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The Oxford English Dictionary: List of Abbreviations

June 1996

a. (in Etym.) a (as a 1850) a. abbrev. abl. absol. !bstr. acc. !cct. !.". ad. (in Etym.) !dd. adj. !dv. adv. advb. !dvt. !eronaut. !$., !$r. !fr. !%ric. !lb. !mer. !mer. &nd. !nat. !nc. !n%lo &nd. !n%lo &r. !nn. !nthrop., !nthropol. !nti'. aphet. app. adoption of, adopted from ante, 'before', 'not later than' adjective abbreviation (of) ablative absolute, ly (in titles) !bstract, s accusative (in titles) !ccount !nno "omini adaptation of !ddenda adjective (in titles) !dvance, d, s adverb adverbial, ly advertisement (as label) in !eronautics# (in titles) !eronautic, al, s !n%lo $rench !frica, n (as label) in !%riculture# (in titles) !%riculture, al !lbanian !merican !merican &ndian (as label) in !natomy# (in titles) !natomy, ical (in titles) !ncient !n%lo &ndian !n%lo &rish !nnals (as label) in !nthropolo%y# (in titles) !nthropolo%y, ical (as label) in !nti'uities# (in titles) !nti'uity aphetic, apheti(ed apparently

!ppl. !pplic. appos. !rab. !ram. !rch. !rm. assoc. !str. !strol. !stron. !stronaut. attrib. !ustral. !utobio%r. !.).

(in titles) !pplied (in titles) !pplication, s appositive, ly !rabic !ramaic (as label) in !rchitecture# (in titles) !rchitecture, al !rmenian association in !stronomy in !strolo%y (in titles) !stronomy, ical (in titles) !stronautic, s attributive, ly !ustralian (in titles) !utobio%raphy, ical !uthori(ed )ersion *efore +hrist (in titles) *ritish +olumbia before (as label) in *iblio%raphy# (in titles) *iblio%raphy, ical (as label) in *iochemistry# (in titles) *iochemistry, ical (as label) in *iolo%y# (in titles) *iolo%y, ical *oo, *ishop (in titles) *ritain, *ritish *ul%arian (in titles) *ulletin circa, 'about' century (in titles) +alendar (in titles) +ambrid%e +anadian +atalan catachrestically (in titles) +atalo%ue +eltic (in titles) +entury, +entral +entury "ictionary

*.+. *.+. bef. *iblio%r. *iochem. *iol. *,. *ot. (as label) in *otany# (in titles) *otany, ical *p. *rit. *ul%. *ull.

c (as c 1-00) c. (as c.) +al. +ambr. +anad. +at. catachr. +atal. +elt. +ent. +ent. "ict.

+f., cf. +h. +hem. +hr. +hron. +hronol. +inemat., +inemato%r. +lin. cl. /. co%n. 0. +ol. +oll. collect. collo'. comb. +omb. +omm. +ommunic. comp. +ompan. compar. compl. +ompl. +onc. +onch. concr. +onf. +on%r. conj. cons. const. contr. +ontrib. +orr. corresp. +ot%r. cpd. +rit. +ryst. +ycl. +ytol.

confer, 'compare' +hurch (as label) in +hemistry# (in titles) +hemistry, ical (in titles) +hristian (in titles) +hronicle (in titles) +hronolo%y, ical in +inemato%raphy (in titles) +linical classical /atin co%nate 0ith (in titles) +olonel, +olony (in titles) +ollection collective, ly collo'uial, ly combined, in% +ombinations in +ommercial usa%e in +ommunications compound, composition (in titles) +ompanion comparative complement (in titles) +omplete (in titles) +oncise in +oncholo%y concrete, ly (in titles) +onference (in titles) +on%ress conjunction consonant construction, construed 0ith contrast (0ith) (in titles) +ontribution (in titles) +orrespondence correspondin% (to) 1. +ot%rave, "ictionarie of the $rench and En%lish ton%ues compound (in titles) criticism, critical in +rystallo%raphy (in titles) +yclopaedia, ic (in titles) +ytolo%y, ical "anish


".!. ".!.E. dat. ".+. "eb. def. dem. deriv. dero%. "escr. "evel. "ia%n. dial. "ict. dim. "is. "iss. ".2.4.5. "u.

