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After the transition from military government to civilian government in
Burma, most of the people hope that a positive change could take place. If a
genuine and realistic change indeed does take place, then another step in the
repatriation process for the people to resettle to their own land would
definitely follow. However, the arrangements of any refugee's return should
comply according to the standard of international law.
KRC, as the main supervisory body, represents 7 camps,
approximately 150,000 refugees, and administers all the affairs of the camps
management and programmes. Thus, KRC has the responsibility to take the
lead on developing any plan for repatriation and for co-ordinating with
organizations such as NGOs/INGOs and CBOs in this process. In this way,
regarding the repatriation, KRC will stand for firstly, the choice of the
individual refugee to make their own decision and secondly, the changes in
Burma need to be legitimately recognized and recommended by the
international communities. Therefore, under the management of KRC - EC,
some conditions required as below have been laid down.
(1) There should be a complete cessation of fighting and end of political
conflict in the country
(2) There should be genuine peace and mutual understanding /mutual respect
between the Burmese government and ethnic groups
(3) The Burmese government should allow the assisting international
organizations and human rights groups to work and function in the country
without any restriction
(4) The Burmese government whether at Union or State level, should give
full support to community based organizations
(5) The right should be given to the organizations/individuals who want to
help the needy persons according to their wishes
(6) If the people have accepted the areas/locations chosen for them, they
should have the right to decide and report which area/location to live in
(7) The right should be provided to KRC's delegation or Refugee Returning
Committee to go and access the assigned locations/areas


(1) The right for individuals to return, to shelter in any area or to resettle in
third country should be recognized
(2) Sufficient and adequate time should be allowed for preparation to return
(3) Independent information centres should be allowed to be set up in every
area/location recognized for the returnees to provide and receive information
(4) Educational, health and other civil rights should be provided accordingly
to the needs of the returnees, and recognition of all documents which have
been provided in the camps
(5) Proper security should be provided and given to the concerned
(6) The allocated areas/locations for resettlement should be in line with
civilians typical living conditions.
(7) Every step taken in the process of repatriation by concerned individuals,
organizations and governments should abide by the international refugee law

KRC unDb.uDb.cJurH;wHm

tw>ymo; b.C; ySRb.uDb.cJwz.

tw>uhRuguhR ql xHvD>uD>ylR

fuD>y,DRyd. tw>qDwvJo; xH%l;uD>oJ;oElw>qDwvJo; tzDcd. ySRtg*R

rk>v>0JvXuD>y,DRylR w>rkmw> uohM.vDRI w>rkmw>ck.eD>eD> rh>td.
xD.vHM. ySRb.uDb.cJwz. tw>uhRuguhRql tvD>td.vD>qd;.0J tw>&J.w>
usJRub.ydmxD.tcH CgreRM.vDRI b.q.w>uhRuguhRtHR ub.zd;rHvdmto;
unDb.uDb.cJurH;wHm rh>urH;wHmwzk vXtwDcd.&d.rJ Ju0DREGHbh. ursX>
eD.*H>wuvD>vGH>uv;bsJ.tHR trltgtd.vX ySRwDcd.&d.rJrRoud;w>D; [
w>u&Xu&d vXwrh>yd.wz.CkmD; ursX>*H>cD.xH;w>u&Xu&dwz. vXw>&J.w>
usJRtHRtylRM.vDRI unDb.uDb.cJurH;wHm uqXxX.vX w>uhRug uhRtHR ub.

rh>0Jf ySRb.uDb.cJzdw*R eD>up>tw>;D; uD>y,DRw>qDwvJtHR ub.

w>wl>vdmtDR vX[>u&Xu&dtw>tk.uDRo;tzDcd. M.vDRI
vXw>M.tCd KRC urH;wHm uwDcd.&d.rJw>uhRuguhRt*D> ub.zd;rHvdm
to;D; w>ymto;vXvmwz.tHR M.vDRI
(1) uD>y,DRylRw>k;w>,R>cJvXm CkmD; xH&l>uD>oJ;tw>obH.obk.
wtd.vXRtqXuwD>tcg w>uhRuguhRtHR
(2) w>Clw>zd;< w>b.vdmzd;h< w>e>yX>< w>ymuJvdmo; ,>cD,>cD vXuD>y,DRyd.
ql uvkml.cJvXm tbX.pXR
(3) uD>y,DRyd. ub.ysJxH*kRuD>*R w>u&Xu&dySRrRpXRw>wz. ySR*h>0DtcGJ;t,m
w>u&Xu&dwz. vXuEkmvDR[l;*JR0J wtd.D;w>}wDtusJ
(4) uD>y,DRyd.rh>*hR uD>pJ.yd.rh>*hR ub.qD.xGJ[h.*H>[ ySRw0Xw>u&Xu&d
wz. vhRwk>vhRwDR
(5) w>u&Xu&d tw>rRpXRrh>*hR< eD>up>tw>rRpXRrh>*hR tcGJ;t, u
b.[>rRpXRwz. ql ySRvd.b.wz. ttd.ft0Joh. tw>tJ.d;tod;
(6) w>vD>w>usJvX w>uymvDRtDRwz. ursX>rh>wl>vdmwcD w>cGJ;w>,m
vX ursX>uymzsgxD.0J w>vD>vXtqXuhRtd.0J
(7) w>cJG;w>, w>uhRtd.qd;uguhR w>vD>w>usJwz.M. ySRb.uD
b.cJcX.p;wz. rhwrh> ?w>uhRuguhRurH;wHm/ cX.p;wz. rh>tJ.d;vJRuG>
orHord;tDRM. vJR0Joh

w>tcGJ;t,mt*kRt*R vXySRb.uDb.cJoh.wz. uuhRuguhRt*D>

(1) eD>w*Rtw>qXwJmvXuuhRuguhR< utd.ukzJw>vD>wwDRwDR rhwrh>w>vJRql
uD>oXbh.wbh.M. ub.w>ymyeD.tDR
(2) w>td.uwDRo; vXw>uhRuguhRt*D> w>qXuwD>ub.M>0J vXvXySJRySJR
(3) w>uhRuguhRw>vD>wwDRv>v>; w>upD.0JRvD>vXttd.D;w>obV
(4) w>ul.b.ul.oh< w>; ySR*h>0Dtw>&J.w>usJRwz. ub.zd;rHvdm
to;D;ySRuhRuguhRwz. tw>vd.b.< D;w>ymyeD.M> vHmvJ>w>tk.o;wz.
(5) w>vD>w>usJwz. w>ub.[h.tDRw>bH.w>bXvX w>u&Xu&dvXtb.xGJwz.
(6) w>uhRtd.qd;uguhRtvD>tusJwz. ub.vDR*mfxHzduD>zd tw>td.qd; tvk>
(7) w>&J.w>usJRwqDb.wqD wuwD>b.wuwD> ursX>vXtb.xGJwz.< w>u&X
u&dvXtb.xGJwz.< xHuD>yd.vXtb.xGJcJvXm ub.ymzSd.rRoud;w> f
[>bsXrd>yS> vXw>ymvDRM> ySRb.uDb.cJwz. tod;

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