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1. V d: she is a article beautiful adjective girl noun (beauty)

noun 2. - Cung cp t + Danh t l t c hu t: - tion, - sion, -er, -or ... + Tnh t l t c hu t : - able, - ful, - less, - al ... + Trng t thng thng c hu t: - ly 3.1. NOUNS. 3.1.1. Definition:Noun is a word used as the name of a peron, thing, animal, place ... Ex: Student ( person ) Blackboard (thing) Cat ( animal ) Countryside (place) 3.1.2- The ways to form a noun. FORM AR a- Verb + ER OR ION b- Verb + ING MENT c- Noun /Adjective + DOM d- Noun/Adjective + HOOD e- Noun/ Adjective + ISM NESS f- Adjective + TY ITY g- Verb + ANT h- Adjective Noun EXAMPLES - sailor, actor ... - teacher, driver, viewer, singer... - beggar, liar ... - action, invention, liberation, conclusion ... - writing, making, liking, cooking, learning... - movement, development, investment, punishment, amusement ... - kingdom, freedom, wisdom - boyhood, neigbourhood, childhood, brotherhood, falsehood. - capitalism, patriotism, terrorism, heroism, communism. - socialism, racialism, colonialism - happiness, laziness, illness, sickness ... - cruelty, loyalty, difficulty ... - possibility, ability, capability, ability, curiosity ... - assistant, accountant, applicant, contestant... - angry anger - long length - brave bravery - proud pride - deep depth - terrible terror - famous fame - young youth - high height - hot heat - true truth - just justice - choose choice - live life - prove proof - strike stroke - sing song - advise advice - enter entry - fail failure - feed food - laugh laughter - renew renewal - sit seat

i- Verb


- speak speech - see sight - sell sale - die death - bury burial - lose loss 3.1.3. The functions of a noun Subject: - This girl is intelligent. Object: - She eats a banana. Complement: - He is a footballer. Appositive:- Mr. David, a famous doctor, is my fathers friend. Object of a preposition:- Everybody is interested in sports. Adjective:- The Vietnam War is different from any other one. 3.2. ADJECTIVES: 3.2.1-Definition: Adjective is a word that modifies a noun. It usually stands before a noun Ex: a horse a charming room an apple a furnished house this old house 3.2.2- The way to form an adjective: FORM EXAMPLES Noun - Adjective - choir choral - neglect neglected - circle circular - picture picturesque - union united - charity charitable - fashion fashionable - gold golden - honour honourable - wool woolen - notice noticeable - wood wooden - reason reasonable - earth earthen - value valuable - North Northern - terror terrible - West Western - sense sensible - fury furious - horror horrible - glory glorious - access accessible - melody melodious - luxury luxurious - mystery mysterious - victory victorious - prosper prosperous - vapour vapourous - bounty bounteous - variety various - clamour clamorous - danger dangerous - murder murderous - dangour dangourous - disaster disastrous - advangtage advangtageous - courage courageous - mountain mountainous - strain strainous - venom venomous - volume voluminous - peril perilous - mischief mischievous - caution cautious - advent adventitious - citrus citreous - affection affectionate - fortune fortunate - authority authoritative - apprehension apprehensive - intuition intuitive Verb adjective - abhor abhorrent - vary various - obey obedient - accept acceptable - absorb absorbent - admire admirable - notice noticeable - choose choosy - compel compelling - volunteer voluntary - please pleasing - unite united - learn learned - comply compliant - vacate vacant - grieve grievous - marvel marvelous - prosper prosperous

FORM strain strenduous quarrel quarrelsome benefit benificial abuse abusive collect collective create creative decide decisive describe descriptive affirm affirmative image imaginative deceivedeceptive/ deceitful harmful - pocketful handful - useful