"ictionary of !mericanisms "ictionary of !merican En%lish dative "istrict of +olumbia (in titles) "ebate, s definite, ition demonstrative derivative, ation dero%atory (in titles) "escription, tive (in titles) "evelopment, al (in titles) "ia%nosis, "ia%nostic dialect, al dictionary# spec., the 23ford En%lish "ictionary diminutive (in titles) "isease (in titles) "issertation "ictionary of the 2lder 4cottish 5on%ue "utch East (as label) in Ecclesiastical usa%e# (in titles) Ecclesiastical in Ecolo%y (as label) in Economics# (in titles) Economy, ics edition En%lish "ialect "ictionary (in titles) Edinbur%h (as label) in Education# (in titles) Education, al Early En%lish e3empli %ratia, 'for e3ample' (as label) in Electricity# (in titles) Electricity, ical (in titles) Electronic, s (in titles) Element, ary elliptical, ly in Embryolo%y east midland (dialect) (in titles) Encyclopaedia, ic En%land, En%lish in En%ineerin% in Entomolo%y

E. Eccl. Ecol. Econ. ed. E.".". Edin. Educ. EE. e.%. Electr. Electron. Elem. ellipt. Embryol. e.midl. Encycl. En%. En%in. Ent.

Entomol. erron. esp. Ess. et al. etc. Ethnol. etym. euphem. E3am. e3c. E3erc. E3per. E3plor.

(in titles) Entomolo%y, lo%ical erroneous, ly especially (in titles) Esssay, s et alii, 'and others' et cetera in Ethnolo%y etymolo%y euphemistically (in titles) E3amination e3cept (in titles) E3ercise, s (in titles) E3periment, al (in titles) E3ploration, s feminine (in Etym.) formed on form of $rench feminine fi%urative, ly $innish floruit, 'flourished' (in titles) $oundation, s $rench fre'uent, ly $risian (in titles) $undamental, s $un, and 6a%nalls 4tandard "ictionary 7erman 7aelic (in titles) 7a(ette %enitive %eneral, ly (as label) in 7eo%raphy# (in titles) 7eo%raphy, ical (as label) in 7eolo%y# (in titles) 7eolo%y, ical in 7eometry in 7eomorpholo%y 7erman 7lossary 7ermanic

f. f. f. (in subordinate entries) $. fem. (rarely f.) fi%. $inn. fl. $ound. $r. fre'. $ris. $und. $un, or $un,'s 4tand. "ict.

7. 7ael. 7a(. %en. %en. 7eo%r. 7eol. 7eom. 7eomorphol. 7er. 7loss. 7mc.

7odef. 7oth. 7ovt. 7r. 7r. 7ram. 7t.

$. 7odefroy, "ictionnaire de l'ancienne lan%ue francaise 7othic (in titles) 7overnment 7ree, 7reat (as label) in 7rammar# (in titles) 7rammar, tical 7reat 8ebre0 in 8eraldry amon% herbalists 8industani (as label) in 8istory# (in titles) 8istory, ical historical (as label) in 8istolo%y# (in titles) 8istolo%y, ical in 8orticulture (in titles) 8ousehold (in titles) 8ouse,eepin% &bidem, 'in the same boo, or passa%e' &celandic in &chthyolo%y idem, 'the same' id est, 'that is' &ndo European (in titles) &llustration, ted imitative in &mmunolo%y imperative impersonal imperfect indicative indefinite (in titles) &ndustry, ial infinitive influenced (in titles) &nor%anic (in titles) &nsurance (in titles) &nstitute, tion interjection intransitive

8eb., 8ebr. 8er. 8erb. 8ind. 8ist. hist. 8istol. 8ort. 8ouseh. 8ouse,.

&bid. &cel. &chthyol. id. i.e. &E. &llustr. imit. &mmunol. imp. impers. impf. ind. indef. &ndustr. inf. infl. &nor%. &ns. &nst. int. intr.

&ntrod. &r. irre%. &t.

(in titles) &ntroduction &rish irre%ular, ly &talian ('uoted from) 9ohnson's "ictionary 9amieson, 4cottish "ict. 9apanese jocular, ly (in titles) 9ournal (in titles) 9unior (in titles) :no0led%e line /atin lan%ua%e (in titles) /ecture, s (in titles) /esson, s letter, letters /o0 7erman literal, ly /iterary /ithuanian 4eptua%int masculine (in titles) <a%a(ine (in titles) <a%netic, ism <alay, <alayan (in titles) <anual (in titles) <ana%ement (in titles) <anchester in <anufacture, in% (in titles) <arine masculine (as label) in <athematics# (in titles) <athematics, al <iddle "utch <iddle En%lish (as label) in <echanics# (in titles) <echanics, al (as label) in <edicine# (in titles) <edicine, ical

9., (9.) (9am.) 9ap. joc. 9rnl. 9un.


