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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL


New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks' (
2194 comments 10 minutes ago

Gunman Opens Fire at Conservative Family Research Council Building ( /Big-Government/2012/08 /15/Gunman-Opens-Fire-AtConservative-Family-ResearchCouncil-Building)
377 comments 1 minute ago by TONY LEE (/COLUMNISTS/TONY-LEE) 15 Aug 2012, 2:38 PM PDT

A new poll of four critical swing ( /PurplePoll_Aug15_Final.pdf?utm_medium=email& utm_campaign=PurplePoll+August+2012+-+from+Doug& 628 comments 0 minutes ago utm_content=PurplePoll+August+2012+-+from+Doug+CID_456c49430ac432c4acf0576810883e59& Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, utm_source=Email+marketing+software& FL ( utm_term=PurplePoll) states by Purple Strategies, taken after /Big-Government/2012/08/15/NewMitt Romney selected Paul Ryan as his running mate, shows Poll-Romney-Ryan-Leads-In-VAOH-FL) Romney leading in three critical swing states -- Virginia, Ohio, 108 comments 0 minutes ago Florida. Romney trails Obama in the fourth -- Colorado -- that Purple Strategies polled. New Black Panther: We Must Create
In Virginia and Ohio, Romney has gained ground since last month. In Virginia, a state that may determine the 2012 election, Romney leads Obama by 3 points (48% to 45%). Last month, Romney trailed Obama by two points. In Ohio, Romney leads Obama by two points (46% to 44%). Last month, Obama led by 3 points, 48% to 45%. In Colorado, Obama leads 49% to 46%, and that is a 2-point improvement from last month. In Florida, Romney leads Obama, 48% to 47%. Last month, Obama trailed by 3 points. Voters in these states think Romney and Ryan are more likely to bring real change to Washington by 6 points and that margin, Purple Strategies notes, is 17 points in Romney and Ryans favor among independents. Romney and Ryan face a disadvantage on Medicare, though, the poll found. Voters in Military To Murder Babies And Skin White People (
609 comments 1 minute ago

Spike Lee: Obama Will Do Whatever He Wants in Second Term (


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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL

these four states, taken together, favored Obama-Biden over Romney-Ryan on Medicare by eight points (48%-40%). However, Romney-Ryan did best on the Medicare question in Florida, which defies what the conventional wisdom has been. No candidate is above 50 percent in favorability, but Ryan scores the highest (45% to 39%) among the four. Also, Ryans selection has helped Romneys favorable numbers. Among the voters surveyed, 45% viewed Romney favorably while 48% viewed him unfavorably. However, Romneys favorability rating was a net negative 8 points last month, so Romney's favorables have improved by 5 points, which is consistent with the gains the newly-formed ticket has seen in Virginia and Ohio.



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Just a poll, stay focused and vote, we must fix the mistake of '08.
A LIKE REPLY 10 minutes ago F


We need 47 more states or is it 54 more states to get to get Romney/Ryan going anyway whichever it is, let's get going!!.
A LIKE REPLY 30 minutes ago F


This is only the beginning. Over the next 85 days the American public will wake up to the fact they have been bamboozled by a marxist wanna-be dictator who has lied and stolen from them from day 1 in office. They'll also see that Republicans, or more correctly, conservatives , are the only ones trying to save the country from ruin. Romney is going to win by a larger margin than anyone could have expected before his decision to choose Paul Ryan.
A LIKE REPLY 32 minutes ago F


Because polls deal in "samples" of a population, there is normally a 3%-5% margin of error, meaning the polls above are all essentially dead heats - all of them. I think the important take away is not the poll numbers, and who is leading at this precise point in time of the election cycle, but the clear shifting of momentum towards the Romney/Ryan ticket. I think the momentum will continue to build for Romney/Ryan, and I think it will be a landslide by November. However, in swing states, Romney/Ryan will likely need to win by +3%-5% given the recent history of the lefts' willingness to engage in voter fraud in close elections (Al Franken anyone?)
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 4 Likes F


