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Affiliations The SeekersGeneral Alignment- none, chaotic leaning Typical members- adventurers, treasure hunters, historians Typical goals-

gathering information across Oerth, documenting artifacts and ruins, collecting magical treasure The Knights of the HeartGeneral Alignment- none, mostly good Typical members- martial classes from Sterich and Keoland Typical goals- driving humanoids from the March of Sterich, protecting the innocent Emerald Hand General Alignment- none, mostly chaotic Typical members- druids, rangers, and elves Typical goals- protecting sacred groves enforcing responsible logging and mining in the area Iron LeagueGeneral Alignment- none, evil or selfish tendencies Typical members- merchants, thieves, and corrupt politicians Typical goals- monopolize trade with the dwarven clans and develop an economic stranglehold on the March of Sterich Knights of the MeasureGeneral Alignment- none mostly neutral Typical members- martial classes Typical goals- maintain the balance between good and evil, law and chaos, perfection through martial training Sixhammer ClansGeneral Alignment- none mostly good Typical members- the dwarven clans and their allies of the Joten and Crystalmist mountains Typical goals- safety of the clans and economic stability Blades of Ballin General Alignment- none mostly chaotic Typical members- mercenaries, warriors and gladiators Typical goals- large scale mercenary operations across the March of Sterich The Black LeagueGeneral Alignment- none mostly evil Typical members- arcane casters, divine followers of Wee Jass and jaded aristocrats Typical goals- the collection of necromantic secrets and strength through black arts The Four WindsGeneral Alignment- Lawful Typical members- monks and followers of elemental philosophy Typical goals- protection of sacred mountain peaks and perfection through martial training

Order of Light-

General Alignment- almost always lawful, mostly good Typical members- clerics, monk and paladins of Pelor and other good aligned gods Typical goals- protecting the people of Sterich and exterminating evil The March CouncilGeneral Alignment- almost always lawful Typical members- adventurers and concerned leaders of the March of Sterich Typical goals- rebuilding the border forts of Sterich and strengthening the kingdom Grey Seers General Alignment- none lawful leaning Typical members- diviners and arcane casters loyal to Sterich Typical goals- protecting Sterich from magical attacks and keeping merchants honest with magic Chains of Soluk General Alignment- almost always evil Typical members- slavers, thieves, and devil worshipers Typical goals- smuggling, slaving, and assassinations across the March of Sterich

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