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POTS 2012 Power of the Spirit SO Satanic Override sanity on the way

Substantive "Thick"

Look Away Look Away Look Away Pixie Land This page "Guilty Beyond Belief" offers support of the innumerable truths published by

FATS For All To See that it is irrefutable of the Satanic Puppet governments organized crime Satanic cannot help themselves doing what they do being a natural of NHL that requires humanic to administer to materialize the eradication of the abrogated Satanic

Satanic Spirit Roman Empire Ipso Facto Prima Facia Evidence Exposed NEWS Never Ending War Story <<<<Edict De Facto>>>> The never ending debate as to God or Satanic supremacy ended in 1982 with the Satanic ceding to the Supremacy of God, but carry on under the guise administering de facto in maintenance of ST Satanic Tradition


GREDSCROLL Golden Rule Equality Democratic Spirit Rule of Law Logistics

Human rights are commonly understood as "inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being."[1] Human rights are thus conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone). These rights may exist as natural rights or as legal rights, in both national and international law.[2] The doctrine of human rights in international practice, within international law, global and regional institutions, in the policies of states and in the activities of non-governmental organizations, has been a cornerstone of public policy around the world. The idea of human rights[3] states, "if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights." Many of the basic ideas that animated the movement developed in the aftermath of the Second World War and the atrocities of The Holocaust, culminating in the adoption of theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The ancient world did not possess the concept of universal human rights.[5]Ancient societies had "elaborate systems of duties... conceptions of justice, political legitimacy, and human flourishing that sought to realize human dignity, flourishing, or well-being entirely independent of human rights".[6] The modern concept of human rights developed during the early Modern period, alongside the European secularization of Judeo-Christian ethics.[7] The true forerunner of human rights discourse was the concept of natural rights which appeared as part of the medieval Natural law tradition that became prominent during the Enlightenment with such philosophers as John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, and Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, and featured prominently in the political discourse of the American Revolution and the French Revolution. From this foundation, the modern human rights arguments emerged over the latter half of the twentieth century. Gelling as social activism and political rhetoric in many nations put it high on the world agenda. [8] All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)[9] TIED Tacit: Unspoken, implicit, inferred, implied, understood, unstated Inalienable: unchallengeable, absolute, immutable, not able to be forfeited, unassailable, incontrovertible, indisputable, undeniable Essential: Necessary, vital, indispensable, important, crucial, critical Demonstrably: Obviously, palpably, patently, evidently, noticeably, perceptibly, discernibly, apparently Sane: Rational, sensible, reasonable, sound, normal, wise, commonsensical (Antonymn) Mad

Despite this, the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights continue to provoke considerable skepticism and

about the content, nature and justifications of human rights to this day. Indeed, the question of what is meant by a "right" is itself controversial and the subject of continued philosophical debate.[4]


They with the wherewithal gained in satanic way not about to relinquish sway in satanic DAY Dark Abyss Yoke STP Satanic Truth Prohibition Of the Evil Folk HOLY SEE Heretic Oligarchy Lucifer Yodel Self Exposing Evil-angelist PRICK I FIBIB Political Religious Intellectual Charalatan Kleptocracy inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss Communication orators intercouse with the Public who can't accuse them of rape as they pay for it

Complicit: It was clear that some of the staff were complicit in the attempt to cover up the scandal. or Insane considered legally incompetent or irresponsible because of a psychiatric disorder showing a complete lack of reason or foresight people legally considered as psychiatrically disordered people who are considered legally incompetent or irresponsible because of a psychiatric disorder

Edict De facto Proclaim Edict Deny Initiate De facto evidencing self De facto

Neutering DJ VUs pro cons Diversionary Elusive Justice Articulated Valid Understanding Satanic aka GREEDSCROLL Gratuitous Righteous Entrepreneur Elusivity Discretionary Satanic Connotation Rule of Law Lucidity Integral role in the SSS Satanic Sucker Sandwich aka Satanic Sucker School Roll the humanic to Kingdom come

The role of chief law officer might be referred to as the Attorney General's overall responsibility as the independent legal advisor to the Cabinet - and some have even suggested that the role possibly extends to the Legislature as well. The importance of the independence of the role is fundamental to the position and

well established
in common law, statutes and

As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian of

that most elusive concept

- the rule of lawThe rule of law is a well established legal principle,

but hard to easily define.

It is the rule of law

that protects individuals, and society as a whole,

from arbitrary measures and safeguards personal liberties.

The Attorney General has a special role to play in advising Cabinet

to ensure the rule of law

is maintained and that Cabinet actions are legally and constitutionally valid. The Attorney General is the chief law officer of the Executive Council. The responsibilities stemming from this role are unlike those of any other Cabinet member. The role has been referred to as

"judicial-like" and as the "guardian of the public interest".

