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Monica Raharjo 030.09.157

Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University Jakarta, Indonesia 2012

ABSTRACT The incidence of child stunting is still high in Indonesia despite general improvements in food availability and health services. One of the environmental influences thought to play a role in child stunting is parenting style. The objective of this study is to find out if there is a correlation between parenting style and child stunting and whether democratic parenting style is associated with lower risk of child stunting. A cross-sectional study was conducted at SDN Duri Kepa 07 and 08 Pagi, West Jakarta with 71 grade 5 elementary students recruited as study samples. Assessment of parenting style (democratic, authoritarian, or permissive) is done using a Parental Authority Questionnaire and anthropometric measurement of height is interpreted as normal, stunting, or severely stunting. Data was analyzed with the analysis of variance test and the Pearson correlation test using the SPSS version 17.0 program. The correlation test done showed that there is no significant correlation between parenting style and child stunting (p >0.05). Further, the ANOVA test done showed that there is no statistical difference between the three parenting styles for the indicator height-for-age (p >0.05). Keywords: Parenting style, child stunting, height, West Jakarta


Stunting is an indicator of chronic malnutrition which represents linear growth failure due to poor nutrition and infections both before and after birth. The National Health Survey (RISKESDAS) done by the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia showed that the incidence of stunting in school-children aged 6-12 years old was still high and the decline in stunting is not very significant despite general improvements in food availability and also health and social services.(1,2) The incidence of stunting in 2007 was 36.8% and in 2010 it was 35.6% (20.5% stunting and 15.1% severe stunting). The highest incidence of stunting was in Nusa Tenggara Timur which was 58.5%, whereas in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, incidence of child stunting was 23.9%. Stunting was more common in male than female children, more common in children living in rural areas, and decreased in children with parents of higher educational status.(3) A study done in families in Indonesia and Bangladesh confirmed that both maternal and paternal education are strong determinants of child stunting.(4) Child stunting in Indonesia should be a concern, because children who are healthy both physically and mentally are assets for the growth and development of this developing country. Stunting in childhood is associated with poor cognitive, motor, and emotional development. It is also associated with increased mortality. Further, stunted children dont reach their full growth potential and will grow to be stunted adults. Stunted adults have reduced work capacity and stunted adult women have increased risk of mortality during childbirth.(4) In short, stunting in childhood may cause undesirable consequences.

Child stunting is the result of long-term consumption of low-quality diet combined with morbidity, infectious disease, and also environmental influence. One of the environmental influences thought to play a role in child stunting is a childs caregiver (including parents). It is stated previously that formal education of both mother and father are determinants of child stunting. Also, according to Kartono, a child living with caregivers that do not provide concern and affection in terms of healthcare will experience a state of psychological emptiness which hinders physical growth. This is confirmed by a study done in North Jakarta which shows that the incidence of stunting in children living in pesantren since preschool (37.5%) is higher than children living in homes (10%). This study suggests that nutritional status indicated by height-for-age is affected by interaction of child and caregiver, parenting practices, stimulation of child, and living environment.(5) Parenting practices are related to and influenced by parenting style. This means that parenting style also influences child development. Parenting style is a characteristic of the parent that is stable over time and forms the environmental and emotional context for raising up a child. A widely accepted theory of parenting style has been developed by Diana Baumrind using two different dimensions of parenting which are parental demandingness/ control and parental responsiveness/ nurturance. Demandingness refers to claims that parents make on children by behavior regulation, direct confrontation, maturity demands, and supervision of childrens activities, while responsiveness refers to how parents support and listen to their childrens requests, needs, and demands. Crossing these two dimensions of parenting, three different parenting styles are formulated. Parents with high demandingness and responsiveness have an authoritative style/ democratic style: they encourage their child to be independent and are willing to listen to their needs and demands but set clear rules and guidelines that their children are expected to follow. Parents with high demandingness but low responsiveness have an authoritarian style: they expect their child to strictly obey rules and regulations with little regard for their childs needs and little communication with the child. Lastly, parents with high responsiveness but low demandingness have a permissive style: these parents are nurturing and communicative with their children but do not set limits and allow children to set their own rules, schedules, and activities.(6-7) Many studies have shown that parenting style affects a childs growth and development in multiple domains, in which democratic parenting style as the ideal parenting style is associated with positive child health outcomes. One example is that democratic parenting style is associated with lower risk of childhood overweight

. Sadly, no studies have been done to assess the relationship between


parenting style and stunting. For this reason, this research was done to find out if there is a correlation between parenting style and child stunting and whether democratic parenting style is associated with lower risk of child stunting compared to the two other parenting styles.


Research Design This research has a cross-sectional design and was carried out at SDN Duri Kepa 07, 08 Pagi in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta starting from June 2012 until mid-July 2012.

