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ECE4680 Computer Organization and Architecture Designing Single Cycle Control

How to design a controller to produce signals to control the datapath

ECE4680 Control.1


Recap: The MIPS Instruction Formats

All MIPS instructions are 32 bits long. The three instruction formats:
31 26 op 6 bits 31 op 6 bits 31 op 6 bits 26 target address 26 bits 26 rs 5 bits rs 5 bits 21 rt 5 bits 21 rt 5 bits 16 immediate 16 bits 0 16 rd 5 bits 11 shamt 5 bits 6 funct 6 bits 0 0

R-type I-type J-type

The different fields are: op: operation of the instruction rs, rt, rd: the source and destination registers specifier shamt: shift amount funct: selects the variant of the operation in the op field address / immediate: address offset or immediate value target address: target address of the jump instruction
ECE4680 Control.2 2003-3-17

Recap: The MIPS Subset

ADD and subtract add rd, rs, rt sub rd, rs, rt
31 31 26 op 6 bits 26 op 6 bits 21 rs 5 bits 21 rs 5 bits 16 rt 5 bits 16 rt 5 bits 11 rd 5 bits 6 shamt 5 bits funct 6 bits 0 immediate 16 bits 0

OR Imm: ori rt, rs, imm16 LOAD and STORE lw rt, rs, imm16 sw rt, rs, imm16 BRANCH: beq rs, rt, imm16 JUMP: j target

26 op 6 bits

0 target address 26 bits


ECE4680 Control.3

Recap: A Single Cycle Datapath

We have everything except control signals (underline) Todays lecture will show you how to generate the control signals
Branch Rd RegDst Rt Rs 5 5 Rt Jump Clk Instruction Fetch Unit Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>

1 Mux 0 RegWr 5 ALUctr

Rs Zero ALU



Imm16 MemtoReg 0 Mux

busW 32 Clk

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32


32 32 WrEn Adr Data Memory


Data In 32 Clk



ALUSrc ExtOp
ECE4680 Control.4 2003-3-17

The Big Picture: Where are We Now?

The Five Classic Components of a Computer
Processor Input Control Memory Datapath


Todays Topic: Designing the Control for the Single Cycle Datapath

ECE4680 Control.5


RTL: The ADD Instruction

31 op 6 bits 26 rs 5 bits 21 rt 5 bits 16 rd 5 bits 11 shamt 5 bits 6 funct 6 bits 0


rd, rs, rt Fetch the instruction from memory The actual operation Calculate the next instructions address

mem[PC] R[rd] <- R[rs] + R[rt] PC <- PC + 4

A note: 2nd step and 3rd step can be done in parallel.

ECE4680 Control.6


Instruction Fetch Unit at the Beginning of Add / Subtract

Fetch the instruction from Instruction memory: Instruction This is the same for all instructions
30 PC<31:28> Target 4 Instruction<25:0> 26 PC Clk imm16 Instruction<15:0> 16
ECE4680 Control.7


30 00 30 1 Mux 0

Addr<31:2> Addr<1:0> Instruction Memory 32


30 1

0 30 Adder Mux 1 30

Jump = previous Instruction<31:0>

The Single Cycle Datapath during Add and Subtract

31 op 26 rs 21 rt 16 rd 11 shamt 6 funct 0

R[rd] <- R[rs] + / - R[rt]

Branch = 0 Rd RegDst = 1 Rt Rs 5 5 Jump = 0 Clk Rt Instruction Fetch Unit ALUctr = Add or Subtract Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>



Branch = previous

Zero = previous

1 Mux 0

RegWr = 1 5 busW 32 Clk

Rs Zero



Imm16 MemtoReg = 0

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32

MemWr = 0 0 Mux 32


32 WrEn Adr

Mux Data In 32 Clk



Data Memory

ALUSrc = 0 ExtOp = x
ECE4680 Control.8 2003-3-17

Instruction Fetch Unit at the End of Add and Subtract

PC <- PC + 4 This is the same for all instructions except: Branch and Jump
30 PC<31:28> Target 4 Instruction<25:0> 26 PC Clk imm16 Instruction<15:0> 16
ECE4680 Control.9

30 00 30 1 Mux 0

Addr<31:2> Addr<1:0> Instruction Memory 32


30 1

0 30 Adder Mux 1 30

Jump = 0


The Single Cycle Datapath during Or Immediate

31 op 26 rs 21 rt 16 immediate 0

R[rt] <- R[rs] or ZeroExt[Imm16]

Branch = 0 Rd RegDst = 0 Rt Rs 5 5 Jump = 0 Clk Rt Instruction Fetch Unit Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>



