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Let Everybody be Happy! and Let Everybody be Peaceful!

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Today let us try to understand the analytics of Bliss life

How many of you always wants to be happy? Please raise your hand

Is there anyone who does not want to be happy? Please raise your hand

So it is understood that everyone of you always wants to be happy

(Exclude those who does not want to be happy if there are any)

Though all of you always want to be happy is there anybody who never had unhappiness? Those who wants to say yes Please raise your hand
(exclude them)

Now it is understood that all of you had undergone unhappiness though you did not like it

How many of you gave a thought about why? and how? You were undergoing unhappiness though you did not like it Please raise your hand to say yes

We have two categories of people, namely, 1. those who never gave a thought and 2. those who gave thought about it and discovered causes related only to the other persons, objects and unwanted goals

Is there anybody who gave a thought about ones own self as responsible for ones own unhappiness? Please raise your hand

What made you not think about your own responsibility for your own unhappiness?

Let us now understand the analytics of our own self

Our self consists of

1. Five sense objects (gross) 2. Physical body with five physical lobes (golakas) for five sense organs and Five physical lobes (golakas) for five organs of action (gross) 3. Five sense organs (subtle) 4. Five organs of action (subtle) 5. Internal organ consists of a. mind, b. intellect, c. memory and d. ego ( subtle) 6. Individual memory of likes and dislikes and process of desire (subtle) 7. Action leading to happiness or unhappiness 8. Ignorance of the underlying reality or the seer 9. Great universal memory 10.The seer in our body or the reality the substratum

Our unhappiness is realized when things does not happen in our favor and/or up to our expectation

Our happiness is realized when things do happen in our favor and/or up to our expectation

We never wanted unhappiness and we always try to avoid the same While we always pursue for happiness

The pursuit of happiness and chasing out unhappiness land us in a conflicting behavior

For example: in order to attain happiness we do the hardest work for long time. That is, we always take pain to attain happiness though we innately never like pain and always chase the pain away. This is how our life falls under conflicting behavior. We do something hard and painful in order to achieve happiness

Why is this so? Do we need to undergo this conflicting behavior in life and suffer? Or Do we have any choice to alter it?

We do have a choice to get rid of suffering and let us understand the same

What is suffering that we never like?

Is unhappiness alone suffering? Those who think yes please raise your hand

Is happiness too suffering?

Those who think no please raise your hand

In our general practice of achieving happiness we understand that we undergo conflicting behavior. That is in order to achieve happiness we undergo pain and unhappiness. Thus in our conflicting behavioral practice we take pain for happiness and therefore, pain underlies the happiness. Thus achieving happiness is also suffering

Then why do we always want to be happy and never be unhappy? Why dont we accept unhappiness in our life?

When we accept pain and unhappiness in the process of achieving happiness (our goal) then we consider pain as no pain and unhappiness as no unhappiness. It is only when we do not accept the pain and unhappiness that comes without expectation we deny it. Thus we do not pursue such unhappiness. We ought to undergo both happiness and unhappiness as long as we act with conflicting behavior (that is, desire based life)

Thus we need to understand that happiness and unhappiness and pursuing the both as suffering (duhkha)

Now let us understand the mechanics of suffering

The Science of Suffering

Suffering is experienced out of our own intentional actions

We have three instruments of actions: They are 1. Mind 2. Physical body 3. Speech We always act through one of the three instruments. Some times our actions through them produce suffering

Suffering Analytics

Suffering can be either given or received

That is we can give suffering to others and at the same time we can also receive the same from others

Giving suffering happens through three instruments 1. Mind 2. Physical body 3. Speech

Receiving suffering happens through three instruments 1.Mind 2.Physical body 3.Speech

Factors behind suffering

1.Lust 2.Anger 3.Greed 4.Passion 5.Arrogance 6.Jealousy

Supporting factors behind suffering

1. Self imaging or self evaluation 2. Imaging about others or evaluation of others 3. Comparison 4. Pretension 5. Imagination 6. Expectation With the exemption of professional and spiritual actions

All twelve factors of suffering hail from 1.Likes 2.Dislikes

Liking is a memory of the knowledge of the object recognized as liking Disliking is a memory of the knowledge of the object recognized as disliking