l. /. lan%. /ect. /ess. /et., /ett. /7. lit. /it. /ith. /;;

m. <a%. <a%n. <al. <an. <ana%em. <anch. <anuf. <ar. masc. (rarely m.) <ath. <"u. <E. <ech. <ed.

med./. <em. <ataph. <eteorol. <87. midl. <il. <in. <ineral. </7. <ics. mod. mod./. (<orris) <us. <yst. <ythol.

medieval /atin (in titles) <emoir, s in <etaphysics (as label) in <eteorolo%y# (in titles) <eteorolo%y, ical <iddle 8i%h 7erman midland (dialect) in military usa%e (as label) in <ineralo%y# (in titles) <ineralo%y, ical (in titles) <ineralo%y, ical <iddle /o0 7erman (in titles) <iscellany, eous modern modern /atin ('uoted from) E. E. <orris's !ustral En%lish (as label) in <usic# (in titles) <usic, al# <useum (in titles) <ystery in <ytholo%y =orth neuter =orth !merica, n =otes and ?ueries (in titles) =arrative (in titles) =atural in =atural 8istory in nautical lan%ua%e =orth East =e0 En%lish "ictionary, ori%inal title of the 23ford En%lish in =eurolo%y neuter =orthern $rench =umber nominative northern dialect =or0e%ian no 'uotations =e0 5estament =uclear in =umismatics =orth 6est

=. n. =.!mer. =.>?. =arr. =at. =at. 8ist. =aut. =.E. =.E.". "ictionary (first edition) =eurol. neut. (rarely n.) =$., =$r. =o. nom. north. =or0. n.'. =.5. =ucl. =umism. =.6.


=e0 @ealand object obli'ue obsolete (in titles) 2bstetric occasionally 2ld En%lish (A !n%lo 4a3on) 2ld $rench 2ld $risian 2ld 8i%h 7erman 2ld &rish 2ld =orse 2ld =orthern $rench in 2phthalmolo%y opposed (to), the opposite (of) in 2ptics (in titles) 2r%anic ori%in, al, ally (as label) in 2rnitholo%y# (in titles) 2rnitholo%y, ical 2ld 4a3on 2ld (+hurch) 4lavonic 2ld 5estament (in titles) 2utline (in titles) 23ford pa%e in Balaeo%raphy passive participle, past participle ('uoted from) E. Bartrid%e's "ictionary of 4lan% and passive, ly past tense (as label) in Batholo%y# (in titles) Batholo%y, ical Bersian person, al in Betro%raphy (as label) in Betrolo%y# (in titles) Betrolo%y, ical ('uoted from) +. Bettman's !fricanderisms perfect Bortu%uese

obj. obl. 2bs., obs. 2bstetr. occas. 2E. 2$., 2$r. 2$ris. 287. 2&r. 2=. 2=$. 2phthalm. opp. 2pt. 2r%. ori%. 2rnith. 24. 24l. 2.5. 2utl. 23f.

p. Balaeo%r. Balaeont. in Balaeontolo%y# (in titles) Balaeontolo%y, ical pa. pple. (Bartrid%e) Cnconventional En%lish pass. pa.t. Bath. perh. perhaps Bers. pers. Betro%r. Betrol. (Bettman) pf. B%.

Bharm. Bhilol. Bhilos. phonet. Bhoto%r. phr. Bhys. Bhysiol. Bict. pl., plur. poet. Bol. Bol. Bol. Econ. Bolit. pop. Borc. poss. Bott. ppl. a., pple. adj. pple. Br. pr. Bract. prec. pred. pref. pref., Bref. prep. pres. Brinc. priv. prob. Brobl. Broc. pron. pronunc. prop. Bros. Brov. pr. pple. Bsych.

in Bharmacolo%y (as label) in Bhilolo%y# (in titles) Bhilolo%y, ical (as label) in Bhilosophy# (in titles) Bhilosophy, ic phonetic, ally (as label) in Bhoto%raphy# (in titles) Bhoto%raphy, ical phrase physical# (rarely) in Bhysiolo%y (as label) in Bhysiolo%y# (in titles) Bhysiolo%y, ical (in titles) Bicture, Bictorial plural poetic, al Bolish (as label) in Bolitics# (in titles) Bolitics, al in Bolitical Economy (in titles) Bolitics, al popular, ly (in titles) Borcelain possessive (in titles) Bottery participial adjective participle Brovencal present (in titles) Bractice, al precedin% (0ord or article) predicative prefi3 preface preposition present (in titles) Brinciple, s privative probably (in titles) Broblem (in titles) Broceedin%s pronoun pronunciation properly in Brosody Brovencal present participle in Bsycholo%y

Bsychol. Bubl.

