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TRAUMA One of the things we have to think about is the affect of trauma and the way it affects our

minds. The distributor of pain makes sure that we all get a dose of it in our lives. Don't ask me how it's divvied up, there is probably some heuristic to it, but whether it is fathomable, I don't know. Think, then about how trauma based mind control still dominates the way we think. Avoidance strategies, paranoia, it goes on. Men are the most susceptible to it for the simple reason their collective field is more traumatised from the various conflicts. We all carry a resonant memory of the past. When they were enlisting for WW1, the troops or potential troops were quite excited with their relatively innocent psyches. Today, we know full well the extremities of what can happen, so we tend to be a bit more cautious about it all. Today, The War is largely a psychological war. All sorts of psychological weapons are used to literally character assassinate people. Facebook is a battlefield where battle has been going on for sometime. Where accountability lies for creating a medium where people literally assault the hell either out of or in to each other is a good question. Let's not forget the bloody, brutal and violent past, but from 1914 onwards, there has been a ramping up of the stakes, so to speak. Today, there is this latent paranoia and fear which is like the ghost of war. We can see him, the ghost, has been swept under the carpet, it's over, let's forget about it, but, it still effects, quite extremely, this ghost of war, psychologically anyway, in the community. Memories in the mind of the world don't just go away. If you are assaulted in some way, it's not like, OK, that was that on to the next thing. There are residual effects of the assault, a kind of hangover from it. If WW2 was like one prolonged planet wide assault, is it any wonder that there has been this long lasting and difficult to overcome psychological, mental and emotional hangover from it. Because we all just are how we are and we don't really no any different, we think all this is normal, but actually, we are all deeply traumatised and scarred deep down with all sorts of hidden fears, superstitions and other ghosts, ghouls and spectors which haunt our minds. We wonder where it comes from the apprehension and all that, but it is just what we have collectively learnt to do, to be a bit weary one to another because we know that a perfectly calm situation can suddenly erupt into uncontrollable pandemonium. That's our collective experience of the past, so it is natural, we would use that to make predictions about the future. We have to clear out this grunge of war as best we can and become lucid and clear minded. When we wonder why we feel the way we do, isn't it obvious, we are feeling the pain of a thousand wars. It's not nice, necessarily facing up to the psychological brutality, people like 'nice' things, but this does a disservice to life. Not only that, but to not meditate on what the preceding generations have gone through is a betrayal of those who have gone before. Cleaning up the mind of the world involves looking at the past and figuring out what it means and, indeed, what it is saying, and giving it a good polish psychologically so that for the next generation, the hangover of war is that little bit less. Trying to put an end to war is a little strange because when you put an end to it in one place, it pops up somewhere else. We have to ask the question, is there an inherent violence quota in this world. Lets unsderstand a simple truth, one nation can't go dropping bombs on another nation thousands of miles away without an effect on themselves. To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and dropping cluster bombs physically in one part of the world, might manifest as mental and emotional assaults in the home land of the nation doing the bomb dropping. Divorces, you know, all the stuff that mentally and emotionally assaults people. The west has weapons of mass destruction, but in other parts of the world, there are weapons of mental destruction and because everything is connected like a closed system, we mustn't think that there isn't some residual mental fallout from these things. I've been asked the question, does prayer work and actually, I think it can be used to create a kind of impenetrable psychological shield which protects people from the base carnage of psychic warfare. Without using prayer, I think you become susceptible to every stray emotional bullet, so to speak. With prayer, groups of people can fortify themselves against those effects of invisible warfare. That's just my experience of that. There's what I call dreamer religions, dreaming of heaven, dreaming of paradise and, as a distraction strategy, it works OK. The reality of life isn't like that though. Think about all the conflicts and what they have done to our minds. I'm not saying that the conflict is wrong, thinking

