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Workshop Impact Report (Employee Wise) from PRAYAS 2012 WORKSHOPS

Narendra Quality Control He is learning Computers now, He now believes in competing with his own previous performance. He feels workshop refreshed his mental make- up. Ashwani Production His responses are more positive now. He is more positive than before. Joginder Kumar- Production He is more positive than before. He is learning Computers now. Anil Stores He is more positive than before. His team work has improved considerably. Devinder Patwal He has enrolled for Materials Management course from IGNOU. This, he says was because of his sensitisation on Knowledge Updation in the workshop. Jai Singh- Engineering Not much difference Mr Bajwa He says, his cold war towards his boss is now over- since he has curbed his ego. Secondly, his cold attitude towards young engineers has turned more supportive. He would strive for growth with new passion. Now he is not scared of failure. Baldev- Production He feels more confident now. He is now learning computer basics. Madan- Production He is now more clear about the difference between B Tech and BSc , so doesnt feel bitter that he is not growing at par with them, so feels he has more positive energy to work. Partho- Despatch He has turned more patient and considerate towards loaders, and he says he feels more positive and gets better results from loaders. He has stopped abusing.

2 Arvind- Engineering He is now giving safety training to boys systematically. Also team work has improved. Arvind Kr Saini- Electrical He says because he is handling hazardous electrical work, as a result of workshop, he now understands the importance of 3 H- Hand, Head and Heart. He has submitted Energy Management Audit Report. He has updated OHSAS data of plant. Raj Kaushal- Accounts His boss management is better now. His external liaison skills have considerably improved and he has made one big breakthrough into that for one particular job which was in doldrums since long as a result of the confidence and skill obtained from workshop. Workshop has washed his mind completely towards positive he says. Ashwani Shaklani- Stores He is now giving safety training to workers. His involvement, openness has improved as a result of workshop. Lalit Manduliya QA His confidence, openness and safety sensitisation has improved as a result of workshop. Ramanuj Mishra- Production He was very much impressed with the Bhagavad Gita Instructions imparted in the Prayas workshop. Team Work at Oral Care plant has taken on a new high. Mrityuanjay Improved shortcomings, team work improved considerably. Y G Pandey QA, Suriner Guleria QA Responsibility sensitisation, before workshop- was in the habit of saying no instantly , now he sayshe just has gone more responsible. G S Panwar Guides workers effectively after workshop. He says workshop shook his consciousness from within, he is more quality conscious now. Focus more on strengths of Dabur instead of cribbing about gaps. He is more patient about rewards now. He doesnt carry his ego to his workplace now. Neeraj Kumar Production Focus is on cost saving and he is learning SAP now.

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