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The Giger Chronicles

Whistling Away The Dark

A play by Pamela Olson
Second star to the right,
and straight on 'til morning

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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Copyright 1991 - 2012 by Pamela Olson
All rights reserved. All ro!gs reve!ged.
"t#s a story.
$e%bla!&e to a!yo!e is !ot i!te!ded --!or sho'ld be i!ferred. $avvy( %ate)
*o& $everi!se!+s ,here "s A -irl
A grad'ate of College of 9ari! the! $o!o%a $tate
:!ive rsity( i! the %iddle of ,he A%eri&a! ;i!e Co'!try(
Califor!ia :$A( Pla!et Earth( 9il<y ;ay( Pamela Olson is
A 9ari! Co'!ty =ol'!teer of the 8ear( fo'!di!g board
%e%ber >orth ?ay 9'lti%edia
$ome Designer, %aconte#r,
,i%e ,raveler( $i%%er( =etera!(
!riend, %eal &state A#thority,
'allroom Dancer, (ama,
Color 1'!<ie( ?o! viva!t(
Professor( A'thor( ;ife( a!d
2a!dlord E@traordi!aire A

a<a opi!io!ated.
(ay all yo#r storms be weathered,
and all that is good get better)

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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1. 6. B2$B> as played by ?'rt ;ard
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
?A>*6",,8 as herself( voi&e as played by ;illo $%ith
,"*E as herself( voi&e as played by ,aylor *ior
*ire&tor ;. A22E> ,A82B5

Cost#me Designer
Cost'%e *esig!er 9"A ?AD,E5

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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G#est Stars * Cameo
3erb Alpert as hi%self
3e!ry 9a!&i!i Cover as 3e!ry 9a!&i!i
1'lie A!dres &over as *a%e 1'lie A!dres
Bla C4ellvi<Es as hi%self
*ave -r'si! Cover as *ave -r'si!
Pat ?ia!&hi as hi%self
5E*;BB* 3"-3 $C3BB2( ?A>* 5BB9( 39F *oherty
*rive( 2ar<sp'r( Califor!ia 94939-1F3G H41FI 924-G200.

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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3B:$E?BA, $A==8(
9A,E. CA,A
9B5-A>A+$ ho%e( a
sa!<y( selega!t( ri&hly
&olorf'l( b'rg'!dy(
robi!#s egg bl'e(
evergree!( pl'%( i!< bl'e(
%erlot( beri!g sea bl'e(
&o!trasts of di%( dar<
a!d sat'rated &olor(
i!ti%ate( ro%a!ti&(
'ps&ale( &lassy( 30s( elega!tly e&&e!tri&( &o%fortable( te@t'red( shi!y bla&<
la&J'er &abi!ets( a!d ell appoi!ted ith Co'!d( is %oored at $a'salito
$hipyard K 9ari!a for%ally ArJ'es $hipyard K 9ari!a. 23F0 9ari!ship ;ay
Ha&&ess o! 5oad 3I $a'salito. ,he feel is a pleasi!g %i@t're of ,ahoe( $a!te
Ce( a Cra!< 2loyd ;right Prairie 3o'se( 9editerra!ea! food( Paris
&o'!tryside( Clore!ti!e &olor( Car%el 4aLL &l'b( "talia! hospitality( 1apa!ese
%a!!ers( 5at Pa&< ba!ter( raLor-sharp ?eat i!telle&t( a!d $a! Cra!&is&o
Pai!ted 2ady. ,he overlay is all Cra!< 9iller( $<y Captai! of ,he ;orld of
,o%orro( >or%a! ?el -e ddes ( a!d ,i% ?'rto!. ,he feel is of a delightf'l(
de&ade!t( $ybariti& ay of life ith soft( ar% pla&es to &'rl 'p( alo!e or i!
&o%pa!y for sell gossip. ,he air s%ells of pepper%i!t( spear%i!t( &ho&olate
%i!t( &loves( !'t%eg( &i!!a%o!( rose%ary( salt( %ari4'a!a( a!d iodi!e.
M$!o# Mfalls# thro'gh the stage lights givi!g %ore spatiality a!d di%e!sio! to
the sets. B! 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E set alays are a fe%ale ora!ge
tabby &at !a%ed ?A>*6",,8 a!d a fe%ale -olde! 5etriever !a%ed ,"*E
that are alays i!tera&ti!g.
*'ri!g ;orld ;ar ""( fro% 1942 194N( the 9ari!ship yards tra!sfor%ed
the $a'salito( Califor!ia aterfro!t. ,he develop%e!t of 9ari!ship as a

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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dire&t respo!se to Pearl 3arbor( that ti%e+s 9/11. ,he :.$. 9ariti%e
Co%%issio! soo! &o!tra&ted to %ega-&orporatio! ;.A. ?e&htel Co%pa!y of
$a! Cra!&is&o to b'ild ships( spe&ifi&ally ships for ,he Pa&ifi& Cleet. ?e&htel
the &hoose 3GF a&res of the $a'salito aterfro!t. ,hat &hoi&e displa&ed
%'d flats( rail yards a!d a reside!tial !eighborhood. ?e&htel developed ,he
,o! of 9ari! City o't of dairy far% la!d abo't to %iles !orthest of
do!to! $a'salito as ?e&htel+s &o%pa!y to! to ho'se 9ari!ship or<ers.
$o%e 1N(F00 people or<ed aro'!d the &lo&< b'ildi!g its first ship( a 2iberty
ship &hriste!ed ;illia% A. 5i&hardso!. At its pea< i! 1944( 9ari!ship
e%ployed 22(000 or<ers fro% every state i! the :!io! ith %a!y of the%
livi!g i! 9ari! City. ?y late 194F( !i!ety-three ships ere &o%pleted at
9ari!ship( ea&h at a &ost of so%e the! O2 %illio!.
After ;orld ;ar ""( C.2. ArJ'es bo'ght five ferryboats a!d had the%
pla&ed i! 5i&hardso! ?ay. ,he =alle4o a!d the City of $eattle ere
re%odeled i!to &ool ho%es. ,he City of $a! 5afael as eve!t'ally also 'sed
as a ho%e( altho'gh o!ly its 'pper de&< as 'sed. A!other ferryboat e!ded
i! $a'salito. $he as the Charles =a! *a%%e. 3er te!a!t for %a!y years as
a groovy b'si!ess !a%ed ,he Ar<.

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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!%O( &pisode
0Se1, 2ies and
'etrayal ,t's On The Cam3
4eep walking ) ) )
This Doesn't Concern "o#

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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The Giger Chronicles Theme Song
3erb Alpert ?ehi!d the 5ai! P
$enry (ancini, =#lie Andrew's Whistling Away The Dark * Cra>y World
P http.//.yo't'be.&o%/at&h)v0;BDg4D-L-@R
=#lie Andrew's Whistling Away The Dark P
Piano : $enry (ancini's Whistling Away The Dark P
$enry (ancini's Whistling Away The Dark P
Ola !?ell@ikAs's Whistling Away The Dark P
Da@e Gr#sin's Whistling Away The Dark P
Pat 'ianchi's Whistling Away The Dark P http.//.yo't'be.&o%/at&h)