Here's a video that shows a prominent DEM praising Ryan's Budget



1 hour ago

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL


Check the polls 10 days out, until then the only strategy is repeating slogans trying to prove youre better than the other guy.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Barofsky: 'Geithner Admitted To Us Privately That Obama's Housing Policy Was DESIGNED To Sacrifice Homeowners In Order To "FOAM THE RUNWAY" For The Banks.' See? Banks are running the show.
A LIKE REPLY 35 minutes ago in reply to paradisereturn F


its a nice "feel good" poll, but its still to early, still too close for any comfort. its nice to see it and hopefully a trend of romney/ryan winning will continue but heck we havent even had the conventions yet.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Tell you what Colorado, if you like Obama so much, help us vote him out of office then you can let him run for governor. How's that?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 7 Likes F


A couple of weeks ago there was a poll showing Romney ahead in Colorado by 5 points.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to imconservative 3 Likes F


Colorado needs a new gov. All partisanship aside their man Hickenlooper is a tard.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to imconservative 3 Likes F


The problem with that theory is, the lying polls, the lying Democrats and the Lying media have lost all credibility. No October surprize will work for them, because they have already set the stage to be unbelievable. They have destroyed their own ability to sway the public. This Poll favors Democrats by 10 points and R&R are still ahead. Now the bogus Leftist Polls will be forced to save their reputations and join the honest ones again. They have now achieved the status of the little boy, who cried WOLF! Too many times and got caught in another lie!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


The Republicans lied about WMD's and The Franklin Scandal. You are a good little government worshiper, aren't you?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to PIKEMASTER F


A LIKE REPLY 1 minute ago in reply to Michael Smith F


The polls are rigged, except when Romney is leading.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to PIKEMASTER 1 Like F


Look at the sampling in the fine print, moron.

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8/15/2012 6:17 PM

Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL

The Leftist polls all oversample Democrats by double digits. That is what is known as "Rigging"...............Their plan is to skew the averages that are listed at RCP, to favor MAObama. Even as leftist as Gallup is, they do poll realistically. Rasmussen is especially honest.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to paradisereturn 2 Likes F


How does rigging the poll help Obama? Who makes up their mind about who to vote for by looking at the polls? Only HC politicos care about polls and they all already know who theyre voting for, I assure you. ie How many swing voters do you think are hanging out on this comments section right now?
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to PIKEMASTER F


Finally, some good troll action! I notice that the liberal trolls stay away from actual policy stories nowadays. They prefer to argue that their poll is larger than someone else's poll. Ergo all the trolling on this thread!
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 3 Likes F


What will you do if Obama is re-elected? Discuss

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago 1 Like F


Same thing as if Romney wins... watch the Global Financial Meltdown and think back how stupid neocons are and how they're the reason we're in this mess.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to paradisereturn F


Who cares? These guys don't care about the Federal Reserve and the plan has been for years to merge all the Central Banks of the world to bring in a One World Government. It's happening. Obama didn't make this possible alone, Bush helped... Romney will spike it for the touchdown.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago F


Ron Paul-bot sighting....

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to JustTheFacts 1 Like F


Call it what you want, that doesn't make me wrong. Sorry you don't have the facts or refuse to admit it to yourself. The only other thing I can think of is that you hate the US and the Constitution and are cheering the end of America. Dude, the economy is going to collapse next year. Ignorance of that fact is not a shield. "The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can "throw the rascals out" at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy." - Carrol Quigley, Tragedy and Hope



1 hour ago

in reply to thefutureisright


Take care, you'll feel much better after you either do not vote or vote for Obama as your solution to America's collapsing economy. No problem, Romney's got Ryan so he doesn't need Ron Paul voters.

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL

1 hour ago A LIKE

in reply to JustTheFacts REPLY


Ryan, the insider trading fraud, is a gamechanger? LMAO! Keep dreaming. How deluded are you? That still isn't going to get him the disheartened Obama supporters and the 3rd Party independents. Obama has Diebold and SCYTL. We're doomed. You can be ignorant all you want... ain't gonna help you when the collapse happens and there's no food on the shelves.
A LIKE 1 hour ago in reply to thefutureisright F


Nah Obama ain't leading anywhere and never will. It's just that respondents don't wanto to be accused of RACISM, that's all. Also as heard from the Biden HQ's %%%%UNCHAIN MY HEART AND SET ME FREE%%%%% !!!!!



