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NANC Certification Training Module Reading Assignments

The following are your reading assignments for the NANC Certification Training Module. Homework and reading are due before the weekend sessions. You are required to complete 1,000 pages of total reading for certification from the list below. 700 pages must be from the Counseling Exam Reading prep and the balance from the Theological Exam Reading prep. You will profit more from the lectures and discussions of the exams if you have completed your reading first. The book list is below with the reading on the next page.
Title Author Jay Adams Paul Tripp Aim Core manual for NANCE certification exam Required reading for Personal Ministry Training course complete book must be read for Level 1 Certificate. Essential introduction to heart orientation in Biblical Counseling Introduction to Biblical Counseling as background to NANC certification Introduction to Biblical peacemaking in conflict Essential foundation for NANC certification exam

Counseling Exam Reading Prep

* ! The Christians Counselors Manual Instruments in the Redeemers Hands

Seeing with New Eyes Counseling How to Counsel Biblically (Formerly, Intro. To Biblical Counseling The Peacemaker Competent to Counsel

Dave Powlison John MacArthur Ken Sande Jay Adams

Theology Exam Reading Prep

* * A Theology of Christian Counseling Bible Doctrine Systematic Theology Systematic Theology Handbook of Evangelical Theology Basic Theology Jay Adams Wayne Grudem Louis Berkhof A.H. Strong Robert P Lightner Charles Ryrie Doctrinal studies bearing on Nouthetic counseling Helpful resource for theology exam Theological resource in Reformed Tradition Theological resource in Reformed Tradition General theological reference book covering most evangelical traditions. Dispensational theological reference book (not recommended by the Chapel due to Lordship salvation issues)

*- These are priority and recommended reading titles.

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NANC Certification Reading

Name Date Submitted

Due before the May NANC Training Module Reading

Title Christian Counselor's Manual Chapters 1-4 5-11 12-21 22-29 30-37 A Theology of Christian Counseling Chapters 1-7 8-11 12-18 19-22 23-25 Competent to Counsel Chapters 4 8 10 Diagrams and Charts See p.vii for page nbr. Bible Doctrine Chapters 11-13 23-25 Date Completed Date Completed Date Completed Reading Date Completed

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To complete the homework, you will need to go to the NANC Website at You will need each of the documents there in order to complete your certification. You will also find the NANC Counseling Exam and NANC Theological Exam in the following pages.

Assignment Theological Exam

Instructions Read all questions, and on a sheet of paper, make a list of ones that you need help with Read all questions From the supplemental sheet and reading, answer questions 1-6

Due February PMT Session

Counseling Exam

May NANC Session

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NANC Theology Exam

Using essay style writing, please respond thoroughly to each of these statements. Write your answers as though you are explaining them to a counselee, defining all terms clearly and precisely. Use 1.5 spacing. Your answers should be 1 page to 1 pages in length. Support all your answers with Scripture. This is an open book exam. You may use any written or oral sources, but you must cite your sources at the end of each answer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Bible is spoken of as inspired. What does this mean? What is the relationship between infallibility and authority? What is the Bibles authority on theological controversies? Compare and contrast the Bible and its authority to general revelation and its authority. Many Christians today speak of continuing revelation. Relate this concept to inspiration and sufficiency of the Scripture. Relate this concept to the issue of miracles, prophecy and tongues.

Theology Proper
1. State briefly the biblical basis for, and formulate the doctrine of, the Trinity. 2. List and develop five attributes of God and how they relate to the believers life and counseling. 3. State briefly the biblical basis for, and formulate the doctrine of, Gods omniscience. Relate this doctrine to the teaching of open theism.

1. Who and what is man? 2. What role does anthropology play in counseling theory and practice?

1. Why did Christ die? 2. He was tempted in all things as we are (Heb. 4:15). Discuss and relate to counseling theory and practice.

1. Justification by faith alone. Discuss the meaning of this phrase. 2. Sanctification is said to be past, present, and future. Discuss, including the idea of union with Christ. 3. Do Christians persevere? What relationship does this have to counseling?

1. Who or what is the Holy Spirit? 2. What role does this Spirit play in the believers life and the counseling process? 3. Does the Holy Spirit guide Christians? If so, what means and methods does He use?

1. 2. 3. 4. What is the church? What role does the church play in the believers life and the counseling process? What is the biblical teaching on women being ordained as officers of the church? What authority, if any, does the church have over individuals and the counseling process?

General Questions
1. Are you involved in a larger group, organization, or denomination, which disagrees with NANCs Statement of Faith? If so, how do you differ from your larger group? Explain what you are doing to influence your group towards NANCs position. 2. If received as a NANC member, can you unequivocally sign the membership covenant?

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NANC Counselors Exam

Using essay style writing, please respond thoroughly to each of these statements. Write your answers as though you are explaining them to a counselee, defining all terms clearly and precisely. Use 1.5 spacing. Your answers should be 1 page to 1 pages in length. Support all your answers with Scripture. This is an open book exam. You may use any written or oral sources, but you must cite your sources at the end of each answer.

