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Roy G. Callahan, USN, Ret.

1529 NW 143rd Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 Tel: (352) 332-9144 Fax: (352) 332-9144

Sunday, September 09, 2012 Representative Keith Perry Suite 120 2440 SW 76th Street Gainesville, Florida 32608-0345 Dear Representative Perry:

One of the reasons this country is in trouble is the States lost their co-equal status with ratification of the 17th Amendment. Enactment attempted to neuter or render meaningless the 9th and 10th Amendments making it unnecessary for Congress to author amendments eliminating both. The result is both houses of Congress have become criminal enterprises bought and paid for by special interests.1 Corruption is concentrated in Washington, D.C. rather than diffused to 50 different states. I addressed this issue with former Representative and Speaker of the House Larry Cretul in 2010. He did not respond to my letter, but other representatives did. Unfortunately, my communication arrived late in the legislative session so nothing could be done since the legislative agenda was set and there was no room for anything else. This letter with the attached documents is an effort to insure history does not repeat itself. In the two years since I addressed this issue, I have had time to ponder and do more research on this issue. This country is in worse shape now than it was in 2010. We have a 16 Trillion dollar debt and an executive and congress out of control. If the 9th and 10th Amendments mean anything what is going on screams for action at the state level to turn things around. I was fortunate enough to find information on the internet to supplement what I already had that told me something was amiss when the 17th Amendment was enacted. Ms. Devvy Kidd and others researched this and other issues creating a web page for state legislators who have cojones, love of country and its Constitution enough to challenge the status quo. That link is here. She and others combed the National Archives for documents relative to enactment of the 17th Amendment. Those documents are here. (This is a 239-page PDF download that corresponds to page numbers identified in the attached

The sad state of this union is that money talks and public policy is sold to the highest bidder. Less than one-tenth of 1 percent of the U.S. population gave 83 percent of all campaign contributions in the 2002 elections. Those who give money in political contributions get back billions in tax breaks, subsidies, and the right to exploit public land at ridiculously low prices. This system costs ordinary Americans billions of dollars, not to mention the costs to health, safety and the environment, and the cost of not having enough money for good schools. For example, the top corporations paying zero taxes from 1996 to 1998 included AT&T, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Chase Manhattan, Enron, Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Microsoft, Pfizer and Phillip Morris. The record shows they gave $150.1 million to campaigns from 1991 to 2001 and public campaign reports they got $55 billion in tax breaks from 96 to 98 alone. Open Secrets reveals that during the 2010 elections, Senator Marco Rubio raised $27,741, 350 and spent 21, 638,315 to be elected. Conversely Kendrick Meek raised $8,849,701 and spend $8,849,701 to lose.

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talking paper.) The aforementioned download is court certified by the designated representative at the National Archives. The talking paper that accompanies this letter reveals how we came to this point. It provides a solution that partially restores constitutional governance. (Replacing the 16th Amendment with the Fair Tax and disestablishing the Fed would finish the task) The links in the electronic version are all executable, including one to the New Hampshire House web site where you will find House Bill 1126, An Act Relative to nomination of candidates for the United States Senate. Since you are my representative and the Abigail Adams survey you filled out identifies you as a 10th Amendment advocate, I believe it is in your best interest to prove you are who you say you are and give the attached proposal a serious look. Talk is cheap; effort and action speaks volumes. Furthermore unlike your opponent, whose ideology is destructive to the constitution (Democrat and a lawyer), you have an opportunity to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and your State Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic? With all of my energy.2 Taking action will elevate yours and the Florida legislatures status from serf to co-equal partner that is doing what it is elected and takes an oath to do protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the people of Florida against all enemies, foreign and domestic.. It will also eliminate the necessity for you, me, and millions of other parents/grandparents having to tell our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. Looking forward to you reply, I remain Yours in the Bill of Rights,

Roy G. Callahan Copy to Florida legislature Enclosures: 17th Amendment Talking Points DVD R disk with documents from the National Archives related to enactment of the 17th Amendment New Hampshire HB 1126

Your answer on the Abigail Adams survey.

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