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Amihai Meiri

Bar Ilan University, Israel August 27 WEB 1250 3:05 p.m.

Optically Reconfigurable Structures Using Metal Nanoparticles and Coherent PALM

ABSTRACT: The observed color of metal nanoparticles changes when their size or shape changes. This is due to the scattering and absorption spectra, which have a distinct peak, a phenomenon known as Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR). By attaching semiconductor nanoparticles to metal nanoparticles the resonance wavelength of the structure can be changed, using pump illumination that is absorbed in the semiconductor, thus creating a spectrally tunable structures. In the second part of the talk, the theory behind a Photo-Activated Localization Microscopy (PALM) system that uses coherent interaction between light sources will be shown. The system consists of a grating system and a correlator. The result of the coherent interaction is the ability to extract phase information to improve the quality of the estimation of the center of the PSF. This system can improve significantly the resolution in PALM microscopy. In addition this coherent detection scheme requires smaller number of photons thus allowing faster imaging. _______________________
Biography of Amihai Meiri Amihai Meiri received his B.Sc in 2007 from Bar Ilan University and he is currently a Ph.D student in the Faculty of Engineering in Bar Ilan University. His research is focused on silicon photonics, optical devices that incorporate nanoparticles and microscopy.

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