Branch = 0

Zero = x

1 Mux 0 ALUctr = Or

RegWr = 1 5 busW 32 Clk

Rs Zero ALU



Imm16 MemtoReg = 0

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32

MemWr = 0 0 Mux 32

32 WrEn Adr

Mux Data In 32 Clk



Data Memory

ALUSrc = 1 ExtOp = 0
ECE4680 Control.10 2003-3-17

The Single Cycle Datapath during Load

31 op 26 rs 21 rt 16 immediate 0

R[rt] <- Data Memory {R[rs] + SignExt[imm16]}

Branch = 0 Rd RegDst = 0 Rt Rs 5 5 Jump = 0 Clk Rt Instruction Fetch Unit ALUctr = Add Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>

1 Mux 0

RegWr = 1 5 busW 32 Clk

Rs Zero ALU



Imm16 MemtoReg = 1

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32

MemWr = 0 0 Mux

32 WrEn Adr

Mux Data In 32 Clk

1 32



Data Memory

ALUSrc = 1 ExtOp = 1
ECE4680 Control.11 2003-3-17

The Single Cycle Datapath during Store

31 op 26 rs 21 rt 16 immediate 0

Data Memory {R[rs] + SignExt[imm16]} <- R[rt]

Branch = 0 Rd RegDst = x Rt Rs 5 5 Jump = 0 Clk Rt Instruction Fetch Unit ALUctr = Add Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>

1 Mux 0

RegWr = 0 5 busW 32 Clk

Rs Zero ALU



Imm16 MemtoReg = x

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32

MemWr = 1 0 Mux 32

32 WrEn Adr

Mux Data In 32 Clk



Data Memory

ALUSrc = 1 ExtOp = 1
ECE4680 Control.12 2003-3-17

The Single Cycle Datapath during Branch

31 op 26 rs 21 rt 16 immediate 0

if (R[rs] - R[rt] == 0) then Zero <- 1 ; else Zero <- 0

Branch = 1 Rd RegDst = x Rt Rs 5 5 5 Jump = 0 Clk Rt Instruction Fetch Unit ALUctr = Subtract Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>

1 Mux 0

RegWr = 0

Rs Zero



Imm16 MemtoReg = x

busW 32 Clk

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32

MemWr = 0 0 Mux 32


32 WrEn Adr

Mux Data In 32 Clk



Data Memory

ALUSrc = 0 ExtOp = x
ECE4680 Control.13 2003-3-17

Instruction Fetch Unit at the End of Branch

31 op 26 rs 21 rt 16 immediate 0

if (Zero == 1) then PC = PC + 4 + SignExt[imm16]*4 ; else PC = PC + 4

30 PC<31:28> Target 4 Instruction<25:0> 26 PC Clk imm16 Instruction<15:0> 16
ECE4680 Control.14

30 00 30 1 Mux 0

Addr<31:2> Addr<1:0> Instruction Memory 32


30 1

0 30 Adder Mux 1 30

Jump = 0



30 Assume Zero = 1 to see the interesting case. Branch = 1 Zero = 1


The Single Cycle Datapath during Jump

31 op 26 target address 0

Nothing to do! Make sure control signals are set correctly!

Branch = 0 Rd RegDst = x Rt Rs 5 5 busA 32 0 Mux ALU Zero MemWr = 0 0 Mux 32 WrEn Adr Data In 32 Clk ALUSrc = x ExtOp = x
ECE4680 Control.15 2003-3-17

Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> Instruction Fetch Unit ALUctr = x <0:15>

Jump = 1 Clk Rt

1 Mux 0

RegWr = 0 5 busW 32 Clk




Imm16 MemtoReg = x

Rw Ra Rb 32 32-bit Registers busB 32 Extender


1 32



Data Memory

Instruction Fetch Unit at the End of Jump

31 op 26 target address 0

PC <- PC<31:29> concat target<25:0> concat 00

30 PC<31:28> Target 4 Instruction<25:0> 26 PC Clk imm16 Instruction<15:0> 16
ECE4680 Control.16

30 00 30 1 Mux 0

Addr<31:2> Addr<1:0> Instruction Memory 32


30 1

0 30 Adder Mux 1 30

Jump = 1




Branch = 0

Zero = x

A Summary of the Control Signals

See Appendix A func 10 0000 10 0010 We Dont Care :-) op 00 0000 00 0000 00 1101 10 0011 10 1011 00 0100 00 0010 add sub ori lw sw beq jump x x x 0 0 1 RegDst 1 x 0 1 1 1 0 ALUSrc 0 x x x 1 0 0 MemtoReg 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 RegWrite 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 MemWrite 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Branch 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Jump 0 x x 1 1 0 x ExtOp x Add Subtract xxx Add ALUctr<2:0> Add Subtract Or 31 R-type I-type J-type
ECE4680 Control.17

