County our sheri , Mike Downey, explained, We are a Republic. We are a country of a rule of law not of a mob. We are not a Democracy. Sheri Downey went on to explain that in Humboldt tremendous environmental issues surround the illegal marijuana business and he asked the EPA for help. In a shocking turn of events, EPA o cials told him the agency only addresses those situations with permits concerning legitimate businesses. Illegal pot grows have no such permits! There was a collective gasp from the audience. To think that the EPA wouldnt assist in eradicating the activity that is causing extreme environmental degradation; one that permeates several counties speaks volumes about how far this agency has gone astray. Sheri Downey went on to explain a toxic chemical used by pot growers is killing endangered wildlife, like a mammal

Women have been hit hardest in every poverty-related category. 17 million women are now in poverty, 800,000 more than when Obama took o ce. 7.5 million women are in the extreme poverty category. 4 out of 10 female-headed families are stuck in poverty. The poverty rate for Hispanic women is growing faster than any other group. 2.5 million women over 65 are impoverished. In the job market in Obama's economy, women are not faring as well as other groups. Men are gaining 4 times as many jobs as women. Over three-fourths of a million more women than men are unemployed.

Women Cannot A ord Another Four Years of Obama Under President Obama, the number of women in poverty has skyrocketed.

NFRW Political Briefing:

Poverty, unemployment, fading hope. That's not the change Americans voted for.

Constitutional Sheriffs Standing Tall

in Northern California
called sher and spotted owls as well as deer. Then there is a huge amount of sediment that washes into streams from the cleared timberlands and graded sites created by the growers. Reporting it to federal agencies has been answered by no response. Meanwhile, legitimate businesses are being blamed for the damage to our watershed. We are asking you to stand with us, said Sheri Downey to the audience who responded to his request with a standing ovation. Our sheri deserves our thanks for his willingness to stand for us. He also needs our encouragement to bring a government-to-government process, called Coordination, to our county to help overcome the challenges we face. The next Constitutional Sheri s event is in Ukiah, at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds on Saturday, August 18th from 10 am to 1 pm. The event is free to the public and donations will be accepted. One thing is very clear, we cannot rely on someone else to come to our rescue, we must work within our communities to restore our rights and, in doing so, bring prosperity back to our rural way of life. Instead of a few dozen people working tirelessly, each one of us must get involved. The HCRWF website has a wealth of information and with an election coming, Obama and the people that support his policies must be defeated.

Only in America ---Top Ten

1) Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000-a-plate campaign fundraising event. 2) Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black, while only 12% of the population is black. 3) Only in America could we have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department, and Charles Rangel, who once ran the House Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes. 4) Only in America can we have terrorists murder people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash or by pro ling. 5) Only in America would we make people who want to become American citizens legally wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we consider granting immediate citizenship to anyone who sneaks into the country illegally. 6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the budget and living by our country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists." 7) Only in America could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, cigarettes and certain over-the-counter medicines, but not to vote. 8) Only in America could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike). 9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a trillion dollars more per year than it takes in, for a total spending of $7 million PER MINUTE, and still complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money. 10) Only in America could the rich people who pay 86% of all income taxes be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income tax at all. ---------------------How do you tell a Romney supporter from an Obama supporter? Romney supporters sign their checks on the front; Obama supporters sign them on the back. ----------------------


Each county sheri shares their countys unique issues as well as echoing the problems that many counties share. A good website to watch video clips and read stories from the meetings can be found at: s/ http://constitutionalsheri

(707) 599-3255 CELL (707)822-5971 BUSINESS (707) 884-9740 TOLL FREE (707) 822-4337 FAX

Each O ce is Independently Owned And Operated

981 G Street Arcata, CA 95521





1246 Anvick Road Arcata, California, 95521 email Telephone 888-ANVICK1 Telephone 707-822-7731 FAX 707-822-3003

President: Debbie Walker 441-1126 walktalk @ 1st VP/Program Chair: Gwen Morris: 498-3101 smlboss @ 2nd VP: Sheryl Fearrien: 726-0147 schoolmarm50 @ Treasurer: Mary Jerland: 443-1228 rjerland @ Recording Secretary: Carol Del Biaggio 786-4832 cdel2 @ Parliamentarian: Barbara Hecathorn 442-7124 hecathorn @ Director-at-Large: Margaret Sta ord 822-3255 tom-marg @ Americanism/Coupon Project: Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ Auditor: JoAnn Stanhope 822-4776 jstanhope @ Chaplain Co-Chair: Amanda Sachs 839-9300 amanda8751 @ Chaplain Co-Chair: Esther Holmes 677-3219 esthersholmes @ Correspondence Secretary: Donna Bellairs 442-6648 debellairs @ Education Chair: Mary Scott 442-3056 marygscott @ Voter Registration/Campaigns: Jean Giannini 725-2359 Hospitality: Haline Sundet 442-2623 sun17 @ Luncheon Reservations: Laura 839-5538 Membership: Terry Roberts 599-3255 terry @ Name Tags: Delores Theuerkauf 822-5090 erniet @ Newsletter/Website/HRWF Facebook: Rose 839-2935 admin @ Newsletter: Chris Wennerholm 725-2020 chrissie.wen @ Sponsorships: Mary Jerland: 443-1228 rjerland @ Publicity: Rose 839-2935 admin @ National Legislation: Sheryl Fearrien 726-0147 schoolmarm50 @ State Legislation: Vee Sorensen 822-2359 veesign @ Ways and Means: Linda Arata 839-5054 jaratal @

