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Harriz, EIT


Waterland, Viar & Associates, Inc. Wilmington, Delaware ABSTRACT Tracking the performance of extraction, back pressure and condensing steam turbines is a crucial part of minimising energy and maintenance costs for large process industries. A thorough understanding of key equipment performance characteristics promotes economical in-house power generation. Proper Scheduling of of maintenance reduces downtime. Rankine Efficiency as a function of steam flow can be accurately predicted from several sources of available data. Sample analysis of predicted performance data (Willans Line, flow versus extraction enthalpy, flow versus exhaust temperature and flow versus used energy) and test data are presented. Techniques for deriving efficiency curves from each source are described. These techniques can be applied directly to any steam turbine reliability study effort. INTRODUCTION As the cost of energy resources continues to rise, so does the incentive to produce mechanical and electrical power while meeting process steam load requirements. Cogeneration originally arose from a need for re liab le power, before the pub lic ut i lity system could support large industrial loads. While there is still a need for the generating capacity of private industry, this need is being met with increasingly expensive fuel. With the introduction of PURPA regulations, additional incentive has been placed on the private sector to produce and sell electricity. Even without going into the electric business, private industry will keep operating costs down by producing prime shaft power with efficient topping turbines to reduce purchases of pub 1ic power. The key to economical power production (electrical or mechanical) is to employ efficient turbines, and maintain them at an acceptable performance standard. Since equipment tends to degrade with time, procedures must be established to monitor performance. Over a period of time, the degree of degradation can be observed and main tenance can be scheduled on a convenient or as-necessary basis, and the results of maintenance can be verified. There are several approaches to predicting and verifying the performance of steam turb ines, just as there are several different types of turbines. However, all machines are governed by the same first and second laws of thermodynamics, and can be treated in fairly standard form. ANALYSIS Five separate sources of information may be

avai lab le to the engineer to begin turbine performance analysis. 1. Equipment data sheets 2. Wi11ans line or extraction curves 3. Exhaust or extraction steam Enthalpy curves 4. Exhaust or extraction Used Energy curves 5. Actual performance test data Of these five sources, the first four come from the turbine manufacturer. While all of these are not provided with all equipment, some (and sometimes several) usually are. Scrounge around the archives a bit and see what turns up. The objective is to predict as-new expansion efficiency for a machine under the conditions it is actually subject to, for comparison to on-site test data. The following examples demonstrate the conversion of raw data into useful information. 1. EQUIPMENT DATA SHEET -- For equipment rated 200 BHP or less, the only manufacturer's data often available is a Data Sheet. (Figure 1) Figure 1. This catagory of equipment is generally designed for on/off operation to support pumping loads (cooling water, condensate, and product transfer), or draft fans and air blowers for boilers or process. 106 In addition to construction details, the Data Sheet This efficiency value represents expected ~s-new includes the following design information: performance under des ign conditions. If any machine ever sees design conditions, it is, rare, 0 Steam Conditions throttle pressure, temp- but withi n a moderate range of throttle and exhaust erature, and exhaust pressure. ( 600 psig, press ures it will continue to function well. 720FTT, 35 psig) 0 Speed. (3560 RPM) 2. WILLANS LINE OR EXTRACTION CURVES Larger 0 Brake-Horsepower. (121 BHP) turb ines are often des igned to run part ly loaded. 0 Steam (or Water) rate. (31. 3 LB/HP-HR) Turbogenerators can be set up to control an exhaust or extraction header pressure, for e~ample, In some circumstances, this information is given and vary electric generation (at constant speed) to for several possible operating speeds. meet a steam demand. Comp ressor drives are jusualy variab Ie load machines. Another variab lei load From this data, design efficiency can be calculated arrangement is the common-shaft coupl ing ! of a as follows: b lower to a motor and turb ine driver, wh ich ,allo ws load sharing between the two. a. Ideal (100% efficiency) expansion for a turbine would occur' at constant entropy (isentropic). A Willans line defines net BHP or KW over a ~ariety Use steam tables, curves or a steam properties of thro ttle flow rates. Again, it is keyed to a computer program to determine inlet steam specif

ic throttle temperature/pressure and e:xhaust enthalpy and entropy from temperature and pressure pro file (Figure 4). From it, w,e can pressure (1361.75 Btu/lb & 1.594 Btu/lbOR). predict efficiency and exh aust conditions over the b. Find the enthalpy value turbines range of operation . i corresponding to inlet " i ;. ,T.' ;" 'I"; .'. .- '". "J en tropy and exhaus t pressure