EXAMPLES - study studious - meddle meddlesome - criticize critical - attend attentive - compete competitive - destroy destructive - express expressive - extend extensive - decorate decorative - inform informative - peaceful - basketful - successful - helpful helpless homeless noiseless thoughtless

noun - FUL noun -LESS

noun -LY

noun -LIKE noun - Y

noun - ISH

noun -AL

Noun Adjective

- childless - harmless - odourless - hopeless - useless manly yearly brotherly fatherly lifelike warlike statemanlike silvery snowy crafty rainy faulty dirty sandy - foolish - childish - selfish - amateurish - central - accidental - traditional - occasional - personal - difference different - patience patient - independence independent - vigilance vigilant - distance distant - circumstance circumstantial - volcano volcanic - sympathy sympathic - hero heroic

hourly daily childlike godlike starry healthy silky shadowy y


- optional - natural - magical - industrial - agricultural - strain - venom - volume - peril - mischief - caution - advent - citrus - affection

strainous venomous voluminous perilous mischievous cautious adventitious citreous affectionate

EXAMPLES - giant giantic - fortune fortunate - energy energic - authority authoritative - metal metallic - mystery mysterious - poet poetic - victory victorious - academy academic - prosper prosperous - anemia anemic - vapour vapourous - athlete athletic - variety various - quarrel quarrelsome - bounty bounteous - trouble troublesome - clamour clamourous - choir choral - danger dangerous - circle circular - murder murderous - picture picturesque - dangour dangourous - charity charitable - disaster disastrious - fashion fashionable - advantage advantageous - honour honourable - courage courageous - notice noticeable - mountain mountainous - reason reasonable - wood wooden - sense sensible - earth earthen - horror horrible - North Northern - gold golden - West Western - wool woolen - fury furious - glory glorious - benefit beneficial - apprehension apprehensive - criticize critical - intuition intuitive - abuse abusive - abhor abhorrent - attend attentive - obey obedient - collect collective - absorb absorbent - compete competitive - acquiesce acquiescent - create creative admirable - decide decisive Verb Adjective - admire - notice noticeable - express expressive - choose choosy - extend extensive - volunteer voluntary - select selective - compel compelling - affirm affirmative - learn learned - decorate decorative - comply compliant - image imaginative - vacate vacant - inform informative - grieve grievous - deceive deceptive / deceitful - marvel marvelous - meddle meddlesome - study studious - quarrel quarrelsome 3.2.3- The uses of adjective Attribute adjective (tnh ng) b nghi cho danh t pha sau Ex: intelligent student large room big house Predicative adjectives (v ng) ch tnh cch ca ch ng nh nhng ng t BE / LINKING VERBS (become / get / look / seem ..) Ex: - My brother is young - You look tired Object compliment (b ngha cho tn ng) ch tch cch ca tn ng nh cc ng t: find, make, set, keep, leave...


Ex: I found this lesson difficult The sun keeps us warm adjective must be placed after the noun of time, of measurement or words (something, anything, nothing) Ex: Twenty years old Five yards long Nothing strange I didnt notice anything wrong with him. 3.3- Adverbs: 3.3.1- Definition: Adverbs express how, when, or where an action is done Adverbs of manner: express how an action is done actively calmly fast late together so alone somehow carefully anyhow also how Ex: We went to school together The birds sang sweetly Adverbs of time: express when an action is done today once before since now soon always seldom rarely already early ago then often sometimes Ex: It often rains in the tropics. I have never seen a seahorse. Adverbs of place: express where an action is done here in out above below past under far everywhere down up around along way upstairs near there Ex: I followed him everywhere Come in 3.3.2- The positions of adverbs Adverbs which modify the meaning of adjectives or other adverbs are placed before the word modified Ex: She is very beautiful (adj) He sings very well (adv) Adverbs which modify the meaning of a whole sentence are placed at the beginning of the sentence. Ex: Usually we go to school by motor cycle. Adverbs which modify the meaning of verbs. Ex: He is running fast I live here I am speaking now 3.3.3- The way to form adverbs:


+ LY


NOTES: There is a change of the final vowel when necessary Ex: lucky luckily happy happily slow slowly Some adverbs have the same form as adjectives Ex: - I went to New York by a fast train. (adj) - He ran fast.

