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Using SQLite Database with Android

9:30 PM Posted by Mina Samy

Android default Database engine is Lite. SQLite is a lightweight transactional database engine that occupies small amout of disk storage and memory, so its a perfect choice for creating databases on many mobile operating systems such as Android, iOS. Things to consider when dealing with SQLite: 1. Data type integrity is not maintained in SQLite, you can put a value of a certain data type in a column of another dataype (put string in an integer and vice versa). 2. Referential integrity is not maintained in SQLite, there is no FOREIGN KEY constraints or JOIN statements. 3. SQLite Full Unicode support is optional and not installed by default. In this tutorial we will create a simple database application to store employees data. the DB has: Tables: 1. Employees 2. Dept. Views: 1. ViewEmps: to display employees and their relative departments.

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Creating SQLite Database

By default SQLite on Android does not have a management interface or an application to create and manage data bases from, so we're going to create the database ourselves by code. First we will create a class that handles all the operations required to deal with the database such as creating the database, creating tables, inserting and deleting records and so on. The first step is to create a class that inherits from SQLiteOpenHelper class. this class provides two methods to override to deal with the database: 1. onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db): invoked when the database is created, this is where we can create tables and columns to them, create views or triggers. 2. onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabse db, int oldVersion, int newVersion): invoked when we make a modification to the database such as altering, dropping , creating new tables.

our class will have the following members

01 public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 static final String viewEmps="ViewEmps"; static final String deptTable="Dept"; static final String colDeptID="DeptID"; static final String colDeptName="DeptName"; static final String dbName="demoDB"; static final String employeeTable="Employees"; static final String colID="EmployeeID"; static final String colName="EmployeeName"; static final String colAge="Age"; static final String colDept="Dept";

The Constructor:
1 public DatabaseHelper(Context context) { 2 super(context, dbName, null,33); 3 }

The constructor of the super class has the following parameters:

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Context con: the context attached to the database. dataBaseName: the name of the database. CursorFactory: some times we may use a class that extends the Cursor class to implement some extra validations or operations on the queries run on the database. In this case we pass an instance of CusrsorFactory to return a reference to our derived class to be used instead of the default cursor, In this example we are going to use the standard Cursor Interface to retrieve results, so the CursorFactory parameter is going to be null. Version: the version of the schema of the database. The constructor creates a new blank database with the specified name and version.

Creating the database:

The first superclass method to override is onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db):
01 public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { 02 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 03 04 05 06 db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE "+employeeTable+" ("+colID+" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "+ colName+" TEXT, "+colAge+" Integer, "+colDept+" INTEGER NOT NULL ,FOREIGN KEY 08 ("+colDept+") REFERENCES "+deptTable+" ("+colDeptID+"));"); 07 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 " FOR EACH ROW BEGIN"+ " SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT "+colDeptID+" FROM "+deptTable+" WHERE 16 "+colDeptID+"=new."+colDept+" ) IS NULL)"+ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 db.execSQL("CREATE VIEW "+viewEmps+ " AS SELECT "+employeeTable+"."+colID+" AS _id,"+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colName+","+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colAge+","+ " "+deptTable+"."+colDeptName+""+ " FROM "+employeeTable+" JOIN "+deptTable+ " THEN RAISE (ABORT,'Foreign Key Violation') END;"+ " END;"); db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER fk_empdept_deptid " + " BEFORE INSERT "+ " ON "+employeeTable+ db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE "+deptTable+" ("+colDeptID+ " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , "+ colDeptName+ " TEXT)");

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26 27 28 29 30 31 }

" ON "+employeeTable+"."+colDept+" ="+deptTable+"."+colDeptID ); //Inserts pre-defined departments InsertDepts(db);

the method creates tables with columns,a view and a trigger. The method is invoked when the database is created. So we create our table and specify the columns. This method is invoked when the database does not exist on the disk, its executed only once on the same device at the first time the application is run on the device.

