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Read Me file for SpikeCount.exe, Release v. 1.0 (2003-05-22). Win32: Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0, or later.

This program counts spikes (positive peaks) in an ASCII data file, as from a sound recording. Install SpikeCount by unZIPing the release file to any convenient directory. You should see: ReadMe.txt sample.txt sample.wav samp200.txt SpikeCount.exe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,170 581,253 101,722 564,172 376,832 bytes bytes bytes bytes bytes

Drop the .exe into any folder to create an icon. There are no known bugs. Note the disclaimer at the bottom of this ReadMe file. --------------------------------------------------Program Details: SpikeCount may be invoked in any of three run modes: 1. GRAPHIC mode. This is the default, with no switch on the invocation line. In this mode, both a new text window (as in TEXT mode, below) and a graphic control panel are presented. The values of h and w, as well as file names, may be omitted from the invocation line. If both h and w appear, they will be used as defaults; file names always are ignored. A Help menu system is available in GRAPHIC mode. The entire content of the help menu system is copied below to provide ReadMe documentation details. In addition to [Quit] and [Help] controls, editable fields are provided for interactive entry of the h and w parameters. Files may be selected interactively via the [Select Files] button. In GRAPHIC mode, it is possible to check filenames and format without counting spikes by using the [Check] button. This may save time when numerous files with uncertain format are available. The [Count] button initiates the same counting process as in TEXT mode, with the same output format (except initial Help screen) as in TEXT mode. 2. TEXT mode. The switch, "-t", must appear

somewhere on the invocation line. % SpikeCount -t h

The syntax is:

w fname1 [, fname2, ...]

Here h is a percent height and w is a percent width; h and w are explained below. Any number of file names may be listed, up to the OS limit or 10,000 characters, whichever is less. Each file name must end in .txt or .asc; it must begin with a header as described below and contain signed double data, one value per line. Up to about 25,000,000 data lines may appear in a file. The file name(s) on the invocation line are tested for correctness. Then, a new text output window is created: This window contains first a help screen and then a list of all valid file names. To proceed, hit the {RETURN} key (=CR) with the new window the active window; to abort without counting spikes, enter an 'x'. To proceed, the format of each file is checked. For files in correct format, spikes then are counted, and a one-line report is presented in the new text window for each file as follows: (filename): n.nn s (m.m ms) | N spikes => X/sec. In this report, the duration of the file is given first in seconds and milliseconds, as determined from time-scale information in the file header. The number of spikes N then is reported, followed by the average spike rate X in the file. Messages may be cut-and-pasted from the new text window to save them. 3. SILENT mode. The switch, "-s", must appear somewhere on the invocation line. In this mode, output messages are minimized, and no initial help screen is presented. The count begins immediately on all files which have a valid name and internal format. SILENT mode and TEXT mode otherwise are the same. ------------- Demonstration Example: An ASCII audio file, sample.txt, is provided to use with SpikeCount. A copy in Windows PCM format also is provided as sample.wav. The same file, normalized to 200% (as explained below), is provided as samp200.txt. Visual inspection of sample.txt in CoolEdit(R) or a similar utility shows about 65 irregular spikes, depending on ones criterion. Invoking SpikeCount with default h and w parameters of 50% and 10%, opening sample.txt, and running

[Count], yields a spike count of 53 spikes for sample.txt and 65 for samp200.txt. The advantage of over-normalization is evident with these files and these parameters, but the user will have to decide what to consider a spike before settling on a good parameter set to use. Once the parameters have been decided according to the user's criterion, they may be used to count spikes in any file with similar characteristics. ----------------Development Details: SpikeCount was written in C++, using the Borland BCC 5.01a Interactive Development Environment. There were over 5000 lines of compiled code in 18 modules, including debugging routines but not counting graphic resources. Development took 5 months of occasional effort, including writing and revision of the SRS and preliminary design documents. ============= GRAPHIC mode help menues: ======== Overview: SpikeCount scans ASCII text files for spikes. It reports results to a newly created text window. The input data are signed doubles, one per line, between +1 and -1. The files must have .txt or .asc extensions. The file header is on exactly five lines, and the first datum begins on the sixth line. There must be no blank or empty line, or nondata value, after the header. The header format is: (keyword)(:)(tab)(value) as follows: +------------------------------------------|SAMPLES: (decimal integer > 999) |BITSPERSAMPLE: (decimal integer > 7) |CHANNELS: 1 |SAMPLERATE: (decimal integer > 5999) |NORMALIZED: TRUE |(first signed-double datum) | . . . Syntax: SpikeCount [-s|-t] h w filename1 [filename2 . . .] -s for silent (batch) mode; -t for text mode; none for the default graphical mode (in which filenames are ignored). Spike height h and width w are in percent 0.0001..99.9999. The percent w is of the longest inactive stretch T in the file: Positive peaks above about h for about w*T or more time will be counted; thus the width threshold narrows to detect narrower spikes if they are more numerous. Glitches to less than about h for less than 1/10 w*T are ignored. SAMPLES = number of data in the file; SAMPLERATE = data/s; BITSPERSAMPLE (resolution) is checked but not used; CHANNELS and NORMALIZED must be '1' and 'TRUE', respectively. Input file (path)names must include only printable characters and may not begin with a hyphen ('-'). The