(as label) in Bsycholo%y# (in titles) Bsycholo%y, ical (in titles) Bublications (in titles) ?uarterly 'uotation(s) 'uod vide, '0hich see' (in titles) 1oyal in 1adiolo%y 1oman +atholic +hurch (in titles) 1ecord reduplicatin% (in titles) 1eference refashioned, in% refle3ive (in titles) 1e%ister re%ular related to (in titles) 1eminiscence, s (in titles) 1eport, s representative, representin% (in titles) 1esearch (in titles) 1evie0 revised in 1hetoric 1oman, ce, ic 1umanian 1ussian 4outh 4outh !frica, n substantive scilicet, 'understand' or 'supply' 4cottish (in titles) 4candinavia, n (in titles) 4chool 4cottish =ational "ictionary (in titles) 4cotland (in titles) 4election, s 4eries sin%ular (in titles) 4,etch 4ans,rit

?. 'uot(s). '.v.

1. 1adiol. 1.+.+h. 1ec. redupl. 1ef. refash. refl. 1e%. re%. rel 1eminisc. 1ep. repr. 1es. 1ev. rev. 1het. 1om. 1um. 1uss.

4. 4.!fr. sb. sc. 4c., 4cot. 4cand. 4ch. 4c. =at. "ict. 4cotl. 4el. 4er. sin%. 4,. 4,r.

4lav. 4.=.". 4oc. 4ociol. 4p. 4p. sp. spec. 4pec. 4t. 4tand. 4tanf. str. 4truct. 4tud. subj. subord. cl. subse'. subst. suff. superl. 4uppl. 4ur%. s.v. 40. s.0. 4yd. 4oc. /e3. syll. 4yr. 4yst.

4lavonic 4cottish =ational "ictionary (in titles) 4ociety (as label) in 4ociolo%y# (in titles) 4ociolo%y, ical 4panish (in titles) 4peech, es spellin% specifically (in titles) 4pecimen 4aint 4tandard ('uoted from) 4tanford "ictionary of !n%licised 6ords > Bhrases stron% (in titles) 4tructure, al (in titles) 4tudies subject subordinate clause subse'uent, ly substantively suffi3 superlative 4upplement (as label) in 4ur%ery# (in titles) 4ur%ery, 4ur%ical sub voce, 'under the 0ord' 40edish south 0estern (dialect) 4ydenham 4ociety, /e3icon of <edicine > !llied 4ciences syllable 4yrian (in titles) 4ystem, atic (in titles) 5a3onomy, ical technical, ly (in titles) 5echnolo%y, ical in 5ele%raphy in 5elephony ('uoted from) 5hornton's !merican 7lossary in the 5heatre, theatrical (as label) in 5heolo%y# (in titles) 5heolo%y, ical

5a3on. techn. 5echnol. 5ele%r. 5eleph. (5h.) 5heatr. 5heol.

5heoret. 5o,h. tr., transl. 5rans. trans. transf. 5rav. 5reas. 5reat. 5reatm. 5ri%. 5rop. 5ur,. 5ypo%., 5ypo%r.

(in titles) 5heoretical 5o,harian translated, translation (in titles) 5ransactions transitive transferred sense (in titles) 5ravel(s) (in titles) 5reasury (in titles) 5reatise (in titles) 5reatment in 5ri%onometry (in titles) 5ropical 5ur,ish in 5ypo%raphy ultimately (in titles) Cniversity un,no0n Cnited 4tates Cnion of 4oviet 4ocialist 1epublics usually verb variant(s) of verbal substantive (in titles) )ertebrate, s (as label) in )eterinary 4cience# (in titles) )eterinary in )eterinary 4cience videlicet, 'namely' (in titles) )oya%e, s stron% verb vul%ar 0ea, verb 6elsh# 6est 0ord 6ebster's (=e0 &nternational) "ictionary (in titles) 6estminster 6est 7ermanic (in titles) 6or,s 0est midland (dialect) 6est 4a3on

ult. Cniv. un,n. C.4. C.4.4.1. usu.

v., vb. var(r)., vars. vbl. sb. )ertebr. )et. )et. 4ci. vi(. )oy. v.str. vul%. v.0.

6. 0d. 6ebster 6estm. 67mc. 6,s. 0.midl. 64.

(D.) Drs.

('uoted from) Dule > *urnell's 8obson 9obson (in titles) Dears in @oo%eo%raphy (as label) in @oolo%y# (in titles) @oolo%y, ical

@oo%eo%r. @ool.

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