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What is Enlightenment? Men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they a re after.

Henry David Thoreau Many of you are looking for what you call happiness. When I ask my clients or pe ople in general to define what would make them happy they give me a list of thin gs. Not just material items but many other things like love, family, peace etc.. In all cases there is something to attain. Let me tell you; There is nothing to attain. There is only stuff to discard. Tha t leaves you in your enlightened state. Here is where you will find what you cal l happiness. Enlightenment Being a life coach I make a business of helping you achieve happiness and what y ou want from your life. * Why can the words I write change your life? * Why can I sit and talk with you and change your life for the better? * Why is it that I can help others with their life? Ill give you the answer later in the article. If you stand on any street corner and ask what is enlightenment? Perhaps just ta lk about enlightenment, most people say, wait a minute, how the hell does that he lp me pay the bills? and dont give me any of that religious crap. There are many goo d reasons to seek enlightenment but before I discuss the practical applications, what is enlightenment? So what is Enlightenment? Enlightenment is an ideal state of being that can be achieved via an ongoing pro cess. It is the process of allowing more light, or the maximum amount of conscio usness to shine through your physical being. Let me explain it another way. When you are enlightened you are liberated from t he physical world. That means; 1. You have the ability to witness your thought process. Your thoughts create your future physical reality. You currently identify with y our thoughts. You live your life inside your thought processes and dont realize t hat your thoughts are separate to you. The vast majority of your thinking is con ducted without you being aware of what is being thought. You ride these thoughts to fruition, often to your detriment. When you are enlightened, you free yourse lf from being swept up in your thinking process and therefore liberate yourself from any result that is not your choice. 2. You are free from suffering You currently suffer every time you wrestle with emotion, argue about something or agonize over a decision. Sometimes this is short lived and mild and at other times it is extremely painful and remains with you for a long period of time. Wh en you are free from suffering you will however still say something colorful whe n you stub your toe! 3. You are free of desire. Desire means you are unsatisfied and in this state your wants are driven by emot ion. Without desire you can still have, but your want is much closer to a prefer ence. When you experience this you will understand freedom from the material wor

ld. This doesnt mean you cant have or pursue chocolate cake. It just means you dont lust it and you are unaffected if you dont get it. 4. You can see the truth. The truth is the way that the world really is. Being able to see the truth means you see beyond the physical shell of others. You see who they really are. It me ans you can read between the lines and really hear what others are saying. Some people know the process of looking for enlightenment as The search for the H oly Grail However you do not find enlightenment. It is achieved by removing its o bstacles. These obstacles are inside you and are created by your mind. Notice how there is nothing said about religion. Notice also how there is no men tion of morals and what you can and cant do. Good, now you can find out just how it helps. What does Enlightenment do for you? Here are some practical examples. I saw a father shout and get angry at his three or four year old son. This had a negative impact on the boy. Why did it happen? The father was last on a bus and there were no seats left. Before the bus could depart from the airplane to the terminal the man had to be seated. Everyone was watching and waiting for him. Th e logical conclusion was for his son to sit on his knee. This didnt register on t he boy as he was too young to see what was going on. The father got very upset a nd angry and started yelling at the boy to get up. The boy was momentarily paral yzed at the sight of his fathers anger, which in the boys mind was for no reason . This made his father less patient and more angry, finally dragging the boy off his seat so he could sit down. This sort of situation is a frequent occurrence. This doesnt occur when you are i n the process of enlightenment. You are able to remain calm in all situations. A nger doesnt exist. A sales person listens to his client and then fulfills a need or finds a solutio n in order to complete the sale. The key here is listening. What happens in real life is that someone talks and you hear part of what they s ay. This is because as they talk your mind momentarily wanders and thinks in res ponse to what they are saying. You may miss actual words in the conversation but more importantly you will miss the true meaning of whats being said or implied b y the words that come from your clients mouth. You do not have the ability to clearly read between the lines. When you are enli ghtened you are able to listen completely and to see clearly what is being said. Here is another way of looking at it. You are shopping for some new clothes alon g the most fashionable shopping strip in your city. The path ahead is filled wit h shop windows displaying anything and everything. As you walk, you daydream. As you daydream you are inside your thoughts and cant see the shops. You step past each shop, unaware of what it contains. Every now and again you are aware of a s hop, enter it and buy something that you like. However you dont know what you mis sed in each of the shop windows that you walked past whilst daydreaming. Everyth ing you missed in your shopping spree represents an opportunity in life that you didnt see. When you are enlightened you can see the world with clarity. You get to choose w hat you want. So why do I have the ability to help you? Simply because I am enlightened. Yes,

just like the guys you hear about in India that sit around in their robes and sh are their wisdom and heal the sick. Yes, just like Buddha and Jesus were enlight ened. Am I comparing myself to Buddha or Jesus? No, not at all, I am simply Ayme n. Does it mean that I am a spiritual scholar? No. Does it mean I am better than you? No. It just means that my level of consciousness has been raised to a cert ain state. In this state I can help you raise your consciousness. I do this most ly by transmitting energy in the form of ideas and words. Author: What Is Enlightenment Aymen Fares Copyright

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