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Excerpt from The Book of ABE

3:10 Down from Grace By Alphonso McGriff III Can somebody please explain to me why Black people need to move backwards? We cannot continue our love affair with the Colonizers and their misrepresentation of life. The Colonizers cannot be our standard for greatness, success, or what is best for us. Chasing the American Dream and seeking equality with Colonizers or validation from Colonizers is no indication of moving forward. There is no great achievement in becoming controlling, barbaric, and spiritually out of touch with Universal Laws, Natural Cooperative Order, and Life Affirmation. Is this the great achievement we seek? I don't think so. Black people need to reach educational parity with our ancestors, not the Colonizers. We need to exercise our minds so that we may once again know and understand what our ancestors knew and understood. The period of enslavement is not the reference point for the beginning of the most ancient people on earth. The period of enslavement does not give us an accurate starting point for which to measure our growth. It is a period representing the beginning of the most primitive and barbaric existence Black people have known. It is no coincidence that the Colonizers were key players Enter to win a free copy of The Book of Abe by leaving a comment at The Hart Monitor Issue 6 August 2012 Page 1 Excerpt from the Book of Abe: Down from Grace Page 2 How Immigrants are Enlisted in the War Against Black America Page 4 Legalization without Indemnification is Totally . Irresponsible Personal Practice or is it Business? Page 7 Dedicated Servants to Clear Those Roads Page 8 Where are All the Guns Coming From? Page 5 Is it Racism or is it Lie and Error? Is Racism in this beginning. It is backwards to seek solutions for our problems from our children. We have been and continue to be their teachers. Everything they have learned is transformed into a warped and slanted variation of our origin. Our relationship with them is not a racist relationship. It is a historical relationship that has been consistent, meaning no sign of change. I will not march, protest, boycott, scream, holler, hate against, identify as enemies, demand respect or anything else from, or expect change from the Colonizers who have clearly demonstrated change is not possible. We should deal with their true identity and expect nothing more. The Colonizers are already doing the very best they can. What we see and experience from them is all that can be expected. Pssssssst! This country is less than 250 years old. Look around. The majority of the people are

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suffering while a very few seem to benefit. This is backwards, and its getting worse. This country was intentionally set up this way. This has never been a democracy. Colonizers only create dictatorships. Colonizers have demonstrated that they are the anomaly, and we are now supposed to reach parity with them? This is a genocidal concept. We, Black people, have the potential to do much better. We are operating nowhere near our potential as individuals or as a people. This is because we are not up from slavery, we are down from grace. As long as we continue to be misled into believing change is progress and the answers to our problems can be found by having what the Colonizer has or searching this Colonial system or it's government for solutions, Black people will continue to suffer and die a slow death while swimming around in this Colonial system, a poisonous cesspool of grime and swamp trash. I say, get the hell out of the poison. Get into our minds, connect with our Ancestors, and THINK. As long as the Pyramids stand, having been built by Black people, and we don't know how it was done, then there is plenty of room for thought and conscious recovery by turning inward and finding our own solutions to our own problems. We have to begin knowing the answers are already present within us. The United States Constitution is the single most significant Affirmative Action document in the very brief history of America. Since Colonial contamination, and the Constitutional Convention of 1787, this country has been set up by 55 racist Colonizers, for the purpose of making sure the Colonizers are and will forever be, the ONLY people who have the opportunity to enjoy ALL the benefits that this now contaminated land called America has to offer. Amendments to the Constitution are nothing more than Johnny come lately, feel good rules, AFTER Colonial men have gained control over EVERYTHING significant for survival. This system is designed to create perpetual SERVANTS for the system and the few Colonizers that control everything in this system. So, as a result, we are nothing more than SERVANTS for life to the system, and then we die. Black people and others have to make sure this system serves us, so that we can experience LIFE and LIVING, before we enter into the next realm of existence. Monitoring Colonizers and what they are doing or not doing is not the only option we have. We dont have to hate Colonizers. We dont have to be angry with Colonizers. We only have to understand based on a consistent historical relationship, who the