1. Any knowledge of the object is recognized, either as liking or disliking, due to partial knowledge of the object 2. Likes and dislikes are temporary and changeable 3. Complete knowledge about the object, that is, Liking side and disliking side of the same will not give rise either liking or disliking of the object and ultimately does not lead to desire and suffering

Suffering arising from likes

Lust Anger Greed Passion Arrogance Jealousy Self imaging or self evaluation Imaging about others or evaluation of others Comparison Pretension Imagination Expectation

With the above individually and with their combinations

Suffering arising from likes through three instruments in the giving process
Lust Anger Greed Passion Arrogance Jealousy Self imaging or self evaluation Imaging about others or evaluation of others Comparison Pretension Imagination Expectation

With the above individually and with their combinations 1. Giving suffering from likes through the physical body 2. Giving suffering from likes through the mind 3. Giving suffering from likes through the speech

Suffering arising from likes through three instruments in the receiving process
Lust Anger Greed Passion Arrogance Jealousy Self imaging or self evaluation Imaging about others or evaluation of others Comparison Pretension Imagination Expectation

With the above individually and with their combinations 1. Receiving suffering from likes through the physical body 2. Receiving suffering from likes through the mind 3. Receiving suffering from likes through the speech

Suffering arising from dislikes

Lust Anger Greed Passion Arrogance Jealousy Self imaging or self evaluation Imaging about others or evaluation of others Comparison Pretension Imagination Expectation

With the above individually and with their combinations

Suffering arising from dislikes through three instruments in the giving process
Lust Anger Greed Passion Arrogance Jealousy Self imaging or self evaluation Imaging about others or evaluation of others Comparison Pretension Imagination Expectation

With the above individually and with their combinations 1. Giving suffering from dislikes through the physical body 2. Giving suffering from dislikes through the mind 3. Giving suffering from dislikes through the speech

Suffering arising from dislikes through three instruments in the receiving process
Lust Anger Greed Passion Arrogance Jealousy Self imaging or self evaluation Imaging about others or evaluation of others Comparison Pretension Imagination Expectation

With the above individually and with their combinations 1. Receiving suffering from dislikes through the physical body 2. Receiving suffering from dislikes through the mind 3. Receiving suffering from dislikes through the speech

What to do after understanding the analytics and mechanics of suffering?

Do you prefer to suffer or try to get rid of suffering?

If you want to get rid of suffering then Study and practice that what is published in

The practice mentioned in the website, that is, definitely reduces your suffering

About the web site

is a volunteer program which attempts to make human beings observe and eradicate the causes of suffering in their life. All beings always want to be happy and hate suffering. This site brings out the opportunity for human beings to find out whether they are really acting in accordance with their goal, that is, to lead blissful life. It enables humans to discover how serious they are about leading blissful life. This site shows a brief analytic of human suffering and suggests certain practices in order to discover and eradicate or minimize human suffering. Basically, the said practices are: 1.Self Observation, 2. Observation of the Objects that We Use Everyday, 3. Observation of Professions of Different People, 4. Observation of Environment and 5. Observation of Leadership Qualities in Oneself. Who so ever is serious about their life being blissful and wants to practice the suggested practices is a volunteer to All volunteers may send their feedback and queries regarding the practice by E-mail . The analytic of human suffering is given below.

Let All Beings be Happy and Peaceful!
Human beings always desire for happiness and hate suffering. They think that the desired happiness is available in the worldly objects and therefore, they always try to fetch the objects. But human beings whether or not they earn the objects they have been consistently having happiness and unhappiness experiences with the objects. They have not been identifying the said fact and continuously expecting happiness in the object and dislike the unhappiness in their lives. Not only this they also teach the same way of life to the next generation and see that everybody undergoes happiness and unhappiness with the objects. Since human beings do not like unhappiness there is a need for the analysis of causes of suffering in order to get rid of the suffering in life. Such analysis has been given here under. When one understands this analysis and removes the causes of suffering only then man can live blissfully. Human beings require two kinds of education, namely, 1. The education that supports the maintenance of the body, such as, the formal or informal professional education and 2. That which makes life blissful. When one fails to have either or both of the above kinds of education one will fall into suffering and cannot lead blissful life. Human beings need to have the following practices while undergoing the above education.

