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Audience Research Analysis of Results

This is a small sample of the responses we got from our survey by using google docs everyone who was surveyed was able to complete it online to the results went directly to our google docs account. I was then able to read the results and then build up an image of the similarities and differences by making graphs to illustrate this.

The very first question we asked our participants was what gender they were using this graph as an illustration of our results you can clearly see that there were more females involved in the survey than male. This could suggest that my potential target audience of my music video might be generalised mainly to females, as they took the most interest in the subject.

The age range of the participants was then asked so that I could get a general understanding of the different age ranges which are interested in our selected genre. As this graph depicts, the largest age which participated in the survey were 1719 year olds, this could most definitely be our selected target audience as the survey progresses, it is made clear that most of the participants preferred folk rock. This is a successful target audience age range to use as they are the age group which are most interested in the genre folk rock.

This was one of the most important questions I asked the participants of the survey, it was to see what genre was most popular within the people who were asked. I found out that Folk Rock is the most favourited genre type within the targeted participants 25% of them favourited Folk Rock. This is valuble information for my research because it indicates that the genre that my group have chosen seems to be quite popular, so the music video should be favourited by the peope who took part in the survey if most of the participants like Folk Rock the most.

This question was also an important question to ask because it can help my understanding of what the target audience perceives the costumes to look like and what they would prefer to see in a folk rock music video. The results from this graph indicate that 71% of the participants would prefer to see Indie Clothing e.g: chinos, waistcoats in Folk Rock music videos. This is an important part of the survey to take notice to because we must insure as a group we will be wearing indie type clothing

described above as the main costume choice as this is what the target audience prefer.

The majority of the participants expect to see that the main shot type used would be Close-ups this could be due to the fact that the audience of a music video mainly wants to see the lip-syncing of the artist or band and also to see the facial expression and emotion of the performer, this would be a clear indication of the narrative and concept of the music video if the audience could see if the performer was under a specific type of expression or emotion.

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