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September 23, 2012 17th Sunday after Pentecost 10:00am

Preparing for Gods Word

ORGAN PRELUDE: I Love to Tell the Story Fischer INTROIT- Revive Us Again
Amazing Love Praise Band

Hearing Gods Word


Childrens Time
ANTHEM: Cradle Me Lord PRAYER for ILLUMINATION OUR SCRIPTURES THIS WEEK: Mark 8:31-38 (pg. 44) Jeremiah 18:1-11 (p. 720) SERMON:

*CALL to WORSHIP Let all who seek to grow in their faith enter this place for worship! We would have the Lord mold us and shape us into Gods people today. God is the Potter and we are the clay in the Great Creators hands. We yield our lives unto the Lord to mold us as is pleasing before God. Praise be to the Lord, for God is faithful to prepare us for eternity. All: Blessed be the name of the Lord! *HYMN #51G How Great Thou Art *CALL TO and PRAYER of CONFESSION Gracious God, our sins are too heavy to carry, too real to hide, and too deep to undo. Forgive what our lips tremble to name, what our hearts can no longer bear, and what has become for us a consuming fire of judgment. Set us free from a past that we cannot change; open to us a future in which we can be changed; and grant us grace to grow more and more in your likeness and image; hear us through Jesus Christ, the light of the world, as we continue to confess in silence *ASSURANCE of PARDON and *GLORIA PATRI *AFFIRMATION of FAITH- Apostles Creed

In the Potters Hands

--Rev. Marie Branigan

Responding to Gods Word




(*) indicates when to stand (G) refers to our green hymnal Worship & Rejoice

The Missions of the Month for September are International Ministries. The missionaries that we support include Joanna Beske in Senegal-ministry among Muslims, World Venture - The Newell family in Kenya, and Wycliffe Translator Denise Hoover in the Philippines. Please keep all of these ministries in your prayers. If you are interested in writing to one of our missionaries please let a member of the Mission Team know and we will give you their contact information. There are 12 assisted listening devices available for people to better hear the worship service. They are located in a basket in the narthex. CD copies of our worship service are also available every Sunday in the narthex. Check out our website for the weekly Bulletin and Insert. Our Facebook page can be found at: Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church Join our group page today! The Choir is in need of new members! Anyone who would like to join the choir, age 14 or older, please come out and join us Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm. If you have any questions feel free to contact Nick Mercado or any choir member.

Thursday night Bible Study begins at 7:30 pm and all are welcome to attend. Location rotates each week to a different home. If you are interested in attending please call Donna Neill, (609) 233-7722. They are currently studying the book of Romans. Grace to you and Peace from God our Father, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Welcome to Worship
... as brothers and sisters in faith! This months Officer Leaders: elder, Bertie Simkins; deacon, Mary Ellen Snyder; trustee, Oak Ale The greeters this morning are Bill & Janine Mueller. Our liturgist is Karen DuBois. Nursery Coordinator, Victoria Neill Mission Statement: In the Name of Christ: Sowing, GROWing, and Serving. Vision Statement: We are GROWing, Growing in Faith, Reaching others for Christ, Offering opportunities for mission, Worshipping the Lord with our whole, burning hearts.

If you are visiting with us today we warmly welcome you! Please feel free to contact Rev. Paul Tuttle with any questions or pastoral needs. Rev. Tuttle can be reached at the Pastor cell:(856) 305-4421, or You can contact Jill Stout, our secretary/treasurer at (856) 358-1104 or

If one member rejoices or suffers, all members rejoice or suffer together! --1 Corinthians 12:26
Prayer Requests: Debbie Covey (Oak Gandys daughter), Jack Barrett, Billy Cundey (friend of Chris Baum), Peggy Kroeplin (Donna Strouds mother), John Baitinger (Marion Dwyers brother), Brenda (Hackett) Halls daughter, Jill (friend of Jane String), Robert Brown (Eric Williams father-in-law), Leroy Skinner, Tom Buckingham, Linda DeMelia (stepmother of Donna Neill), David Sickler, Charlie Hitchner, Jennett Stanley, Fay Smith, Stanley Prickett (Kitty Lambs father), Meredith Coleman, and Lee Williams.

PRAISE BAND Tuesday @ 7:30 pm CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesday @ 7:30 pm PASTORs BIBLE STUDY Thursday @ 9am in manse Junior and Senior High Youth Groups will meet tonight from 6-7 pm in the social hall for Bible 101. Why not invite a friend?? If you have any questions please contact Tom Neill (609-457-5954).

Our deepest sympathies go out to the friends and family of Marion Dwyer on her passing.
Please note: There is a notebook in the narthex to write down prayer requests. Rev. Tuttle will utilize this information during the time of our prayers. Please include the individuals name and address if possible.

The Annual Old Church Memorial Service Sunday, September 30th beginning at 2 pm.

Our Revolutionary Chaplains!

--speaker, Joseph Ross- architect and Deerfield Presbyterian historian

The flowers this morning are given in loving memory of George Coombs by the String family.

Pastors Bible Study - Thursday mornings 9-10am at the Manse. Come to discuss and plan our materials. We got a coffee cup just for you! A huge thank you to everyone who donated school supplies to Ranch Hope in August! Collected were 10 composition notebooks, 36 spiral notebooks, 64 pens, 64 pencils, 5 packs of markers, legal folders, glue sticks, binder clips, filler paper and paper clips. The students at Ranch Hope were very appreciative! Thank you again for your support! Thank you to Mary Johnson who played the organ for us today prior to worship service. It is great to have her with us! Finance Update: 2011/2012 - YTD Income Comparison of Tithes and Benevolence: Jan 1Aug. 31, 2011 Benevolence Tithes $ 12,634.44 (YTD)* $ 69,518.11 (YTD) Jan 1Aug. 31, 2012 $12,753.00 (YTD)* $64,714.11 (YTD) THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; The third day he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. GLORIA PATRI Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. DOXOLOGY *Note: Benevolence totals do not include special services such as Maundy Thursday, One Great Hour of Sharing, etc. If at any time, anyone would like additional information please do not hesitate to contact Ed Forsman. Let us thank the Lord for his blessings and continue to be faithful in our giving of resources, time and talents. Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

271 Years of Service In the Name of Christ

Sowing, GROWing, and Serving
1741 2012

Marion Williams 1966

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church Daretown, New Jersey (856) 358-1104

Rev. Paul Tuttle, Interim Pastor Dominic Mercado, Director of Music Pittsgrove Margaret A. Powers, Presbyterian Organist Jill Stout, Secretary Church Daretown, New website: Jersey (856) 358-1104 Rev. Paul Tuttle, Interim Pastor

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