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Do Roman Catholics KNOW

the truth about

Old woodcut print showing the shattered tablets at the feet of a "horned" Moses accompanied by Joshua who points to Israel dancing about the Golden Calf. In viewer's upper left corner, God appears in a cloud, recalling his manifestation to Israel at Mount Sinai in a Thunder-cloud. In front of Moses, Aaron casts Israelite gold jewelry into a fire to make the calf.

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? the Ten Commandments are not what people think they are

Moses, met the burning bush or as more well known

the God of war ARES

Its Alchemy

(the way you take led and turn it into gold... you make a sword out of it and kill those who have the gold)

Why are there Two tablets?


there are TWO Sets of Rules

One for the leaders of the world, and One for the Ewe

The 10 most everyone knows of are the rules for control of the Ewe
NOTE: Moses was on the mountain top to receive the tablets twice. (Remember, he broke the first set and had to return to receive a second copy.)

The 10 rules for the leaders are to do the exact opposite of the 10 rules given to us, as it gives the rulers of this world absolute power over us

The 10 commandments - for the rulers of Earth

1. You shall have only one god above god SET or Satan as they call him in the Christian world.

2. You shall create an idol in any form from Hell and you shall worship it for I am a jealous God. (Set)

3. You shall use the name of God in Vain

4. On the 7th day you shall work as your Ewe are idol.

5. Dishonor your mother and father for you shall live long in the land of Set.

6. You shall murder

7. You shall commit adultery.

8. You shall Steal

9. You shall bear false witness against your neighbor. 10. You shall covet your neighbors wife. This is the reason they want to find the real tablets because who ever owns it, knows the truth.

The US capitol is a shrine to the white flower of the Yorks (Tudors), or as we know it better The Baphomet.

References: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

V.I.P. Cross-Reference Note:

(See also The Truth about the 10 Commandments)

When Moses descended from Sinai the second time, the Torah tells us the skin of his face was radiant. In fact, to protect the people from being overwhelmed by his glowing aura, Moses put on a veil at all times, except when teaching Torah.

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