2 hours ago


He's free to go as far as I'm concerned.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Oldefarte F


The good news is that a week before the election, the pollsters must get honest with their samples or risk embarrassment at a huge miss on election day. This means a major surge towards Romney at the end. Kind of like what happened with Carter and Reagan. Reagan didn't just surge against Carter in the last week - Carter was never ahead in the first place. The pollsters just had to get honest.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 8 Likes F


Same with Walker re-call....Go Mitt

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to mitchellvii 5 Likes F


YET ANOTHER MASSIVE DEMOCRAT OVERSAMPLE: Look at the internals of this poll and it is clear, Democrats once again massively oversampled. 1) Romney wins Independents by 11 yet leads by only 1 overall. 2) Romney gets more support from Republicans than Obama gets from Democrats, yet Romney leads by only 1 overall. 3) If you add the total votes for all the political affiliations for each candidate, Romney leads by 16 points, yet leads only by 1 overall. What could possibly explain this? Democrat oversample. I estimate about 10 to 14 points.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 6 Likes F


The MSM was already caught cooking the polling books favoring Obama. They will be in for another shellacing come Nov and then we will see the MSM for what they truly are. LOL
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to mitchellvii 4 Likes F


The left-leaning pollsters will do anything to "show" that Obama is leading, because the libs can't fundraise off the real numbers. Who would given their hard-earned cash in this horrible economy to a proven incumbent loser?
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to mitchellvii 7 Likes F

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL


You use RCP to research? Are you serious?

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago F


Get ready for the Obama poison-pill. It's coming, as this moron cannot stand to lose.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


My like mean agree. I do not like at all.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to scooterbiggs F


The polls are going to keep on moving to Romney-Ryan as we near the election. The only thing that may throw a wrench in the gears of inevitability would be Obama dropping Biden and taking on Hillary as a running mate. Biden is great for the Republican ticket. He has a mouth that just keeps on giving and giving. Go Romney and Ryan! We need our country back in the hands of competent people!
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 3 Likes F


This country will not support Shillery. She had her opportunity and gave into Barak. No turning back for that wench now. She has also been around the world apologizing for America the Great.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to besmith 1 Like F


I'll take it alot more seriously when I see it in a Rasmussen poll, but in the meantime, thanks for the "feelgoods."
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


AMERICAN PRAVDA REUTERS PROMOTES THE CAMPAIGN LIES OF BARACK OBAMA TO READERS: "(Reuters) - In Florida last month, President Barack Obama worked up the crowd as he assailed a Republican plan to slash the federal budget deficit while also cutting taxes for millionaires by 'squeezing more money out of our seniors.' He was referring to a plan proposed by congressman Paul Ryan to get elderly Americans to pay more out of pocket for their healthcare by changing the government-run Medicare program for seniors. 'It's wrong to ask you to pay for Medicare so that people who are doing well right now get even more,' Obama told a gathering of retirees in West Palm Beach on July 19. 'That's no way to reduce the deficit. We shouldn't be squeezing more money out of our seniors.' It's a line of attack the Obama campaign likely will be pressing even harder now that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has chosen Ryan as his running mate. The Ryan plan could pose particular problems for Romney in Florida, the largest of the swing states in the November 6 election and a haven for retirees. Republicans have largely rejoiced at Romney's pick, since Ryan is an ambitious and engaging budget hawk who has vowed to enact fundamental changes to social programs put in place by the Democrats since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.... ...As Obama told the gathering in West Palm Beach, Ryan's plan to turn Medicare into a voucher program means that seniors would have to pay nearly $6,400 a year more for Medicare than they do now. That is a hefty sum for anyone living on a fixed income."

