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In this lengthy unit we see that Paul called the Philippian believers to live in a manner worthy of the gospel

by standing firm for the truth of the Gospel, and by pursuing unity through humility. Contend Together for the Gospel (vv. 1:27-30) Pauls circumstances (1:12-26) now fade into the background as Paul addresses the Philippians circumstances. He commands the Philippians to live together in a manner that is worthy of the gospel by uniting together for the truth of the gospel against their opponents (v. 27). Apparently the Philippians were encountering opposition from people who were attacking the gospel (vv. 27-28). Verse 29 suggests that the harassment was possibly a continuation of the persecution Paul endured in Philippi (Read Acts 16:16-24), where Paul encountered stiff opposition when the gospel began to transform people into true worshippers of God. Paul was persecuted for standing firm for the truth of the gospel, and so were the Philippians. This still occurs today, as Christians endure all sorts of persecution when they stand firm for the gospel. And much like the Philippians, one key to overcoming opposition in modern times is for believers to remain united in the defense of the gospel without giving up the sacred truths that form the core of our beliefs. Unity through Humility (2:1-11) In verses 1-2 Paul again reminds the Philippians to be united. The repetition of unity, plus other evidence in the letter, indicates there was division of some sort of within the congregation. Verse 3 suggests that selfish attitudes were the root cause of the division. So, Paul reminds them in verse 4 of the need to be united. And in verse 5 he instructs them to seek unity through humility by following the example of Christ. From there, he carefully illustrates the humble nature of Christ, and its no accident that he also gives the truth of the gospelthe very thing the Philippians were to be united under. The chart below hopefully shows Pauls argument: Philippians 2:6-11 Truth of Christ/Gospel Jesus Christ is God (v. 6) Jesus took on human flesh (vv. 7-8) Jesus died on the Cross (vv. 8) God raised/exalted Him ( v.9) Example of Humility Jesus didnt consider his deity (status) something to use to his advantage (v. 6) Jesus became a servant (vv. 7-8) Jesus obediently/willingly (in complete humiliation) died on the cross (v. 8) Jesus death and resurrection secured resurrection for all who believe the gospelHe put the interests of others above his own (see v. 4) Humility leads one to confess Jesus as Lord in this life (Those who do not humble themselves in this life will unwillingly confess Jesus as Lord in the next life: Isaiah 45:23-24) This is the example of how to live

All will one day bow and confess Jesus as Lord (vv. 10-11). Be United in Defense of the Gospel

Ultimately, Pauls point is that the Philippians should contend together for the truth of the Gospel but they can only do that by remaining united. And unity, Paul says, happens when believers are humble. Humility, as Jesus illustrated, is rooted in not having to exert whatever rights we might have, but is instead characterized by an attitude of service that benefits others. Shine Like Stars (2:12-18) Paul suggests in verse 15 that when they live according to his prescription (1:27-2:11), that they will be pure and blamelesswithout fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. In other words, Paul says that when they stand together for the gospel through the pursuit of humility, they will be a positive witness to the outside and unbelieving world. Manner Worthy of the Gospel Throughout this entire section Pauls main point is rooted in his exhortation to live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ (1:27). Paul says such a life is characterized by standing united with other believers for the truth of the Gospel and living lives that embody the complete humility of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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