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Qiymat ka Imtin

This booklet was written by Shaykh-e-Tarqat Amir-e-
Ahl-e-Sunnat, the founder of Dawat-e-Islami Hazrat
Allamah Maulana Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qadiri Razavi



in Urdu. The translation Majlis has translated
this booklet into English. If you find any mistakes in the
translation or composing, please inform the translation
Majlis on the following address and gain awb.

Translation Majlis (Dawat-e-Islami)
Alami Madan Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah, Mahallah Saudagran, Old
Sabzi Mandi, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi, Pakistan.
Contact #: +92-21-34921389 to 91

The Test of Judgement Day
Excellence of Durd Sharf ......................................................................... 1
Fear of a Madan Child ............................................................................... 1
3 Madan Conditions .................................................................................. 2
5 Questions on the Day of Judgement ....................................................... 4
Interest in Worldly Exams .......................................................................... 5
Conspiracies against the Muslims .............................................................. 5
Reward of One Hundred Thousand Rupees ............................................... 6
Fathers Funeral ......................................................................................... 7
Unfortunate Deceased ............................................................................... 7
Muslims are being made to drift away from Religion ................................ 8
Nominal Muslims ....................................................................................... 8
The Plot of Satan ........................................................................................ 9
The Instruments of Sins ............................................................................ 10
When was the TV invented? .................................................................... 11
Threat to Jump into Hell! ......................................................................... 11
Ignorant Professor .................................................................................... 12
Jihad against Nafs and Satan .................................................................... 13
Last Service to the Father ......................................................................... 13
Punishment of Screaming and Shouting for the Deceased ...................... 14
Method of Carrying the Deceased ........................................................... 14
The Excellence of Carrying the Deceased ................................................. 15
No Desire to have Light in Grave .............................................................. 15
You Cant Buy Cure ................................................................................... 16
Wealthiest yet ill ...................................................................................... 16
The Oppression and Injustices of the Non-Believers ................................ 17
The Questions and Answers in the Grave ................................................ 17
The Causes of incorrect answers in the Grave ......................................... 19
Repent! ..................................................................................................... 20
Our Life is Decreasing ............................................................................... 21
The Importance we give to worldly tests ................................................. 21
Generosity upon Naveed Attari ................................................................ 23
This Event is not new................................................................................ 24
The Blessing of Maktaba-tul-Madinas Booklets ...................................... 25















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Although Satan will try his best to prevent you from reading this
discourse making you feel lazy, read it from beginning to end,


you will feel a Madan transformation in yourself.
Excellence of Durd Sharf
ayyidun Abu Darda

narrates that the beloved


said, On the day of judgement, I
will intercede for the one who recites Durd Sharf on me ten
times in the morning and ten times in the evening. (Majmauz
Zawaaid, Hadith 17022, V10, P163, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)




Fear of a Madan Child
In the middle of the night, a sleeping small child woke up
suddenly and started to cry loudly. The father sleeping by the
child also woke up due to child's cries and asked, Oh my child,
why are you crying? The child answered, Dear father! Its
Thursday tomorrow and the teacher will test whatever he taught
The Test of Judgement Day
to us the entire last week. I havent learnt the lesson; the teacher
will punish me tomorrow due to my inattention. After saying
this, the child started to cry again. Having listened to what his
son said, the fathers eyes filled with tears. Addressing his
conscience he then said, This child has to answer to his
teacher just for a week's lesson while the teacher can be
deceived as well; but still he is too anxious and fearful to sleep,
whereas I have to answer to Allah

for my whole life and

can never be deceived; I have to face up to the test of
Judgement Day but I am sleeping in negligence, why don't I
have any fear! (Bitaghair qaleel dur-tun-nasiheen, P295, Maktaba Haqaaniya
Dear Islamic Brothers! The foregoing story contains ample
lesson and warning for us. All of us should ponder. See the
thinking of the child and his father's Madan frame of mind.
The child cried fearfully due to the imminent test in Madrasah
(Islamic school) while the father shed tears remembering the
difficulties and trouble of the judgement-day.
3 Madan Conditions
Once, a rich person invited Sayyidun Haatim-e-Asamm


to come to his house for a meal. At first, he

but the rich man insisted begging him to come. Sayyidun
Haatim Asamm

said, If you agree to these three
conditions, I will come


: (1) I will sit where I want,
(2) I will eat whatever I want, (3) you will have to do whatever
I say. The rich man accepted these three conditions. Excellent
The Test of Judgement Day
arrangements were made for the ceremony and delicious and
inviting feast was prepared. A large number of people gathered
to behold the wali (friend) of Allah