Population and Sample The study population was elementary school students of Grade 5 studying in SDN Duri Kepa 07, 08 Pagi throughout the school year 2011-2012. The study samples were students who meet both the criteria of inclusion and the criteria of exclusion. They were collected through consecutive sampling, in which all subjects who meet the sample criteria are included in the research until the size of sample is met. The criteria of inclusion are students aged 10-13 years old and students who agreed to take part in the research by filling in the questionnaire given to them. The criteria of exclusion are students with physical and mental disabilities, students suffering from acute or chronic illness (assessed using questionnaire), students without both parents alive, and students not living or staying with their parents. The sample size needed for this research is calculated using two different equations, as follows: 1. Infinite population equation:

No = required sample size Z = degree of confidence at 95% (standard value of 1.96) P = estimated prevalence of stunting in Jakarta 23.9% (Riskesdas 2010) Q = 1 P (1-0.239 = 0.761) d = margin of error at 5% (standard value of 0.05)


2. Finite population equation:

= sample size for research

No = required sample size (279.5) N = size of accessible population (90) Calculation:

This means that sample size for this research should be 69 students or more.

Data Collection Data collection was conducted for one whole day in the two different elementary schools by using a questionnaire. Identity of students (including full name, date of birth, age, gender, and address), questions regarding the criteria of exclusion, and questions to assess the parenting style of these students were asked. Anthropometric measurement of height was done after students finish filling up the questionnaire given. The questionnaire used in this research is included in the appendix.

Assessment of Parenting Style The existing Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) developed by Buri in 1991 is chosen for this study and translated to simple Indonesian language before it is given to study samples. The PAQ was designed as a measure of Baumrinds three parenting styles which has been described earlier. It is a self report measure which measures parenting style by looking at the perspective of the child on how their parents acted towards them. This measure consists of 30 questions, 10 questions for each of the three different parenting styles. Answers to these questions ranges from 1 to 5 points ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. There are actually two separate sets of questions one for mother and one for father, but in this study the researchers are only going to use one set of questions to represent the parenting style of both mother and father. Items 4, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27, and 30 are questions for authoritative/ democratic parenting style; items 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 16, 18, 25, 26, and 29 are questions for authoritarian parenting style; and items 1, 6, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, and 24 are questions for permissive parenting style. To determine the parenting style that a child receives, the score (1-5) for each individual items of the parenting styles are summed and the

highest score obtained reflects the parenting style of a childs parent. The reliability of the PAQ was found to be 77-92%, while the validity of the PAQ was found to be 74-87%. (10)

Height Measurement Height measurement was done according to the guidelines made by the Ministry of Health in 1999. The instruments used were one measuring tape which measures in centimeters (cm) and one right triangle ruler. The measuring tape is taped on a wall which is perpendicular to the floor beneath with the point 0 cm exactly on the floor. The student is asked to remove all footwear and head-cover/accessories and is asked to stand straight in front of the measuring tape with his head, shoulder, hips, and heels touching the wall. The right triangle ruler is then placed above the students head with one side touching the wall. The point where the scale touches the tip of the ruler is the students height in cm. (11)

Assessment of Stunting To assess whether a child is stunted or not, the indicator height-for-age is used. Zscores for the indicator height-for-age are calculated using a program developed by WHO which is compatible with SPSS version 17.0. This program consists of a syntax file and the SPSS data set containing the WHO reference 2007 for the indicator height-for-age. After obtaining z-scores for each study samples, it is interpreted as shown in Table 1. (11)

Table 1. Interpretation of Z-Score Height-for-Age (WHO) Z-Scores Height-for-Age > -2 SD -2 SD -3 SD < -3 SD Interpretation Normal Stunting Severe stunting

Statistical Analysis Data processing and analysis will be done using the SPSS Statistics version 17.0 program. Statistical analysis was done using the analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation test with 95% degree of confidence and p < 0.05.

Ethical Clearance Informed consent was obtained from the principals of SDN Duri Kepa 07 Pagi and SDN Duri Kepa 08 Pagi to conduct this research on their students. Students are also explained about the research, its procedure, and its purpose before the questionnaire is distributed to them. Students who are willing to fill in the questionnaire given to them are considered willing to take part in the research.