Colonizers are. We have the option of being proactive in doing what is in our own best interest, independent of what the Colonizers are doing. Getting caught up with what the Colonizers should acknowledge or should take responsibility for is a waste of time. They are focusing on whats best for them and they have NEVER made a move based on whats in the best interest of Black people. This should be expected by now. There is NO island, continent, or landmass on this entire planet that the Colonizers have invaded, that has EVER become BETTER for the Supreme Universal Humans Becoming after the Colonizers and Colonial contamination arrived. We have NEVER had a fair and balanced relationship with the Colonizers. The Colonizers have never demonstrated an interest in sharing. The Colonizers are not capable of helping us make decisions that serve everyones best interestsjust their own. How many more Supreme Universal Humans Becoming must continue to move backwards and die this slow, poisonous death before we become aware of who and what we are dealing with? This is a question many of us ask; however, we all have to move at our own pace, in our own time, when we are ready. It is the goal of this thought to bring about understanding. I would never encourage anger, hate, and the creation of enemies. Sometimes, truth stirs emotions, and this is also a reality. The most productive thing we can do, however, is move through the emotions and begin THINKING and ACTING in our own best interest as Supreme Universal Humans Becoming. Life can be a beautiful experience.

How Immigrants are Enlisted in the War Against Black America

By Joanna Iovino A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with a Hartford resident

who was born in the Caribbean. I was telling her about the Hart liberation, because it is obvious that Blacks in America are

Monitor, and I was talking about how the main focus is on Black disrespected at every turn, and that in Hartford, their concerns come AFTER the concerns of white and Latino people. She then told me that she believes that American Blacks have a sense of entitlement and that they do not work hard because they feel

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like they are owed something. I was dismayed, yet not surprised, to hear this view coming from a Black woman who happened to have been born in another country.

in the eyes of the WASPs by treating Black Americans with utter contempt. So, they became strong supporters of the oppressive policies in place against Black Americans, in hopes that they Today, Italians, Jews, Irish Catholics, etc. have completely assimilated into "whiteness". would gain "favored" status. And, to a large degree, it worked.

While it would be easy to disparage this woman, to call her a

bigot, deluded or even (inaccurately) a racist, the truth is, she is a Americans. The tactics used by the white supremacists have complicit in their devaluation of Black Americans, she will somehow gain acceptance and be elevated above Black Americans.

victim of the same white supremacist system that oppresses Black convinced her that by cooperating with white racists, becoming

The white supremacists that run the United States have been policies for hundreds of years.

using this "divide and conquer" strategy to enforce their racist

When slavery was legal in the United States, the white slave owners used skin tone to keep Black people divided. They pretended to give elevated status to those slaves who were seen as being closer to "white" - those with light skin, straight hair, narrow noses, and other physical characteristics seen as being

Over the past century, more non-European immigrants have entered the country. People who did not look "white". Asian immigrants, West Indian immigrants, African immigrants. Now, people" into the white collective. But, that would not stop them from using these immigrants to help enforce their oppressive policies on Black Americans.

"European". Though these individuals were still considered mere property to the racist men and women certain concessions were made to help create a "class" of slaves - known commonly as

the white supremacists know that they could never accept "those

"house Negroes" who were treated slightly better than their darker skinned contemporaries - the "field Negroes". The white slave owners used the "house Negroes" to enforce their oppressive

policies on the "field Negroes" in return for special "privileges". given preferential treatment, were brainwashed into believing heart.

And, in some cases, the lighter skinned slaves, the ones who were that the white men and women actually had their best interests at

Once again, white supremacists have made quick work of using And that includes enlisting the assistance of other "non-white" supremacists use the seductive promise of special treatment to brainwash "non-white" immigrants into remaining aloof and looking down upon Black Americans. And, in many cases, the white supremacists have been extremely successful.

every resource they can to keep Black Americans "in their place". people who have only recently entered this country. The white

Fast forward to the late 1800s. Legal slavery ended, and there was to find a new way to keep "in their place". The nation was also

a large "free" Black population that the white supremacists needed changing in other ways. New immigrants coming to the country were from "undesirable" stock. They were still largely European, but not the "right type" of European. They were not WASPs, but rather Italians, Jews, Irish Catholics. And, when they first looked upon with derision by the WASPs. immigrated, they were not looked upon as "white". They were

The white supremacists who control this country recognize that if all of the people that they classify as "non-white" were to unite, they would be a force to be reckoned with. So, they keep "nonwhite" people divided and stratified. They attempt to recruit immigrants, even those who are considered "non-white" or their best interest.