. At the decided time,
Sayyidun Haatim

came and sat where the shoes lay.
The host could not say anything as there was a condition that
Sayyidun Haatim

would sit where he wants! After a
while, the food was served. The people started eating delicious
feast but Sayyidun Haatim-e-Asamm

took out a dry
piece of bread from his pocket and started to eat it.
After the people ate, Sayyidun Haatim-e-Asamm


, ..

asked the host to bring a cooker and a pan and place the pan
over the hot cooker. The host did as he was directed. When the
pan became extremely hot, Sayyidun Haatim-e-Asamm


stood on it barefoot. People were surprised and bewitched;
then, Sayyidun Haatim

said, "I have eaten a dry piece
of bread today." Having said this, he

stepped off the
pan and asked the people to stand on the hot pan and tell what
they ate. Screaming fearfully, the people said, Ya Sayyidi


, you are a friend of Allah


and this is your
miracle, we sinners will not be able to stand bare feet on the
hot pan. How can we do so with our delicate feet? Listening
to this, Sayyidun Haatim-e-Asamm

said, Oh people!
Remember the day when the sun will only be one and a
quarter miles away from us whereas today, the sun is billions
and billions of miles away. Remember the day when the front
side of the sun will be towards us whereas today the sun's back
side is towards us. The ground will be made of copper. Imagine
that hot ground! This pan, which has been heated with the fire
The Test of Judgement Day
of this world, has no comparison at all with the blazing hot
copper ground on the day of judgement; you will be forced to
stand on that blazing hot ground:


Then, on that day, you will surely be questioned regarding
the favours.
(Sura Takaathur, Verse: 8)
Today, you cant answer for what you have eaten in a day
standing on this pan heated with the worldly fire, so tomorrow,
on the day of judgement, which miracle will you be able to get
and answer for your whole life standing on the extremely hot
copper ground? Having listened to this touching Bayan
(speech), people started repenting of their sins crying loudly.
(Mulakhkhasan Tazkira-tul-Auliya, V1, P222, Intisharat Ganjeena Tehran)
5 Questions on the Day of Judgement
Dear Islamic Brothers! Whether we cry or laugh, we are
anxious or negligent; the test of the judgement day is a reality
and will certainly take place. Regarding this test of judgement
day, it is narrated in Tirmidhi Sharf, Man will not be able to
move his feet until he answers the following 5 questions: (1)
How did you live your life? (2) How did you spend your youth?
(3) Where did you earn your wealth from? (4) Where did you
The Test of Judgement Day
spend it? (5) How far did you act upon your knowledge? (Jami
Tirmidhi, Hadith 2424, V4, P188, Dar-ul-Fikr Beirut)
Interest in Worldly Exams
Today, when a student's worldly exam approaches, he gets
stressed many days before the exams. The thought of exam
preyed on his mind all the time. He makes preparations for his
exam especially for important questions even by staying awake
at nights sacrificing his sleep. He practices every possible
question. In fact, the tests of this world are not so difficult,
cheating and bribery are also possible, the only benefit the
student gets by passing the exams is that he will get promoted
to the next year whereas the student that fails isnt imprisoned.
The only loss is that he is deprived of a year's progress. Now
ponder! a person makes every possible effort and takes even
medicine to stay awake all night just for the preparation and
success in the tests of this world, but unfortunately, he does
not make any sincere, proper and constant effort for the
preparation of the test of judgement day; success in this test of
the here-after will lead to eternal luxuries of the Heaven while
failure in this test will result in the damnation of the Hell.
Conspiracies against the Muslims
Sadly, today there are huge plots and conspiracies against the
Muslims. The love of Islam and the beloved Rasl


is being gradually removed from the hearts. The

Sunan of the Makk Madan Mustafa


are being
The Test of Judgement Day
erased. Have a close look at what is going on in our society.
Regretfully, Muslims are seen singing and dancing in marriage-
halls, homes and even in the streets on the occasions of marriage.
The veil of shyness and modesty has been ripped to shreds.
Reward of One Hundred Thousand Rupees
Anyway, these conspiracies of anti-Islam forces are not new;
they have been going on for long time. The only aim is to
divert the Muslims from the way of Sunnah of the Holy Prophet


