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FSA Assessments Chart

The chart below lists suggested ways for schools to choose which assessments to complete
each year:

Reason Module Options Benefit to School

Deficient Audit Complete Satisfactory When completing the module Potential to prevent the
Academic Progress related to the deficiency, the problem in the future. By
Example of Audit (SAP) Module. school has the option to correcting problems more
Finding: Complete activity within choose which award year to timely the funds are
the module. Complete a review. The school may available to eligible
Satisfactory Management decide to review files from students more efficiently.
Academic Progress Enhancement prior award years, but the
Policy Not Worksheet to track school may also want to
Adequately progress and ensure determine whether a
Monitored policies and procedures particular deficiency is
are updated. Since SAP recurring and ensure that it
is related to other has been resolved in the
Student Eligibility issues, most recent award year.
another module to be Remember, continuous
considered for improvement is a cycle. If
completion is the the school has already
Student Eligibility completed two assessments
module. when an audit suddenly
shows deficiencies, the
school should consider
completing the module
related to the deficiency

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FSA Assessments Chart

Reason Module Options Benefit to School

Recertification If the school is going If the school’s recertification Can assist the school with
Process through the will be expiring during an the recertification process
recertification process or award year, the school or assist with problems
Example 1: School has problems identified should complete the related to recertification or
is going through the related to recertification, Institutional Eligibility other Institutional Eligibility
Recertification complete the module at least 9 months issues.
Process. Institutional Eligibility before the expiration of the
module. Use the Program Participation
Example 2: An audit Recertification at a Agreement.
or program review Glance to help If the school has problems
reveals non-degree understand the revealed in an audit or
programs that are recertification program review related to
not reported to the requirements. Complete the recertification process,
Department of Management the school should complete
Education Enhancement the Institutional Eligibility
Worksheet to track module immediately.
progress and ensure
policies and procedures
are updated.

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FSA Assessments Chart

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FSA Assessments Chart

Reason Module Options Benefit to School

Fiscal Reconciliation Complete the Fiscal A school should always Helps the school with Fiscal
Management module. ensure that all Title IV Management. Helps the
Example of Pay careful attention to accounts are reconciled. If school to develop
Reconciliation the recommended Fiscal the school has a program procedures to reconcile all
Finding: Title IV Activities within the review or audit scheduled, it Title IV accounts on a
Accounts Not module. Complete is recommended that the regular basis. Even schools
Reconciled Management school complete the who have no identified
Enhancement reconciliation activities fiscal findings can benefit
Worksheet to track within the Fiscal from completion of the
progress and ensure Management Module to Reconciliation Activity
policies and procedures ensure that all accounts are within the module.
are updated. reconciled for the award
years being reviewed. The
reconciliation activities
within this module would be
great activities to complete
every year regardless of
whether or not an audit or
program review reveals
deficiencies related to Fiscal

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FSA Assessments Chart

Reason Module Options Benefit to School

Guarantee Agency Complete the Return of When completing the module Potential to prevent the
Deficiency Title IV Funds module. related to the deficiency, the problem in the future. By
Complete activity within school has the option to correcting problems more
Example of finding: the module. Complete choose which award year to timely the funds are
Late Refunds Made Management review. The school may available to eligible
To FFEL Lenders Enhancement decide to review files from students more efficiently.
Worksheet to track prior award years, but the
progress and ensure school may also want to
policies and procedures determine whether a
are updated. particular deficiency is
recurring and ensure that it
has been resolved in the
most recent award year.
Remember, continuous
improvement is a cycle. If
the school has already
completed two assessments
when an audit or program
review suddenly reveals
deficiencies, the school
should consider completing
the module related to the
deficiency immediately.

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FSA Assessments Chart

Reason Module Options Benefit to School

Case Team Complete the When completing the module Potential to prevent the
Visit/Program Institutional Eligibility related to the deficiency, the problem in the future. By
Review Deficiencies module. Complete school has the option to correcting problems more
Management choose which award year to timely the funds are
Example of Finding: Enhancement review. The school may available to eligible
Ineligible school Worksheet to track decide to review files from students more efficiently
(additional progress and ensure prior award years, but the
Locations not policies and procedures school may also want to
approved) are updated. determine whether a
particular deficiency is
recurring and ensure that it
has been resolved in the
most recent award year.
Remember, continuous
improvement is a cycle. If
the school has already
completed two assessments
when an audit or program
review suddenly reveals
deficiencies, the school
should consider completing
the module related to the
deficiency immediately.

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FSA Assessments Chart

Reason Module Options Benefit to School

No action or Complete at least two The school can choose any Helps school continuously
deficiencies modules per award year. module to complete. The evaluate procedures to
If any areas are noted school is encouraged to work ensure compliance and
for improvement, with their Financial Aid Team reduce likelihood of major
complete Management to establish areas that may findings in future audits or
Enhancement require attention and select program reviews
Worksheet to track modules related to those
progress and ensure areas. If, after completing
policies and procedures the two assessments for the
are updated. award year, the school
discovers areas of potential
concern, or an audit or
program review suddenly
reveals deficiencies, the
school should consider
completing the module
related to the deficiency

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