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$-dict You should be careful about errors of grammar, word use, and punctuation.

Almost all of these could be checked using the dictionary recommended in the syllabus and the OWL website mentioned in the syllabus. $-gram There are many errors of grammar, word use, and punctuation. Almost all of these could be checked using the dictionary recommended in the syllabus and the OWL website mentioned in the syllabus. $-grammar There are many errors of grammar, word use, and punctuation. Almost all of these could be checked using the dictionary recommended in the syllabus and the OWL website mentioned in the syllabus. ,-, G punctuation (including, among others, commas, semicolons, periods, italics, underling, bold, new paragraph) /-ag G agreement (subject/verb, pronoun/antecedent, number, gender, case) FOR THE FOLLOWING AUTOCORRECTIONS : REPLACES ; IN THE REAL AUTOCORRECT KEYS :ag G agreement (subject/verb, pronoun/antecedent, number, gender, case) :am - you should use American style punctuation, not British/European :ant G antecedent unclear or missing :ap -- though there are other approaches to fixing the problem :art G problem with the use of the definite or indefinite article :cc G complex problems (usually involving several parts of the sentence) - consider rewriting :dm G dangling or misplaced modifier :err There were many language errors. Since there is no rewrite for the second paper, you will need to work closely with one of the recommended dictionaries and to check the OWL website, or see me with a draft of your paper at least a week before it is due. :es You need to check an ESL dictionary for the correct usage of words. Regular dictionaries are not usually helpful in showing how to use a word in a sentence. :fc L a false fact which either was contradicted in the reading or which was crucial enough to your argument that you should have backed it up :gr Almost all of these could be checked using a good ESL dictionary. Regular dictionaries tell you what it means. You need additional help to learn how to use it correctly. :if G problem with inflected forms (nouns, verbs, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs) :il L unclear or poorly constructed argument :int It is not really an intellectual journal. Where are YOUR thoughts on the reading? There are no thoughts, questions, or insights that are not already implicit or explicit in the readings or that reflect your own reaction to the reading. :lo L problem with argumentation, reasoning, or facts :ml F not MLA style :mw G word(s) missing :np G problem with noun, adjective, or pronoun usage (articles, singular/plural, possessive, modifiers, case, gender, agreement, antecedent, idiomatic phrases and collocations, etc.) :off If you need additional help you can bring a draft of your second paper to one of my office hours at least a week before the paper is due. I will try to offer some helpful suggestions for your writing.

:owl The best place to check the correct use of punctuation (and many grammar points as well) is the OWL website mentioned in the syllabus. :pc G parenthetical commas :pos G error in part of speech (noun form for verb, adjective for adverb, etc.) :pr G problem with the use of prepositions :ps G problem involving parallelism in grammatical structure :qo You must copy quotations exactly, word for word, including punctuation and mistakes within the quote. Mistakes should be marked [sic]. Other necessary changes should be marked by [ ]. Omissions should be marked by ellipses. :red G redundancy :sg [I STOPPED GRADING GRAMMAR FOR THE REST OF THE PAPER BECAUSE THE GRADE FOR THE SECTION ON LANGUAGE USE IS ALREADY ZERO. THERE ARE FURTHER ERRORS OF GRAMMAR, WORD CHOICE, AND PUNCTUATION THROUGHOUT THE REST OF THE PAPER.] :sh I recommend writing shorter papers. You will make fewer mistakes. It will be less burdensome to check it against an ESL dictionary and the OWL website. :sp G spelling, hyphenation, capitalization :ss G sentence structure (run-on, fragment, etc.) :su G problem with clause and phrase combination (coordination, subordination, conjunctions) :sy F Check syllabus instructions :un G meaning is unclear (grammatically or semantically) :ver Did you actually use this print version? If so, the page numbers need to agree with that edition. If not, you need to reference the Blackboard version. :vp G problem with verb phrase (tense, agreement, government, word order, subject, phrasal verbs, idiomatic phrases and collocations, etc.) :wc G problem with word choice (vocabulary, grammar, logic, register, set phrases, idioms) :wo G problem with word order

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