by making them indulge in the pleasure and
luxuries of life. Once they get addicted to worldly luxuries,
they can easily be fooled and ruled. I think just about 4 or 5%
of Muslims offer Salah nowadays. Other 95% of the Muslims
perhaps dont offer Salah at all and only a few of even those
who offer Salah would be aware of the inwardly and outwardly
etiquettes of offering Salah! At the moment, we are sitting in a
large Ijtima. There will be many students, teachers, doctors,
engineers and even some officers. Excluding the scholars, if a
hundred thousand rupees are offered to the gathering of
thousands of Muslim with the condition of replying the
question as to how many pillars of Salah are; the one replying
correctly will get the reward of a hundred thousand rupees.
Perhaps no one will be able to get this reward. Why? Because
everyone is interested in learning only the worldly arts and
skills; most of the Muslims seem uninterested in learning even
the correct method of Salah. Nowadays, even the people who
offer Salah would hardly be able to tell the pillars of Salah or
bones on which prostration is performed or the faraiz of wuzu.
The Test of Judgement Day
Fathers Funeral
The fathers funeral is present but the modern son is standing
at a distance hanging his face in despair. The poor guy doesnt
even know how to offer funeral prayers because the unfortunate
father always insisted his son to get only the worldly education
and taught him how to earn lots of money. He never taught his
son how to offer funeral Salah. If the father had taught his son
the method of funeral Salah, given him the education of the
holy Quran and Sunnah, the son would not stand apart like
strangers. Instead, he would lead the funeral Salah himself!
And he would make lots of Isal-e-Sawab to his father. Poor guy
doesnt even know how to send rewards to the dead. What an
unfortunate father!
Unfortunate Deceased
One Islamic brother from Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore narrates,
A cousin of mine went to a foreign country to earn money.
He sent a colour TV and VCR to home from the foreign
country. After a while, when he returned back to Pakistan, he
passed away unexpectedly. The Islamic brother further says
that his elder brother went to Markaz-ul-Auliya Lahore to
attend Isal-e-Sawab congregation. When he reached the late
cousins house, he saw that the holy Quran was being recited
and food was being cooked for Fatihah outside, but when he
entered the house he was extremely shocked to see that the late
cousin's wife and children were watching a movie on TV! Isal-
e-Sawab was being made outside the house whereas sins were
The Test of Judgement Day
being committed inside the house of the unfortunate deceased
person, (Allah

Muslims are being made to drift away from religion
Oh you who love your families! If you buy your children TV
and VCR whereby they drift away from religion, so they will
not be able to perform your funeral Salah or make Isaal-e-
Sawaab and proper Du for you at your grave. It is a matter of
great concern for all of us that even a little love of Islam that is
remaining in hearts is also being removed. Have a look at
countries like Spain which used to be the centre of Islam in the
past. Today, many Masajid have been sealed off in Spain. In
some other countries, Muslims arent allowed even to keep
and recite the Quran! The anti-Islam forces have been making
these conspiracies to remove the love of Islam from the hearts
of the Muslims who are gradually drifting away from true
Islamic teachings and losing their spirituality.
Nominal Muslims
Once, a Pakistani scholar had a discussion with a non-Muslim
religious leader. During their conversation, the non-Muslim
said to the Muslim scholar, Our huge amount of money is
spent in Pakistan for the propagation of our religion. The
scholar asked, How many Muslims have you so far converted?
He answered, Just a few The scholar said triumphantly, This
means that your religious movements are unsuccessful in our
country. Upon hearing this, the non-Muslim said laughingly,
The Test of Judgement Day
Maulvi Sahib! Admittedly, we could not succeed in converting
the beliefs of a large number of Muslims, but we have succeeded
in converting the Islamic life-style of innumerable Muslims.
Would you be able to distinguish between a Jew and a clean-
shaven Muslim wearing pants and a shirt or between a modern
Muslim and a Christian! Upon hearing this, the scholar could
not give any answer.
Dear Islamic brothers! This is a reality that, Allah

most of the Muslims have almost left their own Islamic values
and manners; they have drifted far away from the path of
Sunnah. Like many other Sunan, the great Sunnah of beard has
also been discarded. At present, there would hardly be just 1%
Muslims who have beard on their faces as the Sunnah of the
Holy Prophet


