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Converting Whole Numbers to Fractions

Converting Whole Numbers to Fractions

We know all whole numbers are measuring numbers which start with 0 and help us to measure different units of length, weight and capacity. Converting whole numbers to Fractions is a query which is solved by understanding the basic relationship between whole numbers and fractions. If we write any Whole Number say 0, 1, 2 , 3 ......... and goes up to infinite, we observe that there exist no denominator in this series of numbers. On other hand , if we look at the fraction numbers, they are also expressed in form of p / q, where p and q are positive integers and q < > 0. Here the numbers are expressed in form of Numerator and the denominator. If we write any number say 4/7. On another hand if we write any whole number say 4, it has no denominator. But the same number can be expressed as 4 / 1, as 4 itself means 4 divided by 1. Now we again look at the same number and observe that it has a numerator = 4 and denominator = 1 , Comparing this structure of a number with the definition of fractions that fractions are expressed in form of p/q, where p and q are positive integers and surely here both 4 and 1 are positive integers. It also satisfies II property if Rational Numbers that denominator <> 0. Here we always have denominator as 1 , which is never 0. So we conclude that whole numbers can be expressed as fractions, by just introducing 1 to its denominator. Another observation comes that every whole number can be expressed in form of a fraction but not necessary, that every fractions are whole numbers. Know ore About :- Geometry Congruent Triangles

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we conclude that the fractions , where the denominators are 1 can be expressed as whole numbers but the complete set of fractions are not whole numbers. Converting decimals into fractions isn't hard. To convert a decimal into a fraction, you put the numbers to the right of the decimal point in the numerator (above the fraction line). Next, you place the number 1 in the denominator, and then add as many zeroes as the numerator has digits. Reduce the fraction if needed. Decimals are nothing more than glorified fractions. Theyre special because their denominators are always 10, 100, 1000, and so on powers of 10. Watch where the decimal point is placed in the number. The number of decimal places to the right of the decimal point indicates the number of zeros in the power of 10 that is written in the denominator. Whole numbers are non-negative numbers that haven't been broken into smaller parts. For instance, the numbers 2 and 5 are whole numbers. Fractions express division from a whole number into smaller parts that may or may not themselves be whole numbers. For instance, the fraction 4/2 represents the division of the whole number 4 into two parts, each of which is equal to the whole number 2. The fraction 4/3, however, represents the division of the whole number 4 into three parts, of which is equal to the nonwhole number 1.33. The only way to convert a whole number into a fraction is to break the whole number into whole parts that have the exact same value as the original whole number. Divide the whole number by 1 to turn it into a temporary fraction. So if you wanted to turn the whole number 4 into a fraction, you would start by turning it into the fraction 4/1. Choose a fraction size to convert the whole number into. For instance, if you wanted to turn the whole number 4 (which you expressed as 4/1 in Step 1) into halves, you would choose the number 2. To turn it into quarters, you would choose 4, and so on. Multiply both the numerator and denominator by the value you chose in step 2. So to turn the whole number 4 into halves, you would multiply 4/1 by 2/2 and reach a value of 8/2. This completes the conversion of the whole number 4 into a fraction.

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