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and we can say our students are really creative and some of them produce really good magazines.

A travs del listening tenim exemples de diferents parlants anglesos en diferents situacions comunicatives, que utilitzem per potenciar la prctica de vocabulari en context, diferents funcions comunicatives, comprensi oral i pronunciaci. Tamb fem dictats per donar una prctica de comprensi oral ms intensa i precisa i millorar lortografia. Through listening we have examples of different English speakers in different communication situations that we use in class to reinforce the practise of new vocabulary in context, different communicative functions, oral understanding and pronunciation. We also use dictations to give them more intensive and focussed listening practice and improve spelling. Encara que lexpressi oral s una habilitat que es practica en totes les classes dangls, dediquem una hora a la setmana a una prctica ms intensiva. El fet de dividir el grup classe en dos grups amb un nombre menor dalumnes ens ajuda a proporcionar ms oportunitats per parlar i ms suport en la comunicaci oral. Totes aquestes classes es basen en tasques que normalment es presenten amb un listening o reading que ens introdueix un tema de discussi o un conjunt dactivitats orals guiades. Algunes daquestes tasques es desenvolupen un una sola hora de classe i altres estan compostes dactivitats ms curtes que van dirigides a preparar una tasca final que han dexposar o escenificar en una hora de classe posterior. Per exemple, a partir dun dileg tret del llibre de classe, es mostra un exemple duna funci del llenguatge com pot ser disculpar-se, acceptar o refusar invitacions o demanar el menjar en un restaurant. Llavors es treballa el vocabulari necessari, es produeix un nou dileg que han de memoritzar i finalment escenificar davant dels seus companys (role play). Although speaking is an ability that is practised in all the English lessons, we dedicate one hour a week to practise it more intensively. The fact of dividing the class group into two groups with a smaller number of students helps us to provide more speaking opportunities and support in oral communication. All these classes are task based; normally a listening or reading is used to present one topic of discussion or a set of guided speaking exercises. Some of these tasks are developed in a single class and some others are aimed to prepare a final task

that they have to perform in the following class. For example, from a dialogue taken from the students book they are shown an example of a language function such as apologizing, accepting or refusing an invitation or ordering in a restaurant. Then they meet the new vocabulary, produce a new dialogue, memorise it and finally perform it in front of the classmates (role play). A primer de Batxillerat, hi ha un projecte que els alumnes troben motivador, creen un programa de televisi que inclou algunes seccions obligatries que han estat totalment escrites pels alumnes. En primer lloc, escriuen un gui del programa , que els ajudar al llarg de tot el procs. El programa ha dincloure algunes seccions : les notcies, la previsi del temps, una entrevista a alg fams, una recepta de cuina i alguns anuncis publicitaris. Cada secci requereix un tipus de llenguatge i vocabulari, ja que tracta de temes completament diferents, per tant necessiten pensar i escollir les paraules adequades i estructures abans de comenar a enregistrar el programa. Poden incloure tamb altres seccions que ells considerin interessants (un culebrn, esports, msica). Amb lajuda duna cmera, enregistren totes aquestes seccions i es transformen en famosos actors/actrius, cantants, cuiners o estrelles de la televisi. Un cop ms, podem dir que els alumnes sn realment creatius i molts dells han creat un programa interessant i divertit, alhora que milloren les seves capacitats de llenguatge oral. In first of Batxillerat there is a project which students find really motivating; they create a TV program which includes some compulsory sections which have been totally created by the students themselves. First of all, they write a script for the program which will help them work during the whole process. The program must include some sections: the news, the weather forecast, an interview to someone famous, a recipe and some advertisements. Each section requires a different kind of language and vocabulary, as it deals with completely different topics, so they need to think and choose the right words and structures before starting to record their program. They can also include any other sections they may find appealing (a soap opera, sports , music) They record all these sections with the help of a camera and they turn into famous actors/actresses, singers, cooks or TV stars. Once again, we must say students are really creative and many of them have created an interesting and funny TV program, while they are improving their oral skills.


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