"Black", to help enforce racist policies by convincing them it is in

But, the WASPs realized that they needed to find some method of

enforcing their policies upon the Black population. So, over time, Irish Catholics, etc. were offered "acceptance" into the white

they enlisted the help of these new immigrants. The Jews, Italians, collective in order to ensure that they would help enforce the

Make no mistake about it - this is a carefully calculated move on the part of the white supremacists. They KNOW that by offering special treatment to certain individuals or groups they can keep towards a common goal - that of ending white supremacy. So they appeal to the self- interest or group interests of certain

policies of the WASPs in power. The first thing a new immigrant

divided people whose best interests would be served by unifying

learned upon entering the country was that they could gain status

The Hart Monitor Issue 6 August 2012

immigrants in order to maintain the status quo. Most of the time, the people who are being indoctrinated by the white supremacists to look down upon Black Americans do not of racist man and racist woman. The white supremacists have even realize they are being used in order to reinforce the policies been waging a propaganda campaign against Black Americans Prohibition reform is gaining mainstream recognition with growing visibility and momentum. Former California Governor Schwarzenegger said legalization has to be on the table. The state of Washington may be the first to legalize cannabis with the entire legislature voicing support. When and if Washington accomplishes this, many predict a domino effect for other states. Rhode Island has created a marijuana prohibition commission that within months will formally address legalization. Portugal has decriminalized small amounts of formerly illegal drugs, along with Mexico and Argentina. Many countries in the European Union are considering such policies. But in the United States the drug reform movement is sharply focused on marijuana and not on drug prohibition as a whole. Unfortunately, this focus ignores three other longstanding and devastating social issues. First, drug war policies have needlessly taken potential taxpayers out of the community and spent tax money to keep them in prison. Second, twenty million children have been orphaned because one or both parents have been sent to prison on drug related charges. Third, in that process of economic and family disintegration, public and higher education have been dramatically shortchanged.

since they were first stolen from Africa and brought against their

will to this country. The white supremacists have just been forced white supremacists do not consider those they enlist to oppress

to become more creative in their choice of "allies". The truth is, the Black Americans to be their "equals". They are simply being used by the racists, and will be discarded as soon as they outlive their "usefulness".

White supremacists know that they could very well lose

everything they believe that they "deserve" if non-white people

unified. So, they use every tactic they know to keep that from ever happening. And that includes using new immigrants to enforce their racist agenda by promising them an elevated status over Black Americans.

The greatest fear of white supremacists is that "non-white" people will unite and "take over". I hope that eventually the immigrant populations that are being used by the white supremacist will Black Americans, rather than disparaging them as the white supremacists want them to. That would certainly be a (desperately needed) step towards justice. realize that their interests would be best served by joining with

Legalization without indemnification is totally irresponsible.

By Clifford W, Thornton

As a result, billions of dollars that could have funded education and health care have been consumed by law enforcement for punishment that has worsened community safety and health. Inner city business investment has been thwarted. We have taken countless young people out of our community on drug charges and wonder why they and their contemporaries no longer have faith in our criminal justice system. Our children are not stupid; they see two forms of justice, one for the well-connected, and one for the poor. Society will pay for this perception of injustice for decades to come. Beyond the human tragedies, reform must not forget the impact of the Drug Prohibition War on local economies. The police chiefs of Camden, Newark, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles have said that parts or most of their cities would collapse financially without the illegal drug trade. It has become the only commerce.

The recent push to decriminalize, medicalize and legalize drugs, especially marijuana, has picked up steam worldwide. These drug prohibition reform efforts, while motivated by the massive harms caused by prohibition, are incomplete remedies if limited to criminal justice reform. A major aspect of prohibition's harm is economic, and among the remedies which reform needs to include is financial relief for prohibition's victims. Fortunately, reform offers an opportunity for efforts to relieve damage done by prohibition, without raising taxes.

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In December, 2009, Central Connecticut State University Department of Public Policy published an economic report that outlines the massive spending by the state of Connecticut. This report summarizes what many cities and towns in Connecticut are spending to fight the drug war, with emphasis on Hartford. The capitol city with a population of over 120,000 spends $174 million to combat what is estimated to be a $41 million illegal drug market. When one looks at towns like Glastonbury with 30,000 people and sees that it spends $1.3 million to combat illegal drugs, one begins to see the windfall that could be recouped.

results clearly. The battle over the funds saved by giving up this war will be as big and nasty as any battle over money. Ending the drug war will undoubtedly reap benefits. Seeing that those who deserve the benefits are the ones who receive them will be the tricky part.