(adv) - We were late for school. (adj) - We went t school late. (adv) 3.4- VERBS: 3.4.1- Definition : a verb is a word or a group which expresses an action or state of being Transitive verb: is one which is used with an object Ex: The waiter brings coffee (object) The student learns English (object) Intransitive verb: is one which is used without an object. It can not be used in the passive voice. Ex: The sun rises. The baby is sleeping . Notes: Most of English verbs are used both transitively and intransitively Ex: - The boy rings the bell. - The bell rings. - The girl is singing a song - The girl is singing Few verbs are used transitively or intransitively Ex: - The boy lays the book.(object) - The boy is lying on the table. - He sets the bird free. - He sits on the chair. Auxiliary verb: Auxiliary verb is one which helps other verbs to form tenses, moods or voices. - The auxiliary verbs : be, will, shall. Do do, did. Ex: - He is studying English - She will come to the party. - An apple is eaten by Mary. - They have gone away. - Tom doesnt understand the lesson. Modal verb: Modal verb is one which cant conjugate in all tenses, and moods. The modal verbs are: will, shall, can, may, might, need, dare, used to, ought to Ex: - He can swim. - Cant he swim ? 3.4.2- The ways to form verbs FORM EXAMPLES NOUN VERB camp encamp horror horrorify circle encircle justice justify courage encourage liquid liquefy danger endanger terror terrify roll enroll belief believe slavery enslaver blood bleed tomb entomb brass braze power empower glass glaze calm becalm deceit deceive friend befriend deed do company accompany endurance endure custom accustom food feed actor act gold gild

FORM creator addition circulation competition composition description dictation division education illustration imitation obligation provision solution suspicious liberty wreath bath breath cloth bright broad sweet trial dirt beauty class glory deep dark fat short sharp straight tight wide create add circulate compete compose describe dictate divide educate illustrate imitate obligate provide solve suspect liberate wreathe bathe breathe clothe brighten broaden sweeten try dirty beautify classify glorify deepen darken fatten shorten sharpen straighten tighten widen

EXAMPLES grief growth knee knowledge life pleasure product proof relief sale shelf song speech success thought price tale colony drama moisture nation sympathy vandal vapour vitality vacancy vaccine large modern simple cool full hale weak

grieve grow kneel know live please produce prove relieve sell shelve sing speak succeed think prize tell colonize dramatize moisturize nationalize sympathize vandalize vapourize vitalize vacate vaccinate enlarge modernize simplify cool fill heal weaken


A. COMMON NOUN (THING) ENDINGS 1. ism : baptism, criticism, organism, heroism, patriotism, alcoholism,
barbarism, dwarfism, parallelism

2. nce 3. nes s 4. ion

: importance, significance, dependence, arrogance, resistance, subsistence : bitterness, conceitedness, darkness, hardness, kindheartedness : excision, damnation, pollution, suggestion, a notion, an action,

vexation, concoction, completion.

5. ment

: abridgement, accomplishment, ban ishment, commencement,

embodiment, enhance ment, excitement, fragment, garment, ornament, treatment

6. (i)ty 7. age

: purity, authority, dubiety, majority, superiority, humidity, cruelty,

faculty, honesty, plenty, safety, subtlety

: baggage , carriage, cartage, damage, dotage, hermitage, homage

languag e, luggage, marriage, passage , tillage, tonnage , vicarage, village.

8. ship

: ambassadorship, citizenship, headship, professorship, chairmanship,

fellowship, scholarship, compan ionship, friendship, hardship, relationship, craftsmanship, entrepreneurship, horsemanship, membership, courtship

9. th

: bath,

birth, death, oath, growth, stealth, filth, health, length, strength, truth, depth, breadth, wealth.

