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Descriptive Analysis

Description of Variables:

Total Number of Score: Scores
Mean Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Sample Variance Coefficient of Variance Skewness 146.64 3.611745013 150

25.53889391 652.235102 0.174 0.482013182

Interpretation:Mean:Mean shows us that the average run score of Pakistan team for the last 50 T20 Matches is 147 runs. Some time there score is more than 147 and sometimes less than 147runs in a match. Mean is not appropriate tool to calculate average of data having outlier in it because an outlier leads the data at extreme .Thus to overcome this problem we use median to calculate average. Median:Pakistan has an average score of 150. Median is used for un-skewed data. The data in which an outlier exists, to calculate the average of such data median is appropriate tool. Standard Deviation:Standard deviation is a measure of the variability or dispersion of a population, a data set, or a probability distribution. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very

close to the same value (the mean), while high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. This value basically shows the variation in the data. The variation of data around the mean is easily measured through this method Here the spread in the score is 25.5, if there is less variation and spread in the data then the data is better. Coefficient of Variance:In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean . The coefficient of variation of score is 17% which shows how much deviation is there in the data when moving from 1match to another. When smaller is the CV, the deviation would be lesser and when CV is larger, greater would be the deviation. Skewness:Skewness tells us the spread of data. In this particular data skewness is 0.48, as this value is positive we can consider our score data as right skewed.

Mean Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Sample Variance C.V Skewness 4.22 0.319808616 4

2.261388412 5.113877551 0.536 1.005684712

Interpretation:Mean:Mean shows us that the average sixes hit by Pakistan team for the last 50 T20 Matches is 4. Some time there sixes are more than 4 and sometimes less than 4 runs in a match. Mean is not appropriate tool to calculate average of data having outlier in it because an outlier leads the data at extreme .Thus to overcome this problem we use median to calculate average. Median:Pakistan has average sixes of 4. Median is used for un-skewed data. The data in which an outlier exists, to calculate the average of such data median is appropriate tool. Standard Deviation:Standard deviation is a measure of the variability or dispersion of a population, a data set, or a probability distribution. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the same value (the mean), while high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. This value basically shows the variation in the data. The variation of data around the mean is easily measured through this method Here the spread in the number of sixes is 2.26 , if there is less variation and spread in the data then the data is better.

Coefficient of Variance:In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean . The coefficient of variation of sixes is 54% which shows how much deviation is there in the data when moving from 1match to another. When smaller is the CV, the deviation would be lesser and when CV is larger, greater would be the deviation. Skewness:Skewness tells us the spread of data. In this particular data skewness is 1, as this value is positive we can consider our score data as right skewed.

Mean Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Sample Variance C.V Skewness 13.24 0.584535399 13.5

4.133289445 17.08408163 0.312 0.09470647

Interpretation:Mean:Mean shows us that the average four hit by Pakistan team for the last 50 T20 Matches is 13. Some time there sixes are more than 4 and sometimes less than 4 runs in a match. Mean is not appropriate tool to calculate average of data having outlier in it because an outlier leads the data at extreme .Thus to overcome this problem we use median to calculate average.

Median:Pakistan has average fours of 14. Median is used for un-skewed data. The data in which an outlier exists, to calculate the average of such data median is appropriate tool. Standard Deviation:Standard deviation is a measure of the variability or dispersion of a population, a data set, or a probability distribution. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the same value (the mean), while high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. This value basically shows the variation in the data. The variation of data around the mean is easily measured through this method Here the spread in the number of fours is 4.13 , if there is less variation and spread in the data then the data is better.

Coefficient of Variance:In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean . The coefficient of variation of fours is 31% which shows how much deviation is there in the data when moving from 1match to another. When smaller is the CV, the deviation would be lesser and when CV is larger, greater would be the deviation. Skewness:Skewness tells us the spread of data. In this particular data skewness is 0.094, as this value is positive we can consider our score data as right skewed.

Dot balls
Mean Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Sample Variance C.V Skewness 30.26 1.435073773 29.5

10.14750397 102.9718367 0.335 0.272225347

Interpretation:Mean:Mean shows us that the average dot balls in an innings by Pakistan team for the last 50 T20 Matches are 30. Some time these are more than 30 and sometimes less than 30 in a match. Mean is not appropriate tool to calculate average of data having outlier in it because an outlier leads the data at extreme .Thus to overcome this problem we use median to calculate average. Median:Pakistan has average dot balls in an innings of 29. Median is used for un-skewed data. The data in which an outlier exists, to calculate the average of such data median is appropriate tool. Standard Deviation:Standard deviation is a measure of the variability or dispersion of a population, a data set, or a probability distribution. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the same value (the mean), while high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. This value basically shows the variation in the data. The variation of data around the mean is easily measured through this method Here the spread in the number of dot balls is 10.14 , if there is less variation and spread in the data then the data is better.

Coefficient of Variance:In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean . The coefficient of variation of dot ball is 34% which shows how much deviation is there in the data when moving from 1 match to another. When smaller is the CV, the deviation would be lesser and when CV is larger, greater would be the deviation. Skewness:Skewness tells us the spread of data. In this particular data skewness is 0.27, as this value is positive we can consider our score data as right skewed.

Mean Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Sample Variance C.V Skewness 10.48 0.544538749 10

3.850470419 14.82612245 0.367 0.065413317

Interpretation:Mean:Mean shows us that the average extra runs in an innings by Pakistan team for the last 50 T20 Matches are 10. Some time these are more than 10 and sometimes less than 10 in an innings. Mean is not appropriate tool to calculate average of data having outlier in it because an outlier leads the data at extreme .Thus to overcome this problem we use median to calculate average.

Median:Pakistan has average extra runs in an innings of 10. Median is used for un-skewed data. The data in which an outlier exists, to calculate the average of such data median is appropriate tool. Standard Deviation:Standard deviation is a measure of the variability or dispersion of a population, a data set, or a probability distribution. A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very close to the same value (the mean), while high standard deviation indicates that the data are spread out over a large range of values. This value basically shows the variation in the data. The variation of data around the mean is easily measured through this method Here the spread in the number of extras is 3.85, if there is less variation and spread in the data then the data is better.

Coefficient of Variance:In probability theory and statistics, the coefficient of variation (CV) is a normalized measure of dispersion of a probability distribution. It is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean . The coefficient of variation of extra runs is 37% which shows how much deviation is there in the data when moving from 1 match to another. When smaller is the CV, the deviation would be lesser and when CV is larger, greater would be the deviation. Skewness:Skewness tells us the spread of data. In this particular data skewness is 0.065, as this value is positive we can consider our score data as right skewed.

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