A clear conflict of interest in disregard of the rule of law clear separation of powers
The Attorney General does not, however, direct or cause charges to be laid. While the Attorney General and the Attorney General's agents may provide legal advice to the police, the ultimate decision whether or not to lay charges is for the police. Once the charge is laid

the decision
as to whether the prosecution should proceed, and in what manner,

for the Attorney General and the Crown Attorney. OJ Obstruct Justice Decision Interruptus Preventing Cases against the conspirators entering their so called COC JIT Courts of Competent Jurisdiciction Independent Judiciary A key component of the Attorney General's responsibilities to ensure the administration of justice in the province is the administration of the courts and as a result the responsibility for maintaining liaison with the judiciary. Given the fundamental importance of the independence of the judiciary, the responsibility for courts administration is often a very sensitive and delicate issue. Great care and respect for the principles of judicial independence must be exercised in this area.

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms 1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law

without discrimination
and, in particular,

without discrimination
based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability. Franky Goes To Court

With or Without Counsel

Docket 13
Romans 13 RUN Responsibly Unaccoutable Nuances

Attorney General, guardian of the public interest 13. (1) The Attorney General for Ontario shall serve as the guardian of the public interest in all matters within the scope of this Act or having to do in any way with the practice of law in Ontario or the provision of legal services in Ontario, and for this purpose he or she may at any time require the production of any document or thing pertaining to the affairs of the Society. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.8, s. 13 (1); 1998, c. 21, s. 7 (1); 2006, c. 21, Sched. C, s. 13. Admissions (2) No admission of any person in any document or thing produced under subsection (1) is admissible in evidence against that person in any proceedings other than proceedings under this Act. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.8, s. 13 (2); 1998, c. 21, s. 7 (2). Protection of Minister (3) No person who is or has been the Attorney General for Ontario is subject to any proceedings of the Society or to any penalty imposed under this Act for anything done by him or her while exercising the functions of such office. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.8, s. 13 (3); 1998, c. 21, s. 7 (3). An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the public interest which includes not only the community as a whole and

the victim,
but also

the accused.
The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available.

This is not to suggest that decisions regarding criminal prosecutions are made in a complete vacuum. A wide range of policy considerations may be weighed in executing this responsibility, and the Attorney General may choose to consult the Cabinet on some of these considerations. However any decisions relating to the conduct of individual prosecutions must be the Attorney General's alone and independent of the

Cabinet decision making process. In practice, in the vast majority of cases, these decisions are made by the Attorney General's agents, the Crown Attorneys.

This has been characterized as a constitutional responsibility to ensure

that the public interest is well and independently represented.

It may involve interventions in private litigation or Charter challenges to legislation, even if the arguments conclude that the legislation does contravene constitutionally protected rights. Reading this do you think a lawyer or the Attorney General would argue for a persons Constitution Human Rights Law Society voices support for sustainable legal aid Excerpt from

Tuesday, February 13 Organization: Release: Law Society of Upper Canada TORONTO, Feb. 12 /CNW/ - The Treasurer of the Law Society of Upper
Canada, Gavin MacKenzie, today expressed the Law Society's continuing concern over the need

for a well-funded and sustainable system of legal aid in Ontario.

"We believe that the right of vulnerable citizens to legal assistance is an important
component of the administration of justice in a free and democratic society," the Treasurer said. "Since the Ontario Legal Aid Plan was founded in 1967, the Law Society has recognized that legal aid should be considered a right, not a charitable gift, and that individuals

are equal before the law

if they are assured the option of legal representation."
"More than a million Ontarians benefit from Legal Aid Ontario every year, many of them through our excellent clinic system", he added. "Legal aid also helps many vulnerable Ontarians with family law, criminal law, workers' compensation, immigration, landlord-tenant and other legal issues." But there are still many thousands of individuals in Ontario who cannot afford legal services and do not qualify for support from the system. The income threshold is far too low - if you earn just over $13,000

a year you are too rich to qualify for legal aid. We are alarmed by the dramatic increase in the number of people who try to represent themselves in court without the benefit of legal representation or advice about their rights.

Others simply give up their right to a fair hearing. For all of these people, access to justice is denied."

What Ontario lawyers perceived in the 1920s, what the Joint Committee expressed in the
1960s, and what many people experience first-hand in Ontario courts every day, is that

individuals are equal before the law only if they are assured
the option of representation by counsel. In a democratic society, everyone should be able to participate fully in society and

have their rights protected.