10. dom 11. hoo d

: earldom, free dom, kingdom, officialdom, wisdom : childhood , falsehood , sisterhood , brotherhood ,
neighbo rhood, likelihood, livelihood

12. ure : closure, picture, scripture, legislature, nature, failure, pleasure,

tre as ure

13. cy

: bankruptcy, captaincy, democracy, privacy, delicacy, advocacy,

confederacy, accuracy, obstinacy, piracy, , aristocracy, expectancy , efficiency, presidency, sufficiency, deficiency

14. (t)ry : rivalry, ancestry, carpentry, indu stry, greenery, machinery, scenery,
bakery, brewery, bravery, slavery, archery

15. logy

: archaeology, geology, sociology, theology, zoology 16. graphy : bibliography, biograph y B. COMMON NOUN (PERSON) ENDINGS 1. or : actor, creator, doctor, monitor, sculptor, successor, guarantor,
conqu eror, dono r, governor, solicitor, tailor, visitor. bachelor

2. er 3. ee 4. ist 5. ician

: hatter, geograph er, astrologer, cottager, foreigner, London er,

New Yorker, northerner, villager, airliner, old-timer, sorcerer

: employee , payee , devotee, escapee , conferee , absentee, refugee . : chemist, dramatist, economist, geologist; dentist, pianist, tobacconist;
Buddh ist, Darwinist, idealist, Marxist, racist, optimist, pessimist

: magician, physician, musician, electrician, beautician,

politician, statistician, mathematician, mortician,

6. ant (10%) : assistant, accountant, consultant, contestant, inhabitant

C. ADJECTIVE ENDINGS 1. ent : independent, sufficient, abs ent, ambivalent, ancient, apparent,
ardent 2. ant 3. ful 4. ic 5. less 6. ive 7. ou s 8. able 9. ible

: arrogan t, expec tant, important, significant , abundant,



: beautiful, graceful, powerful, grateful, forgetful, mournful,

Exce ptions: hand ful, mou thful, spoo nful are noun s

: civic, classic, historic, artistic, economic, : doubtless, fearless, hatless, powerless, countless, tireless, faceless,
legless, careless, helpless

: authoritative, demonstrative, figurative, imitative, qualitative,

talkative, active, passive, comparative, possessive

: dangerous, glorious, murderous, viscous, ferocious, hilarious, : charitable, separable, bearable, reliable, comfortable, suitable. : audible, compressible, edible, horrible, terrible
Exce ptions : rival, arrival, proposal, withdrawal, survival are nouns

10. al : central, general, oral, colossal, tropical, tidal 11. ory 12. ary

: mandatory,

compulsory, predatory, satisfactory

Exce ptions : dormitory, promontory, territory are noun s

: arbitrary, budg etary, contrary, primary, temporary, necessary 13. y : angry, happy, icy, messy , milky, tidy, chilly, haughty, slippery, 14. ly : beastly, cowardly, queenly, rascally 15. (r)ate (10%): tempera te, accura te, cons idera te, imme diate, literate 16. ish: boorish, boyish, foolish, womanish, bookish, feverish, bluish, reddish

D. COMMON VERB ENDINGS 1. en/ en : listen, happen , strengthen, lengthen, shorten, soften,
ripen, deep en, widen, entrust, enslave, enlighten, entang le, enlarge, encourage, enable, enrich

2. ate

: assassinate, associate, fascinate, felicitate, hydrate,

vaccinate, evacua te

3. ize

characterize, idolize, agon ize, apologize, sympathize, theorize, authorize, extemporize, fertilize, fossilize, jeopardize, moralize, Americanize, carbon ize, oxidize

4. ify

: pacify, satisfy, petrify, solidify, horrify

E. COMMON ADVERB ENDING 1. ly : amusingly, deservedly, firstly, fully, greatly, happ ily, hourly,
truly, firstly, secondly

2. wise 3. ways 4. ward

: crosswise, lengthwise, otherwise, clockwise : edgeways , end ways , lengthways, sideways : backward, homeward, inward, onward, skyward, eastward

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