wrong of life is a mind problem. It's not wrong, life just is a pretty extreme thing and as we go on in this, the more extreme it is getting? There is an exacerbation of the imbalance and it is creating a schizophrenic world, a world which is half ascending to heaven and half descending into hell. At the very least, I think we have to consider that the nation with the lowest life expectancy has a life expectancy of 32. That means that in their nation, at 32, you are an old person. The nation with the highest life expectancy is 90 which happens to be Monaco. We know Monaco is a playground for the rich, financially rich anyway, but bereft of any, well, soul, perhaps. What this means, then is that you can actually buy longevity, not everyone, but on average, you can, if you have the money. What that has to do with trauma is simple. The fact that the planet is imbalanced in this way is what is causing the trauma. It's natural, like, imbalance and that. If you ask an African, he will say, Christ I have had enough of this Sun and if you ask an Englishman, he will say, Christ I have had enough of this rain. So, it's not balanced and as with all life, each of us have what others need. The Afircans have the Sun the Englishmen yearn and the Englishmen have the rain that the African's need so, life is, at the moment, an imbalanced thing. But, with cloud seeding and weather modification technologies like HARRP, it remains to see how long nature will suffer this imbalance. All of us learned trauma as children. We can't help it, it is the world we were born into, born out of the carnage of the 20th century, the bloodiest century there will ever be. Lets be clear, today, a human life is worth less than it was. If a person dies, that is 1/7000000000th of the population that is gone and is replaced probably by 1.25 new babies. When there was only 1000000000 people on the planet, each life was a greater percentage of humanity so to speak, so in real terms, each life was worth more, in this example, 1/1000000000 of the population. These are cold statistics, but this is where we are at. I have to come to terms with that. So many of us think ourselves way more important than we actually are, at least as far as the planet is concerned. How many of us are irreplaceable today, the answer is, none of us. If The Queen died tomorrow, I'm sure there would be the next Queen lined up ready to take over. There would be a bit of grieving and a funeral, can we still afford all that, or should we be feeding babies and also some nostalgia, but I think this hasn't really hit home with people how actually we are just replaceable cogs in a machine now. If one cog fails, then it is replaced, with a new probably fitter and more pretty model. This is only going to carry on this process of becoming inextricably interlinked with the engines of mechanisation. For our collective health though, we have to get to the point where the trauma is eked out of existence. It's no good keep recycling traumatic experiences as things progress, the trauma needs to end otherwise we are forever going to be in this fallen state of war consciousness, be careful of him, be paranoid of that, based on whatever ghouls and demons are in our minds. These ghouls and demons of fragmented separation are the natural hangover of the carnage of the last century. I'm no good guy, I'm as bad as the next, and you are as bad as me. You can see a person how you choose to. Today I'll see you as good, tomorrow I'll see you as bad and then I'll see you as good again. It's very fickle the mind. It's a criminal world we live in now built on the blood of the money changers. The blood is everywhere, nothing about this world is bloodguilt free. There are those that try and be free of it, but ultimately, even their foundations are built on blood guilt. There is a simple premise to understand at the moment, lovely people are actually horrible, vampiring a precious resource, love, and horrible people, loveless wretches are actually nice. This is a stark reminder that we are left with in these days. There has been much talk about a pole shift, but actually, it is a consciousness shift. What is good is now bad and what is bad is now good, that is the simple rule for each of us and good and bad are whatever they are and however they are seen by each person.

There is a book called The Biggest Secret, it rewired my mind, to an extent about what I thought was good and bad in our world. I think there are various techniques that can be used mentally to reduce the trauma in our lives. One of them is what I call graceful acceptance. It is the most difficult spiritual discipline to master, but it is one that has to be if you are ever to be truly able to actually live life rather than merely exist in it. Now, I'm not necessarily saying I have mastered it, I am not fearless although I am getting there. The way the fear matrix works though it that the base fear is the fear of death. There are various short circuits which the virtual reality matrix, which knows everything about you uses on people to make them either think that when they die they are going somewhere else or they are coming back and all this stuff. This is all smoke and mirrors so when I say being fearless, you are not there yet if you have been given what is basically a psychological walking stick to prop you up. It's not true mastery if you are free of the fear of death because you think you are going somewhere else or you are coming back and all these things. True mastery is to know that that's it when you life is over, finit-o. If you can recognise that and still manage to overcome your fear of death, that is true mastery. Can anyone really claim that. I don't know. When you examine most suicides, it is usually because they have some belief in another world or some other place that they are going to. It is cold and sobering to realise that actually, the you that you determine as you only has a few short years of existence and that is it. None of this drunk on spirits business. Nothing but mineral water and maybe a dash of lemon on our spiritual table, thank you very much. If you want to get pissed, I'll see you down the pub, that's my kind of piss artistry. So, that's the challenge, knowing you're mortal and still overcoming fear as much as you can. Think about that, there are people on this planet who have lost people maybe even several that have been very close to them with no form of anaesthetic, I think that deserves a medal. So, the psychological trick I mentioned which helps me, is to know that if you are lucky, you will live to 80. The way I abuse myself mentally and emotionally with stress and that and the aches and pains I have even now at 40, I completely doubt that I will make 80, but lets say for arguments sake that I do. Well, when I was 10, I had seventy years of life left in me, I had seventy years of existence to loose, that's a huge loss. Now I am 40, I have 40 years of life left which means I have 40 years left to lose. And so on. At 60 I will have 20 years of life left to lose, right down to 1 day and so on. So, I suppose this only works for older people, and you can never know what is round the corner, but if you are 75 or 80 years old,what have you got to lose? That's all I would say really. It's supposed to help. No one has got out of life alive yet and they aren't going to start any time soon actually, any-time ever. This illusion which is what it is that people can speak from beyond the grave is a matrix inspired illusion, no more, no less. It is akin to an author who knows all his characters writing into his script information which the characters themselves see as inspired because how could a character know that exactly. It's the author effect. So, maybe it's a trick, but at least it is realistic and a bedrock of freedom, I would say true freedom. Each generation passes away and so will the next. The world we live in now, it doesn't matter where you turn, there is always someone to harass you. This is a part of life, if you please one person you piss off another. So go suck a tailpipe is a good mentality to have when people get on your case. We live in a world now where people fight like a pack of piranhas for what they want, just don't be the bait and you'll be alright. So, overcoming the fear of your own mortality without religious crutches and walking sticks and delusions, that is the challenge for us all, if you get there, let me know. The scaffolding of religion is a very dangerous thing because once the building is built, the scaffolding is taken away and if you are not careful, you fall on your arse.

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