Canada has an adversarial justice system that anticipates two roughly equal parties

presenting their cases before a judge in a court of law. What happens if there is an imbalance of power between the two parties?
When an Ontarian cannot afford to hire a lawyer, an imbalance of power exists, especially

when the state is one of the parties,

as in criminal law and child protection cases. Legal aid attempts to correct

this imbalance by providing low-income individuals with legal representation. The legal aid system contributes to ensuring the potential for equal protection and benefit of the law for the poor and disadvantaged in our society.

Humans led to believe a

COC JIT Court of Competent Juridiction Independent Judiciary Is in place to the legal certainly of the SOS Sanctity of Spirit Are the poor and disadvantaged What we have is Two bald faced Forked Tongue Liars Humanity Constitution Rule of Law Edict

Denial Substanive "Thick" administering Romans 13

De facto

The Satanic Divide and Conquer administering the SSS SatanicSuckerSandwich PIG/Trough/PIGLET
"Thy kingdom come"

Political Religious Intellectual Charlatan Kleptocracy


Satanic Truth Prohibition

In Humanic facade Thy Kingdom Come to SS - Satanic Shark empowered by satanic Humanic vote the ins and the outs BP - Bottom-feeder Piranha SS wannabe Yet all insiders of stock market trading their creation Monopoly Chess Snakes and Rungless Ladders Humanic left no money to play or at the most peanuts in High stakes game for our quality of life up the down elevator ride Deflation and Inflation HAD Hot Air Balloon

The request for God's kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Kingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of God's Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for,

not a human achievement.

This idea is frequently challenged by groups who believe that the Kingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to work for a better world. It is believed by these individuals that Jesus' commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring. When they have sucked the economy to collapse they stuff the kitty with humanic money acquired on humanic credit with the bottom feeder piranha expanding into the advancing poverty sector, the taxpayer of the 90% majority pick up all tabs having excellent credit rating they take to their banks to cash in maintaining a surplus in continuance of financing their armies to invade other Satanic governed countries for their Resources: Natural and Humanic the most precious mental retards in Satanic Law able to convert the Natural to Satanic Gold plates luxury, paying for oil at heavily taxed inflated prices to get back and forth to work for their Corporate conglomerates that if any assuredly pay far from Tax fair share when the business must provide for all humanic necessities at cost being the cost of running humanic business prior to finer salaries, not warranted when running at a loss Assuredly everyone thinks the world of themselves and they with the world in their hands handed to them by ignorant majorities making out like bandits, being a Satanic thing evidenced in every thing they do, that after awhile with adeptness to natural TECE PNTR RCR without the exercise of thought people with POM - Presence of Mind would say

You know what?

Why not take the old GREDSCROLL off the mantle and fire it up for God's sake The Humanic pay for the Satanic Armed Forces great consumers of oil invading murdering raping and ransacking for oil holding their humanic financiers of illegitimate acquisition hostage to their needs, supporting tyrannical powers creating enemies whereever they go forever needing armed forces to protect from natural retaliation they have the nerve to call Terrorists with absolutely everything they do sucking the quality of life out of the humanic world wide adverse to their authority and purpose to benefit humanic society with all the wherewithal sucked from humanic living high on the hog in a world that does not legally belong with impoverished, starvation, lack of medical attention running rampant simultaneously with the existence of the SEE - Satanic Elite Entrepreneurs, the realities of humanic life under their thumb no nothing about and absolutely indifferent unless a good ransacking is in order Deranged righteous Mental retards Dr Mr

Serpentine Evil-angel-ist Leveraging Frauds Genocidal Oligarchy Demonstably Imperialist Capitalist In your face for your Information Refuse to produce the available cancer cure They are a cancer upon humanic society naturally refusing to develop the known cure, and will kill if cannot bribe witnesses as they do the Bottom-feeder Piranha, with every failing needing more money to correct the inherent problem they are Satanic doing what they do. Genocidal SELF Scum Earth's Life Forms Like a broken record or video you can watch the ST - Satanic Thespian on CNN and CPAC wherever Satanic motor mouth their PRICK for ulterior purpose and protecting SELF - Scum Earth's Life Forms with warrants demanded of the police to protect them from investigating financial portfolios with numbered accounts designed for illegal deals and tax evasion, with Privacy Act obstruction of justice insinuating a right to be a criminal with Catch as Catch can ideology for their illegitimate Law Society organized crime. Reality simply requires coherency requiring an adeptness to think for self in search for truth, not that led to believe to be favorable to FIBIB by the charlatans with PRICK and sword back provided by the humanic due their affliction making it a most onerous and formidable challenge for the eccentric immune to it to break them from the spell Reality is the Truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth is that which would be observed by God whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes He exists The Ideal is simply reality sanely dealt with When eyes open will see the means already in place Satanic reality that was prior to 1982 always was illegal as it is now NHL Natural Humanic Law