26 op op op rs rs

21 rt rt

16 rd

11 shamt

6 funct

0 add, sub ori, lw, sw, beq jump


immediate target address

The Concept of Local Decoding

op RegDst ALUSrc MemtoReg RegWrite MemWrite Branch Jump ExtOp ALUop<N:0> 00 0000 R-type 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 x R-type 00 1101 10 0011 10 1011 00 0100 00 0010 ori lw sw beq jump x x x 0 0 x 0 1 1 1 x x x 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x x 1 1 0 Add Subtract xxx Add Or

op 6

Main Control

func 6 ALUop N

ALU Control (Local)

ALUctr 3 ALU

ECE4680 Control.18


The Encoding of ALUop

op 6 Main Control func 6 ALUop N ALU Control (Local) ALUctr 3

How many bits?

In this exercise, ALUop has to be 2 bits wide to represent: (1) R-type instructions I-type instructions that require the ALU to perform: - (2) Or, (3) Add, and (4) Subtract
Why not consider J-type?

To implement the full MIPS ISA, ALUop hat to be 3 bits to represent: (1) R-type instructions I-type instructions that require the ALU to perform: (2) Or, (3) Add, (4) Subtract, and (5) And (Example: andi)
R-type R-type 1 00 ori Or 0 10 lw Add 0 00 sw Add 0 00 beq Subtract 0 01 jump xxx xxx

ALUop (Symbolic) ALUop<2:0>

ECE4680 Control.19

The Decoding of the func Field

op 6 Main Control func 6 ALUop N ori Or 0 10 16 rt rd ALU Control (Local) ALUctr 3

ALUop (Symbolic) ALUop<2:0> 31 R-type op 26

R-type R-type 1 00 21 rs

lw Add 0 00 11

sw Add 0 00 6 shamt

beq Subtract 0 01

jump xxx xxx 0


Recall ALU Homework (also P. 286 text): funct<5:0> 10 0000 10 0010 10 0100 10 0101 10 1010
ECE4680 Control.20

Instruction Operation add subtract and or set-on-less-than


ALUctr<2:0> 000 001 010 110 111

ALU Operation Add Subtract And Or Set-on-less-than



The Truth Table for ALUctr

R-type ALUop (Symbolic) R-type ALUop<2:0> 1 00 ori Or 0 10 lw Add 0 00 sw Add 0 00 beq Subtract 0 01

funct<3:0> 0000 0010 0100 0101 1010

Instruction Op. add subtract and or set-on-less-than

ALUop bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> 0 0 0 0 x 1 0 1 x 1 x x 1 x x 1 x x 1 x x 1 x x

func bit<3> bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

ALU Operation Add Subtract Or Add Subtract And Or Set on <

ALUctr bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

ECE4680 Control.21


The Logic Equation for ALUctr<0>

ALUop bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> 0 x 1 1 x x 1 x x func bit<3> bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> x x x x 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 ALUctr<0> 1 1 1

This makes func<3> a dont care

ALUctr<0> = !ALUop<2> & ALUop<0> + ALUop<2> & !func<2> & func<1> & !func<0>

ECE4680 Control.22


The Logic Equation for ALUctr<1>

ALUop bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> 0 1 x 1 1 1 x x x x x x func bit<3> bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> ALUctr<1> x x x x 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1

ALUctr<1> = !ALUop<2> & ALUop<1> + ALUop<2> & !func<3> & func<2> & !func<1> ALUop<2> & func<3> & !func<2> & func<1> & !func<1>

ECE4680 Control.23


The Logic Equation for ALUctr<2>

ALUop bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> 0 1 x 1 x x 1 x x func bit<3> bit<2> bit<1> bit<0> ALUctr<2> x x x x 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1

ALUctr<2> = !ALUop<2> & ALUop<1> + ALUop<2> & !func<3> & func<2> & !func<1> & func<0> + ALUop<2> & func<3> & !func<2> & func<1> & !func<0>

ECE4680 Control.24


The ALU Control Block

func 6 ALUop 3 ALU Control (Local) ALUctr 3

ALUctr<0> = !ALUop<2> & ALUop<0> + ALUop<2> & !func<2> & func<1> & !func<0> ALUctr<1> = !ALUop<2> & ALUop<1> + ALUop<2> & !func<3> & func<2> & !func<1> + ALUop<2> & func<3> & !func<2> & func<1> & !func<1> ALUctr<2> = !ALUop<2> & ALUop<1> + ALUop<2> & !func<3> & func<2> & !func<1> & func<0> + ALUop<2> & func<3> & !func<2> & func<1> & !func<0>

