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Even being stated as a music of aggressiveness, heavy metal music is thriving bigger in this decade.

Currently, numerous people are seeking for an alternative to listen as pop and RnB music dominated the air, and they turned to metal. As a music which accomodates social critics and protests, metal grows bigger as the conflicts become a hot issue. Another thing which has to be taken is the fashion trend that goes back to the 80s styles. This is considered as its second rising tide after they reached the peak in the 80s. Heavy metal become an option as the music listeners need something different to listen. This kind of music offers you an up-beat tempo, distorted guitar, and hysteria to enjoy. You can bang your head or get thrashed with your friends. For me, it is relieving the stress and tension after study or work. At the vocal sector, you can hear various styles. Some vocalist sings like an opera singer while some screams and growls in their songs, so you can expect just about anything. Metal has been an unconventional media for music fans to express their mind and personality since its birth in the late 70s. Metal is a genre where the listener can release their emotion and impingement. The music itself grown and developed in the underground scene which is the place for the society to express their feelings and opinion independently. This happened because the underground music (independent music) originated in a DIY (do-it-yourself) culture which stands against capitalism and music industrialism, so they can write their music separatedly from the popular trend. Lyrics in metal music often oriented in war, society, politic, and even environment. Bands like Megadeth and Nuclear Assault gained numerous fans by their political lyrics. Megadeth gained controversial popularity by their second release, Peace Sells.. But Whos Buyin. The songs tell about famine, war, and failures of United Nation. Another precedent is Nuclear Assaults second album, Handle With Care. In this album, they sing about war and global warming. The cover art pictured the earth with stamp that reads Handle With Care, which gives us a message that the earth is fragile and in danger. Present condition due to the occupation, conflicts, and poverty gained a serious attention, brings a new wave for metal music as a media where people can express freely. Nowadays, the fashion cycled back to the old and retro style, and it unexpectedly give a rebirth to classic pop cultures which is popular at the time, like post-punk, disco, and also metal. For instance, boys in this last two years often wear denim or leather jacket which is adapted from metalheads fashion statement in early 80s. Man want to be macho and masculine, and the previous trend like K-Pop offers a nerd-like fashion with feminine touch. Metal outfit gives a simple and masculine impression. As a pop culture, music and fashion statement synchronize each other, so this rewinding fashion role gives metal a way to gain more popularity. As we have seen, even being a minority genre, metal has been resummoned to the surface in this last decade because metal offers you a different way to listen and enjoy the music. If this trend continues, metal will gets a bigger attention in society and rule the music trend like in the 80s.

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