For the resolve we turn to the Bible

The NHL in Humanic Retrospect

As Day is to Night Satanic DAY Dark Abyss Yoke

BLOT Bright Light of Truth
Trans is a Latin noun or prefix, meaning "across", "beyond" or "on the opposite side". Transcendental 1. Not experienced but knowable Philosophy independent of human experience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge 2. Mystical Relating to mystical or supernatural experience and therefore beyond the material world

The Constitution Establishment

charged with the responsibility to bring about the

Kingdom of God
For all HE - Human Equals
Constitution Act, 1982 Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Whereas Canada is founded upon Principles that recognize

the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law

That which all sane Humanic understand at 5 prior to the first day of SSS Satanic Sucker School Needing only to be human to know what is and what is not receptive to a fellow human

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law

without discrimination
and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is

the Supreme law of Canada,

and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to

the extent of the


of no force or effect. Consistency


Consistency in the Spirit founded upon is mandatory requiring the Constitution Establishment personnel to be the personification of the Spirit to the certainty of materializing the

Sanctity of Spirit

Right of Way Of course we know the Satanic intended the Constitution as a integral role of their humanic facade

Highly doubt they will assert that publicly, just do so with help from their PRICK inciting FIBIB Political Religious Intellectual Charlatan Kleptocracy ... Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss
To be Humanic is to know a fellow Humanic All the same necessities and vulnerabilities know what is and what is not receptive

1 Planet 1 People 1 Spirit 1 Force 1 Law 1 Sense One or None

ESS Epitome Simplicity Sanity BCS CCC Benchmark Common Sense Catalyst Consistency Continuity TCUP True Constant Unalterable Perpetuity aka

Tranquility Correlative Universal Prerogative FIXED Not Debatable Invisible and invincible untouchable by body or mind Having ceded to the Supremacy of God on the premise stated or implied God is the creator of the universe with the aspirations attributed to him the greedy war mongering Satanic were abrogated from the onset of humankind Their ideology is as always been null and void with Humanic rights stated or implied in perpetuity It is considered far beyond possibility or practical to extend conversion back to the beginning of humankind to right all wrongs in the S Therefore we refer to the aspirations attributed to God holding fast since the Satanic ceded to the Supremacy of God in 1982 They willingly agreed ... why would they object? They obviously would have us believe thus in trust the people empower them We subscribe to

"Forgive them Lord for they know naught of what they do"
Prior to penning the Constitution Act, 1982 to paper PFEE Prima Facia Evidence Exposed Demanding every individual in Humanic hire to administer and enforce the Charter guarantee consistent with the S, that has precedence governing the interpretation of the Letter of Law prior to 1982, and in perpetuity demonstrating unbiased competent and irreproachable fortitude and conviction to determine the truth in all offenses we present to them with due regard to prerequisite appropriate punishment with exemplary attentiveness to deterrence to the certainty every individual understands they are Responsible ergo Accountable to be consistently in, of, with and under the S S Not Rocket Science

The dumbest of sane Humanic needing only to be human to know what is and what is not receptive to a fellow human being provided a magnificent user friendly brain has no justification to not comprehend Equally fair to all given fair warning Equality demands equal cooperation and support The humanic will not be deprived of the quality of life deserved and guaranteed by the supreme Law of Canada governed in the Spirit

Supremacy of God Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms 1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it

subject only
to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right

not to be deprived

except in
accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. 24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed

or denied may apply to a court

of competent jurisdiction
to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances. In GREDSCROLL clearly entitled to a court with personnel of competent humanic jurisdiction already financed by the taxpayer believing they purchase legal certainty, the principle of legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law.

The Constitution governed by the S defines and securely fixes what is competent jurisdiction
The people's representatives financed by the people in the S are unequivocally responsible to the certainty the people's courts are of Competent Jurisdiction Able to demonstrate consistent due diligence in all aspects in continuity to the certainty of the

Sanctity of Spirit Stated or implied all government personnel financed by the tax payer are responsible to enhance every individuals quality of life ever attentive to the eradication of the SS Satanic Spirit The Satanic that marched to a different drummer unequivocally ceded to the S and therefore Responsibly Accountable to do an about face and march to the drums of the S Every Individual including the undeniable Satanic became Responsible ergo Accountable with the 1982 enactment of the Constitution particularly stated in the Charter provisions 31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority 32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.