.!: !6JS~G;7;"'LO~F:.- .1_c?,t G . - i' 1 1" (1125.90 Btu/lb). .: ;7400 HFj 10000; RPM I I : c. The difference (f).h ~ 235.86) ,00000 IE)(PECTr,;,O PEJ~ FO :t"'At'J#-~E ! I I j" represents the theoretical i ". ~~,I?~ INtlNITE i"-'Z.L,: r-0NT'~ r maximum energy (Btu's) that cou ld be removed from a

'''! ! j pound of steam under these .J<'oooo. .' ! . - 'I' operating conditions. 'i . i d. Convert this ideal heat rate .. 1 ", t-, (Btu/lb) to ideal steam r.. ' .i;. i.' ! i rat~: I _.. 12.000.a~~~_~_.j --_..~- .. r-- .. ... --I ; ~:: . i-::... I 1 I'~ .: _.:~'~:(~.~-:." .I'. _ - _,F; ~t S~E~~, RriTE - ilDUhOS "'SiE" )~S5U~t is 14.7 PSIA ltf':~-~c . i I w .' .:1:.:-,"' .. i.' .: : ,tSS.;~E OS: G ,:Xl. 0 !E"'~[RA"uQE -r i 720. (I f}+(r~ :'.. cj :


S',' .>:L" &T J! .[:Ll61. 75 ~ ~~-~-Q_~ ~::_~~.:?::-; ~- ._:.-=-~ .._._._. ----jS\"C>" 3~U;LB~ 1. 594 .'.. 0. ,.: fOOO : 2000 'lOO<.>


:.j. I I "HOR5E..P,::)vvER; : FIGURE 4. :o~ EFF :0.79 a. As in la, b, : ideal SS~ EFF lb. bJJ - steam rate. The ~s ~S:G 5C':' EFF eam raFe for 25J EFF 30.83 a W ~ Flow or Flow Figure 2. 2:. 58 b. From


and d

above, calculate the in Figure 5.

results are shown the Willans

line, calculate st

range of flow/power pairs.

BHP (KW x Generator Eff) e. The ratio of ideal to manufacturer's rated water where generator efficiency can generaqy. be rate yields rated efficiency (Figure 3). concidered 93 to 97%. Space does not peJtmlt a thorough discussion of variable gen~rator ~TE~ ASR Hc;ual IJ.~ tl>1 ~ RATED losses, and a fixed value will not be far off. LB/HP-HR BTtJ/LB f<itJiLB EFF j c. As in I.e. above, calculate Rankine effic~ency. Figure 6 summarizes this calculation, alon~ with other useful information. ' CONDE~ATE TRA"ISFER ?lJMP 3l.3 81.31 :280.1+4 Figure 3. I I ! --T' 8000 -....,_c ,;<:ioo I i. !. I -; -_. --~ ..:.... : .: L 5000 107 ---------------------- --k, , ,. ' W1PRESSOR DRIVE TURBINE ~REDICTED PERFORMANCE CURVE COMPRESSOR DRIVE TURBINE 80 TI----=~~=~=~==.t'-"'---~I TURBINE STEAl RATE - PWID5 ~R H~1Il ~IENT PRESSURE IS 14.7 PSIA HUT PRESSURE PSI6 li15.0 IUT TEJl~ilATURE -f 720.0 INLET E.'f"HIlLPY BTll/LBI3liO.9O i,~LfT EMROPY IlTU/LBR 1.591


EXtA!ST PRESS :~ EFF 15.4S _ liSl' EFf 23. n 1:0 PSIS SOl' EFF 30.91 35l' EFf 44.15 Figure 5. W1PRESSOR DRIVE TURBINE ilrldicted Efficil!llCy tro. Manuficiurer's IHLUlNS LINE 13liO.9O BTU/L811 THROTTLE ENTIIlPV 15.4SO L~/HP HR TlEORETICll. SIDlIl RATE DELTA H WTl.ET RSR RAN<INE FLOW PlIoER EHTJR.PY EFfICIEIICY Ul.B/HRl HIP) (BTU/L8II) IBTU/L8II) (LB/HAlr) (l'l 45.00 1500.0 84.83 127li.07 30.00 51. SO 0.00 2250.0 95.44 1265.46 2li.li7 57.94 80.00 3355.0 101i.73 1254.17 23.85 4.79 100.00 4450.0 113.25 1247. liS 22.47 li8.75 120.00 55SO.0 117.71 1243.19 21.2 71.46 140.00 li6OO.0 119.98 1240.92 21.21 72.84 10.00 7liSO.O 121.li8 1239.22 20.92 73.87 Figure 6. This can also be represented in graphical form, to predict performance at any flow rate (Figure 7). Efficiency is now defined as a function of flow without restriction to a particular set of steam conditions. This curve is as valid for actual header conditions as it is for those specified by the manufacturer, within reasonable limits. 3. EXHAUST OR EXTRACTION ENTHALPY /TEMPERATURE CURVES -- In addition to, or in lieu of, Willans lines, the manufacturer sometimes provides curves describing exhaust steam enthalpy or temperature as a function of section flow (Figure 8). This is particularly common for extraction machines. This data is valid only against a specified inlet condition, but can be readily converted to the familiar efficiency versus flow format for more general evaluation. ~l -------.... ~I J.----- ! 60 /f"--- I i I 40 I ! 20 .1~,....--,--,-" ~~J ,I o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 THROTTLE FLOW - 1000's LBS/Hr Figure 7. :" -,"cOMPRESiOR"uRiVt TURBiNE ~.:.. _.... :bI5~ 72.0 .;=.-'110"-:6 ..... _ ~._.