BUT AS THE REUTERS ARTICLE WRITER HAS TO KNOW, RYAN'S PLAN WOULD ONLY AFFECT PEOPLE CURRENTLY UNDER 55 YEARS OLD. From Roy Avik of Forbes: "As weve documented extensively at The Apothecary, the Wyden-Ryan Medicare planso named because it was coauthored by progressive Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.)only applies to Americans younger than 55 years

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL

of age, and gives those younger individuals the option of remaining in the traditional Medicare program, or choosing a comparable private-sector insurance plan." Charles Krauthammer on Fox re a dishonest Obama campaign ad about the Ryan plan: "I think the idea of the Democrats, if you saw the ad that you showed early in the show, it's got seniors in Florida saying {Ryan} wants to privatize he wants to take it away. It is so dishonest because they cannot say openly it will take away or privatize the Medicare of seniors today because that is not true. So they show seniors who are saying what is not true -- that it's going to hurt them or at least implying that it's going to hurt them as a way to give the impression that actually the Ryan plan is going to affect seniors. Nobody over the age of 55 is going to be affected. The Republicans have to get that out right away or they're going to lose on this." But Reuters' article supports the Democrat candidate in his lies to seniors. This not not journalism - this is Pravda America.



2 hours ago

1 Like


Aside from what Barry says is a big fat LIE, ObamaTAX is gutting Medicare to force all seniors onto the IPAB where a panel of handpicked non-medical personnel will decide if those same seniors get their healthcare procedures (surgeries, treatments, etc.) or get to take the pain pill and "end of life" counseling. The cutoff point appears to be age 75. Barry, as a Marxist, has no use for seniors other than to get their votes and thinks they've outlived their usefulness to society. The IPAB is a convenient way to cull the herd.
A LIKE REPLY 57 minutes ago in reply to GRAINBIRD F


I think the gap between Romney and Obama is bigger than this.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 7 Likes F


Absolutely. Breitbart fans, have you seen this? Military operatives have a 22 minute video beatdown of O'Bambi releasing military secrets. Best line ever: Mr. President, you didn't kill Bin Laden, America did! It's a must watch over and over again. And O'Bambi is already messing his Depends.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Canadianlady 1 Like F


I've already seen it and I think it has a huge potential to damage Obama.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Orangeone F


Excellent, you are always on top of it! This me hope that the military will protect us from a tyrannious gov't.
A LIKE REPLY 57 minutes ago in reply to Canadianlady F


Even if it meant they had to take out their own corrupt generals, I think they would.
A LIKE 51 minutes ago in reply to Orangeone F


I agree, Obama is leading by a lot more since Ryan got in.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Canadianlady 1 Like F


Obama is TOAST, he will be landslided out of office by Romney/Ryan

A LIKE REPLY 21 minutes ago in reply to dude1 F

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL


Not according to Romney's internals. They've got Mitt beating Barry by 12% in a must-win swing state. Romney's people were so stunned, they spent even more money to doublecheck the internals, thinking they were getting a false positive. The original swing to Romney had indicated a 10% lead, but the more expensive internal polling had him up by 12% and it wasn't the State of NH, in case that's what you were thinking. Many think it's either OH or PA.
A LIKE REPLY 54 minutes ago in reply to dude1 F


Dream on, dumbass.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to dude1 2 Likes F


I agree.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to dude1 F


The new liberal theme song.... Well, i've been afraid of changin'' cause i've built my life around [Obama] but time makes you bolder even children get older and i'm getting older too i took my love, i took it down climbed a mountain and i turned around and i saw my reflection in the snow covered hills' til the landslide brought it down....etc
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to dude1 1 Like F


Purple Strategies? Are you effing serious? Show me a real poll. You right wing wackos will jump at anything. BREAKING NEWS ON BREITBART, Romney takes the lead according to new Pink Rainbow Poll.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 2 Likes F


And yet another inane comment from Plant Z in the Omicron Galaxy, Moonbat Nebula....better tighten up that resume dud....whatever sinecure or fraudulent government benefit check you're drawing is in may have to buy your own smokes, beer, and dope....the wilderness beckons HARD!!!
A LIKE REPLY 12 minutes ago in reply to dude1 F


Obama is finished and so are the libs

A LIKE REPLY 19 minutes ago in reply to dude1 F


The gold standard left-leaning Gallup poll: Romney 47% Obama 45%.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to dude1 6 Likes F


In Rasmussen, Romney is 4 points ahead.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to thefutureisright 2 Likes F


RCP Average

8/2 - 8/14 ----



Obama +3.5

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL



2 hours ago

in reply to thefutureisright

1 Like


All left-leaning polls with dem oversampling as high as D+17....

