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By Dr. H. Ahmad Kamil, SH., M.Hum

Islamic law comes to earth and sowing seeds kerahmatan blessing to the universe. Islamic Ummah as the inheritors of the earth, on the one hand acts as the object of enactment of Islamic law, the other as a subject who runs the Islamic law to manage the resources of economic potential for the benefit of the Ummah. Today is a very significant day for the history of economics Shariah in Indonesia, where the pillars supporting the economic system of Shariah unite to build for the future implementation of Shariah economy more prospective for the blessing of life of the Indonesian people, especially the Nusa Tenggara. This forum is a forum in recorded history, as the third pillar of Islamic finance, the local government as a stakeholder society sharia, Sharia Banking sharia as a provider of capital, and the Religious as Shariah economic dispute settlement, united in discussion forum to unite the mind set of people to be confident and believe in the blessing of the concept of Islamic finance transactions, as well as trust and believe in the ability of the judiciary as one of the executors of religion judiciary is authorized to resolve business disputes shariah economy. Therefore, I on behalf of the Chairman of the Supreme Court expressed his gratitude to the Government of West Sumbawa regency, the local Sharia Banking and the Religious who have come together hand in hand earthing system of Islamic banking in the Earth Indonesia (especially Nusa Tenggara). Talking about the economy Shariah, must depart from a basic understanding of Islam as Rahmatan lil'alami to be understood as a value system and capable of providing the benefit, blessing and benefit as possible for human life and the universe in its various aspects. Economic, human life is very urgent. Even the Prophet Muhammad, has said that

"Poverty, able to destroy one's faith". Al-Quran and al-Hadith has laid the foundation as a source of Islamic economic theory, as a system to manage the economy properly to be able to achieve social justice for all Indonesian people. Part of economists, stated that the global economic crisis that hit many parts of the world, partly because the resulting fragility of the economic system that treated over the years. One of the economic system that became the butt of criticism is "the capitalist economic system" that puts the owners of capital at the highest bargaining power in all aspects of global economic transactions. The position of the debtor as an object placed in an economic activity, regardless of the principles of ethical economy. This resulted in the birth of a situation of imbalance between the position of "creditor" and the "Borrower" in each deal activity in global economic development. In a capitalist economic system (the economic capital system), the creditor as capital owners do not want to know whether the debtor's profit or loss, current or jammed. For creditors as owners of capital money back smoothly according to a signed contract with. Any delay in payment of the debtor to the creditor, shall be fined, so that usurious gains can be obtained for certain creditors of the contracted bank interest plus late fee (which gave birth to the system of interest flowering). Muhammad Abdul Manan, the Islamic book Ekonomics, Theory and Practice, argues, "The Economics of Shariah as a system of knowledge, is the science that studies the economic problems of the people who were inspired by Islamic values. While Munawir Iqbal, argued that the Islamic economy is :
a discipline that has its roots in Islamic law-that place revelation as a source of the most important science, and the basic principles contained in the Al-Quran and al-Hadith as a springboard for assessing new theories regarding the Islamic economics.