The Satanic simply identified by their actions were clearly equally warned as were we all that we must consistently exist in the S or be equally punished in the S to the certainty of the SOS Sanctity of Spirit Only the Satanic may be deprived equally as in

subject only section 1.


except in section 7.
Decidedly most emphatically and unequivocally personnel involved in administering and enforcing the invincible S must be the personification of the S unbiased, competent and irreproachable attentive to eradicating all obstructions to the certainty of the


Sanctity of Spirit
The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of Conduct 103) Interpretation (f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

Perhaps they cannot

address every situation in continuation of words in the

Letter of the Law, having already been addressed as proficiently possible in the first line of the Charter that all laws must be consistent with or of

No Force or Effect
as per section 52.(1)

The S overrides all omissions, ambiguity, loop-holes literally all inconsistencies with the S of the Constitution

Being as meaningless in matters of law as they have rendered the Rule of Law "the phrase the rule of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over- use"
GO POE General Over-use Proclamations Only Elusivity As chief law officer, the Attorney General has a special responsibility to be the guardian

of that most elusive concept

- the rule of law. The rule of law is a well established legal principle, but hard to easily define. It is the rule of law

that protects individuals, and society as a whole,

from arbitrary measures
and safeguards personal liberties.


Sense in Common Personal Interest Groups Can be observed in debate persuading an imaginary elusive S

Whereas Canada is founded upon

that recognize

the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law

Humanity the Principal of Principles

To the Satanic humanic have always been the principals to their luxury Every individual's equal rights are guaranteed in perpetuity in the S that governs all, being the foundation of which words are to be erected intended to address every situation, not subject to incompetence, incomprehensible ignorance, absence of words, ambiguity or omissions, deliberately or otherwise placed. All that is reality ... is evidence reality is
Our adeptness to exist the ultimate quality of life available is limited only by our ignorance Prerequisite in Satanic Rule so adapt an adeptness to the PRICK as politicians and religious cult SIC PIG debate this way and that in attempts to sway the majority to their interests PFEE Prima Facia Evidence Exposed Outlawed in section 15. (1)
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law

without discrimination
and, in particular,

without discrimination
based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Majority rule is often listed as a characteristic of democracy. However, it is also possible for a minority to be oppressed by a "tyranny of the majority" in the absence of governmental or constitutional protections of individual and/or group rights.

In Satanic Rule of the SEE - Satanic Elite Entrepreneur we have a

"tyranny of the 10% minority"

90% majority oppressed by the 10% minority self inflicted vote due their attentiveness to FIBIB

We have constitutional protections of individuals on paper, but my 7 year trek for justice that began 6/30/05 not yet acquired in the self serve system they tax us for gives us cause to believe there is an absence of efficiency and effectiveness with absolute certainty the taxpayer is being deprived efficiently and effectively that we can bow to the excruciatingly obviousness that there are politicians and religious leader charlatans as in they who incited the Christian Crusades in the name of God for Christ' sake or was that in the name of Jesus for God's sake? Another one of those it is a democracy so as you prefer It is the SIC PIG thing a natural of a diverse society of varying interests drawn to where their interests lay of that available to them after being thoroughly ransacked by the Ultimate PIG Political Religious They provided the wherewithal in the GREDSCROLL to fairly distribute the worlds wealth Never been a SEE forte 10% poverty under GREEDSCROLL As representatives of the humanic who provide them the wherewithal to get their business organized turn the natural necessity resources over to their friends making them affluent and influential being most receptive to bribes not a word humanic like to hear having illegitimate connotations so they legalize as Lobbyists being fair must register so all Political and Religious SIC PIG know who is a gamer

Reality is the Truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception Truth is that which would be observed by God whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes He exists The Ideal is simply reality sanely dealt with NHL Natural Humanic Law
Ball Bearing Ideology Well greased entities working together aiding to each UP- Ultimate Potential ergo UPS-Ultimate Potential Society

VS Satanic Law Pin Ball Ideology The Satanic elite self proclaimed authority steal the grease putting Humanic entities in ricochet predetermined collision course The environment Satanic thrive in continuance of Humanic persistence to ignorance ergo the

Struggle of Humankind Democracy Theories Prior to Canadian Bill of Rights

The Canadian Bill of Rights is a federal statute and bill of rights enacted by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's government on August 10, 1960. It provides Canadians with certain quasiconstitutional[1]rights in relation to other federal statutes. It was the earliest expression of human rights law at the federal level in Canada, though an Implied Bill of Rights had already been recognized.[1] The Canadian Bill of Rights remains in effect,

but its widely acknowledged ineffectiveness

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

was adopted in 1982.