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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Character Descriptions
>ote. A&tors &hose! here are for a%o!g other reaso!s( their age( height(
voi&e( a!d body type( as ea&h is spe&ifi&-&riti&al to
ea&h &hara&ter#s portrayal.
1. 6. B2$B>. >avy vetera! PB3( !i!e years older
tha! his ife A2"CE( %essy( short( &haris%ati&(
fat( eyes spe&'lative( 9asters degree i! 9'si&( retired ?a!d *ire&tor
5edood 3igh $&hool( 2ar<sp'r. Char%i!g( i!se&'re( tale!ted( i%%at're(
i!si!&ere( %oody( <i!<y( self-&e!tered( &oarse( se!s'o's( sar&asti&( obsessed
ith &o!trolli!g others( feels of solid la!d a!d rolli!g sea( &y&le of desire a!d
tyra!!y( passive aggressive( te!se( i%agi!ative( sole%!( raffish( i%p'lsive(
e!vio's of privilege a!d ealth( a %erry-go-ro'!d alays o! the verge of
settli!g do!( elitist( self-dra%atiLi!g selfish( te!de!&y to loo< li<e a s'lle!
&hild ho had bee! tharted( os&illates rapidly thro'gh all <i!ds of %oods(
shir<s his respo!sibility to a defia!t so! a!d ife.
6!os te%ptatio! a!d &orr'ptio! ell a!d drea%s so'ght the!( a!d the
bl'!ders &o%%itted i! their p'rs'it( trea&hero's( arroga!t( s'bd'ed ar%th(
4'!< food 4'!<ie( high str'!g( %a!i& depressive( &o!fli&ted( %er&'rial(
&apri&io's( &y!i&( &ross dresser( leather vi!yl r'bber bo!dage %irror
fetishes( i! !eed of a hair&'t( ballroo% da!&e i!str'&tor( sailor( i! s&r'ffy
loafers( sardo!i&( ears a ri!<led striped b'tto! do! &ollar shirt( had his
sleeves rolled 'p his forear%s( i! r'%pled( dar<( pleated a!d &'ffed tro'sers
too big for hi%( a!d a hip le!gth bla&< leather aviator 4a&<et( also too large.
A!ti-&hildre! ra&ist a!ti-$e%iti& a!ti-gay ho%ophobi& 1. 6. B2$B> lives at
eJ'ally a!ti-&hildre! ra&ist a!ti-$e%iti& a!ti-gay ho%ophobi& se!ior-o!ly
trailer par< 9ari! =alley 9obile Co'!try Cl'b i! >ovato( Califor!ia si!&e he
as FF he! he aba!do!ed his the! 4 1/2 %o!th preg!a!t 4F year old ife
Ali&e after steali!g O3 %illio!. 3e is o! the ?oard of *ire&tors of the
9ari! =alley 9obile Co'!try Cl'b as the ,reas'rer. *rives a restored 19QF

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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Corvette he <eeps 'p hi%self-- it shos. "s a top-of-the-ga%e ?log Bpera
player. $a! Cra!&is&o se@ &l'bs reg'lar. *oes !ot play ell ith others.
$tarted o't as a &ool 5eg ?la!< e!ded 'p a Co!spi&'o's Co!s'%ptio!
8'ppie. *ri!<s -'!dla&h ?'!ds&h' Caber!et Cra!& or diet Pepsi. ,ea&hes
ballroo% da!&e at the >ovato 5e&reatio! *epart%e!t.
Co!spi&'o's &o!s'%ptio! is e@travaga!t a!d oste!tatio's e@pe!dit're.
Co!spi&'o's &o!s'%ptio! is %ea!t !ot to satisfy a!y physi&al
!eed( b't rather to gratify the psy&hologi&al &ravi!g for stat's
or the favorable opi!io! of others. ,he ter% as first 'sed by
the :$ so&iologist a!d e&o!o%ist ,horstei! ?'!de =eble!
H1QFN-1929I i! his 1Q99 boo< +,he ,heory Bf ,he 2eis're
A 8'ppie is a 3ippie ho sold o't a!d said +y'p+ to +the %a!+.

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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E*-A5. $a! Cra!&is&a!. >ever %arried riter a!d
A'g%e!eter ith &o%fortable -othi& a!d va%pire eroti&a
fetishes. ;rites a!d plays ?log Bpera( a! adaptatio! of
A'g%e!ted 5eality. ,ri%( ell-ad4'sted( good-loo<i!g( safe(
ears -iorgio Ar%a!i s'its( -'&&i shoes a!d Cra!< $i!atra
fedoras. a fa&e 'rba!( edged( shadoed( he+s artisti&( vega!(
%etrose@'al( pot 'ser( ha&<er( 9asters degree i! Co%p'ter
$&ie!&e fro% :!iv ersity of $a! Cra!&is&o so 'ses his softare
&ode-riti!g s<ills to also rite ?log Bpera a'g'%e!ted reality
-othi& a!d va%pire eroti&a. "s a &haris%a a!d &har% top-of-
the-ga%e ?log Bpera player. E*-A5+s a professio!al liar ho
spe!ds %ost of his a<i!g ho'rs delli!g o! his lies for his
riti!g( at&hi!g( observi!g-- a voye'r. 3e dras a!d rites
visio!ary hall'&i!oge!i& ;illia% -ibso! ( ;illia% ?la<e( 1a&<
6ero'a&( Alle! -i!sberg( Criedri&h >ietLs&he( Arth'r 5i%ba'd(
>or%a! 9ailer( A!to!i! Arta'd( %ythologi&al or<s(
sha%a!isti& boo<s( he is a ell read %i!d of stole! ideas. 3as
dry h'%or. $pea<s fl'e!t $pa!ish.
A&&o%plished a%ate'r pia!ist a!d
astro!o%er. $a! Cra!&is&o se@ &l'bs
reg'lar here he or<s se&'rity three
!ights a ee< at -"-E5 ,'esdays(
;ed!esdays a!d ,h'rsdays F p% to 11
B!e of the o!ers of -"-E5 a!d ,he -iger ?'ildi!g here he lives o! its top
floor E*-A5 lives i! a 2 bedroo% ea&h ith &edar a!d %irrored shelved
al<-i! &loset ith br'shed !i&<el %irrored ardrobe doors a!d 2 a!d a 1/2
baths i! a 1(N00 s.f dar< hardood al!'t / %ahoga!y floor '!it. 3as %artial
arts bla&<belt. Plays ell ith others. $e!s'o's eyes( %editative lips(
ha'!ti!g story teller( a %a! f'll a!d bold ih easy &o!fide!&e a!d %ai!tai!i!g
his sa!ity thro'gh his ords a!d his $ilver 2evel ballroo% da!&i!g.

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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A dra%ati& prese!&e( i%pe&&ably dressed a!d tailored( lithe( he <!os the
eight of his ords a!d softare &ode. 3as the -iger habit of holdi!g his
dri!< i! the pal% of his ha!d. A&&o%plished &ard &o'!ter a!d ?la&<4a&<
player. "! love ith A2"CE. E*-A5+s relatio!aship ith people is fo'!ded
o! %'t'al de&e!t respe&t for the other+s i!divid'lais% a!d perso!al dig!ity.
1i% 9orriso! a!d ,he *oors fa!. *rives a b'rga!dy 2e@'s C, 3ybrid . 3e
i!hales %ari4'a!a thro'gh a =apol'tio! a!d dri!<s espresso ith 6ahl'a( or
s'! i&e tea ith spear%i!t or pepper%i!t sprigs fro% his garde!. Crie!ds
ith "sabel Alle!de( ,ess :riLa 3olthe( 1oe ?reeLe( 9arti! Cr'L $%ith(
1oy&e 9ay!ard( *o! >ovello( *ave Eggers( A!!e 2a%ott( A%y ,a!( 1oe
EsLterhas( 6ay 5ya!( =e!dela =ida( ,i!<a ,hieba'd( $traberry $aroya!(
Ara% $aroya!( 6i 2o!gfello( 1aso! 5oberts( -ary $!yder( ,o% 9erritt (
Cerride! Calli!gstar . E*-A5( alo!g ith 1BE( E2E6,5A( 2A>CE( CA,A
9B5-A>A( 1"9( 9B5-A>A( a!d A2"CE( does a daily !oo!ti%e ho'r-a!d-a-
half lap si% at $a! Cra!&is&o+s >orth ?ea&h $i%%i!g Pool.
CA,A 9B5-A>A. 2ives i! $a'salito( 9ari! Co'!ty(
Califor!ia o! a ho'seboat S$avvy( %ateT at $a'salito
$hipyard K 9ari!a for%ally ArJ'es $hipyard K 9ari!a. 23F0
9ari!ship ;ay Ha&&ess o! 5oad 3I $a'salito( 4'st !orth of
the $a! Cra!&is&o -olde! -ate ?ridge. ;ell-ad4'sted(
&haris%ati& a!d %arried to a 9ari! Co'!ty
$'pervisor. C'll ti%e barte!der at -"-E5 N p% to
2 a% Cridays a!d $at'rdays( G p% to 11 p%
$'!days( 9o!days( ,'edays( ;ed!esdays( a!d
,h'rsdays. B!e of the o!ers of -"-E5 a!d ,he
-iger ?'ildi!g. $he is the b'ildi!g a!d b'si!ess
operati!g %a!ager for her five -"-E5 part!ers.
A fata %orga!a is the %ost biLarre of
s'perior i%ages. ,here is so%ethi!g '!!ervi!g abo't at&hi!g
reality be!d before o!e#s eyes. ,here is hat o!e S<!osT to be
tr'e( a!d that hi&h o!e &a! see thro'gh a! eye or telephoto