Clifford W. Thornton was a former co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. With his wife, Margaret, he runs Efficacy, a non-profit to educate the world about drug policy reform. In 2007, Thornton received the Robert C. Randall award for outstanding achievement in the field of citizen action from Drug Policy Alliance, and he is recognized as an international expert on drug policy. In 2006, he was the Green Party candidate for Connecticut governor.

Is it Racism or is it Lie and Error? Is Racism Personal Practice or is it Business?

By Prince A. Lee (host of AccessTV.orgs Conversatio) I would like to take an intellectual approach in analyzing the This windfall of anywhere between $1 and $2 billion -- without looking at our prison system or taxes from legal cannabis and hemp -- shows we could help get Connecticut out of the $3.5 billion deficit that we are facing. We need to look at how we can revolutionize public and higher education and provide a sound educational foundation for our most important product, our children. These funds could be diverted into plans to do this. I think one teacher and one assistant for every ten pupils k-9 would be a great start. Put in those after school programs that were so prevalent when I was growing up. We have been punishing disadvantaged children for generations out of prejudice. It is time to begin to nurture and educate them. We wonder why their parents don't support the system, but they were damaged by the system as well and don't see any improvement on the horizon. Before we can repair the damage, we have to come to terms with what has happened. That means to connect the dots and see the intentions of, and to eliminate ignorance of disparate practitioners in areas of healthcare, education and welfare. INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY - When one practices the professing and maintaining of innocence of a thing, despite

knowing that empirical proof exist to the contrary, they should be considered intellectually dishonest. Unfortunately, in modern the practitioner of intellectual dishonesty may simply be society, when only inconclusive empirical proof can be attained, considered anything from a disingenuous person to an outright ignorance of the proof or truth about their contrary practices. suggest that these dishonest people are being intentionally with good intentions."

liar. When confronted about this, dishonest people often profess They also claim themselves as well intended. Some sociologists ignorant. This evokes the thought of "The road to Hell is paved

INTENTIONAL IGNORANCE is especially significant if the

practitioner is highly educated and has attained a doctorate

degree. One would assume that doctors of letters, philosophy and medicine would be aware that the biological definition of race precludes them from validating the concept of actual difference of social practices based on non-existing racial difference. This would be especially true for the medical doctor who has mastered

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an understanding of the physiology of the human race. However, there are people who think that the pork in a Chinese restaurant who think that there are Afro-American gall bladders. comes from Chinese pigs. Hopefully there are no educated people

Once someone states that they are not aware that some systemic,

yet disestablishing, practice exist, and they maintain that position, large segment of society and its everyday activities. Or they are

then one or more of three things are true. They are sheltered from intentionally ignoring that practice and the various recounting of the practice (or the news of that practice). Or they are hypocrites: playing a part, trying to win approval or favor; they feign to be different from others; and pretend to be virtuous or pious. Perhaps misunderstandings in Racism have to do with the

So Peter said to her, 'Why did you and your husband decide to put the Lord's Spirit to the test? The men who buried your husband are at the door right now, and they will carry you out too!' At once she fell down at his feet and died. The young men came in and saw that she was dead, so they carried her out and buried her besides her husband. The whole church and all the others who heard of this were terrified.
Intellectual dishonesty, as practiced, is not necessarily limited to supposed do-good whites. It can be found among the more adamant white activists, who are labeled in the Urban dictionary as Crow Jimist (Crow Jimism) - white folks trying to be cool or hep or enlightened of praising everything African-American, no matter what, Intellectual dishonesty also includes the cool black brothers who would quietly hide behind racism. In the infamous like the Sapphira did by upholding Ananias' error, purposefully play the "Race Card" or not?

misunderstanders levels of intelligence. Our source of proof that racism exists in healthcare is paper published by the Institute of Medicine which has a quote "Survey results indicate that as many as one-half to three-quarters of the whites believe minorities are less intelligent, Yet most of these people (whites) do not recognize It 's likely that most healthcare providers are not overly

OJ Simpson trial, did the Dream Team (not just Johnnie Cochran),

their attitudes as prejudicial and too often intellectually dishonest. prejudiced After all, they have dedicated their lives to helping the people stay well. But like many people, healthcare providers may not recognize evidence of prejudice in their own behavior. "

