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Tentative Projects:

Watercolor studies of Seat

birds Number:
Parent Signature_________________________________________

Student Signature________________________________________ Papier mache birds

for the return of this signed brochure.

guidelines of the art room. I will receive 5 points
I have read and understand the rules and
Question of the day:
Each day students are
expected to respond to a
presented work of art in
their packets. Through this
process, students will
identify art periods, 8th grade art
identify use of value,
examine the artist’s intent
and compare and contrast
works using art

The art room is in need of the
following supplies:
Old bed sheets
Black Sharpie markers
Crayola markers
Household paintbrushes
Glue Sticks/Glue Bottles
Hot glue guns Mrs. Ruggles
Hot glue sticks
Pencils (new or used)
Medicine bottles (with
Phone: 989-831-2100
labels removed) E-Mail:
Thanks so much!
Behavior Modification
Classroom It is my responsibility to provide a
Management safe and orderly environment for all
students. When a student disrupts the
learning of others, the guidelines of the
Responsible Thinking Classroom (RTC)
will be followed.
Severe misconduct or unsafe
1. Be Respectful behaviors will result in an immediate
office referral.
2. Be Responsible Please refer to the handbook for Grading
updated information regarding the
updated school attendance and tardy Grading is based on the
3. Be Safe policies. percentage of points received
out of the total points possible.
Supplies The school-wide grading scale
4. Be Cooperative is posted in the classroom.
Students are expected to use art
Students will receive a
supplies respectfully and responsibly. In
rubric for each project that will
an attempt to better manage supplies,
5. Be a Worker clearly outline expectations for
students are issued a checkout number
each assignment. Students are
based on their seats, which allows them
expected to participate in all
6. Be Peaceful to use a variety of supplies in the art
projects and daily “Question of
room. This year, students will also be
the Day” assignments.
issued an individual, quality paintbrush
Students are also
which is to be stored in their mailbox
expected to take graded artwork
slots. It is the responsibility of the
home unless it has been held
student to properly maintain and store the
for the Education Showcase.
brush. If the brush is lost or abused
Artwork found in the trash will
students will need to pay $2.00 to replace
cause a reduction of two letter
the brush.
grades. This program is
supported through students
If my brush is lost or not maintained sharing their artistic experiences
properly I will pay a $2.00 replacement with their families, friends and
fee. community.
_________Student Initials

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