following characters also are not allowed: " ' * ? ` | > < ===================== Height Parameter: The data are assumed signed doubles each falling within +1 and -1 limits. All data in every file are checked, and anything falling outside these limits will cause an input file to be rejected. Within these limits, the percent height h represent a threshold height percentage H greatest positive value(s) in the file. best if values in the file are normalized positive data value 1. parameter will relative to the SpikeCount works to make the most

Some audio file editting tools, such as CoolEdit(R), can normalize low-amplitude data to 100%, making the greatest excursion(s) from 0 equal exactly to +1 or -1. If normalized to 200% by such a tool, data between .5 and 1, and between -.5 and -1, will be grown to +1 and -1 respectively, and all other data will be scaled up proportionally. This may make spikes in the data more regular in height and therefore more easily counted, but individual evaluation of each kind of sample is required to be sure this will work. ===================== Width Parameter: Generally, a spike will be a pulse of several cycles above the height threshold H value. The percent width w parameter ignores cycles and only considers time duration (number of data lines) above and below H. The value entered for w will be scaled against the average rate of change in the file: Somewhat simplifying, w should be viewed as setting a width threshold as w percent of the longest extent of nonpulse time in the file. For just one spike in the input file, w is effectively the duty cycle relative to H; w=3 means that an excursion over H with 3% duty cycle or more (over the duration of the entire file) will be recognized as a spike. As the number of spikes in the file increases, w becomes a percentage of a smaller and smaller duration, thus letting SpikeCount become on the average more and more precise in recognizing spikes. A glitch is a brief change of ignored. SpikeCount's glitch glitch to last more than 1/10 to (mistakenly) terminate the level which should be rejection requires a downward of the w determined threshold spike.

Some attention has to be paid to the data: Many very closely spaced spikes may be counted mistakenly as fewer, because of spike boundary rejection as glitches. So, w should be set lower if this happens. Similarly, a pulse of only a few slow cycles might possibly be counted as several spikes; if so, w should be set higher. ==================== Check Command: The Check button causes SpikeCount to check the selected input files for a correct file name and extension. Files with an invalid name or extension will be listed to the text

output window. Files with good names then are checked for existence, read permission, correct header syntax, valid data, and for consistency of the header with the data found. Problems with the selected files again are reported to the text output window, and a list of remaining, valid file names is given. SpikeCount then stops and waits for further user input; no spike counting is done. In general, this command can save time when a large number of files, some invalid, are to be examined for correct format. It about halves the time to obtain a validity check on large, valid input files, as compared with the full Count command. To obtain a spike count, it is necessary to repeat the checks done here by using the Count command. ==================== Count Command: This command performs the same checks as Check; it then goes on to count the spikes in each file found valid. The spike criteria used are introduced in the Spike Height and Spike Width help menues. Basically, the initial Check finds the greatest positive value p in the current file and sets the spike height threshold H equal to p*h/100; it also finds the longest duration T either above or below h/100 and sets the spike width threshold W equal to T*w/100. During Counting, the H and W thresholds then are used to examine the duration of possible spikes and separate them from noise; Count outputs the result to the output text window. Count also outputs a summary report of the number of files counted, along with a list of names of files not counted because of failing Check. Look at your data and compare the counts to be sure h and w are set appropriately. If you find that you are missing peaks you think should have been counted as spikes, try setting h lower if it seems to be a height problem or w lower if your peaks are narrow. If your spike counts are too high, try setting h or w (or both) higher. ==================== About . . .: SpikeCount v. r1.0. Originated 2002-09-18. by J. M. Williams Copyright (c) 2003, 2013 This program is freeware and may be distributed freely by any means for any reason, provided the executable and readme file always are distributed together and neither is altered in any way.

Disclaimer: This program was implemented for fun with requirements and design decomposition. It is believed accurately described in the Help menues; however, it is distributed strictly as-is, with no guarantee of fitness for any purpose.

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