Contact List:

The Call Girls

Telephone Chair/Reservations: Laura 839-5538 Email Reservations: Margaret Sta ord 822-3255 tom-marg @ Pat Murphy 441-9206 vpatm @ Nancy Elcock 443-2529 nancyelcock @ Pat Stolte 725-4031 patstolte @ Pearl Micheli 445-9650 pamram9650 @ Margaret Sta ord 822-3255 tom-marg @ Mary Scott 442-3056 marygscott @ National Federation of Republican Women... California Federation of Republican Women... Northern Division President Roseann Slonsky-Breault

Tell your friends:

Our website is designed to bring you News and Views from the Republican front - from Humboldt County to Washington DC - news, opinion and analysis from the best reporters, columnists and bloggers. A one stop shop with links to local, state and national groups, and contact info for the Board of Sups, the City Councils, Planning Commission, and more. All at, on Facebook, and Twitter. Check it out!

2907 E Street, Eureka 442-2527 32 Sunnybrae Center, Arcata 822-3750 Redwood Village Shopping Center 725-9003

LIKE us on FACEBOOK HumboldtRepublicanWomen We got our vanity listing, thanks to you!

FOLLOW us on TWITTER @hrwf ( )



Name: Address: Phone(s): Email:


My phone # My Address My E-mail - has changed Yes, add my business to the roster: Regular Member...............................................................................$30. Associate Member (men and any members of other clubs) ... .......$30. Republican Angels ............................................................................. +
Referred By________________________


HRWF c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Cha n Road McKinleyville, CA 95519

Note: Membership Applications are ALSO available online at our website:

As a member of Humboldt Republican Women, Federated, youre also a part of the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW), and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), the largest womens political volunteer organization in the nation. With your membership, youll receive our club's monthly newsletter, The Redwood Alert, as well as the Republican Woman magazine, Canvassing the Capital, (a legislative newsletter), as well as Action Alerts (CFRW's statewide hotline network), Leadership Training and voter education.

3-in-1 Membership

Regular Member (Annual Membership is $30.00)


Regular Membership is extended to all Republican Women. Regular members may make motions, nominations, may vote during club business meetings and they may hold o ce in the club.

Republican Angels ($35.00 or greater) Associate Member ($30.00)

Angels are those Regular and Associate Members who, at their discretion, desire to gift an amount greater than regular dues. We appreciate your generosity. Guys? You're welcome to join. Associate Membership is extended to any registered Republican (man or woman) interested in the success of the Republican Party. Many Associate Members are Regular Members of another unit club. Many men are Associate Members and attend the monthly meetings. Associate Members may not make motions, nominations, nor vote during club business meetings and they cannot hold o ce in the club.

Your dues enable us to provide our members with quality programs, the HRWF website, and lots of FUN! Many members dont realize that out of every $30.00 of collected membership, $16.00 goes to CA Republican Women Federated, and $2.00 goes into our scholarship fund. Humboldt Republican Women are left with $12.00 from every member! So needless to say, we really appreciate your membership and also thank the Republican Angel members who have donated so much of their time to our organization.

Questions? Contact our Membership Chair Terry Roberts 599-3255 E-MAIL

Humboldt Republican Women, Federated c/o Terry Roberts 4425 Chaffin Road McKinleyville, CA 95519


The Redwood Alert


Save the dates!

t mmer hia Su

HGOP Central Committee Meeting HGOP meets rst Thursdays, 6:00 at HBMWD O ce Fri-Sun, Aug. 10th - 12th CRP FALL CONVENTION in LA Aug. 15th - 26th Humboldt County Fair in Ferndale Sign up, take a shift at the Republican Booth; Share info & Register Voters! NO HRWF GENERAL MEETING THIS MONTH (next mtg: Sept. 20)

Thursday, Aug. 2nd

REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION Get together Thursday, August 30th to watch the acceptance speech. Call the HGOP O ce for details 442-2259 Sunday, Sept. 23rd Annual Republican Picnic Rohner Park, Fortuna Were looking for all kinds of volunteers, call the HGOP O ce to sign on 442-2259 Tuesday, Nov. 6th GENERAL ELECTION

Aug. 27th - 30th


"Where Do We Go From Here Our Next Step"

A full one day schedule with 2 optional workshops on Friday afternoon, November 16, plus an early 6PM banquet on Saturday, November 17

CFRW Northern Division 2012 Fall Conference

Saturday, November 17, 2012 in Rancho Cordova

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