Upgrading the database:

some times we want to upgrade the database by changing the schema, add new tables or change column data types. this is done by overriding onUpdate(SQLiteDatabase db,int old Version,int newVerison) method:
01 public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { 02 // TODO Auto-generated method stub 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 } db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dept_id_trigger"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS dept_id_trigger22"); db.execSQL("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS fk_empdept_deptid"); db.execSQL("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS "+viewEmps); onCreate(db); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+employeeTable); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "+deptTable);

This method is invoked when the version number specified in the constructor of the class changes. when you want to append a change to your database you must change the version number in the constructor of the class: so when you pass the constructor a version number of 2:
1 public DatabaseHelper(Context context) { 2 super(context, dbName, null,2); 3 4 // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

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instead of 1:
1 super(context, dbName, null,2);

the application understands that you want to upgrade the database and onUpgrade method will be invoked A typical implementation of this method is to drop the tables and create them again with the additional modifications.

Managing Foreign-Key Constraints:

we mentioned before that SQLite 3 by default does not support foreign key constraint, however we can force such a constraint using TRIGGERS: we will create a trigger that ensures that when a new Employee is inserted his/her Dept value is present in the original Dept table. the sql statement to create such a trigger would be like this:
1 CREATE TRIGGER fk_empdept_deptid Before INSERT ON Employees 2 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN 3 4 5 SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT DeptID FROM Dept WHERE DeptID =new.Dept ) IS NULL) THEN RAISE (ABORT,'Foreign Key Violation') END; END

in onCreate method we created this trigger like this:

1 db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER fk_empdept_deptid " + 2 " BEFORE INSERT "+ 3 4 5 " FOR EACH ROW BEGIN"+ " SELECT CASE WHEN ((SELECT "+colDeptID+" FROM "+deptTable+" WHERE 6 "+colDeptID+"=new."+colDept+" ) IS NULL)"+ 7 8 " THEN RAISE (ABORT,'Foreign Key Violation') END;"+ " END;"); " ON "+employeeTable+

Executing SQL statements:

now let's begin executing basic sql statements. you can execute any sql statement that is not a query whether it is insert, delete, update or anything using db.execSQL(String statement) method like when we did when creating the database tables:
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1 db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE "+deptTable+" ("+colDeptID+ " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , "+ 2 colDeptName+ " TEXT)");

Inserting records:
we insert records to the databse using the following code for example to insert records in the Dept table:

SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues cv=new ContentValues(); cv.put(colDeptID, 1); cv.put(colDeptName, "Sales"); db.insert(deptTable, colDeptID, cv);

cv.put(colDeptID, 2); cv.put(colDeptName, "IT"); db.insert(deptTable, colDeptID, cv); db.close();

notice that we need to call this.getWritableDatabase() to open the connection with the database forreading/writing. the ContentValues.put has two parameters: Column Name and the value to be inserted. also it is a good practice to close the database after executing statements.

Updating values:
to execute an update statement we have two ways 1. to execute db.execSQL 2. to execute db.update method:
01 public int UpdateEmp(Employee emp) 02 { 03 04 05 SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase(); ContentValues cv=new ContentValues(); cv.put(colName, emp.getName());

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06 07 08 09 10 }

cv.put(colAge, emp.getAge()); cv.put(colDept, emp.getDept()); return db.update(employeeTable, cv, colID+"=?", new String []{String.valueOf(emp.getID())});

the update method has the following parameters: 1. 2. 3. 4. String Table: the table to update a value in ContentValues cv: the content values object that has the new values String where clause: the WHERE clause to specify which record to update. String[] args: the arguments of the WHERE clause.

Deleteing rows:
as in update to execute a delete statement we have two ways 1. to execute db.execSQL 2. to execute db.delete method:
1 public void DeleteEmp(Employee emp) 2 { 3 4 5 6 } SQLiteDatabase db=this.getWritableDatabase(); db.delete(employeeTable,colID+"=?", new String [] {String.valueOf(emp.getID())}); db.close();

the delete method has the same parameters as the update method.