ECE4680 Control.25


The Truth Table for the Main Control

op 6 RegDst ALUSrc Main Control

ALUop 3 00 0000 R-type 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 x R-type 1 0 0

func 6

ALU Control (Local)

ALUctr 3

op RegDst ALUSrc MemtoReg RegWrite MemWrite Branch Jump ExtOp ALUop (Symbolic) ALUop <2> ALUop <1> ALUop <0>
ECE4680 Control.26

00 1101 10 0011 10 1011 00 0100 00 0010 ori lw sw beq jump x x x 0 0 x 0 1 1 1 x x x 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 x x 1 1 0 Add Subtract xxx Add Or 0 0 0 x 0 1 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 x 1

The Truth Table for RegWrite

op RegWrite 00 0000 R-type 1 00 1101 10 0011 10 1011 00 0100 00 0010 ori lw sw beq jump 1 1 0 0 0

RegWrite = R-type + ori + lw = !op<5> & !op<4> & !op<3> & !op<2> & !op<1> & !op<0> + !op<5> & !op<4> & op<3> & op<2> & !op<1> & op<0> + op<5> & !op<4> & !op<3> & !op<2> & op<1> & op<0>

(R-type) (ori) (lw)























jump RegWrite

ECE4680 Control.27


PLA Implementation of the Main Control

























RegWrite ALUSrc RegDst MemtoReg MemWrite Branch Jump ExtOp ALUop<2> ALUop<1> ALUop<0>

ECE4680 Control.28


Putting it All Together: A Single Cycle Processor

ALUop op 6 Instr<31:26> RegDst Main Control ALUSrc 3 func Instr<5:0> 6 ALU Control ALUctr 3

Rt Rs 5 5 Rt

Branch Jump Clk Instruction Fetch Unit

Instruction<31:0> <21:25> <16:20> <11:15> <0:15>

Rd RegDst

1 Mux 0 RegWr 5 ALUctr

Rt Zero ALU



Imm16 MemtoReg 0 Mux

busW 32 Clk

busA Rw Ra Rb 32 32 32-bit Registers busB 0 32 Extender 1 32


32 32 WrEn Adr

Mux Data In 32 Clk

imm16 Instr<15:0>


Data Memory

ALUSrc ExtOp
ECE4680 Control.29 2003-3-17

How is this Different from a Real MIPS Processor?

The effect of load in a real MIPS Processor is delayed: - lw $1, 100 ($2) // Load Register R1 add $3, $1, $0 add $4, $1, $0 // Move old R1 into R3 // Move new R1 into R4

The effect of load in our single cycle processor is NOT delayed - lw $1, 100 ($2) // Load Register R1 add $3, $1, $0 // Move new R1 into R3

The effect of branch and jump in a real MIPS Processor is delayed: - Instruction Address: 0x00 j 1000 Instruction Address: 0x04 Instruction Address: 0x1000 add $1, $2, $3 sub $1, $2, $3

Branch and jump in our single cycle processor is NOT delayed - Instruction Address: 0x00 j 1000 Instruction Address: 0x1000 sub $1, $2, $3

ECE4680 Control.30


Worst Case Timing

Clk PC Old Value Clk-to-Q New Value Old Value Old Value Old Value Old Value Old Value Old Value Old Value Delay through Extender & Mux Old Value Old Value Data Memory Access Time busW
ECE4680 Control.31

Rs, Rt, Rd, Op, Func ALUctr ExtOp ALUSrc MemtoReg RegWr busA busB Address

Instruction Memory Access Time New Value Delay through Control Logic New Value New Value New Value New Value New Value

Register Write Occurs

Register File Access Time New Value New Value ALU Delay New Value New

Old Value

Drawback of this Single Cycle Processor

Long cycle time: Cycle time must be long enough for the load instruction: PCs Clock -to-Q + Instruction Memory Access Time + Register File Access Time + ALU Delay (address calculation) + Data Memory Access Time + Register File Setup Time + Clock Skew Cycle time is much longer than needed for all other instructions

ECE4680 Control.32


Where to get more information?

Chapter 5.1 to 5.3 of your text book: Daid Patterson and John Hennessy, Computer Organization & Design: The Hardware / Software Interface, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, San Mateo, California, 1998. For a reference on the MIPS architecture: Gerry Kane, MIPS RISC Architecture, Prentice Hall.

ECE4680 Control.33


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