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Seguint la dinmica dels dictats de 2n, sintenta fer un dictat per setmana sobre el vocabulari.

Aquest hbit els ajuda molt a recordar lescriptura de les paraules i no oblidar-les. Continuing with the strategy of dictating started in 2nd, we try to do one every week with the new vocabulary. This habit really helps them to remember their spelling.

Alumnes de 4t de Primria fent el dictat setmanal. Al final de cada trimestre, savaluen els mateixos mbits que a Cicle Inicial, per sincorpora el de gramtica. Aquest ltim comena a tenir un pes important a 4t de primria. En aquest cicle tamb es duu a terme lrea dEducaci Visual i Plstica en Angls, amb la mateixa metodologia esmentada anteriorment. A Cicle Superior simparteixen dues hores i mitja de Llengua Anglesa a la setmana; sutilitza el Class Book, a travs del qual sintrodueix i es treballa vocabulari i expressions, estructures gramaticals, fontica i aspectes culturals relacionats amb la llengua.. Les activitats proposades a lActivity Book permeten aprofundir ms en el contingut treballat anteriorment amb el Class Book i posar-ho en prctica. De manera addicional es treballen activitats complementries amb lobjectiu de reforar algun aspecte de la llengua (vocabulari, gramtica...). Per treballar algun tema especfic, com ara les festivitats (Halloween, Christmas, Easter...) o qualsevol altre tema relacionat amb alguna de les activitats de lescola (com London and the Olympic Games 2012, que hem treballat enguany en el marc de la temtica de la Festa de Carnestoltes). En aquest cicle tamb es realitzen projects tant individuals com en treball cooperatiu dun tema especfic (A famous person, My favourite animal, A famous painting, This is me, An invention...) At the end of each term, the same items as in Cicle inicial are evaluated, but grammar is here included. This is an aspect that becomes important in 4th of primary. In this stage of primary, we also teach Arts and Crafts in English, using the same methodology mentioned above. In Cicle Superior, there are two and a half English lessons a week. We use the Class Book, which is used in class to introduce and work the vocabulary, grammar structures, language expressions, phonetics and other cultural aspects connected with language. The activities from The Activity Book let us go into the contents presented in the class book in depth and practise them. Moreover, we have complementary activities with the aim of remarking some language points such as vocabulary or grammar, in order to work a specific topic, such as festivities (Halloween, Christmas, Easter...) or any other topic related to some school activities (for instance London and the Olimpic Games 2012, a project done within the framework of the Carnival Theme). In these two years there are individual and cooperating projets about given topics (A famous person, My favourite animal, A famous painting, This is me, An invention...) Alumnes de 6 fent la presentaci, en Angls, del famous painting (quadre fams).


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