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Water is an essential nutrient and is the solvent in which all the chemical reacti ons of life take place.

Your entire body including but not limited to bones... skin... muscles... brain. .. lungs... & blood are all dependent upon the efficient flow of water. water especially - helps to initiate... transport... and support so many bodily functions & processes like - but not limited to - your metabolism... mental clar ity... and energy levels. [1] Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the biological source of energy in the body at c ellular level... so (ATP) production is literally an energy measure... [2] furthermore... glycolysis is the metabolic pathway that converts glucose C6H12O6, into pyruvate CH3COCOO + H+. Pyruvic acid supplies energy to living cells through the citric acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle) The energy released in this process is used to form the high-energy compound ade nosine triphosphate (ATP) efficient water supply helps to support and re-enforce the above phenomena. practical application: Water requirements vary and is-not a one-size fits all approach... the classic example being 8 glasses of water per day - this should NOT be the pr emise for everyone as requirements are dependent upon numerous other factors nam ely... current humidity... zero exercise all the way to strenuous exercise levels... bo dy weight... body fat... medications... plus your general state of health. [3] Drinking eight glasses of plain water a day may not cause you harm... its just th at hard evidence is lacking on whether that is the magic number for everyone... and most likely it appears that it is not. Thus... drinking plain (filtered if possible or bottled as a second more expensi ve option)- at a rate of 8 glasses per day approx 2 litres - can only be a gener alised guide at best. Having said that... its my experience that MOST people are de-hydrated at a ce llular level and are completely unaware... therefore many will typically wait until they are really thirsty (too late) in o rder to drink fluids... to make matters worse - plain water tends not to be thei r first choice of fluid to quench thirst. MOST would benefit from drinking more clean fresh filtered/bottled water each da y and making this their primary source of fluids... however... the colour of you r urine may be a better more accurate and personalised criteria for assessing yo ur bodys hydration requirements... urine colour will easily help you determine and personalise whether or not you m ight need to drink more. [4]

So... drink plain water... aim for the generalised 8 glasses which equates to ap prox 2 litres... and take notice of the colour of your urine throughout the day. As long as you are NOT taking vitamin supplements like B2, or some form of multi -vitamin - which fluoresces and turns your urine bright yellow - then your urine should be a light straw-coloured yellow. If its a deep... dark yellow then you are likely not drinking enough water. If yo u haven t urinated in many hours... that too is an indication that you re not dr inking enough fresh plain water. For best results... always drink at minimum 2 glasses at room temperature (roug hly about half a litre) - upon rising in the morning... also drink in-between meals... and wait 20-30-mins before consuming food and allow at least that time to elapse after consuming food before your next drink... thi s ensures you do-not upset your bodys normal digestive fluids that do the job of breaking-down the food just eaten. Try not to drink with your meals... this will also hamper normal digestion... pl us avoid drinking late in the evenings... meaning a couple of hours prior to bed time as this may interrupt your sleep pattern with bathroom visits. The upside benefits of water hydration to self-generate hi-energy will probably amaze you within 4-6 weeks... a profound phenomenon... especially so if you are not accustomed to drinking fresh water as your primary beverage of choice.

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