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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le!s or bi!o&'lars ith Cata 9orga!a( the three are diffi&'lt to re&o!&ile.
$o%ethi!g is happe!i!g o! the %i!d+s horiLo!. ;hile so%eo!e s'fferi!g fro%
the %ad!ess of love e@ha'stio! &o'ld( hoever '!li<ely it %ay see%(
&o!&eivably %ista<e de&eptio! for love.
9irages &a!!ot be held i! o!e#s ha!d they appear so%e dista!&e aay( a!d
li<e rai!bos &a! o!ly be folloed( !ever rea&hed. 9irages( fro% the 2ati!
%irare( %ea!i!g Sto loo< at( to o!der atT( are !at'ral opti&al phe!o%e!a
they are real( ob4e&tive eve!ts( that o!ly &a'se proble%s for
's he! e i!terpret the% i!&orre&tly. ,hey are
for%ed by the be!di!g( or refra&ti!g of 2E* 2"-3,
rays thro'gh layers of air of differi!g
te%perat'res( a pro4e&tio! givi!g a shi%%eri!g et
appeara!&e a!d appear th's givi!g the i%pressio! that they
are &loser tha! they really are. 9a<es far-a-ay ob4e&ts see%s to toer i!.
,he! there are Cata 9orga!a a! "talia! ter% refere!&i!g 9orga! le Cay(
the elfi!( shape-shifti!g half-sister of 6i!g Arth'r. "! o'r &o!te@t( the Cata
9orga!a is also a &o%pli&ated( rapidly &ha!gi!g s'perior %irage( a
&o%fortable -othi& *o%i!atri@ that display i!verted ob4e&ts( stret&hed
la!ds&apes a!d other eird!ess of s%o<e a!d %irrors. 9irages( these fata
%orga!as( have lo!g left 's spellbo'!d. ,heir poer to play tri&<s o! o'r
%i!ds e!dlessly fas&i!ates.
:ses '!lit &igarettes Hdoes!+t s%o<eI li<e her fedoras. 3as 9aster of Arts
i! *ra%a fro% $a! Cra!&is&o $tate :!iversity. Cata 9orga!a+s %otto is SAs
a h'%a! bei!g do be %ore tha! a! a%ate'r at it.T Ca! of ?ette *avis( ?ette
9idler( A!!ette ?e!i!g. Crie!ds ith A!!ette ?e!i!g( Phil Cra!<( Cli!t
Eastood( 9aria 9'lda'r( ?arbara ?o@er( ;alter 9'r&h( 5obi! ;right
Pe!!( 9o!tgo%ery 9&Cate( Edi! Cat%'ll ( Per!ell 5oberts( $ea! Pe!!( A!dy
$a%berg( ?re!da Chap%a!( -eorge 2'&as( ?ill 5afferty( ?arry 2evi!so! ( Pat
Pa'lse! ( *o! >ovello ( Peter Coyote ( *avid Crosby( ?o!!ie 5aitt( Peter ,or<(
*avid $trathair! ( 3'ey 2eis( 2ars :lri&h( 5obi! ;right Pe!!( Charlie
C'!!i!gha%( 6evi! 2i%a ( *avid Ci!&her( 6athlee! R'i!la!( ,erry 9&-over!(

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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5obi! ;illia%s ( =a! 9orriso! ( 1oh! 2asseter( Co!!ie >ielse!( $&ott ,h'!es .
3as a refi!ed( &lassi&ally bea'tif'l fa&e.
$he is !ot <!o&<o't gorgeo'sU there is a s%o<y <i!d of se!s'o's!ess abo't
her. $he is poised( &ool( i! &o%plete &o%%a!d of herself( a!d spoiled. $a!
Cra!&is&o se@ &l'bs reg'lar. Plays ell ith others. *rives a 19F4 red <it
9orga!. $ilver level ballroo% da!&er. 3as the -iger habit of holdi!g her
dri!< i! the pal% of her ha!d. A&&o%plished &ard &o'!ter a!d ?la&<4a&<
player. 6!obby <!ees( stri!gy( foal ga<i!ess( a garde!er so 's'ally has a
peeli!g s'!b'r!( s&rat&hes( br'ises a!d a! '!dersta!dable a%o'!t of dirt
'!der her !ails. 2iste!s to the ?l'es ( Etta 1a%es( ?illie 3oliday( 1a!is 1opli!(
5obert Cray( Chris "saa< ( -aye Adegbalola. $he i!hales her ho%e-gro!
%ari4'a!a thro'gh a =apol'tio! a!d dri!<s 6ahl'a o! i&e( or s'! i&e tea ith
spear%i!t or pepper%i!t sprigs fro% their garde!. CA,A 9B5-A>A( alo!g
ith 1BE( E2E6,5A( 2A>CE( A2"CE( 1"9( 9B5-A>A( a!d E*-A5( does a
daily !oo!ti%e ho'r-a!d-a-half lap si% at $a! Cra!&is&o+s >orth ?ea&h
$i%%i!g Pool. Cirst-rate ?log Bpera player.
?A>*6",,8+$ voi&e played by ;illo $%ith
,"*E+$ voi&e played by ,aylor *ior
*"5EC,B5 ;. Alle! ,aylor. is a! a&tor( riter(
dire&tor a!d tea&her of theater arts at the College
of 9ari!.

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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CB$,:9E *E$"->E5 9ia ?a@ter. bee! a part of 9ari! ,heater Co%pa!y+s
prod'&tio! tea% si!&e 200Q. 9ost re&e!tly( she has
desig!ed props a!d &ost'%es for prod'&tio!s at A'rora
,heatre Co%pa!y( Cal $ha<es( A.C.,. Co!servatory a!d $C
Playho'se. $he has also or<ed ith ,he 1eish ,heatre(
$a&ra%e!to Bpera( 9'si& Cir&'s( ;ord for ;ord( ,eatro
Espera!La a!d "!terse&tio! for the Arts. $he is a! al'%!i of $a! Cra!&is&o
$tate :!iversity.
$lo( la!g'id( '!d'lates( 4iggles( lo!g beats of sile!&e ith body la!g'age(
&ost'%es( %'si&( a!d eyes telli!g the story( ebbs a!d flos( laLy ba&<aters(
deliberate( savored( everythi!g+s sipped !ot &h'gged( dra! o't( !'a!&es(
say( tra!&es( tho'ghtf'l( all the ti%e i! the orld( rhyth%i&.
A!sel Ada%s+ ?irds B! A ?ea&h( Eve!i!g o! -elati! silver pri!t
$e&o!d star to the right( a!d straight o! till %or!i!g. 1. 9. ?arrie
Acts B Scenes
Act , $&e!e B!e - 6eep the !ight at bay
Act , $&e!e ,o - $o al< %e ba&< ho%e( %y darli!g
Act , $&e!e ,hree - ,ell %e drea%s really &o%e tr'e

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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Bpe!i!g. $tart 9:$"C ,he -iger Chro!i&les ,he%e $o!g 3erb Alpert
?ehi!d the 5ai! P
versio!-2QFQ1G. A&t " $&e!e B!e - 6eep the !ight at bay. 2"-3, o! a!d
C:5,A"> ope!s o!to 3E5? A2PE5, perfor%i!g a!d to i!terior
$A:$A2",B 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ ho%e.
9:$"C e!ds( 2"-3, off 3E5? A2PE5, ho e@its.
Start (-S,C $enry (ancini, =#lie Andrew's
Whistling Away The Dark* Cra>y World P
2"-3, o! 3E>58 9A>C">" CB=E5 a!d *A9E
1:2"E A>*5E;$ &over perfor%i!g. ,:>E e!ds( 2"-3, off 3E>58
9A>C">" CB=E5 a!d *A9E 1:2"E
A>*5E;$ &over ho e@it.
M$!o# Mfalls# thro'gh the stage lights
givi!g %ore spatiality a!d di%e!sio! to
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E set. B! set
alays are a fe%ale ora!ge tabby &at !a%ed ?A>*6",,8
a!d a fe%ale -olde! 5etriever !a%ed ,"*E that are
alays i!tera&ti!g. "t is 10 a% $at'rday( $epte%ber 1( 2012. "t is a &lo'dy
F4 degrees. ,he i!d is ;$; at 10 %ph. ,he
h'%idity is 90 per&e!t.
E*-A5 a!d CA,A 9B5-A>A sit at a bla&< la&J'er
di!i!g table. ?A>*6",,8 sits o! the bar
prete!di!g to be a! ora!ge spot. ,"*E sits o!
CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ feet. E*-A5 ears light r'st
&olored s'%%er dress tro'sers that are pleated
a!d have !arro &'ffs( a deep yello b'tto! do! short-sleeved sil< shirt( a
!arro bro! leather belt( thi!< r'st &olored so&<s( bro! loafers( a!d a
ta'pe fedeora. CA,A 9B5-A>A ears a lo!g r'st( yello( red( ora!ge( a!d
bla&< s'%%er s<irt to her a!<les( a lo!g-sleeved red sil< blo'se( a!d red to-