First Practice
Self Observation:
One must avoid suffering practices in life in order to lead blissful life. Human beings suffer because they do the following mistakes in their day to day life. The mistakes are as follows.

1. Self Imaging or Self Evaluation:

Identifying oneself as somebody, such as, I am strong or weak, I am beautiful or ugly, I am intelligent or dull headed, etc. All the self identifications generally are related to body mind complex which is ever changing and therefore, are false. These self images might look true at one point of time but not for all times for they are derived from likes and dislikes. The likes and dislikes often keep changing and the identified body mind complex also changes every moment. Any image developed on such changing contents cannot be true.

2. Imaging about Others or Evaluation of Others:

Identifying others as somebody, such as, he or she is intelligent or dull headed, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, etc. All these images about others are false for the same reasons given in the self imaging. While we do not know about ourselves properly how can one determine about others? All our judgments about others are relied on the partial knowledge about the others. For instance, when one appears to do good actions we tend to think that he or she is good but the same person in a different time is capable of being bad for, everyone is capable of being both good and bad. Thus all our images developed on others cannot be true. People should observe this mistake in the form of their gossips because all gossips depend on imaging about others.

3. Comparison:
Since all beings are unique in their nature and content - the comparison, contrast or equality between any two persons, etc., is not possible. However, human beings always tend to do comparison, contrast or equality often. For instance, when a child gets lower marks or grades in the class the parents often compare the child with another child of their own or somebodys who gets higher marks in the school. This will never help the child rather puts the child down to depression. What is required to be done is to show the child how the other child works to get more marks than comparing.

4. Pretension:
Behaving or acting as one really is not, for instance, a man acting as not having money while he has money. Pretension is a deliberate false behavior which leads to suffering.

5. Imagination:
Creating and seeing things when they are not really there. All imaginations are deliberate self creations based on the desire or such psychological passions which lead one ultimately to suffering.

6. Expectations:
Conscious or unconscious aspiration for the fruits of ones own actions from others is called expectation. For instance, a man has helped the other person in a given situation and when he gets into the needy situation he tends to expect the same response from the person whom he helped earlier. The expectation may be fulfilled or may not be for, his expectation completely depends on the other persons attitude therefore, is vulnerable. When his expectations are fulfilled he feels happy and when not fulfilled he suffers from it. The above six mistakes are exempted in professional and spiritual uses. In other words, initially one may do the above mistakes professionally or spiritually for such acts will not lead to suffering. For instance, an architect may imagine to draw the plan of elevation of a building etc., a poet imagines to write poetry, a teacher evaluates the marks of one with the other students, etc.]


Likes and Dislikes:

The Causes of all sufferings are Likes and Dislikes. Likes and Dislikes always lead to suffering. Suffering means continuously changing experience. Therefore, it is a mistake to like or dislike an object. People generally like certain objects and identify them as passionable objects. Similarly they also dislike certain objects and treat them as objects of hatred. But as a matter of fact all objects in the world have happiness and sadness, goodness and badness within them. In other words all objects which include our own body are capable of giving rise to both happiness and sadness.

Human beings have partial view of the object such as goodness of the object or happiness of the object and blinded of the second part. The partial knowledge of the object makes human beings tend to like the objects when they see goodness and happiness in the object. Similarly they tend to dislike the objects when they see badness and unhappiness in them. There is nothing which consists only happiness and goodness or vice versa. It is due to the human partial perception of the object that makes people tend to like or dislike the object. So anybody any time tend to observe that they like some object or dislike the other means only their partial perception of the object and ignorance of the other part. Generally after attainment of the object one gets surprised when the other part of the object is revealed. That surprise leads to unhappiness if it is a passionable object and happiness if it is a hateful object. Liking or disliking of an object lead to suffering and therefore, it is a mistake to like or dislike an object.

In order to eradicate likes and dislikes one needs to know two sides of the object. When one likes an object one has to know the disliking part of the same & vice versa. In other words when one likes an object by seeing happiness part of it he needs to realize instantly the unhappiness part of the same. Similarly when one dislikes an object by seeing the unhappiness side of it he needs to realize the happiness side of it. When man realizes two sides of an object such as happiness and sadness before he uses the same the desire of the object will not arise. At the same time he uses the object with the full knowledge of the same when he requires it or else he will not use it. Utility of the object by realization of happiness and sadness in it will not lead to suffering. While avoiding the above mistakes we should also avoid the following mistakes.