The Plot of Satan
Regretfully, nowadays, the faces and clothing of almost 99%
Muslims resemble those of the non-Muslims. Perhaps some of
you might get annoyed and angry at me, but, in fact, this
annoyance and anger is also a plot of Satan who wants the
Muslims to get angry during the religious speech so that they
do not remember any thing and go back without taking any
effect. Satan would probably be saying laughingly that even if
millions of Muslims have joined the Madan environment of
Dawat-e-Islami, it doesnt matter, there are still billions of
such Muslims who shave their beards or cut them and keep
them less then a fist-length and copy the enemies of Islam.
The Test of Judgement Day
Alas! Satan would perhaps be laughing at me as well and saying
No matter you try your best, I have changed their frame of
mind, customs and traditions so strongly that they won't act
upon what you say; their faces and dress are not according to
the Sunan of your beloved


and his lovers, but
they are like my followers who will remain in the Hell with me.
I will keep them trapped in the net of their carnal desires.

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The Instruments of Sins
Dear Islamic brothers! In the past, in Pakistan, people used to
listen to music on Radio Pakistan which had a special
programme titled Your choice but not everybody got the
chance to listen to their favourite songs. Then the tape recorder
was invented and everybody started to listen to the songs of
their own choice. Someone can say that he listens to only Naat
and Bayn on his tape recorder. He is right but I am talking in
a general way. Certainly, there will hardly be a few Muslims,
out of the thousand or millions, who solely use the tape
recorder to listen to the recitation of the Quran, Naat and
Bayn. Usually, people use the tape recorder to listen to songs.
Sometimes, Islamic brothers loving the Sunnah come to me
crying and say that whenever they try to play a Bayn or Naat
cassette, their family members quarrel with them and force
them to turn the cassettes off and play songs instead. Their family
members even humiliate them and speak ill of me as well!
The Test of Judgement Day
When was the TV invented?
In 1925, TV, which is a satanic instrument, was invented. At
first, only the Kuffar (disbelievers) of western countries possessed
TV, but it was shortly sent to the Muslim countries in order to
make the Muslims indulge in merriment. In those days, TV
used to be watched in the famous parks of some big cities only;
there used to be a huge crowd to watch TV. Slowly, people
began to purchase their own TV, and it was soon found in
most of the houses but its screen was still black and white.
Then colour TV was also invented making the sins more
charming and attractive in the name of enjoyment.
After a while, a big catastrophe descended upon Pakistan in
the form of VCR. People started to pay 10 rupees to secretly
watch movies. Meanwhile, a news was published in the
newspapers that two hundred thousand VCR licences have been
issued in Karachi. Now the crime that used to be committed
secretly giving bribes, Allah

forbid, was given 'legal
protection' in the form of licence. Gradually, people purchased
their own VCR and, unfortunately, it is now found in almost
every house. Remember! If the laws of a country declare that any
sin is permissible, it doesnt become permissible.
Threat to Jump into Hell!
Once, a youth came up to me and told me that he grew his
beard due to listening to the Sunnah inspiring speech which I
delivered in Ranchor Line area of Baab-ul-Madina, Karachi.
He further said that his mother did not let him keep a beard.
The Test of Judgement Day
She always threatened him saying, If you dont shave your
beard, Ill commit suicide eating poison. This youth is not the
son of a Kaafir (disbeliever); he is the son of a Muslim. His so-
called Muslim mother tried to prevent him from following the
Sunnah by threatening to kill herself. In other words, she said,
My beloved son! Shave your beard or I will jump into Hell!
Alas! The so called Muslims are so far away from the Sunnah!