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i!&h spi<ed s'%%er heels. $he has a yello a!d bla&< sil< s&arf aro'!d her
CA,A 9B5-A>A ears glitter %a<e'p. $he has <!obby
<!ees( is stri!gy( has foal ga<i!ess( is a garde!er so has
a peeli!g s'!b'r!( s&rat&hes( br'ises a!d a!
'!dersta!dable a%o'!t of dirt '!der her !ails. CA,A
9B5-A>A !ods i! agree%e!t as she loo<s tho'ghtf'lly
aro'!d( pets ?A>*6",,8 the! pets ,"*E. ?A>*6",,8
says SaarrrhT a!d strops CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ shi!s
vigoro'sly ba&< a!d forth a half-doLe! or so ti%es
before %ovi!g to other shi!s. CA,A 9B5-A>A says easily ith the
%otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( loads a!d i!hales her ho%e-gro!
%ari4'a!a thro'gh a =apol'tio!( al<s a&ross the ri&h( r'ddy( gloss %ahoga!y
/ redood / al!'t floor( her high heels tal<i!g. 6i!eti& E!ergy Cloori!g is
everyhere. "! the ba&<gro'!d a 3-perso! &lea!i!g &re fro%
$%art Clea!i!g $ervi&es( three 3ispa!i& o%e!( fi!ish 'p d'sti!g
a!d va&''%i!g. A 3ispa!i& %a! a!d his 9-year old so! fro%
E@&elle!t ;i!do Clea!i!g "!& fi!ish 'p polishi!g the %irrors a!d
i!dos. Cro% the ho%e+s ope! s&ree!ed i!dos the so'!ds of
the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay rea&h i!. -'lls s&rea%( boats+ air hor!s pier&e the
air( people+s voi&es rise a!d fall( fog hor!s blast throatily( the lap a!d slap of
the aves( a! o&&asio!al dog bar<( are all i!ter%itte!t.I
,"*E+$ =B"CE played by ,aylor *ior
Hlifts her ears a!d !ose( the! respo!ds to a bar<I
?A56V Ahoy. 8o' boys <!o yo' &a!+t
&o%e i!to %y !eighborhood itho't first
a!d politely as<i!g this ole sea dog.
H$hados da!&e gra&ef'lly o! the bl'e alls of the ho%e. ,he s%ells of salt(
iodi!e( &har&oal( diesel( a!d %ari4'a!a aft tho'gh 3B:$E?BA, $A==8(

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9A,E. ,he &'rtai!s ripple agai!st the bl'e alls. ?A>*6",,8 a!!o'!&es
S%ooorrrVT CA,A 9B5-A>A( restless( sta!ds 'p a!d %oves to sta!d
be!eath a s<ylight( the s<ylight+s strea%i!g s'!light is ripples of rai!bos
off the bl'e-gree! &eili!g( her glass held i! the pal% of her ha!d( she lifts
her glass a!d sips( the! she p'ts the glass do!. ?A>*6",,8 says
S<leert+( sits do! o! the table a!d starts to ash herself.
CA,A 9B5-A>A i!hales %ari4'a!a thro'gh a =apol'tio!( she the!
ha!ds it to E*-A5 ho loads it a!d the! i!hales. E*-A5 pets
,"*E the! ?A>*6",,8( ho says +<rrarr+. I
?A>*6",,8+$ =B"CE played by ;illo $%ith
P'rrfe&t. "+ll 4'st give %yself a bath
right here.

,"*E+$ =B"CE played by ,aylor *ior
,ha!<s for the pet( Edgar. A little %ore(
HE*-A5 i!stead s&rat&hes ?A>*6",,8 '!der the &hi!(
doi!g it properly. ?A>*6",,8 a&&epts it( stret&hes her
!e&< a!d &loses her eyes( loo<s very pleased at ,"*E. ,he!
E*-A5 pets ,"*E( hi&h ?A>*6",,8 ig!ores. CA,A 9B5-A>A pets
?A>*6",,8 ho gives a lo!g b'bbli!g +bleerrrt+ the! ?A>*6",,8 bops
CA,A 9B5-A>A. CA,A 9B5-A>A says easily ith the %otio! of her
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E as she loo<s o't at a s&ree!ed i!do here
she sees a seal gra&ef'lly sirli!g a!d glidi!g thro'gh the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay
sells. CA,A briefly fo&'ses o! the thi! brai!ave a%plifer i%pla!t i! her
right earlobe a!d ope!s the drapes ith a s%all ave of her right i!de@

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B! CA,A+$ left a!<le is a <i!eti& bra&<elet of hi&h a s%all portio! of its
stored <i!eti& e!ergy &olle&ted fro% CA,A$ %ove%e!ts as 4'st 'sed i!
ope!i!g the drapes. ,hro'gh the i!dos of her ho'seboat( CA,A
9B5-A>A at&hes seag'lls as they drove do! fro% the fog ba!< a!d s<y
i! ild aba!do! i!to aves a!d aves of sells a!d o!ders( o!e seag'll does
a silly( piro'etti!g s<itteri!g da!&e as it &o%es i! for a la!di!g o!
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E here it eyes CA,A 9B5-A>A thro'gh the
i!do s&ree!.
,he so'!ds of the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay slither( slap( pop( a!d s!ap by the
s&ree!ed ope! i!dos. CA,A 9B5-A>A dri!<s s'! i&e tea ith spear%i!t
sprigs fro% -"-E5+$ rooftop garde!. $he plays ith a! '!lit &igarette(
t'r!s a!d at&hes o't the i!do as the bay sirls thro'gh the pili!gs
here she at&hes seal+s heads bob i! the sells a!d a sailboat %otor o't to
the &ha!!el( a o%a! i! her early 30+s drives it( a %a! i! his late 30+s &he&<s
the life 4a&<ets( the! shos a pretee! boy a!d girl the or<i!gs of the sails
as they ready the%( their happy a!d e@&ited voi&es &arry i! thro'gh the
s&ree!ed i!dos of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E.
?A>*6",,8 levitates 'p( p'ts her forelegs o! E*-A5+$ &hest( a!d de%a!ds
pets( right !o a!d !o !o!se!se ith a S!aaoVT ,"*E trots over %a<i!g the
sa%e +pet %e+ de%a!d o! E*-A5. E*-A5 pets ?A>*6",,8 the! ,"*E.
>o a! ora!ge spot o! the dar< al!'t table( ?A>*6",,8 rhyth%i&ally
stret&hes o't the! rela@es her forepas a!d si!gs a lo so!g so'!di!g bees
b'LLi!g i! deep &lover( her eyes !arro i! &o!te!t%e!t. ,he g'lls s&rea%(
a!d a breeLe ti&<les CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ i!d-&hi%es %a<i!g the% la'gh
a%o!g the%selves.
A dog bar<s a &o'ple ti%es( ,"*E+$ !ose( eyes a!d ears lift toards the
bar<( the! a o%a!+s voi&e &alls o't ith la'ghter S5i&<( 5i&< boy( &o%e
here(T pa'se( the o%a!+s voi&e is fai!ter as she %oves do! the do&<(
Sattaboy 5i&<.T CA,A 9B5-A>A r'!s her ha!d thro'gh her hair( disheveli!g
it &as'ally( pa'ses to liste! as the speedboat %oves o't i!to the $a'salito
&ha!!el( her glass held i! the pal% of her ha!d. CA,A 9B5-A>A sighs( a
ship+s diesel e!gi!e starts 'p a series of sift &h'ff( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g(

