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IMPORTANCE OF I.C.T. IN THE LEARNING OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. By: Edgar Leonardo Gonzlez Gutirrez. To: Rafael Gmez.

Code: 382 208 213. University Of Cundinamarca. The use of ICT in schools faces many barriers, not only for teachers who are willing to adapt to new learning technologies, but also by the lack of resources in schools. Some remarkable and decisive factors are when addressing the barriers of technology for teaching and learning, such as confidence levels, amount of available technical support, the quality of training, lack of technical knowledge to operate the equipment, resistance to change, etc. The levels of access for ICT are categorical use of materials by teachers. However, it is not necessarily the lack of equipment that explains the case of a school with low access. Often, the amounts of equipment are insufficient or improperly as these are organized in school. The equipment can be managed so as to ensure full access to all who can use them. Inadequate training can cause low levels of learning, lack of tools (technology) or knowledge in a classroom with few virtual pedagogical skills. Teachers who do not know the advantages of using technology in their teaching is less likely to make use of these. Any program (or software) must ensure that teachers are aware of the benefits of using ICT in the classroom. Resistance to change is also a factor that prevents the full integration of ICT in a school context. This resistance can be seen in the unwillingness of teachers to change their teaching practices, and the difficulty that some institutions have to reorganize or facilitate innovating practices that involve ICT. The barriers in the use of ICT can be related to broader factors, such as lack of equipment (hardware). It lies more in the school institutions that offer solutions to reduce barriers in the use of new technologies.

Some negative opinions about the use of ICT: Obstacles of (the) teacher (s). Lack of time. Lack of confidence Resistance to change negative attitudes about ICT Absence of perceived benefits (knowledge) Lack of access to resources (At work and home)

Degree of impediments in Schools. Lack of time. Lack of access to resources (The inaccuracy of team organization, improper or poor quality software, bad internet connections). Absence of effective training.

Technical problems.

Some positive opinions about the use of ICT: Ease of the teacher (s).
Facilitates student contact. Increased contact with students to facilitate assessment and control. Media research and personal actualization. Contacts with other teachers and schools. Build effective means of educational research in the classroom.

Degree of ease in Schools.

Encourages innovation in the classroom.

Effective learning inside and outside the classroom. Interactive Experiences (Teacher - Student - ICT). Higher global academic performance (when using equipment for personal practices)

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