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-Why an integral mode is often included with proportional mode in a series controller?

Ans: For type O plants it will eliminate the offset error present with the proportional only control

-Explain the info that can be obtained from the knowledge of characteristic equation of transfer function? Ans: The characteristic equation, though its roots. Identifies the natural motions of the system.

-The aim of Ziegler-Nichols rules for tuning PID controllers is to obtain a quarter decay response. Explain the meaning of term quarter decay response. Ans: the overshoot of each oscillation cycle is 25% of the preceding one.

-Do a non-linear systems have characteristic equation? Explain? Ans: no. they will not have transfer function expressible as the ratio of polynomials. The transfer function derived from laplace transforms are necessarily linear.

-Explain numerator dynamic Ans: When the numerator of a transfer function is a polynomial in s (as distinct from a constant), the input variable and it derivative(s) act upon the system.

-A linear dynamic system will be stable when all roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts

-On an s-plane where the roots of a characteristic equation are to be plotted, state meaning of the parameter:

Radial line from origin Ans: damping ratio

Constant real value Ans: decay rate

Constant imaginary value Ans: oscillation frequency

Constant distance from the origin Ans: undamped natural frequency

-Why is it unusual to include derivative mode on a pipe-flow control loop? Ans: If the flow velocity transducer is capable of measuring the local turbulent eddy velocities that are superimposed on the mean flow velocity, the transducer output will be a noisy signal. When differentiated, the noise gives rise to large amplitude signals whichwhen applied to the final control element-cause rapid motions. These motions are not wanted. In fact they will lead to premature wear of the final control element (flow control valve)

-Explain wt can be obtained from the characteristic equation of a transfer function? Ans: the natural motion of the system the stability of the system damping and oscillation frequency of the natural motion

-Explain, why a feedback system with a proportional only controller will exhibit offset error Ans: a proportional only controller will produce a non-zero output only if it has a non zero input. The input will be non-zero only when an error exists. Therefore, for systems that need the final control element to be open in order to hold some value of the controlled variable, an offset error will result.

-State the transfer function for a proportional+integral control algorithm Ans: F(s)/E(s) = K * (T1*s + 1) / (T1 * s)

-Define the meaning of an integrating plant. Ans: Any plant that holds its current measured parameter value without input from the controller will be an integrating plant

-Explain the task performed by Matlabs zpk function Ans: ZPK Create zero-pole-gain models or convert to zero-pole-gain format

-State four advantageous characteristics of feedback in dynamic systems Ans: Eliminate manual (human) input. (Therefore, cost, fatigue, limitations) Speed, accuracy. Maybe the only way (e.g. Military fighter)

-What alterations, if any, are imposed on a sinusoidal input as it passes through a LTI system to the output (steady state)? Ans: If the system is linear, the output will also be a sinusoid at the same frequency but the amplitude and phase may be altered

-When modelling dynamic systems, it is said that the model will best serve its purpose when it captures the essential dynamic behaviour of the system no more, no less. Explain what this quotation means Ans: specific cause and effect phenomena exhibited by the elements.

They are equilibrium, compatibility and physical relation

-Describe the meaning of the Ziegler-Nichols quarter decay criterion Ans: The amplitude of an oscillation is one quarter of its predecessor

-Why might we choose to linearise a mathematical model of a dynamic system? Ans: We may be able to solve the model in closed form. There are good analysis and design tools available for linear systems

-Matlabs ode23 (or ode45) function numerically solves differential equations. Assuming it uses Eulers method, explain the method Ans: Euler but several forward estimates are made which are forced to conform to a Taylor series approximation. A larger step forward can then be taken with this much improved estimate.

-significance of phase and gain margin Ans: Gain margin is the factor by which the open loop gain is increased (at the phase crossover frequency) to give an amplitude ratio of one. Phase margin the additional phase lag required for the open loop (at the gain cross-over frequency) to give a phase lag of 180 degrees used to specify the performance of a system in the frequency domain (stability)

-why a derivative mode is sometimes included with a proportional mode in a series controller Ans: The solution is to incorporate a 'derivative mode' into the controller that reacts to the instantaneous rate of change of the error signal and generates a controller output that opposes that change.

-explain qualitatively how the location of the zero in the s-plane affects the time response. Ans: the zero provide a non-zero y.(0) and a gain, both of which are proportional to its location.

Zero of the transfer function can be considered to be frequency at which the system does not have any output. In the other word, input at these frequencies will be blocked by the system.

-Explain the action of the derivative mode of a PID controller, indicating its primary purpose ans: advantages/function A look ahead function that uses the slope of the error (or output) signal to mitigate rapid changes. It is particularly useful for rapidly changing conditions. Disadvantage: derivative mode is unrealisable and can only be approximately implemented

-Explain the action of the integral mode of a PID controller, indicating its primary purpose ans: advantages/function: controller that integrates the error signal with time, Whenever the error signal is non-zero, the integrator will drive the output of the controller - and hence the plant and controlled variable towards the set point (zero error). When this is achieved, the integrator holds its output disadvantages: it increases the tendency for oscillation of the controlled variable. The gain of the proportional controller must be reduced when it is combined with the integral mode. This reduces the ability of the controller to respond to rapid load changes. relatively slow in acting

-Explain the action of the proportional mode of a PID controller, indicating its primary purpose ans:

advantage/function: It provides a control signal that is proportional to the difference between the set-point and the measured controlled variable control signal responds to the error instantaneously used in applications requiring rapid action Disadvantage: The system will (generally) have an offset error

-Which four physical parameters constitute the vast majority of all controlled variables in industrial plant? Temperature Thermal lags and sensor lags lead to slowly changing noise free signals Hence PID is appropriate Pressure Actual level usually not important as long as between some limits Transfer function often of type 1 and hence P only is satisfactory Flow Often 'noisy' Hence no derivative mode K = 1, and hence use PI to eliminate offset

Level Considerable variation in dynamics Hence PI or P

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