This of course is indicative of Satanic ways incomprehensible that any sane individual would not comprehend NHL Natural Humanic Law Attentive to all sense of the word comprehension in deciphering the meaning of the words

"Learned and Honorable"

In matters of the S that we all must and do comprehend by 5 prior to the first day of

Satanic Sucker School If we are to presume the people's representatives financed by the people to administer and enforce the Constitution consistent with the governing S aspire to be the personification of the S then the manner they have dealt with this individual's equal rights exhaustively documented since June 30 2005 and published on

For All To See would require a far stretch of Satanic influenced mind to presume them to be anything other than as the evidence attests to collectively have a mind dwarfed by a single toad flattened on the road It is their wealth normally associated with intellectual prowess that undeniably betrays them as the SEE charlatans that have PRICK Political Religious Intellectual Charlatan Kleptocracy will travel expanding their empires invading, murdering, raping, ransacking and enslaving PFEE Prima Facia Evidence Exposed Satanic Godic 14M24S

One for Money Two for Show Watch them on CNN and CPAC Oxymorons DTs

Democratic Tyranny Christian Crusades

Murdering Invaders Expanding Satanic Business for luxurious lifestyle in

Excruciatingly obtrusive facade of the Supremacy of God Legal Murderers and Wise Fools
Oxymoronicals and Moronicals

"Only the wisest and the stupidest cannot change"

1. Belief in Empire Building The policy of extending the rule or influence of a country over other countries or colonies 2. Domination by Empire The political, military, or economic domination of one country over another 3. Takeover and Domination The extension of power or authority over others in the interests of domination The S non-debatable the evidence irrefutable HE - Human Equals no dominance in material world governed by the S No attempting to persuade the BBBB - Bully Brat Bias Beast within us to surface Promises of this or that bribery directed at private sector SIC PIG that believe anything from the PRICK authorities that by their own admittance have

No Force or Effect SUN

Satanic United Nations

Excerpt from To United Nations

Conceivably, the one state, one vote power structure could enable states comprising just eight percent of the world population to pass a resolution by a two-thirds vote (see List of countries by population). However, as no more than recommendations, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which a recommendation by member states constituting just eight percent of the world's population would be adhered to by the

remaining ninety-two percent of the population, should they object.

Put it to the Satanic to determine the precise hypothetical percentage, and they will debate it out maintaining luxurious plate of their insatiable appetite they attempt to sate And simply pass us the tab, that we will pass on to the 4 score and 10 generations to come doing our part giving up quality of life until giving up life itself Majority vote is an illegitimate concept ... a one time only silent vote stated or implied when sanity prevails in GREDSCROLL Golden Rule Equality Democratic Spirit Constitution Rule of Law Logistics HE Human Equal Illegal to vote against equality in GREDSCROLL WE World Equilibrium

In Satanic Speak back-ass-wards we back them to the corner for their seat as we wash our hands of Satanic Shit prior to the dump and flush In Satanic Political speak Left or Right of "He who is sincere hits what is right and apprehends without the exercise of thought"

Left or right their choice as everyone likes a decent shit and this is democracy

Elite Satanic thrive Holy on dependent


Political Religious Intellectual Charlatan Kleptocracy So often they tried to picture what it is to be fully human

Since ancient times an indelible trail of deliberate incomprehension far surpassing what could be concluded as nice try in

Progressive Nature Thought Reason Re-calibration Constant Retrospect having no connect with humanic consequences

Trial Error Cause Effect the preciousness of a humanic life personally deemed as precious as a rich satanic bastards Evidence attests in SS - Satanic Spirit continuity When pressured the going gets tough the Satanic are touched Hone their PRICK enhance their show expand their empire making deals with police hierarchies with ultimatums The taxpayer roughed quelled for a spell due the PRICK and vulnerably with FIBIB things seemingly made right remain to get us up tight Day and night again and again not able to help them selves helping themselves do what Satanic must do not wanting to face the non-elusive version of the GREDSCROLL Before the courts of Coherent Sovereign people where there exists competent jurisdiction governed by the S in humanic speak where evidence against Satanic PIG Capitalists Pigs is not only permitted but prerequisite as is a Defending Crown Attorney

An important part of the Crown's - and thus the Attorney General's - responsibility in conducting criminal prosecutions is associated with the responsibility to represent the public interest - which includes not only the community as a whole and the victim, but also the accused. The Crown has a distinct responsibility to the court to present all the credible evidence available. Democratic Tyranny DTs Diversionary Tactics When media will not be talking about sexual Wiener and Kahn nuances instead informing

the humanic so they can think in their best interests on the utmost serious issues IMF
Previous Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested in connection with charges of sexually assaulting a New York room attendant. Strauss-Kahn subsequently resigned his position on May 18.[26] On June 28, 2011 Christine Lagardewas confirmed as Managing Director of the IMF for a five-year term starting on July 5, 2011.[27][28]


Example Satanic Truth Prohibition

All SEE strays warrant exhaustive investigations with no legitimate right to obstruct the police once reasonable evidence is provided alleging a crime was committed and when evidence surfaces during the investigation of another crime other than the alleged that warranted the investigation it too must be exhaustively investigated with warrants an obstruction of justice requiring no rocket science to know what is and what is not receptive to a fellow human knowing well at 5 prior to the first day of SSS with everything a crime when non receptive and the victim desires to press charges.