'7400 HP: <cCOO RPM' :--- .zoocqo _:.-~;.._..:...~--:---_.. _.t--- ---~ ".. _.- .- -. .. ... j ; .... I . J ! . _....... . ', ' ; . . . . ". i. ! _ .... __ .... :_. 1 :"._' _.1._"_._ :..... lbOOOO .L._'.. _. _ _ 1 !--; \! . t.~,~=:..~-.~...r-~ . i. -Z~_:-~~.~~~-\j.- .:J ~. 1 \: ~_40000 __ ~ _._.~:J_._.. _ _'_~~:...._~._~_~__:.: ~._~\ II-i ... ,1 . .. "'.' -----.:_._~_._'--.:._. ---- ... _-------_:_. __ .' .. .. 0 ... : '00...;.- .. 2.00.. 300 . 400. .. 500... '.M .. .. -.; --:-' ...:. __ =)('HAU5T:_-rEMP==~ATURE._or. : : Figure 8. a. Determine inlet enthalpy from known thrott Ie temperature and pressure data found on the curve diagram, Figure 8. b. Calculate actual lih and steam rate for a range of section flows; ideal steamrate is the same as in 2a above; 15.45 lb/HP-HR. e. Calculate Rankine Efficiency as a function of flow (Figure 9). Since a Willans Line was also provided for this machine (Figure 4), the results of this calculation can be superimposed on the manufacturer's predictions for comparison, as shown on Figure 10. 108 ---------COMPRESSOR DRIvE TURBINE Oredlctea Efficiency from Manufacturers EXHAUST TEMP vs FLCIj curve INLET C()/DITICJ/S: PRESSURE (PSIS) 615.00 615.00 615.00 615.00 TEllPERIlTURE - (Deg Fl 720.00 720.00 720.00 720.00 ENT;R.PY - IBTU/Uill 1360.91 1360.91 1360.91 1360.91 ENTROPY - IBTU/UiI Rl 1.591 1.591 1.591 1.591 !'L(ft; - U0E3 LB/HR) 160.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 EXIAJST IEXTRlCTI~l ~DITI()E: PRESS IJlSlGl 110.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 TE~P (Deg Fl 425.00 430.00 440.00 455.00 ACTUAL ENTlRPY 1237.28 1239.97 1245.33 1253.27 lDEIll ENTHALPY 1196.21 1196.21 1196.21 1196.21 ACTUAL STEAM RIlTE ILB/HPHR) 20.59 21.04 22.02 23.65 lllEAi. STEAM RATE tLB/HPHR) 15.45 15.45 15.45 __


3383.3 70.18

.5.35 "

40 60 8'0 100 i 1'20 i 140 i 160 I lla i 20 THROTTLE FLOW - 1000's LB/HR D EXHAUST TEMP DATA + WILLANS LINE DATA Figure 10. 4. EXHAUST OR EXTRACTION USED ENERGY CURVES -- Data of this variety is usually provided for intermediate or tail sections of singleand multiple-extraction turbines. This is just another way of representing an extraction enthalpy curve, except that an inlet condition (exhaust enthalpy from the upstream section) must first be determined using another method: one of the three previous techniques wi 11 provide that value. From there, the process is identical to the previous example. Figure 11 represents the data from Column 3 of Figure 6, and produces the same efficiency versus flow curve, Figure 7. S. PERFORMANCE TEST DATA Once all the manufacturer's data has been reviewed and analyzed, it is time to leave the office and go out into the harsh environment of real equipment. Turbines never look like the sales brochures show; they get covered with insulation (and grime), and are hooked up to some piece of critical equipment that nobody wants you to (test) mess with. t---~ ----~+---, .------------ I . .~~.-~ ...... D~ l I 61S#-720 0 FTT-liO#G 7400 HP 6000 ~PM Figure 11. I However, you rarely need to disturb the tJrbine to test it. What you do need is some reli~le test equipment. Recently calibrated press~re and temperature gauges are the best source of data. If your equipment has thermowells, use them. I If not, then a long thermocouple can be inserte~ between pipe and insulation in the throttle andJ exhaust lines to get fairly accurate reading.. (The