Islamic economic system down to earth with a mission Rahmatan lil-'alamiin. The values instilled is a blessing for all, justice for all, developed for all losses incurred together deliver benefits for all, each other mutual assistance to each other, so as to create a balance in the system of the universe. Economic System Shariah foundation structure, built on the basis of divine values, Al-Adl, Al-Nubuwah, Al-Khalifah, and Al-Ma'ad. Actors economic/market should run the business (manufacturing, business services, financial services, agriculture, commerce, insurance, teamwork, finance, banking, etc.) with a focus on the values of justice, equality, cooperation, mutual assistance, with avoid fraudulent activity, speculation, oppression, injustice, imbalance, fraud, kemadharatan, gambling, lies, and others. Reflected in our mind, that presupposes Islamic economic system of economic activities such as the proverbial bear weight equally, equally lightweight portable, because Shari'ah economic position as a business partner debtor, the debtor will have advanced progress creditors and debtors perceived decline anyway by creditors. Advantages enjoyed together, and losses are shared, so the spirit of the slump will apply bangkat collective. Just to illustrate, illustrated that at the time was married to Khadijah Muhammad, dowry given to Khadijah Muhammad in the form of 100 (one hundred) camels. If a camel assessed Rp.10.000.000, (ten million dollars) means the value of the dowry given to Muhammad Kahdijah Rp. 1,000,000,000 (one miyar rupiah). The results of this analysis, logical relevance to the business profession Muhammad that have been initiated since the age of 9 years, ranging from business goats (breeding services), and then move on to the business segments inter-state trade (exportsimports), which has been ascertained to provide salary income no little time. An important point that can be noted that, the first business with an economic system based on sharia, Muhammad actually has developed considerably since before the Prophethood, then the concept is refined,

institutionalized, and then practiced by all Muslims. In effect, the power of Islam at that time in addition to relying on the power of faith, science, also supported by the strength of the Islamic economic system is powerful, making it easier to spread Islam throughout the world. According to Lothrop Stodaad, in The New Word of Islam states "The deeper our study of Islam, the more amazed we made". Conditions of sharia banking in Indonesia, as one of the system of financing Islamic finance, in 2012 developed very encouraging. The growth of Shari'ah banking industry is quite strong and positive in the midst of the global economic downturn. After be rated, the results of the study Islamic Finance Country Index states that the Indonesian Islamic banking industry entered at number four under Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia who has a starring role for the global Islamic finance. Now this institution forward concrete contribution of Muslim society selurung Indonesia to take part in the process membuminya Islamic economic system in the world. Apparatus religious courts, should also take part in practice. Not only mastered the concept teoritiknya, but it must be Islamic economic actors in both the micro Islamic economics, Islamic economics and macro sectors. The Supreme Court as the highest judicial authority executing in Indonesia, which is responsible for the development of all four courts, including courts of religion, have taken steps coaching competencies religious court judges, among others: - Menyususn book materill law (law applied) Sharia Law Compilation Economics (KHES), Economics and Law of Sharia. - Mengkader judges steeped in Islamic financial law specialization. - Carrying out economic Shariah judge certification; - Cooperating and religious court judges sent to several countries that have been implementing Islamic banking and economics;

- Study of comparative economic systems to the UK, Malaysia, Singapore, Sudan; - In cooperation with Bank Indonesia, the Economic Community of Sharia (MES), and a Bachelor of Syariah Indonesia Scientists Association (HISSI). - Also in cooperation and coordination with the Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI). Therefore, there needs to be the spirit of the changes (migration) to the Islamic economic system is based on the more blessed with morality, professionalism abstain from usury. Let's welcome the era of the triumph of true economic system that brought mankind to the physical-spiritual-life balance, good luck Divine blessing, peace and soul, and the happiness of the world-hereafter, by obeying the holy ( . ) The world of politics has given rise to regulatory growth and development of Islamic economic system in Indonesia. Technical regulations, has been created so that Islamic economic system immediately rooted and grounded in the Republic of Indonesia. The large number of Muslims in Indonesia pupulasi, fertile ground for the flourishing of economic management based on Shariah. Therefore, efforts to unearth true shariah economic system in Indonesia, not a difficult thing, because people support the social aspect, supporting regulatory legislation, supports the state ideology, social institutions are also very supportive, domestic and foreign investment also supports , aspects of academic studies very supportive, judiciary and law enforcement aspects have also been supportive. This shows that in terms of ideology, concepts, implimentasi, and law enforcement has existed in the world cosmologi, anthropology, theology Indonesia. Act No. 21 of 2008, concerning Sharia Banking, has provided legal protection for growth and development efforts and services of Islamic finance products. Islamic banking as Islamic financing institution, Homeland existence on earth has not deterred anymore.

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