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Office of Budget, Finance and Award Management 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22230

Octobdr 10,2A12

Dr. MiguelA. Mufioz, President University of Puerto Rico Central Administration Jardin Bot6nico Sur
1187 Calle Flamboydn San Juan, Puerto Rico 00925

Dear Dr. Mufioz: NSF woutd like to thank representatives from the University of Puerto Rico for meeting with our staff on September 19,2012. During that meeting, the University requested that NSF review ihe summet academic period time and effort to determine if the University has implemented a time and effort system compliant with federal requirements, rather than waiting until the completion of the fall academic pbrioO. ln addition, the University requested NSF's feedback regarding incidental payments for regular UFR employees providing occasional workshops, Saturday effort and effort outside of regular working hours. NSF has determined that we will review the time and effort of the summer academid period, aloig with the estimates for the fall period.

ln preparation for our review of the implemented UPR time and effort system for the summer academic period, we request the payroll distribution showing labor payments to ajl active NSF awards, to include subawards, for the summer period. The information is needed for both research centers, Central Administration and Mayaguez campuses. We will set up a Sharepoint site for this documentation to be uploaded and will provide further informaiion on access and directions for uploading the information once the site is available. ln addition, a list of NSF awards (to inctude subawardj) with ilie names of the University staff who plan to work on these awards during the fall semester should be uploaded to the site. We anticipate this information will be uploaded within a week from the date of this letter. We tentativeiy plan to review documentation and hold discussions with UPR on November 7-g, ZO12 and November i316,2012 via WebEx (a virtual meeting tool). Additional information wilt be provided at a later date regarding these virtual meetings.
NSF offers the following guidance related to incidental payments for regutar University employees. Federalrequirements included in 2 CFR 220 (formerly OMB A-21), Seition J.10 (ii), t'.iSf CpC Chapter ll'C.2-g and AAG Chapter V.8.1 (ii) establish the criteria for compensation of facutiy members during and outside the academic year. According to these referenced documents, intra-univeisity consulting is assumed to be undertaken by the University and requires no compensation in addition to the baje salary. This applies to faculty members who function as consultants or contribute to a sponsored agreement conducted by another faculty member of the same institution. Although rare for NSF, some special cases where consultation is across departmental lines or involves a separate or remote activity, the work performed by the employee in addition to the regular departmental load may be specificJlly approved for in writing by the sponsoring agency. NSF award funds may not be used to augment the total'salary or salary rate of faculty members during the period covered by the term of faculty-appointment or to reimburse faculty members for consulting or other time in addition to a regulai fuit-time organizational salary covering the same general period of employment. ln addition, the salaries of administrative or clerical personnel are covered by the indirect cost recovery (also known as the Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A) for Colleges and Universities). Salaries ior

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