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&h'f( &h'g b'rsts. CA,A 9B5-A>A t'r!s to loo< o't the i!do( its
&'rtai!s %ove i! the sea breeLe( abr'ptly the &h'f( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g of the
e!gi!e stopsU other so'!ds !o are heardU the slap a!d lap of aves agai!st
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+s floats a!d the do&<+s pylo!s( g'lls &alli!g o't(
a!d people+s voi&es a!d la'ghter( the diesel e!gi!e starts 'p agai! &h'ff(
&h'g( &h'f( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g the! settles do!. *i!!er is grilled s<eers of
tof'( &hi&<e! a!d vegetables Chef has prepared earlier so has bee!
%ari!ati!g a day or so( ith the dip a plai! !o!fat yog'rt( ith grated
&'&'%bers a!d Caye!!e i! it. B! the table is a bottle of -ia&o%o Co!ter!o
?arbera d#Alb a i!e. >e@t to it is a &h'!< of aged 5eggia!o( al!'ts(
%'shroo% appetiLers( "&e -ree! ,eaU a!d for desert( 4'st-pi&<ed apri&ots(
a!d -ra!d 9ar!ier( sha<e! ith i&e the! strai!ed. E*-A5 ope!s the
-ia&o%o Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera i!e( de&a!ts it( the! po'rs ea&h
of the% a glass of the %ag!ifi&a!t ?arbera.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
H$he shifts herself o! the di!i!g roo% &hair( ,"*E trots over to &he&<(
CA,A pets ,"*E hile she says easily ith the %otio! of her ho'seboat(
$A==8( 9A,E. Cro% 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+$ ope! s&ree!ed
i!dos the so'!ds of the &ha!!el( the $a'salito harbor a!d the $a!
Cra!&is&o ?ay rea&h i!. -'lls s&rea%( boats+ air hor!s pier&e the air(
people+s voi&es rise a!d fall( fog hor!s blast throatily( the lap a!d slap of the
aves agai!st 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( a! o&&asio!al dog bar<( are all
i!ter%itte!t. $hados da!&e gra&ef'lly o! the bl'e alls of 3B:$E?BA,
$A==8( 9A,E. ,he s%ells of salt( iodi!e( &har&oal( diesel( a!d %ari4'a!a
aft tho'gh 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E. ,he &'rtai!s ripple agai!st the
bl'e alls.I
;e all <!e Blso! al<ed o't ith 3
%illio! i! &ash. 3is lifestyle as
p'bli&iLi!g it.
?A>*6",,8+$ =B"CE played by ;illo $%ith

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,'r!s o't Papa Blso! has &o!!ed a!d lied
a!d &overed 'p his hole life(
disappoi!ti!g a!yo!e ho ever loved hi%.
,"*E+$ =B"CE played by ,aylor *ior
9y %other ar!ed %e abo't getti!g i!to
&ars ith stra!ge %e!.
?A>*6",,8+$ =B"CE played by ;illo $%ith
" 4'st gotta go!!a o!der ho Papa
Blso! ever tho'ght he &o'ld live so
large a!d leave so little for the rest of
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
HE*-A5( a toothpi&< i! his %o'th( sits o! the di!i!g roo%
&hair p'shed aay ba&< fro% the bla&< la&J'er di!i!g roo%
table( a!d stro<es a throi!g <!ife agai!st a leather strap.
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E &oolly breathes ealth(
se!s'o's f'!( elega!&e( per%a!e!&e( gra&e -the good life.
E*-A5 has his ha!ds lo&<ed aro'!d his <!ees hile he loo<s
aro'!d( he says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA,
$A==8( 9A,E. ?A>*6",,8 is !o &'rled 'p o! the di!i!g
roo% table i! fro!t of E*-A5. ,"*E is !o at E*-A5+$
feet( E*-A5 pets ?A>*6",,8 --E*-A5 the! pets ,"*E.
?A>*6",,8 sta!ds 'p( says SaarrrhT a!d %oves to the
floor here she stropps E*-A5+$ shi!s vigoro'sly ba&< a!d
forth a half-doLe! or so ti%es before %ovi!g to CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ shi!s.
E*-A5 pi&<s 'p his -ia&o%o Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera fro% the
table( dri!<s( the! holds it i! the pal% of his ha!d. $pea<s %atter-of-fa&tI

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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"t as eleve! years ago. Blso! al<ed
o't. 3e al<ed o't of his ife a!d
'!bor! so!( his 4ob at 5edood 3igh
$&hool a!d o't of $a'salito. " <!e hat
it as all abo't. ;e all <!e.
?A>*6",,8+$ voi&e as played by ;illo $%ith
Hher voi&e is sadI
Co!s o!ly or< he! the %ar< a!ts to
believe. 9a%a a!ted to believe Papa
,"*E+$ voi&e as played by ,aylor *ior
9a%a Blso! alays a!ts to believe Papa.
$avvy( %ate.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
H?A>*6",,8 %oves over to CA,A 9B5-A>A !o sitti!g at
the table. ?A>*6",,8 levitates 'p to CA,A 9B5-A>A+$
lap( p'ts her forelegs o! CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ &hest( a!d
de%a!ds pets( right !o a!d !o !o!se!se ith a S!aaoVT
,"*E trots over %a<i!g the sa%e +pet %e+ de%a!d o! CA,A
CA,A 9B5-A>A pets ?A>*6",,8 the! ,"*E. A! ora!ge
spot o! the dar< al!'t table( ?A>*6",,8 rhyth%i&ally
stret&hes o't the! rela@es her forepas a!d si!gs a lo
so!g so'!di!g bees b'LLi!g i! deep &lover( her eyes !arro
i! &o!te!t%e!t. CA,A 9B5-A>A says easily ith the

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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%otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E as she the! sighs( the! s%iles a!d
la'ghs hile she %'r%'rs to ?A>*6",,8( the! p'ts her -ia&o%o Co!ter!o
?arbera d#Alba ?arbera glass i! the pal% of her ha!d( pa'ses to pet ,"*E
ho+s sitti!g o! CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ high-heeled &lad feet( CA,A
9B5-A>A sips -ia&o%o Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera ( the! p'ts the
glass ba&< i!to the pal% of her ha!d.I
;e did!+t <!o the! abo't his ife a!d
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
H3e sta!ds 'p( says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E(
the! %oves to 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+$ i!do i! a! i!dole!t sagger
of the professio!al riter i! a!y pla&e( a!y ti%e. A boat goes by( its diesel
e!gi!es &h'g. 3e shifts his eight o! his feet ith the %ove%e!t of the $a!
Cra!&is&o ?ay.I
Br( ho they are.
HE*-A5 starts the bar-b-J'e. CA,A 9B5-A>A loads a vaporiLer by the
bar-b-J'e ith her ho%e-gro! %ari4'a!a( i!hales( ha!ds it to E*-A5( ho
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hsays easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( her -ia&o%o
Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera glass held i! the pal% of her ha!d( she sips
her -ia&o%o Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera ( the! p'ts the glass ba&< i!to
the pal% of her ha!d( she t'r!s a!d at&hes o't the i!do as the bay
sirls thro'gh the pili!gs here she sees seal+s heads bob i! the sells. $he
t'r!s to loo< at E*-A5. 3er eyes fli&<er ith i&<ed!ess. $he spea<s

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;ell( e &ertai!ly do !o. O3 %illio! i!
&ash is &ertai!ly e!o'gh to <eep the
!ight at bay.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hsaggers over to the settee here he sprals o't o! it. ?A>*6",,8 a!d
,"*E %ove to E*-A5. ?A>*6",,8 says S<leert+( 4'%ps 'p a!d sits do!
o! E*-A5+$ lap a!d starts to ash herself. E*-A5 pets ?A>*6",,8 a!d

Blso! <!e all alo!g she as a gold-%i!e
for hi%.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
H$he shifts herself o! the di!i!g roo% &hair( ,"*E trots over to &he&<(
CA,A 9B5-A>A pets ,"*E hile she says easily ith the %otio! of
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E.
Cro% 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+$ ope! s&ree!ed i!dos
the so'!ds of the &ha!!el( the $a'salito harbor a!d the $a!
Cra!&is&o ?ay rea&h i!. -'lls s&rea%( boats+ air hor!s pier&e
the air( people+s voi&es rise a!d fall( fog hor!s blast
throatily( the lap a!d slap of the aves agai!st 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E(
a! o&&asio!al dog bar<( are all i!ter%itte!t. $hados da!&e gra&ef'lly o!
the bl'e alls of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E. ,he s%ells of salt( iodi!e(
&har&oal( diesel( a!d %ari4'a!a aft tho'gh 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E.
,he &'rtai!s ripple agai!st the bl'e alls.I
,he! Blso! %oved to a trailer par< i!
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith

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Hsta!ds( stret&hes( says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8(
9A,EU his -ia&o%o Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera glass !o held i! the
pal% of his ha!d( he lifts it a!d sips( the! p'ts the glass ba&< i!to the pal%
of his ha!d( he is &y!i&( sardo!i&( alert( %eas'ri!g( i!te!seI