Ignorant Professor
Some people say that good programmes are also broadcast on
TV. It might be true, but let me say, in actual fact, it is TV that
has brought about a terrifying storm of bad manners and has
thrown the Islamic society into the deep hole of destruction. It
is said that once a professor conducted a programme which
was broadcast on PTV. It was a question and answer session;
someone asked the professor a question regarding the beard.
He replied, If you keep a beard then its fine and if you dont
then it's also fine; there is no sin if you dont keep the beard.
On the basis of this misleading reply, some parents began to
strictly prevent their grown-up sons from having beard. They
gave such remarks as, Those belonging to Dawat-e-Islami are
too strict, a 'highly learned' professor came on TV and declared
that its not a sin to shave the beard, but you say it is a sin!
The misleading reply given by the ignorant professor who
had no true religious knowledge at all negatively changed the
mind of many people.
The Test of Judgement Day
Jihad against Nafs and Satan
Dear Islamic Brothers! Did you see how cleverly Islam is being
distorted and undermined? Can we do nothing for our religion
Islam? We can at least get concerned and feel sadness in our
heart due to this conspiracy against our religion thereby and
earn lots of rewards.


our Madan movement against
Nafs and Satan will continue.
Last Service to the Father
Dear Islamic Brothers! When youre alone, imagine that a time
will come when you will have passed away. The people will
quickly call the Ghassal (The person who gives bath to the
dead body). The Ghassal will arrive with his platform. A sheet
will be placed over you. Your face will be tied from head to
chin. Both the toes of your feet will be tied together. Your
children will not be able to give you Ghusl; instead the Ghassal
will be giving it. Im sorry to say, as soon as your children got
mature, you showed them the doors of schools. When your
son grew older, you got him admitted into college, you even
sent him to America for higher education. You provided him
with worldly education but never taught him religion. How
will such a son be able to give Ghusl to his deceased father! He
doesnt even know the Sunan of giving Ghusl to his own living
body! Yes, the last duty of the son to his father is to give Ghusl
to his dead body, wrap him in shroud, perform the funeral
Salah and then bury him with his own hands. Obviously, if the
son gives Ghusl to his fathers dead body, he will do so
The Test of Judgement Day
affectionately with tears in his eyes acting upon the relevant
Sunan whereas the hired Ghassal will quickly pour water over
the body, wrap the body in the shroud, put the money in his
pocket and be on his way.
Punishment of Screaming and Shouting for the
The funeral procession will proceed to the cemetery. Women
will be screaming. The deceased didnt even make the will
preventing them from screaming and shouting because wailing
over the dead person is a Harm act leading to Hell. It is stated
in a Hadith Sharf: The woman who wails and doesnt repent
before she dies will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement in
such a state that she will be wearing an itchy shirt and a shirt of
tar. (Sahih Muslim, V1, P303, Afghanistan)
Method of Carrying the Deceased
Anyway, people will carry the bier (a frame on which dead
body is placed) and start walking. The son will perhaps not also
be able to carry the bier because the deceased never taught it to
his son. Poor guy, how is he supposed to know the method of
carrying it according to the Sunnah? Listen carefully to the
method of carrying the bier. First, put the part of the bier that
is near the head of the deceased onto your right shoulder and
walk 10 steps, then put the right foot side of the bier on the
right shoulder and walk 10 steps, then put the part of the bier
that is near the head on the left shoulder and walk 10 steps,
The Test of Judgement Day
and lastly, put the left foot side of the bier on the left shoulder
and walk 10 steps. Walking 40 steps carrying the bier in this
way is Sunnah.
The Excellence of Carrying the Deceased
It is stated in a Hadith, Whoever carries the deceased and
walks 40 steps, his 40 major sins will be forgiven. (Tabaraani
filausat, V4, P260, Hadith 5920, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut)
It is stated in Al-Jauhar-tun-Nayyara, Whoever carries the
bier from all the four sides, Allah

will forgive him forever.
(Al-Jauhar-tun-Nayyara, V1, P139)
No Desire to have Light in Grave
To live in this world in comfort, we construct large houses but
sadly, graves are not made according to the Sunnah.
desire and struggle to have a comfortable and luxurious house
in the world, but we have no wish, nor we make any effort to
have a spacious and comfortable grave. Everybody is concerned
about having a bright future in this world but no-one pays any
attention to the light in the grave. People dont realize, but it is
an undeniable fact that our ultimate future is our grave.
Everyone keeps his house bright with lights, but no one seems
desirous of having light in the grave. Everyone tries his best to
increase his wealth but no-one seems interested in enhancing