The private sector lawyer an illegitimate industry being the Attorney General's RESPONSIBILITY as the "Guardian of the Public Interest" who illegally tells the humanic to go screw themselves or get a lawyer if you can afford to pay the exploiters exorbitant fees only to lose a case against them as the Attorney General advises them and they fear the judges with the Attorney General believing he has the right to decide once the police lay charges whether or not to proceed and in which manner.

Fixed eh?

God damn right

S ESS Epitome Simplicity Sanity BCS CCC Benchmark Common Sense Catalyst Consistency Continuity TCUP True Constant Unalterable Perpetuity aka Tranquility Correlative Universal Prerogative FIXED Not Debatable An invisible invincible entity untouchable by body or mind The Satanic are not invisible nor silent excruciatingly obvious when they reach out to mess with it Confucius 551 BC 479 BC Do not impose on others what you would not wish for yourself

Recompense injury with Justice and recompense kindness with kindness "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" Jesus Everything they do an indelible trail with the 1 Lifers VIP Vested Interest Participants A hunger to follow the bread to every crumb

Analysis of the evidence in the Spirit of the

Natural Humanic Law

Spirit Democracy Rule of Law "Do not impose on others what you would not wish for yourself" "Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with kindness"

Every situation proficiently Addressed

Governed in, of, with and under the S -Spirit of Law unequivocally most emphatically defined Credence to that least apt to be mistaken by humankind The foundation all words must be erected on, while the equality rights guaranteed in perpetuity in, of, with and under the Spirit By the Spirit

Exemplary attentiveness to the SOS

Sanctity of Spirit ******************************************************* ******************************

Still administered by the elites puppets that refuse to give up their SSRE - Satanic Spirit Roman Empire

RCMP Muroney stole the RCMP making the Commissioner a Deputy Minister
To the certainty the HAT - Honor Among Thieves is maintained
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada wears many a HAT As does the Provincial Attorney Generals Not yet have they tried on the Guardian

of the Public Interest one Mulroney admitted tax evader bribery recipient from armaments conglomerate found to have acted misappropriately being foolish enough to leave paper trail as they all live in same glass house Assuredly never intended to Guard the Public Interest or collectively the Learned and Honorable have a mind dwarfed by a single toad road kill Though they often make reference as to the intent of the law with many stating they knew so and so Satanic when enacting, or citing so and so this or that has precedence being nothing but PFEE Prima Facia Evidence Exposed as they will be committed for mental examination should they state they never really intended to enforce

the Supremacy of God and the Rule of Law

Per say Shit we are Satanic for Hell's sake

Will that be Left or Right?

It is not only in the manner they administer and enforce with complete disregard for the supreme NHL while citing the Constitution and Rule of Law from crime to crime time to time But they document everything in detail leaving an indelible trail impossible to hide while they administer STP Satanic Truth Prohibition

The following was extracted from the Law Society of Upper Canada - Lawyers Rules of Conduct 103) Interpretation (f) rules of professional conduct cannot address every situation, and a lawyer should observe the rules in the spirit as well as in the letter.

Strike One

Satanic under public pressure introduce the

Canadian Bill of Rights PFEE

Prima Facia Evidence Exposed Original PRICK words to paper self admitted by the introduction of the Bill of Rights ever persistent to justify the S to their interests instead of enforcing with prerequisite punishment "Recompense injury with justice recompense kindness with kindness" Whistleblowers harassed instead of provided the red carpet The Canadian Bill of Rights is a federal statute and bill of rights enacted by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's government on August 10, 1960. It provides Canadians with certain quasiconstitutional[1]rights in relation to other federal statutes. It was the earliest expression of human rights law at the federal level in Canada, though an Implied Bill of Rights had already been recognized.[1] The Canadian Bill of Rights remains in effect,

but its widely acknowledged ineffectiveness

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was adopted in 1982.