R'W iro!Xa J'e Blso! real%e!te se
trasladY desde la &i'dad de $a'salito de
&lase %'!dial a ese p'eblo de &lase ba4a
de >ovato.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
HCA,A sits at the table a!d says easily ith the %otio! of
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E. CA,A pets ?A>*6",,8 ho
gives a lo!g b'bbli!g +bleerrrt+ the! ?A>*6",,8 bops
CA,A he! CA,A rea&hes do! to pet ,"*E hile CA,A
loo<s aro'!d a!d the! she pets ?A>*6",,8 ho gives
a!other lo!g b'bbli!g +bleerrrt+. CA,A+$ eyes s!ap ith
e!th'sias%( she is sle!der( yo'!ger loo<i!g tha! her age a!d
vibra!t. CA,A r'!s her fi!gers over her &hest a!d throat.
$he spea<s %atter-of-fa&tI
" la'ghed at hi%.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
H3e sta!ds 'p( says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E(
the! %oves to 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+$ i!do i! a! i!dole!t sagger
of the professio!al riter i! a!y pla&e( a!y ti%e. A boat goes by( its diesel
e!gi!es &h'g. ;ith E*-A5+$ assista!&e CA,A 9B5-A>A J'i&<ly has
everythi!g &oo<ed a!d served. E*-A5 shifts his eight o! his feet ith the
%ove%e!t of the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay( the! %'r%'rsI

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!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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"+% s're %a!y others did too.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hs%iles( ?A>*6",,8 %oves to CA,A ho pets ?A>*6",,8 ho says
+<rrarr+. CA,A s&rat&hes ?A>*6",,8 '!der the &hi!( doi!g it properly.
?A>*6",,8 a&&epts it( stret&hes her !e&< a!d &loses her
eyes( loo<s very pleased. ,he! CA,A s%iles as she shifts her
eight o! her feet ith the %ove%e!t of the $a! Cra!&is&o
Blso! stor%ed o't. 3e as s&rea%i!g he
did!+t a!t a!y yard or diapers.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hhe p'ts o't the bar-b-J'e( the! %oves to sta!d at a i!do
of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E. 3e says easily ith the
%otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( his -ia&o%o
Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera glass held i! the pal% of
his ha!d. 3e passes his ha!d over his &hi!( pa'ses( the!
shr'gs at CA,A.I

Blso!+s so e@plosive. 5e%ote. 2it by
i!!er fires. :lti%ately self-destr'&tive
A %a! hose perso!al stars periodi&ally
e!t !ova.
HE*-A5 pa'ses( shifts his eight o! his feet ith the %ove%e!t of the $a!
Cra!&is&o ?ay( spea<s ith satisfa&tio! as he ta<es a sip of the %ag!ifi&e!t
Blso!+s &areer leveled off at a platea'
ro'ghly &o%%e!s'rate ith his abilities(

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hi&h is too say( !ot high e!o'gh for
ho%e a!d fa%ily.
HE*-A5 holds his for< to o!e of the s<eers o! his plate( lifts the s<eer
so the tof'( &hi&<e! a!d vegetables all slide off( the! for<s a &o'ple pie&es(
dips the% i!to the plai! !o!fat yog'rt ith grated &'&'%bers a!d Caye!!e
o! his plate( a!d eats.I
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
H?A>*6",,8 %oves over to CA,A 9B5-A>A sitti!g at the
table. ?A>*6",,8 levitates 'p to CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ lap( p'ts her
forelegs o! CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ &hest( a!d de%a!ds pets( right !o a!d !o
!o!se!se ith a S!aaoVT ,"*E trots over %a<i!g the sa%e +pet %e+
de%a!d o! CA,A 9B5-A>A. CA,A 9B5-A>A pets ?A>*6",,8 the!
,"*E. A! ora!ge spot o! the dar< al!'t table( ?A>*6",,8 rhyth%i&ally
stret&hes o't the! rela@es her forepas a!d si!gs a lo so!g so'!di!g bees
b'LLi!g i! deep &lover( her eyes !arro i! &o!te!t%e!t. CA,A 9B5-A>A
says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E as she the!
sighs( the! s%iles a!d la'ghs hile she %'r%'rs to ?A>6",,8( the! p'ts
her -ia&o%o Co!ter!o ?arbera d#Alba ?arbera glass i! the pal% of her ha!d(
pa'ses to pet ,"*E ho+s sitti!g o! CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ high-heeled &lad
feet( CA,A 9B5-A>A sips her tea( the! p'ts the glass ba&< i!to the pal%
of her ha!d. $he at&hes a 5oo%ba va&''%.I
Blso! !ever a&&epted that he as al<i!g
ith gia!ts i! his ife a!d so!.
CStart (-S,C =#lie Andrew's Whistling Away The Dark P
http.//.yo't'be.&o%/at&h)v03-b2A1>482 L . 2"-3, o! *A9E 1:2"E
A>*5E;$ &over perfor%i!g.I
HE*-A5 saggers over to the settee here he sprals o't o! it.
?A>*6",,8 a!d ,"*E %ove to E*-A5. ?A>*6",,8 says S<leert+( 4'%ps

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'p a!d sits do! o! E*-A5+$ lap a!d starts to ash herself. E*-A5 pets
?A>*6",8 a!d ,"*E. 3is voi&e ta<es o! a &har%i!g !ote.I
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
$o tell %e abo't yo'r dis&overy 9s $E,"
Astro!o%er( a!d ho Blso! as i!volved.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hrestless( %oves fro% i!do to i!do to i!do( says easily ith the
%otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( pets ,"*E( t'r!s( her fa&e
e@pressio!less( peers dire&t at E*-A5( pa'se( the! %'r%'rsI
"t+s a tra!s%issio!. 3as pe&'liar
sy%%etries a!d repeati!g p'lse(
avele!gth a!d i!te!sity.
Hpa'se( shifts her eight ith the %ove%e!t of the $a!
Cra!&is&o ?ay I
Blso! fig'red o't it as a %elody.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hpa'se as he sees the depth a!d &o%ple@ity i! that state%e!t.
Pets ,"*E( the! ,"*E al<s over to CA,A 9B5-A>A( %a<i!g
the sa%e +pet %e+ de%a!dU a!d getti!g petted. $atisfied(
,"*E sits do! i! fro!t of E*-A5( ith her &hi! o! E*-A5+$
,he theater is a starship that ta<es yo'
everyhere hile goi!g !ohere.

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C-%TA,+ closes) &nd oD Act , $&e!e B!e.
Act , $&e!e ,o $o al< %e ba&< ho%e( %y darli!g. $tart 9:$"C Piano :
$enry (ancini's Whistling Away The Dark P
http.//.yo't'be.&o%/at&h) v0apvgDgy;d8o . C:5,A"> ope!s to
i!terior of 5E*;BB* 3"-3 $C3BB2 ?A>* 5BB9. A yo'!ger loo<i!g
CA,A 9B5-A>A a!d yo'!ger loo<i!g 1. 6. B2$B> sta!d there. B2$B>
ears s&r'ffy loafers( sardo!i&( a ri!<led striped b'tto! do! &ollar shirt(
had his sleeves rolled 'p his forear%s( i! r'%pled( dar<( pleated a!d &'ffed
tro'sers too big for hi%( a!d a hip le!gth bla&< leather aviator 4a&<et( also
too large. A! e%pty 2-liter *iet Pepsi bottle is o! a &hair. CA,A
9B5-A>A ears a bro! fedora( bla&< pate!t leather spi<e heels( bla&<
a!d hite &he&<ered %i!is<irt( bla&< thigh high sto&<i!gs( a!d a tailored
short bla&< shirt-4a&<et. $he aves aro'!d a! '!lit &igarette as she does!+t
1. 6. B2$B> as played by ?'rt ;ard
Hloo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
"+ve got it o! dis&. ,ied it i! ith a 9oog
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
1. 6. B2$B> as played by ?'rt ;ard
Hloo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
8o' already s'spe&ted( did!+t yo')

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HCA,A 9B5-A>A lear!ed years ago o!ly to telegraph hat she a!ted(
stays !e'tral( pa'se( B2$B> shr'gs( &o!ti!'es to loo<s at hi%self i!
;hat yo' gave %e to a!alyLe is by a!y
reaso!able defi!itio! a legiti%ate %'si&al
&o%positio!. "t has &o!siste!t str'&t're(
to!al &o!trast( sy%%etry( a!d
&o'!terpoi!tU eve! a! i!te!sifi&atio! of
variatio!s at the &o!&l'sio!. "f this is
e@traterrestrial as yo' say( if yo' &a!
&o!vi!&e the p'bli&( it+ll sell.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
1. 6. B2$B> as played by ?'rt ;ard
Hloo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
" &reated a virt'al or&hestra( i!p't yo'r
%elody i! the &o%p'ter( the! the 9oog.
,he res'lt is appropriate har%o!i&s a!d
rhyth%( assig!%e!ts to the vario's
&o%po!e!ts of the or&hestra( a!d a!
HCA,A 9B5-A>A %oves her ha!d i! a get-o!-ith-it %otio!. $he is a
garde!er so has a peeli!g s'!b'r!( s&rat&hes( br'ises a!d a! '!dersta!dable
a%o'!t of dirt '!der her !ails. Pa'se( B2$B> shr'gs( &o!ti!'es to loo<s at
hi%self i! %irrors as he spea<sI
$o al< %e ba&< ho%e( %y darli!g.