Study the Madan Will of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat



. At the end of this
will, important rulings about washing the deceased, shrouding and burial are
also mentioned.
The Test of Judgement Day
his good deeds! Everyone is concerned about his life but just a
few people are concerned about the protection of their Imaan.
You Cant Buy Cure
Remember! You can buy medicine with money but you cant
buy cure. If it were possible to buy cure then the wealthy
people wouldnt have miserably died on the beds of hospital.
Wealth is not a cure for worries and distress. In fact, if you
want to know the truth, the wealthier a person is, the more
worries and distress he has. The rich are normally robbed, the
children of the rich people are usually kidnapped and held to
ransom. The peace of mind and heart cannot be obtained
through wealth, but the wealthy person is often seen in tension
and agony. Still, surprisingly, every one is prepared to make
any type of sacrifice to earn money.
Wealthiest yet ill
Ive seen many rich people who have different types of troubles.
Someone is desirous of children, someones mother is ill and
somebodys father is suffering from illness or some are ill
themselves. You will find many rich people who suffer from
heart problems. Some of these rich people suffer from diabetes
and are helpless because they cant even eat anything sweet. All
sorts of delicious food is presented to them but the multi-
millionaire cant even taste them. These rich people may simply
get happy with the thought and imagination of wealth and
properties. Still, this intoxicant of wealth is so strong that its
effect doesnt reduce. Trust me! Those devoting themselves to
The Test of Judgement Day
the acquisition of wealth are unwise and silly. They dont realize
that they will not be able to spend the huge amount of money.
Such and such rich person also met his death! Their wealth did
not benefit them at all in graves. Instead, their wealth caused
quarrels and fights among the heirs in the distribution of
legacy. The family members became enemies of each other.
They took each other to court, their stories got published in
the newspapers and the nobility of the families shattered.
The oppression and injustices of the non-believers
Dear Islamic Brothers! This is probably our punishment that
today the disbelievers are oppressing the Muslims. The cruel
disbelievers murder even the sweet innocent Muslim babies.
Helpless Muslims are being brutally killed, their houses and
shops are being openly put to fire. The so-called peace-keepers
shedding crocodile's tears in the name of human rights are
themselves trying to wipe off the Muslims of the face of the
earth. Oh Allah

! Forgive our sins and save our Muslim
brothers and sisters from the oppression and cruelty of the
The Questions and Answers in the Grave
Dear Islamic Brothers! Imagine the day when our dead body
will be buried into our grave and the people will walk away.
These beautiful green crops and fields, the shiny new cars,
your beautiful houses etc will not accompany and benefit us in
our grave. Two frightening angels called Munkar and Nakeer
The Test of Judgement Day
will rip the walls of the grave and come to us. They will have
long black hair from head to toe. Fire will be coming out of
their eyes. Now the test will begin. Instead of talking to us
nicely, they will make us sit up in our grave and ask us the
following three questions in a scary and threatening tone

(Who is your Rab (Creator)

?) (2)

(What is your religion?) (3) An extremely beautiful face will
be shown and the third question will be asked,

(What did you use to say about this person?)

Oh you who pray Salah! Oh you who keep a fist full beard! Oh
you who grow your hair according to Sunnah! Oh you who
wear the turban! Oh you who travel with the Madan Qafilas!
Oh you who fill in the Madan Inaamaat card daily and hand
in it every month to the relevant responsible Islamic brother!

you will definitely be successful. With the
grace and generosity of Allah and His beloved


you will reply, (1)

(My Rab is Allah

) (2)

(My religion is Islam) (3) Whilst pointing to the beautiful face,
you will say

(He is the beloved Prophet of Allah



Dear Islamic Brothers! After you answer the last question, the
window of Hell will open and shut immediately. Then, the
window of Heaven will open and you will be told, If you had
not given the correct answers, the window of Hell would have
been opened for you. After hearing this, the person will be
extremely happy. He will have a Heavenly shroud, a Heavenly
The Test of Judgement Day
bed and the grave itself will be extremely large and the person
will enjoy in his grave.
The Causes of incorrect answers in the Grave

forbid, if you miss your Salah, tell lies, commit
backbiting, earn Harm wealth, watch films, dramas, listen to
music and make others do the same, hurt the feelings of other
Muslim brothers and sisters and, if Allah

and His


become displeased resulting in the
loss of Imaan, there will be nothing but damnation and
destruction. Anyway, the one losing his faith will reply,