There are six more causes for our suffering. They are:
1. Lust, 2. Anger, 3. Greed, 4. Passion, 5. Arrogance and 6. Jealousy

There are also other tendencies in human beings which lead us to suffering. They are:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hurting others by speech, thinking and acting Speaking lies Committing theft grabbing others objects without their knowledge Planning to cheat and grab others property with their knowledge Being unreliable to ones own wife, etc., and keeps changing the word, thoughts and acts for ones own favor without informing to the related persons.

While one lives by committing the above mistakes one cannot enquire into the reality and always makes false judgments about the events around him and suffer from it physically, mentally, socially, economically, etc. In order to relieve oneself from suffering one needs to do simple exercises given below. As part of Self observation mentioned above one needs to do the following. Every morning immediately after waking and just before sleeping at night one has to keep his left hand on his heart and raise right hand and bless three times as LET ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY AND PEACEFUL!

a. Observe each one of the mistakes one by one everyday - all at one time or one mistake in a day or plan the time schedule as available to somehow finish all dealings with all the mistakes mentioned above. The exercise is simple as mentioned below. b. Firstly, observe and write down when you come to know about the mistake each time you commit the same did you find it before it has committed or when it has just committed or after it has committed. c. Secondly, observe and write down about 1. How many times you have committed the same mistake in a given time, 2. How long it sustained, 3. What have you done to get rid of it? You may draw the following chart and keep filling every time you commit a mistake instantly or before you sleep or of your own choice of time.

Date Name of the Was it Was it observed observed observed while was mistake before it was it committed committed Was it Starting time Ending Lasted Number of Your effort observed after of the time of the time of the times it has to get rid of it was mistake mistake mistake occurred per the mistake committed selected time, ex., per day, etc.

The above exercise should be done everyday.

Second Practice
Observation of the objects that we use everyday:
One should write down the list of the objects that are being used from the waking till sleep in the night. After carefully observed and noted down the list one needs to enquire or study about every object from the list and write down everyday or every week as per convenience. The time schedule may be altered accordingly. The study of the object should be about where, how was it manufactured, about of its raw materials, and price should be written. Once about all objects are written then one needs to write about the family members, their occupations and income. Then one should write the expenses and income ratio of oneself.

Third Practice
Observation of Professions of Different People:
One needs to observe and make note of the peoples professions, trades and works, etc. Every time one encounters a new work one needs to update the professions list. This will enable people to get awareness of how others are making their livelihood.

Fourth Practice
Observation of Environment:
One needs to observe and write down the objects around ones house, office, school, college, factory etc., such as living beings plants and animals, nonliving beings such as, rocks, hills, pits etc., natural resources, such as, water sheds, sea/ocean, living beings in the water both fresh water and salt water. The mutual dependence of nonliving and living on the ground and in the water and their relationship with us should be studied and written down. The food cycle should be studied and written down.

Fifth Practice
Observation of leadership qualities in oneself:
One needs to learn about the leadership qualities and apply the same with the human beings around. One should observe and write down the causes of success or failure of efforts in execution of ones own leadership qualities. Discover whether you are a leader or a follower and find out causes of the same. Observe and write down the influence of others leadership on oneself and ones own leadership on others. At the end of the above exercises the following results will occur.

The Results
1. People in the entire family will live blissfully with integrity, understanding and cooperation by having clear communication among them. 2. None will be affected by anger and such evils. 3. There will be tremendous improvement in memory power and ultimately fights against the old age characteristics. 4. People will use the objects and their natural resources optimally only when required because they will come to know complete information about the objects and their resources that they use in their day to day life. 5. People will not tend to destroy the environment and cause trouble for themselves because they will come to know about the things and beings that exist around them and their mutual dependence, food cycle, etc. 6. Everyone will come to know about how ones life is getting affected by others leadership or effects of ones own leadership on others. 7. People will be careful in the management of house, politics, businesses and such things in the society. 8. People will have self respect, self confidence, dignity, equality and live towards the development of peace and harmony among human beings and nature. 9. People will live towards establishment of righteousness. 10. People will protect the nature and will not tend to give suffering to others.

Let everybody be happy! and let everybody be peaceful!

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