Executing queries:
to execute queries there are two methods: 1. Execute db.rawQuery method. 2. Execute db.query method. to execute a raw query to retreive all departments
1 Cursor getAllDepts() 2 { 3 SQLiteDatabase db=this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor cur=db.rawQuery("SELECT "+colDeptID+" as _id, "+colDeptName+" from 4 "+deptTable,new String [] {}); 5

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6 7 }

return cur;

the rawQuery method has two parameters: 1. String query: the select statement. 2. String[] selection args: the arguments if a WHERE clause is included in the select statement. Notes: 1. The result of a query is returned in Cursor object. 2. In a select statement if the primary key column (the id column) of the table has a name other than _id then you have to use an alias in the form SELECT [Column Name] as _id cause the Cursor object always expects that the primary key column has the name _id or it will throw an exception .

another way to perform a query is to use a db.query method. a query to select all employees in a certain department from a view would be like this:
1 public Cursor getEmpByDept(String Dept) 2 { 3 4 5 6 7 } SQLiteDatabase db=this.getReadableDatabase(); String [] columns=new String[]{"_id",colName,colAge,colDeptName}; Cursor c=db.query(viewEmps, columns, colDeptName+"=?", new String[]{Dept},null, null, null); return c;

the db.query has the folowing parameters: 1. String Table Name: the name of the table to run the query against. 2. String [ ] columns: the projection of the query i.e the columns to retrieve. 3. String WHERE clause: where clause, if none pass null. 4. String [ ] selection args: the parameters of the WHERE clause. 5. String Group by: a string specifying group by clause. 6. String Having: a string specifying HAVING clause. 7. String Order By by: a string Order By by clause.

Managing Cursors:
Result sets of queries are returned in Cursor objects. there are some common methdos that you will use with cursors: 1. boolean moveToNext(): moves the cursor by one record in the result set, returns false if moved past the last row in the result set.
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2. boolean moveToFirst(): moves the cursor to the first row in the result set, returns false if the result set is empty. 3. boolean moveToPosition(int position): moves the cursor to a certain row index within the boolean result set, returns false if the position is un-reachable 4. boolean moveToPrevious():moves the cursor to the preevious row in the result set, returns false if the cursor is past the first row. 5. boolean moveToLast():moves the cursor to the lase row in the result set, returns false if the result set is empty. there are also some useful methods to check the position of a cursor: boolean isAfterLast(), isBeforeFirst, isFirst,isLast and isNull(columnIndex).

also if you have a result set of only one row and you need to retreive values of certain columns, you can do it like this:
1 public int GetDeptID(String Dept) 2 { 3 4 5 SQLiteDatabase db=this.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c=db.query(deptTable, new String[]{colDeptID+" as _id",colDeptName},colDeptName+"=?", new String[]{Dept}, null, null, null);

//Cursor c=db.rawQuery("SELECT "+colDeptID+" as _id FROM "+deptTable+" WHERE "+colDeptName+"=?", new String []{Dept}); 6 c.moveToFirst(); 7 8 9 } return c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("_id"));

we have Cursor.getColumnIndex(String ColumnName) to get the index of a column. then to get the value of a certain column we have Cursor.getInt(int ColumnIndex) method. also there are getShort,getString,getDouble, getBlob to return the value as a byte array. it's a good practice to close() the cursor after using it. Download a sample application on using database in Android from here

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

This entry was posted on October 4, 2009 at 12:14 pm, and is filed under Cursor, SQL, SQLite . Follow any responses to this post through RSS. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Written by Anonymous November 29, 2010 5:11 AM


A little more clear explanation on the foreign reference key would be great!

Written by Mina Samy November 29, 2010 11:26 PM

Hi, we use foreign keys to ensure referential integrity. in this example the requirement is to ensure that we can't insert an employee with a Dept id that does not exist in the Departments table. and since Android's sqlite does not support foreign keys constraints, so we force the same effect using TRIGGERS. I hope it's more clear now, waiting for your reply. thanks

Written by umeks December 1, 2010 6:33 PM

hi, i'm a newbie in using sqlite database with android. can you let me know detail about the sample. I've tried to execute the app but something get wrong when I try to recall back the data that i've inserted into. Thank you very much.