(Im sorry! Im sorry! I dont know

anything) In other words, I used to watch films and dramas,
listen to music and songs in my life. How am I supposed to
know who my Creator

is? How am I supposed to know
what religion is? I thought that just earning money and serving
wife and children is enough; if any Islamic brother used to
invite me to attend the weekly Ijtima of Dawat-e-Islami or
travel with the Madan Qafila, I used to excuse saying, I am
too tired as I have been working all the day, I dont have time.
My Islamic Brothers! How long will we keep spending our life
just for earning money and enhancing our bank balance!
Remember! Death will suddenly capture us and we will have to
leave this world empty-handed.
Anyway, after the last question, the window of Heaven will be
opened and be closed immediately in the grave of the one
losing his Imaan. Then the window of Hell will be opened and
The Test of Judgement Day
the deceased will be told, If you had given correct answers,
the window of Heaven would have been opened for you.
Upon hearing this, the person will be struck with grief and
regret. His shroud will change into the shroud of the Hell, the
bed of fire will be laid into his grave and snakes and scorpions
will pounce on him. Allah

is warning the believers in
Para 28, Sura Al-Munafiqoon, Verse number 9, by saying:





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Oh People who believe! May not your wealth or your
children cause you to neglect the remembrance of Allah





Dear Islamic Brothers! Dont busy yourself with earning even
Halaal sustenance to such an extent that makes you negligent
of your Salah; repent of Harm earnings sincerely. Leave all
types of interest-based businesses; abandon giving and taking
bribes; get rid of the TV and VCR forever. Remember! After
you die, you won't be able to say that no body guided you.
Those committing different kinds of sins should be scared as
sins can result in the loss of Imaan and the one losing his
Imaan will always remain in the Hell. Allah

says in Sura
Zumur, Verse number 54:
The Test of Judgement Day






And incline towards your Rab and submit to Him, before
the punishment comes to you and then you may not be
Our Life is decreasing
Dear Islamic Brothers! There is no trust in life! You might be
quite healthy but you should not forget that natural disasters
suddenly occur in the form of earthquake, flood and storms or
cars, busses and trains flip over, or a bomb explodes and
countless people meet their death. If an aeroplane explodes in
the air then even dead bodies cannot be recovered. Your
designation and rank will not benefit you at all; man can die in
an instant. The precious moments of our life are passing very
quickly; you say that its my son's 12
birthday. You think that
his age has increased, but the reality is that his age has
decreased because he and all of us are gradually getting closer
to our death. Every hour that passes informs us that one hour
of our life has decreased.
The Importance we give to worldly tests
Dear Islamic Brothers! After taking the test in the grave, we
have to face the test of judgement day. Regretfully, no body
The Test of Judgement Day
seems prepared for this test, people make every possible effort
just for the success in the worldly exams and interviews.
Dear Islamic Brothers! Though one might get success and
happiness if he makes efforts just for the worldly tests, as a
famous saying goes

(whoever tries has gained it)

but what will happen in the test of judgement day? Dont you
know that one day we are going to die and we have to pass
through the test of the grave and the hereafter? There will be
no deception or bribery in those tests and we wont be given
any second chance as well. Despite knowing all this, we still
have a strong desire to pass the tests of this world but we are
completely negligent of the test of judgement day. Nowadays,
to pass worldly tests, people stay awake all night revising and if
they feel sleepy they take anti-sleeping tablets to stay awake for
preparation. But have we ever stayed awake all night to
worship Allah

for the preparation of the test of Judgement
Day? To pass worldly tests, you join schools, colleges and
universities, but to pass the test of judgement day, do you
attend the Sunnah inspiring Ijtima? You get help of a personal
tutor or join an academy or a tuition centre for the preparation
of the worldly exams, have you adopted the Sunnah inspiring
Madan environment for the preparation of the test of
judgement day? You go abroad to get higher education for the
progress in this world, have you ever travelled with the
Madan Qafilas of Dawat-e-Islami for the

preparation and
eternal success in the test of the here-after? Oh you Islamic
brothers who only put your efforts in the worldly tests! Start to
The Test of Judgement Day
prepare yourself for this inevitable test of the hereafter because
if you pass this test, then you will get an eternal reward in the
form of the Heaven, but the one who fails will be burnt in the
fire of Hell. To prepare easily for your afterlife, please do
attend the sunnah inspiring Ijtima of Dawat-e-Islami. Join
Madarsatul-Madina (for adults) in your areas and take part
in the free evening classes to learn how to read the Quran and
make it a habit to travel with the Madan Qafilas every month
for at least three days. Fill in your Madan Inaamaat card and
hand it in to the relevant responsible Islamic brother of your


