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Chapter 6 Outline Assignment

Name: ______________________________

Textbook pages 153-185 Reading Packet
World Foundations

Due Date(s):

Follow the same directions as you did for the Chapter 1 Outline Assignment. Remember, an * indicates
the item is not in the text reading these items will be answered in class.

Introduction Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, 500 BCE500 CE

A. Previewing Main Ideas (pages 152-153)
1. Why was the Mediterranean Sea important to the Roman Empire?________________
2. What geographical features might have helped or hindered the spread of Christianity
throughout the Roman Empire?____________________________________________

I. The Roman Republic

A. The Origins of Rome
1. Why do you think the myth of Romulus and Remus has endured for so long?_______
2. Rome was built on the __________ River, near the center of the Italian peninsula.
3. What influence did the Etruscans have on Roman civilization?___________________
B. The Early Republic
1. What led to the establishment of the republic?_________________________________
2. A republic is __________________________________________________________
Who in Rome was granted voting rights?____________________________________
3. Who were patricians?___________________ plebeians?_______________________
What were the political differences and similarities between Romes patricians and

4. What were tribunes?____________________________________________________
5. What were the Twelve Tables?_______________________________ What was their
significance? __________________________________________________________
6. What were the Roman consuls?____________________________________________
What limits were there on the power of the consuls?___________________________
7. What was the senate and what powers did it have?_____________________________
8. Under what circumstances would the republic appoint a dictator?_________________
9. What evidence shows that the Romans placed great value on their military?________
10. How was the Roman military organized?___________________________________

Skillbuilder: Interpreting Charts (page 157)

1. What similarities do you see in the governments of the Roman Republic and the United States?
2. Which government seems more democratic? Why?____________________________________

C. Rome Spreads Its Power

1. How did Rome treat different sections of its conquered territory?_________________
2. What was the cause of the Punic Wars (264-146 BCE)?_________________________

3. Who was Hannibal?_____________________________________________________

4. How was Hannibals attack on Rome daring and different?______________________
5. Why were the Punic Wars important?_______________________________________

II. The Roman Empire

A. The Republic Collapses
1. What factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic?_____________________
2. What effects did the large estates (latifundia) have on small farmers?______________
3. As the republic grew more unstable, what happened to the military?_______________
4. How did Julius Caesar come to power?______________________________________
5. What were Caesars reforms?



e._set up a new calendar with 365 days

6. Why did Caesars rivals feel they had to kill him?_____________________________
7. Following Caesars death, civil war broke out again. In 31 BCE,
became the unchallenged ruler of Rome; he accepted the title Augustus, meaning

B. A Vast and Powerful Empire

1. To what does the term Pax Romana refer?___________________________________
2. What steps did Augustus take to create a sound government?____________________
3. What were civil servants?________________________________________________
4. What was the most important industry in the empire?__________________________
5. What effect did the system of roads have on the Roman Empire?_________________
6. What were the main reasons for the Romans success in controlling such a large
C. The Roman World
1. What were the qualities of gravitas? Why were they so valued in the Roman world?
2. How did Romes population fare during the golden age of the Pax Romana?________
3. What aspects of Roman life might signal future problems for the empire?__________
4. What measures did the government take to distract and control the masses of Rome?
Social History
Life in a Roman Villa (page 166-167)
*This policy was called ____________ and _______________.
1. What is a fresco?_________________________________________________________________
2. How does a typical villa meal compare to a typical meal today?____________________________
3. How are homes today similar to a Roman villa? How are they different?____________________

III. The Rise of Christianity

Setting the stage: Christianity was born as a movement within ___________________; it
emphasized a more _______________________________________between God and people.
A. The Life and Teachings of Jesus
1. What did Jesus emphasize in his early teachings?______________________________
2. How were Jesus teachings at odds with Roman values and religious ideas?_________
3. Who were the apostles?__________________________________________________
4. Why did Jesus message appeal to the poor?__________________________________
5. Why might both the Romans and the chief Jewish priests have felt threatened by
6. Why did the followers of Jesus think he was the Messiah?_______________________
B. Christianity Spreads Through the Empire
1. Who was Paul?________________________________________________________

2. Why was the apostle Paul so important to the spread of Christianity?______________

3. What was the Diaspora, and what led up to it?________________________________
4. Why did the early Christians face persecution from the Romans?_________________
5. What is a martyr?_______________________________________________________
6. Why were the citizens of the Roman Empire drawn to Christianity?






7. Who was Constantine?__________________________________________________

What was the significance of the following to Christianity:
a. 313 CE:_________________________________________________________
b. Edict of Milan:___________________________________________________
c. 380 CE:_________________________________________________________
8. How was the Early Christian Church organized?
pope = __________________________________________________________
bishop = __________________________________________________________
priests = __________________________________________________________

9. How did Church leaders attempt to end disagreements and set out a single, official
standard of basic beliefs?_________________________________________________

IV. The Fall of the Roman Empire

A. A Century of Crisis
1. During the third century CE, several factors contributed to the decline of the Roman
Empire. Fill in the chart, describing these internal factors:
weakening economy
trade was __________________ by hostile tribes and pirates.
the Romans lacked _______________________________________.
desperate for revenue, the government ___________________________.
it created money with less ___________________________.
inflation: ________________________________________________________________
agriculture problems: ______________________________________________________

military turmoil
Roman soldiers had become less___________________________, giving their
allegiance to _________________________________________
the government began to hire mercenaries:______________________________________

political turmoil
loyalty of the average citizen _________________________________________________
no clear successor__________________________________________________________

B. Emperors Attempt Reform

1. How did Diocletian succeed in preserving the empire?_________________________

2. What effect did dividing the empire have on both the Western and Eastern halves?
3. Why did the empire continue to fail despite Diocletians reform and effective rule?
4. In 330 CE Constantine moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium. Why did he
choose this location for his capital?_________________________________________
Eventually the city took a new name ______________________________.
5. How does control of Byzantium offer trade and defensive advantage to cultures on the
Black Sea?____________________________________________________________
C. The Western Empire Crumbles
1. Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the Roman Empire?_____________
2. Why do you think the Western Roman Empire was unable to field an army to stop the
Germanic tribes from invading?___________________________________________
3. Who was Attila the Hun, and what did he do?_________________________________
4. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476; the Eastern Roman Empire survived and
flourished for another ______ years, preserving _________ and __________ heritage.
It became known as the ____________________ Empire.

V. Rome and the Roots of Western Civilization

A. The Legacy of Greco-Roman Civilization
1. What is Greco-Roman culture?____________________________________________

2. How did Roman sculpture differ from Greek?________________________________

3. What is bas-relief sculpture and how was it used?_____________________________
4. What were mosaics, and where might you find one?____________________________
5. How did stoicism fit with other Roman ideals?________________________________
B. The Legacy of Rome
1. What influence did Latin have on the development of Western languages?__________
2. What were some of the architectural forms achieved by the Romans?______________
3. For what purpose were aqueducts designed?
Why is law considered
the most lasting
of Roman
Science & 4.Technology:
The Colosseum
182) contributions?_________________
1. The Colosseum
has been the model for sports stadiums worldwide. How is the design of modern
5. How did
protect those What
stadiums patterned
that oflaw
the Colosseum?
2. What do the kinds of spectacles the Romans watched tell us about them as a people and about
their leaders?___________________________________________________________________

6. Explain what the historian R. H. Barrow meant when he said that Rome never really
fell but instead achieved immortality. ______________________________________

Otter says, Whew! Good job!

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