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to dude1 3 Likes F


Yeah yeah I get it, the polls with Obama leading = wrong, the polls with Romney leading = gold standard, blah blah blah
A LIKE 2 hours ago in reply to thefutureisright F


What more can you ask for in a candidate..... a combination of beauty and brains..a firm believer in God....strict adherence to the Constitution...believes that power should come from We the people, not government 8% body
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 10 Likes F


What's up with Colorado?? They have time to redeem themselves before Nov.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago 11 Likes F


I'll bet the pollsters never got past the 303 area code. (front range) If you get past Denver and Boulder, R&R is looking pretty good. There's more "bitter clingers" than the polls would have you believe.
A LIKE REPLY 37 minutes ago in reply to jackallen F


Once Ryan heads there, they'll be red again....

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to jackallen 5 Likes F


And there are now 12 swing states. Just a couple of months ago it was 5. Keep listening America, there is momentum building going into November.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to thefutureisright 1 Like F


I sense a BOUNCE evolving into a TROUNCE come November. Just had to add "T"ea Party support and "R"yan for VP to replace "B"arak!



3 hours ago



Absolutely. this is just August. Things are just getting started. Once debates and the issues start being talked about nearing the election I believe it will only get stronger. These numbers are a shame for an incumbent pres. No way Obama can challenge anything, because he has failed. More of the same... and I don't think people want more of the same. The only problem is the uninformed.
A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to stillinthe60s 6 Likes F


What was that about the Ryan pick being a boon for the Dems? Too bad libs, "the times they are a changin.'" Romney-Ryan in a landslide....
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 21 Likes F


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8/15/2012 6:17 PM

Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL

The polls are bias, however grass roots momentum is building, it should peak end of October. So according to morning Joe, axlerod is noticeably upset, his eyes are poping out of his head.



3 hours ago



I cannot imagine...America...that there would be any...any Americans who want this fraud and Muslim to remain in office to do more damage than he has already done...but...unfortunately...there are still too many deaf, dumb and blind and inner city plantation slaves out there that need to hear the truths to heal and set them free! ERADICATION OF THE COCKROACHES PHASE II COMING IN NOVEMBER...BE THERE...AND BRING A FRIEND!
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 19 Likes F


I will be there. Traveling by sewer. I want to see it up close.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to Eileen_for_Freedom_Liberty 2 Likes F


Incumbent destruction is near. The Obamas should start deciding which White House furnishings to steal now.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 16 Likes F


Well, we all know they won't be taking that the Churchill bust...
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago in reply to s_elliot_rodax 13 Likes F


Or they should start having federal agencies stock up on hollow point rounds and riot gea......... oh. The odds of a leftist coup seem to be going up...



3 hours ago

in reply to s_elliot_rodax



Shh. No more talking for u.

A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to libtarded F


No. There won't be any coup. There will be an election, Obama will lose, and Mitt Romney will be inaugurated in January. Please stop posting this idiot Alex Jones' rants. It just makes you look like a paranoid nutbar.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to libtarded 3 Likes F


You might pass that on to Drudge... it's linked from his site.
A LIKE REPLY 27 minutes ago in reply to Animal F


Nice comment.
A LIKE REPLY 1 hour ago in reply to Animal F

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Poll: Romney-Ryan Leads In VA, OH, FL


And accurate. Jones is a kook. Parading his crap here does no one any good.
A LIKE 1 hour ago in reply to paradisereturn F


357 is a nasty round. i wouldve invested in 556 though.

A LIKE REPLY 2 hours ago in reply to libtarded F


Look, unless they release the internal make up of the people polled these number are useless and likely underestimating the support of the ROMNEY/RYAN ticket. Don't champion the same folks releasing junk just cause the junk they are releasing looks good momentarily.
A LIKE REPLY 3 hours ago 14 Likes F

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