, travelling with the Madan Qafilas of Dawat-
e-Islami and handing in your Madan Inaamaat card every
month will benefit you on the day of judgement.
Dear Islamic Brothers! Let me tell you a blessing of Dawat-e-
Islami in the ending of my speech.
Generosity upon Naveed Attari
In division Jannat-ul-Mala, Gulshan-e-Attar, Muhajir camp
number 7, Baab-ul-Madina Karachi, a 17 year old Islamic brother,
Muhammad Naveed Attari son of Sultan Muhammad, who
was associated with Dawat-e-Islami passed away on the 18
Rajab-ul-Murajjab 1421h at about 8am. Along with his shroud,
the green turban was also placed on his head in accordance
with his Madan will, and he was laid to rest in the cemetery of
Muhajir camp number 7. On Thursday (Rabi-ul-Ghous 1422h,
July 2001), the brother of late Naveed Attari


, _

had a dream in which he saw his deceased brother who said,
The Test of Judgement Day
You dont come to my grave. At least come and see what has
happened to my grave! The day the dream was seen, it rained
heavily. Accordingly, the brother went to the cemetery and
reached the grave which had been ruined due to Thursday's
heavy rain. On Sunday morning, about 7:30am, the brothers of
Naveed Attari


, _
and 8 Huffaz brothers of Dawat-e-
Islami went to the grave. In the presence of many people, the
gravedigger opened the grave; everyone was astonished to see that
the body of late Naveed Attari


, _
was in exactly the
same condition in which it was laid to rest. The body was still
fresh, he was still wearing the blessed turban and his shroud
was undamaged. Both his hands were tied as if in Salah. Four
Islamic brothers picked his body up from the grave. There was
a powerful fragrance coming from the body and the grave.
Having mended the grave, the brothers laid Muhammad
Naveed Attari


, _
to rest again. May Allah


bestow His mercy on Naveed Attari


, _
and forgive us
all for his sake.






This Event is not new

, Dawat-e-Islami, the non-political, religious movement
spreading Quran and Sunnah, is a unique and glorious movement
of the Ahl-e-Haq (The Muslims having correct Islamic beliefs).

and His Beloved Prophet


great favour and grace on those associated with Dawat-e-
Islami. These types of events are not new to us, many such
The Test of Judgement Day
faith strengthening events have happened in the past as well.
Please purchase and read the book Marvels of Dawat-e-Islami.
Dear Islamic Brothers! I swear by Allah

! One should
never leave the Madan environment of Dawat-e-Islami. Satan
will try his best by whispering millions of bad thoughts to you
but you should always remain faithful and sincere to Dawat-e-
Islami. Carry on obeying its Markazi Majlis-e-Shura, giving
invitation towards goodness, travelling with the Madan Qafilas
and filling in the Madan Inaamaat cards and hand them in to
the relevant responsible Islamic brother of your area.


you will pass the test of Judgement Day and you will be
relieved from all difficulties and distress in both worlds.
The Blessing of Maktaba-tul-Madinas Booklets
An Islamic brother from Bahawalpur (Punjab) says: I had
been extremely fond of watching films due to the wicked
company and environment at school; I used to travel to even
other cities like Lahore, Okara and Karachi just to see films. I
would even go to girls' colleges to tease the girls because of the
evil effects of watching sex appealing films. I was also habitual
of shaving my beard daily. Even worse, I started working for
theatres and circuses endangering my life. My family was
extremely worried and concerned.
One day, my father consulted the responsible Islamic brother
of Dawat-e-Islami in our local area and decided to send me
with the Madan Qafila. On the last day, the Ameer gave me a
booklet entitled Black scorpions to read. When I read the
The Test of Judgement Day
booklet, I became very fearful. I immediately repented and
decided to keep a beard. Having returned from the Madan
Qafla, I also took part in the weekly Sunnah inspiring Ijtima
and purchased the audio-cassette speech entitled
from Maktaba-tul-Madina. When I returned home and
heard the cassette, my entire world had changed.


I not only began to offer Salah punctually but also
started the Madan work of Dawat-e-Islami.

(up to
the time of making this statement), I am doing the work of
Dawat-e-Islami as a Madan Qafila zimadaar in my city.




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