temperatures wi 11 be a bit low, but about' the same amount both up and downstream.) pressure! readings should be taken as close to the equiPment as possible, to avoid penalizing the turbinerfor pipe hydraulics induced pressure losses. I Also required is some indication of steam flow through the turbine, corresponding to the measured steam conditions. A recently calibrated steam meter will provide the best data. Flow-by difference should be the last resort. To the extent possible, take data for a variety of turbine flow rates (until an operator gets rtired of humoring you). Then convert the test I data to efficiency, for comparison to the as-new :predic ted efficiency. I i a. From inlet temperature and pressure, Ide termine inlet enthalpy, as in La. above, for leach test condition observed. b. Simila~ly determine actual exhaust enthJlpy c. Calculate actual Ah at known flow ratesj I d. From inlet temperature and pressure, 4nd outlet pressure, calculate ideal ah and ideal steam rate as in l.b, c, and d above. I e. Calculate actual steam rate, if throttle flow is known. : f. Calculate and plot turbine efficiency versus flow against manufacturer's predictions~ I Figures 12 and 13 suuunarise field test data, calculation of actual performance parameters, and comparison of results to manufacturer's; predicted efficiencies. This machine appears [ to have suffered minor performance loss, but I may not warrent immediate repair. Continued lnonitoring over time will warn of further performa~ce decay, or comfirm continuing satisfactory perform~nce. 109 :J~PRESSOR "URBil> ~R:VE =::... D TEST DA,Q AAALYSIS ;',-F CC~DIT:ONS: P<tSSlIRE .. (PSIG) TE~PERPTURE - lDeg F) ~THALPY E~TROP,( lBTU/,-BIIl lBT~/La. Rl

=l.Qw il0E3 ~B/~R' 630.00 689.00 1341.78 1.572 73.0(0) ;:X~ST (EXT;J~TI[}j) CONDlTIONS: PRESS iPSIS) 81.00

TE~) Del ;, 410.00 ACT:.A. ENTHR.PY 1233.49 :DEAL NTtA.~y 1159.59 ACTUAL STEAM RATE ILB/'iJlt<9) 23.50 !DEGl STEAM IlCrE iLB/"iIi<RI :J. 9 7 'It! ,,0 3106./ RP.,..CNE EFFl[~ E~CY ~ 59.4. Figure 12. SUMMARY 630.(>(1 630.00 630.0(1 689.00 689.00 689.00 1341.78 1341.78 1341.78 1.572 1. 572 l.S72 105.000 119.000 140.000 81.00 81.00 81.00 383.00 378.00 372.00 1219.15 1216.45 1213.18 1159.59 1159.59 1159.59 20.75 20.31 19.79 13.97 13.97 13.97 5059. (, 58bO.4 7074.1 67.3! &8.79 70.58 The procedure for tracking steam turbine performance is qui te straigh t forwarded. First, estimate turbine efficiency, independent of steam condit ions, from any of several sources of manufacturer's data. Then, test the equipment in operation and convert raw data into terms of efficiency. Plot both results on a common axis and identify performance trends. If the equipment seems to be doing poorly, check to see if there is something simple to correct, like partly open hand valves, speed control by throttling, or operating speed far off spec. If these do not seem to be contributing to the problem, then closer exam ination may be justified. ., RE.D iCTED PER ,,-'-j RMAt'~CE C. UR'.... r COMPRESSOR DRIVE TURBINE 80~! --_ ...-.--.- -------. -- -----.... -.....-----... ----- ---....--------..------....... , -olr_ ._. ---:r----r _.--....-_. _ _ ....._w - '" 60-j I /' / I I -! " Test Data ~ 40) ~ j c.> , H 1

~ ~ ! ~ 201 ~ Z i H -l : I o -t---,---r--r--,---,-_.--r~r-...,---r---r----r-~--r--r---i o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 THROTTLE FLOW - 1000's LB/HR Figure 13. The methods described are straight forward, and readily adaptible to computer-assisted calculation and data base record keeping to simplify trend analyses; most of the figures presented here were generated by computational programs. Testing at regular intervals will provide a chronological record of turbine performance, and changes can be tracked to indicate when water washing or repair is required. Time ly main tenance can improve production rates by avoiding unscheduled down time, and head off more costly repairs. The long range benefits are less trouble from better maintained equipment for less money, supporting improved production. Sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Start searching those archives! 110

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