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15 Jan 2009 Some seeking mere revenge, not a genuine peace


Quite a few people in this part of the world never hesistate

at all times to tell the rest of us, indeed, the rest of the
human race about their devotion to religion.

They even equate religion with the word "civilisation".

Yet we can now clearly see that these same people who have all
along been so seemingly forthright about religious obligations
and religious righteousness now energeticaly taking to the public
places, the national assembly building and even the streets to
preach with unrestrained gusto the need to mount a worldwide
hate-and-violence campaign against a certain people and nation.

These personalities evidently have never heard of the Mahatma.

That man never professed to be a religious person during his
lifetime but at no time did he ever preach hatred or violence
against the people he vigorously opposed.

The pseudo holy men in our midst today are shameless hypocrites
who are able to speak about lofty ideals like "prosper your
neighbour", "model society" and "greatness of civilisation" to
one audience, but at the same time, unhesitatingly talk about
the need to boycott goods, promote hate against other sovereign
countries and disparage a certain race before another audience.

These people, far from being spiritually whole and religious,

are the loyal and steadfast allies of the grim reaper. Their
words and actions are singlemindedly driven by blind hatred
and a mad insane urge to have their pound of flesh.

They proudly slap their chests in public and claim how "democratic"
and "free" our society is. In truth the degree of democracy and
freedom found here can be gauged by the glaring fact that everyone
in the country is being forcefully coerced into parroting the views
of the national leaders. No dissenting opinion is tolerated here.
(Many know that the rocket squad militants are no different from SE
Asia's Khmer Rouge fighters, who were once very fond of their cross-
border attacks on Viet villages, but in this part of the world it is
wise to keep silent for the sake of personal safety.)

These hypocrites moan and cry all day about justice for their brethen,
but they and their supporters are only too well-known for their acts
of physical violence, lies, verbal abuses, legal threats, arrests and
other forms of intimidation against minority and opposition figures.

These leaders are really never free of crimes against humanity

right now, even as they dare to speak about other nations' crimes
against humanity.

They are glad to see others suffer, as long as these others are
not of their kind. But any suffering by their own is unacceptable.
This has been proved to be so, long before anyone here first started
to experience being deluged with news and videos about the strife in
the M-East.
Historically, this part of the world has seen more than its fair share
of one-way violence, cruelty and oppression mounted against those
generally regarded as not of one's own.

And, right now, the trade in human cargo in this part of the world has
become a very lucrative one, and the government is very aware of the big
windfall that comes with it. Many migrants from other parts of the
world are allowed in by the backdoor to work here legally and illegally,
many are tricked into the vice trade, some are left to suffer abuse and
neglect and eventually forced onto a life of crime and in the end lose
their lives to bullets from a .38 service revolver. A lot of these
migrants were brought in by syndicates and aided by government agencies
who desired them for political purposes. Many were given documents
in an unethical and criminal manner and such practices gave birth to
unbridled corruption. For the shameless hypocrites, their harvest made
off the sufferings of the innocent has been bountiful.

Definitely, these self-righteous leaders are guilty of crimes against

humanity. For those alleged to be guilty as well, just because they
were forced to use violence to defend their own lives, the verdict
is still out. But the verdicts on the pseudo religious leaders are
already beyond argument as they have been found to be among the most
dedicated to the manners of the grim reaper. Real peace and justice
are not on their minds at all, just only the urge for revenge.

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