Life as we know consists of different bodies be they biological, social, or economical. These bodies we all consider as organizations they include companies, estates and institutions that engage in activities carried out by certain practices buttressed by humanly created policies. Within social and

economic bodies lies prospects for intellectual dishonesty of their prejudicial practices. Due to the corporate and organizational structure, which is purposely established to decrease personal liability, it is nearly impossible to point the finger at the

Are people who intentionally claim ignorance of prejudicial, actually practice them? Let those who practice intellectual

biased and Discriminatory practices as doomed as those who dishonesty, claiming their ignorance of prejudice, bias, and feigned ignorance:

intellectually dishonest and the deniers of racist practices. This

discrimination be aware of the following biblical example of

phenomena amongst social and economic is in fact the basis of

INSTITUTIONAL RACISM. However systematically insulated from retribution they may seem to be, organizations are not beyond the reaches of retribution for their crimes. The organizations are subject to death by boycott, strike or loss of sponsorship, i.e.,

Acts 5:1-11. "But there was a man named Ananias, who, with his

wife Sapphira sold some property that belonged to them. But with his wife's agreement he kept part of the money for himself and turned the rest over to the apostles. Peter said to him 'Ananias, why did you let Satan take control of you and make you lie to the Holy Spirit by keeping part of the money that you received for the property? Before you sold the property it belonged to you and after you sold it, the money was yours. Why then did you decide to do such a thing? You have not lied to men, you have lied to God!' As soon as Ananias heard this, he fell down dead: and all who heard about it were terrified. The young men came in, wrapped up his body, carried him out and buried him. About three hours later his wife not knowing what had happened came in. Peter asked her, ' Tell me was this the full amount that you and your husband receive for your property?' 'Yes,' she answered, 'the full amount.'

funding sources. Far more increasingly individual are taking up the unfair practices of these organizations by individual acts of

the mantle and taking it upon themselves as individuals to correct workplace violence and retribution. These acts because of their the lives of the prejudicial perpetrator. And, "all the others who heard of this were terrified"

randomness often cause the loss of innocent lives in addition to

Let us consider perhaps the largest institution of them all, the organized church. In many societies the church is its only presentation of the truth. There should be no room in this institution, in such cases great care should go into the absolute institution for intellectual and/or spiritual dishonesty. Social in any way. If we consider man's position as the inscriber,

practices that are in any way prejudicial should not be purported translator, versionist and revisionist no statement bolstering

negative social practices should be published. Please then read from The Bible's New Testament Book of Ephesians; Ephesians

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6:5-8, "Slaves obey your human masters with fear and trembling:

and do it with sincere heart, as though you were serving Christ. Do this not only when they are watching you, because you want to gain their approval, but with all your heart do what God wants, as slaves of Christ. Do your work as slaves cheerfully, as though you served the Lord and not merely men. Remember that the Lord will reward everyone, whether slave or free, for the good work he does." Do these passages qualify as an example of institutional

types of racism).

No Body, be it religious or governmental, or the third estate that is populated by humankind is not susceptible to human error. That be true as well as moral and spiritual. Truth and Love are our founding anthem "The Battle Hymn of the Republic: " He is being said all humans and their organizations also should seek to Holy (uniting) , principles. As it is offered in the United States' Where are those dedicated servants in the black community to keep roads clear of injustices [dead leaves] which could or do and proactive against racism will keep those dead leaves of harm the black environment? I would argue that being vigilant racism, bias or even murder of black youth away from our roads. But no one said keeping roads clear of Americas particular types of dead leaves-as it relates to people of color- is easy or not without risks.

trampling out the vintage where the grapes of Wrath are stored. He as loosed the fateful lightening of his terrible swift sword, His truth goes marching on."
Surely we must be in spirit with our own founding precepts and outwit the Holy Spirit.

stop trying to outwit the poor and needy, not to mention trying to

However, our cultural, political, financial, educational and

Dedicated Servants to Clear Those Roads

By Cornell Lewis I was reading the works of a man named Franz Kafka when

religious domains often are littered with issues dealing with how white America treats us.

Ergo, servants are needed to clear those roads.

something he wrote stood out to me- like a road in autumn: Hardly is it swept clean before it is covered again with dead his thoughts into a new context. In the African American leaves. After pondering the words of Kafka, it caused me to place community there always seems to be a crisis concerning racism or some injustice from the majority population in the United you understand what Im saying. Why, people and so called death. The black community always seems like a road in autumn States. If you look at the Trayvon Martin shooting death in Florida leaders jumped all over the fact of a black youth being shot to

Where are All the Guns Coming From?