Written by Mina Samy December 2, 2010 3:04 PM

Hi Can you please describe the error in more details ? thanks

Written by Noah Amolo December 14, 2010 12:31 PM

Hi Im also getting an error on calling back the data ive entered. The error seems to occur in method LoadGrid() in It throws the exception that reads: android.database.SQLiteException: no such column EmployeeName while compiling: SELECT _id,EmployeeName, Age, DeptName FROM ViewEmps WHERE DeptName=?

Written by Mina Samy December 14, 2010 11:24 PM

Hi Noah I checked the app and it's working fine. maybe you can change the database version to re-create it to make sure that your db is created successfully

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Written by Noah December 15, 2010 10:37 AM

Im a newbie in Android so kindly excuse my questions if they are naive. Ive tried to upgrade the database using the following line: this.onUpgrade(db, 1, 2); But the error still seem sto be there. Any ideas? What could I be doing wrong? Great article by the way!

Written by Mina Samy December 15, 2010 11:14 PM

Hi Noah you are welcome at anytime to ask any question you want. you can upgrade the database by changing the version number of the constructor of the SQLiteOpenHelper super class like this: public DatabaseHelper(Context context) { super(context, dbName, null,new version number);

} I uploaded the file again so you can check it with the one you have. you can dowload it from here good luck

Written by Paresh N. Mayani December 17, 2010 9:27 AM

Really a great article i have found ever for the understanding of Database working in Android, Having only one word "Awesome" ......thanx

Written by Noah Amolo December 17, 2010 10:05 AM

I tried upgrading the db but it does not seem to work. The problem seems to occur in the Sqlite VIEW called ViewEmps. I get the expected output of displaying Employees Entered when I ignore this VIEW and do a normal sql inner join inside method getEmpByDept. Such that the method is now: public Cursor getEmpByDept(String Dept) { SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); String[] columns = new String[] { "_id", colName, colAge, colDeptName }; Cursor c=db.rawQuery("SELECT " + employeeTable+ "." + colID + " AS _id," + " " + employeeTable + "."+ colName + "," + " " + employeeTable + "." + colAge + ","+ " " + deptTable + "." + colDeptName + "" + " FROM "+ employeeTable + " JOIN " + deptTable + " ON " + employeeTable+ "." + colDept + " =" + deptTable + "." + colDeptID+" WHERE "+colDeptName+"=\""+Dept+"\"",null);
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

return c; }

Written by Anonymous December 18, 2010 6:44 AM

Dear Mina Samy, great tutorial.Its very helpful. I want to ask one question. when entering data into database,if the employee name which I entered is already there in database then also second time employee name is added.I mean to say,the same name is accepting multiple times. Can you please provide the solution for accepting emp name only once.When the same emp name is entered then it has to display "name already exists". Thanks in advance. John

Written by Noah December 18, 2010 8:38 AM

Hi, In the real world, employee name can be entered twice. Although rare, there are instances where a company may have 2 employees with the same name. You might want to add a field such as national id number that is unique to every employee. Anyhow, to use EmployeeName, try this: public long checkEmployeeExists(String eName){ SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase(); long employeeExists = -1; try { employeeExists = db.compileStatement( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + DatabaseHelper.employeeTable + " WHERE "+colName+" = " + eName).simpleQueryForLong(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return -1; } return employeeExists; } The method counts the number of rows in the empTable that have EmployeeName equal to the string passed as a parameter. If the return is not -1, it means that the name already exists.