1. What are the goals of biblical counseling? 2. Are the Scriptures sufficient for biblical counseling? Explain your position. 3. What are some of the important needs in the first session? 4. Describe how to develop involvement with a counselee. What is the difference between empathy and involvement? Is this difference significant? 5. What is data gathering? Why is it important? 6. Explain the need for homework. Also explain the need for specific, concrete homework in contrast to general, vague homework. 7. Define guilt biblically. Is false guilt a biblical concept? How do you deal with guilt in the context of counseling? 8. Write a paragraph or two on the problem of eclecticism in counseling and your position in reference to it. 9. Define the concepts of presentation level and performance level. Use a case history, in which you were the counselor, to show the necessity for moving from the presentation level to the performance level. 10. Define the concept of preconditioning level. Use a case history, in which you were the counselor, to show the necessity for moving from the performance level to the preconditioning level. 11. Define a complicating problem. Give a concrete example. 12. Define "halo data" and give some examples of halo data for depression. 13. Define and describe the importance of language in counseling. Give examples. 14. Explain the significance of Eph. 4:17-25, and similar passages for Biblical counseling. 15. Describe and diagram how depression develops and is to be alleviated. 16. Define anger biblically. Describe at least five ways people deal with anger. Describe both sinful and godly ways of dealing with anger. 17. Give some typical assignments for a person who is depressed. Next, do the same for a person who worries. Finally, do the same for a person who is afraid. Dont discuss what you would do in giving assignments; rather give actual assignments as you would write them down for the counselee. 18. Describe how you deal with sin in counseling. Use a case history, in which you were the counselor, to show how you dealt with sin.

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19. Outline a comprehensive counseling program to help a couple develop good communication patterns. 20. Would you work cooperatively with a physician? A psychologist? Justify your answers biblically. 21. Define total restructuring. Describe how it works, using a case regarding homosexuality as the model. 22. Develop a biblical view of emotions. Use both the Old and New Testaments in your answer. How can emotions be changed biblically? 23. List several reasons for terminating a counseling case. Answer this for cases terminated because of spiritual change (growth) and spiritual hardening (failure to comply). 24. Is there any place in biblical counseling for casting out demons? In your answer, include your position on demonic activity in the post-apostolic era and the biblical methodology of dealing with it. 25. What does it mean to minister the Scriptures in counseling? Contrast a ministry of the word model and a professional medical model. 26. Write a short paragraph on each of the following: healing of the memories, visualization techniques, 12-step and other recovery programs, self-image. In your answer, define and give a biblical analysis of each concept. (Do not guess. Research these concepts.) 27. With which Christian counselors if any do you agree? On which points do you agree with them and why? Be specific and concrete with names and concepts. Use two or three counselors as examples.

28. Does your church presently practice church discipline? If not, would you be willing to graciously encourage
them toward this position?

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This is provided to assist you in the counseling exam. It is not to be used as a substitute for reading, digesting and assimilating the information. By Question: 1. See Adams, CTC p 55; CCM p 35; RTR p 5-8. 2. See Adams, CCM p 18-23,97; RTR p 11. See also Mack, ITBC p 63-97. 3. See Adams, CCM p 228-231; RTR 24-31 esp. p 28. 4. See Adams, CTC p 53-67; CCM p 158-160. 5. See Adams, CCM p 257-293; CC 170. 6. See Adams, RTR p 75; CTC p 195. 7. See Adams, CTC p 9-14, 140-144. 8. See Adams, CCM p 92, 97; ATCC p 10-11, 22,23, 37, 95-97. 9. See Adams, CTC p 148-151, 200-203. The footnotes on p 148 and p 200 are especially helpful. 10. See Adams CTC p 148-151. 11. See Adams, CCM p 377, 378; ATCC p 82. 12. See Adams, CCM p. 257, 308. 13. See Adams, CCM p 103-111, 451 & CTC p 131-137. 14. See Adams, CCM p 63 & 177; CTC p 211-230. 15. See Adams, CTC p 126,146; CCM 350,375,376. See also Broger SC Lesson 5 p. 3. 16. See Adams, CCM p 348-367. 17. See Mack, AHMFBC Vol 1 p 58-62 on depression, p 14-15 on worry and p 72 on fear 18. Adams, RTR p 9; ATCC p 82 19. See Adams, CTC p 211-248; CCM 250, 360-361. See also Mack SYM 60-68. See also Ed Wheat LLFEMC p. 52. 20. See Adams, CTC p 37; CCm p 439. 21. See Adams, CCM p. 403-410, 439, CTC p. 180-182 22. See Adams, CCM p. 109-116; 420-425; ATCC 102-105; ATCC p 165 23. See Adams, RTR p 31. 24. See Adams, CCM p. 126-130. David Powlisons book Power Encounters, Baker 1995. 25. See Adams, CCM p 9-15 esp. p 11 and p 217-220. 26. Healing of the memories. Adams, CTC pp. 69, 71, 121-124, 143; CCM p 65; Bulkley, OGCHTWH, all - Visualization Techniques, Hunt TSC, pp. 137-148. - 12 Step & Other recovery programs, Adams, CTCp. 241, CCM p 65, 155,156; Almy, ATR all. Self Image - Brownback, TDOSL all. 27. Example I would agree with Jay Adams because he draws all of his counseling precepts from the Word of God. 28. See Adams, CTC pp 207-208, 226. Sandee, TP all. CTC RTR TP Competent to Counsel (Adams) Ready to Restore (Adams) The Peacemaker (Sande) CCM AHMFBC Christian Counselors Manual (Adams) Homework Manual for Biblical Living Wayne Mack

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