Strike Two
Satanic under public pressure introduce the

Canadian Charter of Rights

The innumerable issues of inconsistencies with the Constitution governed by the Supremacy of God that obstructed the SOS Sanctity of Spirit Left this individual's guaranteed Charter rights unprotected and recompensed irrefutably proven were provided to all political parties and innumerable others whose -email addresses are published in the AAAALIST prior to Stephen Harper becoming Prime Minister and after, that instead of acting in the S of the Constitution addressing all inconsistencies obstructive to the SOS administering due punishment with exemplary attentiveness to deterrence with the Constitution Establishment having had every opportunity to address the admitted incompetence of their predecessors to structure an effective due process to equally protect and benefit all people as has been mandatory consistent with the Principles of Democracy and the Rule of Law not subject to

cannot address every situation with the governing S - Spirit vividly defined we can
deem the realities of the legal system

Strike Three
Satanic under public pressure introduce the

Accountability Act, 2006

Again refuse to apply the S monolithic Sanity Clause persistent to using their Satanic Clause Have the people believe they are Santa Clause allowing the Satanic HAT to fill their PRICK bags to over flowing The trickle down effect will seem like pennies from heaven invariably the means the Satanic Thy Kingdom satisfaction Comes

Not a Human Achievement

Who knew?
I for 1 Enough to grow to monolithic proportions Reciprocals Multiplied to give one mathematics describes a number or quality that is related to another by the fact that when multiplied together the product is one
1 Planet 1 People 1 Spirit 1 Force 1 Law 1 Sense

ROP Reverse Osmosis Psychosis The Orwell prophecy backfire they under the camera as we watch them squirm now aware of their PRICK That makes them do it so long as they remain as closet Scorpions We believe if we use the cap the Attorney Generals are not using to slip over the PRICK the Satanic population will dramatically decrease

with the Humanic populace Safe and quality of life humongously increasing on the backs of the Satanic that stole our money no longer protected by sperm of the Satanic PRICK
Sap Boat Prior to the Bill of Rights

Strike One
Prior to the Canadian Charter of Rights

Strike Two
Prior to the Accountability Act, 2006 www.CDFJI.CA caused them once again to put PRICK to paper

Strike Three
PFEE Irrefutably NOT unbiased competent irreproachable Humanic in, of, with and under the S of the Supremacy of God that has always been

Constitution Act, 1982 The Satanic purported to cede to the Supremacy of God, yet remains the Supreme Law of Canada to Oust them
Having honed their PRICK to perfection thrust themselves upon own PRICK

NEWS Never Ending War Scorpions

Perhaps a fine day in May a scorpion chances upon one of the swamps scorpion made counting on their mesmerized frogs to shorten Thy path to Kingdom Come The frog that strives for sanity no match for the Scorpion PRICK agrees to assist, all on the backs of the frogs eh? Mid way an ouch and associated grouch Why did you bite me? ... now we will both die!! In continuance of the reality that is, the Scorpion responds in the only way known Can't help it for assuredly I am a Scorpion

There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words


finally I began to make out what was written between the line; the whole volume filled a single page: EAT PEOPLE

WAR We Are Ready We Are

Constitution Diligence Fudiciary Justice International CDFJI

We are not alone IT Invincible Triad (Humanity) Spirit Force Law (Rule of Law) with

Right of Way Canadian Government irrefutably proven

Final stage documenting the COC JIJ Court of Competent Jurisdiction Independent Judiciary,_1982 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a bill of rights. The Charter is intended to

protect certain political and civil rights of people in Canada

the policies and actions of all levels of government.
Inherent problem Establishment appoints the Establishment 14M24S One for Money 24 Show

Never Ending War Story Edict De facto Untrusted Trusted To Eradicate Roman Sanctimonious Nepotic Oligarchy Neanderthal Sapience Edict De facto Undeniable UTTER NONSENSED FU

proclamation, announcement, pronouncement, law, decree, statute, act, diktat

General Over-use Proclamations Only Elusivity

De facto
De facto (English pronunciation: /di fkto/, /de/,[1] Latin pronunciation: [de fakto]) is a Latin expression that means "concerning fact." In law, it often means "in practice but not necessarily ordained by law" or "in practice or actuality, but not officially established." It is commonly used in

contrast to
de jure (which means "concerning the law") when referring to matters of law, governance, or technique (such as standards) that are found in the common experience as created or

developed without or contrary to a regulation.

When discussing a legal situation, de jure designates what the law says, while de facto designates action of what happens in practice. It is analogous and similar to the expressions "for all intents and purposes" or "in fact". The term can also be used in the context of conducting activity as a "matter of course" e.g. copying an individual on an email de facto.

Can't Override Tradition Success Dependent on

SSRE IF PFEE Satanic Spirit Roman Empire Ipso Facto Prima Facia Evidence Exposed

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