By Brother Kevin Muhammad There continues to be great concern in many of our inner cities about the number of deaths caused by gun violence. Historically black males have suffered fatal gunshot wounds at the hands of other black males. However, this gun play is not relegated to just males involved in gangs, the protection of street turf, or personal vendettas, but is claiming the lives of children, many of which are innocent bystanders. Just recently, a 15 year old young lady in the city of Bridgeport, Connecticut was murdered as she got caught in the middle of someones crossfire and suffered a fatal head wound. These kinds of occurrences seem to take place daily in Urban America. The users of these guns are oftentimes young, own no gun permit, and yet may possess one or more illegal

because instances of bias, racism are consistently visible and

affecting black lifestyles. For this type of problem so called leaders come around to whip up emotions or inspire black masses of humanity. After a few speeches or marches these leaders declare black communities are purged (for now) of pesky biases, racist acts or other sundry occurrences. However in time, another issue comes to cover our roads with dead leaves (new or threatening

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firearms. These firearms can be anything from small hand guns to full-blown assault weapons. I have attended many rallies, candle light vigils, public forums and political forums and the question most frequently asked is Where are the guns coming from? Well one conclusion often agreed upon is that they are sure not coming from within the Black Community itself! Where are our Black and Latino youth getting these guns from? Answer-----Members of the White and Suburban community! Why is this the logical answer? Blacks do not manufacture guns. However, one of the most powerful lobbyists in America is the National Rifle Association (even without Charlton Heston). They pour millions of dollars into political candidates that represent their interests and buy much of the votes and political power that they need. Black folks need to take a page out of their book, because as Minister Farrakhan once said Politics without economics is symbol without substance. Money runs the political machine, not merely justice or just causes! The folks supported by the NRA know that strong gun control laws would make it difficult for them to obtain firearms especially from us during a time that employment is down and the economy is in an unending downturn. They buy them to protect their property, person and investments from us. Please remember the Watts Riots, the Riots after the assassination of Martin Luther King and those that followed the LA police beating of Mr. Rodney King. Since it is our children dying and we have no powerful Lobby groups to look out for our vested interests, the laws enforcing strong gun control are paid no attention! Instead our people are made the scapegoats. People in the White community and Black community speak of how violent are children but in America no one is more violent than the U.S. government. Our foreign and domestic policies are not based on peaceful negotiations but War has been the only way to attain so-called peace. We should learn from our countrys example that bombing, raping, pillaging and being a bully only leads to more and more hatred, enemies and violence. Peace can only be established through cooperative dialogue, respect and coming to common ground or even higher ground for the benefit of all involved. Yes, our children and former generations of youths have learned violence from FOX NEWS, NBC, ABC and the example set by the United States Presidents from George Washington to President Barack Obama. The Bible says it clearly The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes therein shall

not know peace. The Guns that are brought in the Black Community come from whites who buy guns wholesale since it is made easy to obtain them without any background checks. They bring them to the hood and sell them to our youth. Sometimes police even engage in this activity and receive a monetary cut of the profits that are made from the sales of illegal hand guns. Of course Law enforcement and FBI know all about the identities of such persons. However, it was the FBIs plan during the COINTELPRO era to annihilate black folks anyway. So why would they be so quick to stop blacks from killing blacks? Until we, the Black and Latino Communities unite and fight concertedly for our own children, we will continue to suffer innumerable deaths throughout our cities. Lets stand up!

Recommended Reading

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Confessions of An Economic Hitman by John Perkins How to Hustle and Win Pt. 1 & 2 by Supreme Understanding The Art of War by Sun Tzu Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington

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If you are interested in contributing to the Hart Monitor, please email or call 860-461-2611 The Hart Monitor PO Box 260532 Hartford, CT 06126 Disclaimer: The Hart Monitor brings together various voices and opinions on racial justice issues in Hartford and beyond. All only, not necessarily the Hart Monitor as a whole or of its articles in the Hart Monitor are the opinion of the writer listed sponsors. The Hart Monitor is edited by Larry Risby and Joanna Challenge (CAAEC). You can visit us online at

Iovino, and sponsored by the CT African American Emancipation

The Hart Monitor Issue 6 August 2012

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