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Hpa'se( &o!ti!'es to loo< at hi%self i! %irrorsI
"t is !ot '!reaso!able to say their s<y is
o! fire.
CStart (-S,C $enry (ancini's Whistling Away The Dark P
Hpa'se( loo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
,he %'si&+s filled ith rage( vi&tory a!d
istf'l!ess. 2ighte!i!g rips thro'gh it.
2ights blaLe! battle%e!ts. B&ea!s
Hpa'se( loo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
*eath rides the s<y.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
?'t this is all yo'( !ot hat " re&orded.
1. 6. B2$B> as played by ?'rt ;ard
Hsha<es his head( loo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
"t+s the '!<!o! &o%poser.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
" do!+t '!dersta!d.
1. 6. B2$B> as played by ?'rt ;ard

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Hloo<s at hi%self i! %irrorsI
8o'r &o%poser here is histli!g past the
C-%TA,+ closes) &nd oD Act , $&e!e ,o.
Act , $&e!e ,hree ,ell %e drea%s really &o%e tr'e.
$tart 9:$"C Ola !?ell@ikAs' Whistling Away The Dark P
http.//.yo't'be.&o%/at&h)v0vN&F-60QJ9. 2"-3, o! Ola !?ell@ikAs
perfor%i!g. ,:>E e!ds( 2"-3, off Ola !?ell@ikAs ho e@its. C:5,A">
ope!s to to i!terior $A:$A2",B 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( CA,A
9B5-A>A+$ ho%e.
M$!o# Mfalls# thro'gh the stage lights givi!g %ore spatiality a!d di%e!sio! to
3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E set. B! set alays are a
fe%ale ora!ge tabby &at !a%ed ?A>*6",,8 a!d a
fe%ale -olde! 5etriever !a%ed ,"*E that are alays
i!tera&ti!g. "t is G p% $at'rday( $epte%ber 1( 2012. "t
is a s'!!y GG degrees. ,he i!d is ;>; at 10 %ph. ,he
h'%idity is FF per&e!t. E*-A5 a!d CA,A 9B5-A>A sit
behi!d the bar. ?A>*6",,8 sits o! the bar. ,"*E sits
o! CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ feet. B! the bar is a platter of
leftover &hi&<e!( first r'bbed ith ro&< salt( tha! %ari!ated i! &o&o!'t %il<(
garli&( pepper&or!s a!d &hillies for te!ty-fo'r ho'rs( the! s<eered a!d
slo-&oo<ed o! a gas rotisserie. E*-A5+$ belt b'&<les( footear heels a!d
&a!e have e%bedded <i!eti& e!ergiLers as ell as a!y ri!gs or!. E*-A5
ears a <i!eti& e!ergy ba!d o! his right a!<le a!d a!other o! his right rist.
CA,A+$ earri!gs( footear heels a!d ba!d have e%bedded <i!eti&
e!ergiLers as ell as a!y ri!gs or!. CA,A 9B5-A>A !ods i! agree%e!t as
she loo<s tho'ghtf'lly aro'!d( pets ?A>*6",,8 the! pets ,"*E.
?A>*6",,8 says SaarrrhT a!d strops CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ shi!s vigoro'sly
ba&< a!d forth a half-doLe! or so ti%es before %ovi!g to other shi!s.

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CA,A 9B5-A>A says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8(
9A,E( loads a!d i!hales %ari4'a!a thro'gh a =apol'tio!( al<s a&ross the
ri&h( r'ddy( gloss %ahoga!y / redood / al!'t floor( her high heels tal<i!g.
6i!eti& E!ergy Cloori!g is everyhere. CA,A 9B5-A>A ears a bro!
fedora( bla&< pate!t leather spi<e heels( bla&< a!d hite &he&<ered
%i!is<irt( bla&< thigh high sto&<i!gs( a!d a tailored short bla&< shirt-4a&<et.
E*-A5 ears a light grey -iorgio Ar%a!i s'it( -'&&i shoes a!d a Cra!<
$i!atra fedora. E*-A5 stro<es a throi!g <!ife agai!st a leather strap.
Cro% 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+s ope! s&ree!ed i!dos the so'!ds of
the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay rea&h i!. -'lls s&rea%( boats+ air hor!s pier&e the
air( people+s voi&es rise a!d fall( fog hor!s blast throatily( the lap a!d slap of
the aves( a! o&&asio!al dog bar<( are all i!ter%itte!t.I
,"*E+$ =B"CE played by ,aylor *ior
Hlifts her ears a!d !ose( the! respo!ds to a bar<I
?A56V Ahoy. 8o' boys <!o yo' &a!+t
&o%e i!to %y !eighborhood itho't first
a!d politely as<i!g this ole sea dog.
H$hados da!&e gra&ef'lly o! the bl'e alls of the ho%e. ,he s%ells of salt(
iodi!e( &har&oal( diesel( a!d %ari4'a!a aft tho'gh the ho%e. ,he &'rtai!s
ripple agai!st the bl'e alls. ?A>*6",,8 a!!o'!&es S%ooorrrVT CA,A
9B5-A>A( restless( sta!ds 'p a!d %oves to sta!d be!eath a s<ylight( the
s<ylight+s strea%i!g s'!light is ripples of rai!bos off the bl'e-gree!
&eili!g( her glass held i! the pal% of her ha!d( she lifts her glass a!d sips(
the! she p'ts the glass do!. ?A>*6",,8 says S<leert+( sits do! o! the
table a!d starts to ash herself. CA,A 9B5-A>A i!hales %ari4'a!a
thro'gh a =apol'tio!( she the! ha!ds it to E*-A5 ho loads it a!d the!
i!hales. E*-A5 pets ?A>*6",,8 ho says +<rrarr+. E*-A5 s&rat&hes
?A>*6",,8 '!der the &hi!( doi!g it properly. ?A>*6",,8 a&&epts it(
stret&hes her !e&< a!d &loses her eyes( loo<s very pleased. ,he! E*-A5

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pets ,"*E. CA,A 9B5-A>A pets ?A>*6",,8 ho gives a lo!g b'bbli!g
+bleerrrt+ the! ?A>*6",,8 bops CA,A 9B5-A>A. CA,A 9B5-A>A
says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E as she loo<s
o't at a i!do here she sees a seal gra&ef'lly sirli!g a!d glidi!g thro'gh
the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay sells. ,hro'gh the i!dos of 3B:$E?BA,
$A==8( 9A,E CA,A 9B5-A>A at&hes seag'lls as they drove do! fro%
the fog ba!< a!d s<y i! ild aba!do! i!to aves a!d aves of sells a!d
o!ders( o!e seag'll did a silly( piro'etti!g s<itteri!g da!&e as it &a%e i! for
a la!di!g o! 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E here it eyes CA,A 9B5-A>A
thro'gh the i!do s&ree!( the so'!ds of the $a! Cra!&is&o ?ay slither(
slap( pop( a!d s!ap by the s&ree!ed ope! i!dos.
CA,A 9B5-A>A dri!<s s'! i&e tea ith spear%i!t sprigs fro% -"-E5+$
rooftop garde!. $he plays ith a! '!lit &igarette as she does!+t s%o<e(
t'r!s a!d at&hes o't the i!do as the bay sirls thro'gh the pili!gs
here she at&hes seal+s heads bob i! the sells a!d a sailboat %otor o't to
the &ha!!el( a o%a! i! her early 30+s drives it( a %a! i! his late 30+s &he&<s
the life 4a&<ets( the! shos a pretee! boy a!d girl the or<i!gs of the sails
as they ready the%( their happy a!d e@&ited voi&es &arry i! thro'gh the
s&ree!ed i!dos of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E.
?A>*6",,8 levitates 'p( p'ts her forelegs o! E*-A5+$ &hest( a!d de%a!ds
pets( right !o a!d !o !o!se!se ith a S!aaoVT ,"*E trots over %a<i!g the
sa%e +pet %e+ de%a!d o! E*-A5. E*-A5 pets ?A>*6",,8 the! ,"*E.
>o a! ora!ge spot o! the dar< al!'t table( ?A>*6",,8 rhyth%i&ally
stret&hes o't the! rela@es her forepas a!d si!gs a lo so!g so'!di!g bees
b'LLi!g i! deep &lover( her eyes !arro i! &o!te!t%e!t. ,he g'lls s&rea%(
a!d a breeLe ti&<les CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ i!d-&hi%es %a<i!g the% la'gh
a%o!g the%selves. A dog bar<s a &o'ple ti%es( ,"*E+$ !ose( eyes a!d ears
lift toards the bar<( the! a o%a!+s voi&e &alls o't ith la'ghter S5i&<(
5i&< boy( &o%e here(T pa'se( the o%a!+s voi&e is fai!ter as she
%oves do! the do&<( Sattaboy 5i&<.TI
,"*E+$ voi&e as played by ,aylor *ior

