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Tuesday, August 28, 2012.

Everything is air A philosophical speculation regards to the spirit of the french people. By Eliyahu Rotenberg Yitshak, dedicated to my dear friend and one of my best teachers. Leor Holtzer. Just one confession, While writing that passage, I was driven only by one question: Can a moral men break his word in order to create new word?. That question, to me, is an existential question. I'm a poor little boy, that doesn't have allot of brains and yet, I'm very passionate about spiritual life. More then that, I wonder if it possible for men to be moral. So far, Iv'e seen men who are, and men who aren't and I, began to wonder; what is the rule of moral? What is true respect for life? I come from the Jewish tradition, and in our Bible, there is one quote that I still wonder about to the day, and that quote was in front of my eyes when ( ) I wrote this passionate passage, to establish new, natural morality, that is common for all human beings. The morality of the poets, and their hearts. Ontology of the natural morals, As far as my poor understanding of the Greek thinking goes, I think, that by definition, the symbolword Ontology means The logic of the things that are in-front of me. As far as I can tell from the ancient Greek men Parmenides, he was the first one to think in that manner in my own personal opinion. "For never shall this prevail, that things that are not are. - Parmenides, (B 7.1). The notion of using pure logic (The logic) to preserve reality (Feeling all the objects that I'm surrounded by) is actually assuming that there is no such thing as objects at all, that there is only one pure object and all human beings are just walking on him, and no one can fully reach him, or understand his meaning alone, in one lifetime. That one object, as far as I understand, is planet Earth. For, in Parmenides's opinion, again, as far as I can rich that far to the past, everything is water, and there is no motion at all only waves of objects, that man kind, as if he were a whale (one whale), swallows and swim by. I'm saying As if, for I don't know how familiar was Parmenides with the whales, but I'm not ruling out the option that he heard them singing and from that he concluded his Ontological view. From all of that, we can only conclude, that the most trust worthy of all senses in the eyes of Parmenides was the sense of logic itself. For it turns out, that if the men says that he supports feeling everything all the time with all his senses, there is nothing more to men, then logic itself in his pure form. And it turns out, that planet Earth isn't just an object, but an Aperiron, a form of Materia that is not reach-able for human understanding. The human understanding, the form in which human begins looking at the world, called, as the great Heraclitus coined it, Logos. The Logos itself, is, in allot of ways, very similar to Eros; with one main difference. The logos is available for all human beings, if only they'll choose to accept him as their ruler. The Logos itself, as far as I can reach out, is the mirror of man without a head choosing the Logos as the ultimate ruler, means, choosing to give up thinking all together, and starting to live only by the feeling. The feeling itself, originates from the heart of the Logos, the essentia of the Logos. The essentia itself, by the proposition of Parmenides, is not available for men kind at all; thinking that, has some serious moral implications. If I can't tell anything from the source of pure logic itself, I should be silent all the time. If I somehow managed to reach Logos, and accept him, I may sing myself (for this is the only thing that anyone can sing). If Logos whispers in my ear, I may hum. If Logos gets into my nose, I may talk. If Logos gets into my mouth, I may write. If I see

Logos, I die. By that proposition, it is most likely in my own poor personal opinion that Parmenides worshiped only one thing everything that is beyond the sun of planet earth. Meaning, everything that he couldn't see clearly for to him, Space IS his Logos. I'm pretty sure that Parmenides itself didn't think of himself as space worshiper, or a worshiper of Logos. But I want to make the proposition that it is possible that Parmenides tried to worship the essence of Love itself. And I only remain with one question in my head from that delicate thought is it at all possible for human being to reach the essence of love itself? Personally, I'll say yes. But I'm merely a child, so what do I actually know about love? As you may have notes, when taking Parmenides's approach to life, you never can be certain that you are doing the right thing, and the only rule is don't hurt other people's hearts, for you never know in what way you'll effect the pure Logos. Never. Zenon and the extreme sophism, The thinking of the nothing, is the way of the people who want to appear smart. Their thought, is purely recipient of the words that the people around them using and talking in. They talk in the language of all men, and by doing so ignoring nature itself. The extreme naturalism, is a very dangerous way to walk in. A men that understands everything that is being said by human begins is the loneliest man on the planet. He is afraid of the shadow that he himself helped creating. And that fear is justified for a men who tries to be God (for, only the gods know everything), is getting bigger and bigger spiritually as the days go by and he looks upon humans as if they were ants. And he looks upon the poet, as if he himself is the creator of himself. He looks upon the religious men as if he was a sheep. He looks upon the secular as if he is stupid. He looks up to the philosophers, as if they were his internal rivals. That men has no reason. For him, the reason for everything, is, nothing. And only nothing can come out of nothing. TO BE CONTINUED.

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