A total of 90 children participated in the research; however 19 children were excluded because they match the criteria of exclusion. This means that only 71 children were included in the research as study samples, 34 male students and 37 female students. Of the study samples, 57 children had normal linear growth, 11 children were stunted (z-scores height-forage -2 SD), and 3 children were severely stunted (z-scores height-for-age < -3 SD). The characteristic of parenting style are as follows: 48 children had a democratic parenting style, 13 children had an authoritarian parenting style, and 10 children had a permissive parenting style. Other characteristic of samples are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Characteristics of Samples (n=71) Characteristics Age (months) Height (cm) Height-for-age (N/stunted/severly stunted) Gender (M/F) Parenting style (democratic/ authoritarian/ permissive) Mean (Range) / Frequency 137.15 8 (122-158) 140.03 8.5 (119.5-160.5) 57/ 11/ 3 34/ 37 48/ 13/ 10

The ANOVA test is done to determine whether there is a difference between each parenting styles (democratic, authoritarian, and permissive) in regards to height-for-age of study samples. Using SPSS tests of normality and test of homogeneity of variances, it is found that the data has a normal distribution and that data variance is the same; this means that the ANOVA test can be done. Result of the ANOVA test (Table 3) shows that there is no significant difference between the three parenting styles in regards to height-for-age because p > 0.05 (see Table 3 Sig.=0.122).

Table 3. Result of ANOVA Test height-for-age Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total .026 .408 .434 df 2 68 70 Mean Square .013 .006 F 2.169 Sig. .122

The Pearson correlation test is done to determine whether there is a correlation between parenting style and child stunting. Result of the Pearson correlation test (Table 4) shows that there is no statistically significant correlation between parenting style and child stunting because p > 0.05 (see Table 4 Sig.(2-tailed)=0.733). Table 4. Result of Pearson Correlation Test dominant parenting style dominant parenting style Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N normal or stunting Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N DISCUSSION 71 .041 .733 71 71 1 normal or stunting .041 .733 71 1

The correlation test done showed that there is no significant correlation between parenting style and child stunting. Further, the ANOVA test done showed that there is no statistical difference between the three parenting styles for the indicator height-for-age. This means that parenting style is not a determinant of child stunting. It also means that the research hypothesis that democratic parenting style is associated with better health outcomes compared to the other two parenting styles cannot be proven. The reason for these results may be because child stunting is not only influenced by parenting style alone but also by other environmental factors such as socioeconomic status and other caregivers, nutritional factors such as availability of food, and morbidity which is

not assessed in this research. A child raised in a democratic home may be stunted because of poor socioeconomic status and low availability of nutritious food. On the other hand, a child raised in an authoritarian or permissive home may have normal linear growth (not stunted) because there is another caregiver at home who teaches him about healthy eating practices. Also in this research, morbidity is only assessed using a questionnaire and therefore the researcher cant be sure that the samples are not suffering from any chronic illness which can hinder linear growth.


There is no correlation between parenting style and height-for-age. There is also no correlation between parenting style and child stunting. Further study in a broader scope should be done as an effort to lower the rates of child stunting in Indonesia.


The author wishes to thank Prof. dr. H. Widagdo, SpA, MBA for supervising this research. The author also wishes to thank the principals of SDN Duri Kepa 07 and 08 Pagi for allowing this study to be conducted at their school. Also, the author extends utmost appreciation for Michelle Jansye, M. Rifki Maulana, M. Fachri Ibrahim, Muhamad Rosaldy, and Muthi Melatiara for their cooperation and assistance in sample recruitment and data collection. The author is especially grateful for the children who participated in this study.


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Nama Lengkap Tanggal Lahir Umur Jenis Kelamin a) Laki-laki

b) Perempuan Alamat Nama Sekolah

Apakah kedua orang tua anda masih ada? a) Ya b) Tidak Apakah anda tinggal dengan kedua orang tua anda? a) Ya

b) Tidak Apakah anda sedang sakit? Bila jawaban Ya sebutkan sakit apa a) Ya

b) Tidak Saya sedang sakit .


Instruksi. Untuk setiap pernyataan di bawah ini, lingkarilah salah satu dari 5 nomor (1 = sangat tidak setuju 5 = sangat setuju) yang paling menggambarkan hubungan anda dan orangtua anda. Tidak ada jawaban yang benar atau salah dalam menanggapi pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut. Pastikan jangan sampai ada pernyataan yang terlewat!


Orangtua saya menganggap bahwa dalam keluarga yang baik, anak-anak seharusnya dapat menentukan apa yang ia mau dalam keluarga sama seperti kedua orangtuanya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Walaupun saya tidak setuju dengan kedua orangtua, orangtua saya akan memaksa saya untuk mengikuti pendapat yang mereka anggap benar karena itu demi kebaikan saya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju



Kapanpun orangtua menyuruh saya untuk mengerjakan sesuatu, mereka mengharapkan saya segera melakukannya tanpa bertanya apapun. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Apabila ada peraturan yang diterapkan di dalam keluarga, orangtua saya menjelaskan alasan dan kepentingan peraturan tersebut kepada anak-anaknya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Orangtua saya selalu menjelaskan dan mendengarkan saya setiap kali saya merasa ada peraturan atau larangan dalam keluarga yang tidak masuk akal. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Orangtua saya merasa bahwa saya bebas berpendapat dan melakukan apapun yang saya inginkan, walaupun pendapat dan keinginan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan apa yang orangtua saya inginkan. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Orangtua saya tidak memperkenankan saya untuk bertanya apapun mengenai keputusan yang telah mereka buat. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Orangtua saya mengatur segala kegiatan dan keputusan anak-anaknya dengan pertimbangan dan disiplin. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


Orangtua saya selalu beranggapan bahwa, paksaan pada anak-anaknya diperlukan untuk membuat anak-anaknya berperilaku sesuai dengan apa yang seharusnya anak-anak lakukan. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

10. Orangtua saya tidak beranggapan bahwa saya perlu menaati peraturan hanya karena seorang yang lebih tua telah menetapkannya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


11. Saya tahu apa yang diharapkan kedua orangtua terhadap saya dalam keluarga, tetapi saya juga bebas berdiskusi mengenai harapan tersebut dengan mereka apabila saya merasa hal tersebut tidak masuk akal. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

12. Orangtua saya beranggapan bahwa orangtua yang bijaksana adalah orang tua yang menunjukkan siapa bos (yang mempunyai kuasa) di dalam keluarga. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

13. Orangtua saya jarang memberikan saya harapan dan panduan dalam bertingkah laku. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

14. Orangtua saya melakukan apa yang diinginkan oleh anak-anaknya saat membuat keputusan keluarga. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

15. Orangtua saya terus-menerus memberikan arahan dan panduan yang masuk akal dan objektif kepada saya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

16. Orangtua saya akan sangat marah apabila saya tidak setuju dengan mereka. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

17. Orangtua saya merasa bahwa kebanyakan masalah dalam

masyarakat dapat diselesaikan apabila

orangtua tidak melarang aktivitas, keputusan, dan keinginan anak-anaknya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

18. Orangtua saya memberitahukan harapan mereka mengenai bagaimana saya harus bersikap dan berperilaku, dan apabila saya tidak memenuhinya, saya akan dihukum. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


19. Orangtua saya memperbolehkan saya untuk memutuskan hal-hal untuk diri saya sendiri tanpa ada banyak arahan dari mereka. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

20. Orangtua saya mendengarkan pendapat saya sebagai pertimbangan untuk mengambil suatu keputusan keluarga. Namun, mereka tidak segampang itu memutuskan sesuatu hanya apabila saya menginginkan hal tersebut. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

21. Orangtua saya tidak memandang dirinya sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab untuk membimbing dan mengarahkan tingkahlaku saya selama saya tumbuh dewasa. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

22. Orangtua saya memiliki patokan yang jelas mengenai bagaimana anak-anaknya harus berperilaku dalam keluarga, namun mereka tetap menyesuaikan patokan tersebut dengan kebutuhan dari masingmasing anak mereka. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

23. Orangtua saya memberikan arahan terhadap tingkah-laku dan aktivitas saya dan mereka mengharapkan saya mengikuti arahannya. Tetapi, mereka juga selalu bersedia untuk mendengarkan pendapat saya dan mendiskusikan arahan tersebut dengan saya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

24. Orangtua saya memperbolehkan saya untuk membentuk pandangan saya sendiri terhadap hal-hal dalam keluarga, dan mereka juga memperbolehkan saya untuk memutuskan sendiri hal yang saya ingin lakukan. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

25. Orangtua saya merasa bahwa kebanyakan masalah di masyarakat akan terselesaikan apabila orangtua dapat membatasi dengan keras atau memaksa anaknya ketika anak-anaknya tidak melakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


26. Orangtua saya seringkali mengatakan secara langsung apa yang mereka ingin saya lakukan dan bagaimana harapan mereka agar saya melakukan hal tersebut. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

27. Orangtua saya memberikan arahan yang jelas terhadap tingkah-laku dan aktivitas saya, namun mereka juga mengerti ketika saya tidak sependapat dengan mereka. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

28. Orangtua saya tidak mengatur perilaku, aktivitas, dan keinginan saya. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

29. Saya tahu harapan orangtua terhadap saya dalam keluarga dan mereka menuntut saya untuk memenuhinya demi menghormati kekuasan mereka. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju

30. Apabila orangtua saya membuat keputusan keluarga yang menyakiti saya, mereka bersedia untuk membicarakan hal tersebut dengan saya dan mengakui bahwa mereka telah melakukan kesalahan. 1) Sangat tidak setuju 2) Tidak setuju 3) Tidak keduanya 4) Setuju 5) Sangat setuju


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