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Hrespo!ds to the bar<I
?A56V 3iya( 5i&<.
HCA,A 9B5-A>A r'!s her ha!d thro'gh her hair( disheveli!g it &as'ally(
pa'ses to liste! as the speedboat %oves o't i!to the $a'salito &ha!!el( her
glass held i! the pal% of her ha!d. CA,A 9B5-A>A sighs( a ship+s diesel
e!gi!e starts 'p a series of sift &h'ff( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g
b'rsts. CA,A 9B5-A>A t'r!s to loo< o't the i!do( its &'rtai!s %ove i!
the sea breeLe( abr'ptly the e!gi!e stopsU other so'!ds !o are heardU the
slap a!d lap of aves agai!st 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E+$ floats a!d the
do&<+s pylo!s( g'lls &alli!g o't( a!d people+s voi&es a!d la'ghter( the diesel
e!gi!e starts 'p agai! &h'ff( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g( &h'f( &h'g the! settles do!.I
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hsays easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( E*-A5( a
toothpi&< i! his %o'th( stro<es a throi!g <!ife agai!st a leather strapI

8o' %ea! Blso! lost his faith.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Bh yes. 3is orld as a dar< pla&e f'll
of disaster.
?A>*6",,8+$ voi&e as played by ;illo $%ith

A orld of atheists a!d those ho
have!+t bee! payi!g atte!tio!.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley

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Hsays easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,EI
3e !ever prayed yet had the drive of a
%issio!ary a!d the &o!vi&tio! of faith.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith

;ell( Blso! as i!&o%pete!t i! a ide
ra!ge of areas. "t+s a %ystery hy 9ary
1a!e ?'r<e did!+t fire hi% soo!er.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley

;ith the 3 %illio! i! &ash Blso! stole
fro% his ife a!d so!( bribes( his bribes(
ere el&o%ed by o!e a!d all.
?A>*6",,8+$ =B"CE played by ;illo $%ith
9eo. A!d hat of yo'r pre&io's
%arriage vos( Papa)
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hpa'se( %'r%'rsI
,he! to fi!d o't -od does!+t play di&e(
4'st %'si&.
H$tart 9:$"C Da@e Gr#sin's Whistling Away The Dark P . 2"-3, o! *A=E -5:$">
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith

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Hpa'se( E*-A5 briefly fo&'ses o! the thi! brai!ave a%plifier i%pla!t i! his
right earlobe a!d ope!s a ho'seboat i!do ith a s%all ave of his right
i!de@ fi!ger. B! E*-A5+$ left rist is a <i!eti& ba!d of hi&h a s%all
portio! of its stored <i!eti& e!ergy &olle&ted fro% E*-A5+$ %ove%e!ts as
4'st 'sed i! '!lat&hi!g the ha!dle a!d %ovi!g the i!do ope!.I
3ave yo' read ,he 3istory of the
*e&li!e a!d Call of the 5o%a! E%pire)
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley

" have o!ly s<i%%ed thro'gh it+s si@
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
8o' sho'ld read it a!d thoro'ghly( b't
ith &a'tio!. "t+s J'ite &apable of
stra!gli!g a!yo!e+s spirit. -loo% has
settled o! the orld. Eve! the Cre!&h
are !o lo!ger s're their &'lt're is
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Blso! lost faith i! hi%self.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
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Hpa'se( shifts his eight o! his feet ith the %ove%e!t of the $a! Cra!&is&o
?ay( E*-A5( toothpi&< still i! his %o'th( &o!ti!'es to stro<e a throi!g
<!ife agai!st a leather strapI
,r'th does !ot ait o! h'%a!
?A>*6",,8+$ voi&e as played by ;illo $%ith
Everythi!g %'st adapt a!d live( or the
orld is a very hostile pla&e here they
soo! die.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hsays easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,EI

Blso! &a%e to believe e@&l'sively i!
o'tsiders( espe&ially layers( hi&h is the
a!titheses of liberalis%. 3e did so the
ay people do ith their religio!. A real
tell-%e-drea%s-really-&o%e-tr'e fa!ati&.
H$tart 9:$"C Pat 'ianchi's Whistling Away The Dark P
http**www)yo#t#be)com*watchE@FOG?&=ra=+.A. 2"-3, o! PAT
',A+C$, who is perDorming)H
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
;e have J'arrelso%e !eighbors)
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
Page 3Q of 42
Hshe loers her eyes( falls sile!t thi!<i!g as she says easily ith the %otio!
of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( she t'r!s to E*-A5( eyes hi%( the! says i!
a pra&ti&al( &rede!t to!eI

8es( o'r !eighbors are at ar.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hpa'se( shifts his eight o! his feet ith the %ove%e!t of the $a! Cra!&is&o
"t+s !ot a pla!etary ar( or a solar
syste% arU it+s a right-!e@t-door Ca!is
9a4or *arf -ala@y+s ar)
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
HCA,A 9B5-A>A sta!ds 'p fro% the table a!d says easily ith the
%otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( CA,A 9B5-A>A pets ?A>*6",,8
ho gives a lo!g b'bbli!g +bleerrrt+ the! ?A>*6",,8 bops CA,A
9B5-A>A he! CA,A 9B5-A>A rea&hes do! to pet ,"*E hile CA,A
9B5-A>A loo<s aro'!d a!d the! she pets ?A>*6",,8 ho gives a!other
lo!g b'bbli!g +bleerrrt+. CA,A 9B5-A>A+$ eyes s!ap ith
e!th'sias%( she is sle!der( yo'!ger loo<i!g tha! her age a!d
vibra!t. CA,A 9B5-A>A r'!s her fi!gers over her &hest a!d

Agai!( yes.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hpa'se( shifts his eight o! his feet ith the %ove%e!t of the
$a! Cra!&is&o ?ayI

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
Page 39 of 42

A!d o!e side+s -i!!i!g)
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hsays easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( pi&<s 'p the
=ap'latio! already loaded ith her ho%e-gro! %ari4'a!a( p'lls its vapor
deep i!to her l'!gs( pa'ses( e@hales( p'ts the =ap'latio! do!( holds 'p her
ha!d( the! spea<s i! a %atter-of-fa&t voi&e of e@perie!&eI

Agai!( yes.
E*-A5 as played by 9att $%ith
Hpa'se( says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,E( E*-A5
stro<es a throi!g <!ife agai!st a leather strapI
;o!der hat they <!o abo't 's.
CA,A 9B5-A>A as played by 1oa!!a 2'%ley
Hshe says easily ith the %otio! of 3B:$E?BA, $A==8( 9A,EI

$e&o!d star to the right( a!d straight o!
+til %or!i!g.
?A>*6",,8+$ =B"CE played by ;illo $%ith
*ogs &o%e he! yo' &all. Cats %aybe
ta<e a %essage a!d %aybe the! get ba&<
to yo'. Alie!s( ell( the respo!se poli&y
of these alie!s
is s'%%ed 'p as follos. 5ele!tless

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
Page 40 of 42
,"*E+$ voi&e as played by ,aylor *ior
Hlifts her earsI
" do!+t thi!< a!y of 's here o! Earth
sho'ld be a+&alli!+ these alie!s. ,he
a%ate'r dog or<s '!til they get
so%ethi!g right - the professio!al dog
or<s '!til they &a!+t go ro!g. A%ate'r
or professio!al( these alie!s s%ell of bad
C-%TA,+ closes) The &nd

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
Page 41 of 42
CO+T,+-&D AT &pisode
0'allroom 2essons3
Where 'allroom Dance is a dark place Dor women and a bright
side Dor men

The Giger Chronicles Episode 13 Whistling Away The Dark
!eed "o#r $ead With A Play by Pamela Olson
Page 42 of 42

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