Written by Mina Samy December 22, 2010 10:48 PM

Sorry guys for being late to respones. @John: the issue you're talking about can be tackled in any database application on any platform by providing a solution similar to what Noah suggested.
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

another way is to create a trigger that checks if the new value already exists, if so it throws an error. in this case the SQLiteDB.Insert() method will return -1 instead of the ID of the newly inserted record

Written by Anonymous January 4, 2011 5:08 PM

I also downloaded the application and get an sqlite no such column exception error regarding missing column name EmployeeName from ViewEmps. Too bad, would have been nice if the application actually, you know, worked

Written by Mina Samy January 9, 2011 3:21 PM

Hi I downloaded the application andfound no errors. anyway here's the declaration of ViewWmps db.execSQL("CREATE VIEW "+viewEmps+ " AS SELECT "+employeeTable+"."+colID+" AS _id,"+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colName+","+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colAge+","+ " "+deptTable+"."+colDeptName+""+ " FROM "+employeeTable+" JOIN "+deptTable+ " ON "+employeeTable+"."+colDept+" ="+deptTable+"."+colDeptID );

Written by nitin s mesta February 21, 2011 1:29 PM

hi mina samy i am a newbie to android platform and i found tis article really gud :) but the thing is m also getting the same error saying sql exception like no such column exist .. please provide me the solution as am doing the final year project on android i need it very urgently .. :( btw thank u vry much learnt many things from tis article :)

Written by Mina Samy February 21, 2011 8:44 PM

Hi nitin her's the declaration of ViewEmps db.execSQL("CREATE VIEW "+viewEmps+ " AS SELECT "+employeeTable+"."+colID+" AS _id,"+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colName+","+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colAge+","+ " "+deptTable+"."+colDeptName+""+ " FROM "+employeeTable+" JOIN "+deptTable+ " ON "+employeeTable+"."+colDept+" ="+deptTable+"."+colDeptID );
A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

replace with this one and change version number hope it helps

Written by Anonymous February 22, 2011 2:59 AM

I also get exactly the same error - article is great but it would be nice to get this issue sorted as it seems like quite a few people have ran in to it. Which Android version are you using in the emulator? and which IDE/version are you using? Thanks!

Written by Anonymous February 23, 2011 6:50 PM

OK guys, it turns out that this has to be ran on 2.2... not 2.1 which is what the project seems to have been built for. Runs on 2.1 perfectly.

Written by Anonymous February 24, 2011 12:32 AM

*2.2 I mean, not 2.1. Runs on 2.2 perfectly.

Written by Mina Samy February 24, 2011 9:43 AM

Thanks for making things clear

Written by a April 14, 2011 11:06 PM

The problem is the column names in the view. Just change the creation of the view with this:

db.execSQL("CREATE VIEW "+viewEmps+ " AS SELECT "+employeeTable+"."+colID+" AS _id,"+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colName+" AS EmployeeName,"+ " "+employeeTable+"."+colAge+" AS Age,"+ " "+deptTable+"."+colDeptName+" AS DeptName"+ " FROM "+employeeTable+" JOIN "+deptTable+ " ON "+employeeTable+"."+colDept+" ="+deptTable+"."+colDeptID ); And upgrade version

Written by Anonymous April 26, 2011 7:30 PM

Lol...this is great stuff, but then for a total fresher plz it would be nice, if like in the explanations, you added in which part of the sdk we code what? other so nice. thx

A7, Stephanos Tower, Eachamukku, Kakkanadu,Kochi

Written by Anonymous April 26, 2011 10:25 PM

Hi any idea how i can make a database that can handle and return the following fields when queried. Book name, Book cover, Book description. am tryn to make an e-reader. will be gr8ful for your help.

Written by Mina Samy April 30, 2011 5:23 PM

@Anonymous: you can create a table with the following fields: _id,BookName, BookCover, BookDescription as in this example.

Written by Employee Database October 11, 2011 9:30 AM

I hope you can post pictures of how the user interface would look like. Thanks.

Written by masood December 1, 2011 9:14 AM

The source code is not downloading at all

Written by MehuL January 11, 2012 8:41 AM

hello everyone!. I am working on simple social application in which i want to take photo for user as input from gallery not from internet and store it in database and later when user logs in with same username then his/her image should be displayed in viewProfile page. Please help me out....... Thanking You..

Written by Rohan January 20, 2012 7:48 PM

Is it possible to see the trigger raise() error message in the LogCat? When I try tripping the trigger, all I see is "error code 19: constraint failed".

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