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Supplementary Literature Review of Recent Papers 1. S.H.Meraji, M.H.Afshar,A. Afshar. "Resrvoir Operation by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm.

7 th International Congress on Civil Engg , CIVILCA, July 2011, 128, no.8-17 Presents the PSO algorithm based on the backgrounds of artificial life and psych ological research for continuous optimization applied to reservoir operations a nd they have tested this algorithm against bench mark functions such as Sphere, Rosenborck, Rastigen, Greiwank and Shaffre s . Model developed was tested on the Dez Resrvoir of Southern Iran with a storage volume of 2510 MCM, annual demand of 5 900 MCM over a 24 months operation period. Results obtained have shown that algo rithm works better than NLP model. 2. Abbas Afshar, Mahyar Shafii, Omid Bozorg Haddad. "Optimizing multiresrvo ir operation rules : An improved HBMO approach)." Journal of Hydroinformatics 13, Jan 2011, no. 121-139 Illustrated the use of improved version of Honey Bees Mating Optimization Algor ithm for developing operating rules for multireservoir systems. Performance o f this model is tested through sensitivity analysis and so obtained results are compared with the real coded Genetic Algorithm for a 60 month period of a single reservoir operation problem used for water supply and hydropower generation. Op erating rules so developed provided a concise method to take proper decision for operating reservoir. The study also proved that the model can be used for solv ing multi-modal optimization problems and also to define operation policies for highly complex multireservoir systems. 3. Alemu,Eset T., Palmer, Richard N., Polebitski, Austin S. "Decision Suppo rt for Optimizing Reservoir Operations Using Ensemble Streamflow Predictions." J ournal of Water resrources Planning and Mangement 137 Issue 1, December 2011, no . 72-82 Investigated the value of ensemble steam flow predictions and energy price forec asts as aid for developing a simulation model that replicates general operating rules for hydropower system and an optimization model that refines operations ba sed upon forecasts of state variables. DSS generates a range of optimal reservo ir releases using an ensemble stream flow cast and identifying robust operation al solutions. 4. J.A. Ayeyemo. "Reservoir Operation using Muti-objective Evoloutionary Al gorithms-A Review." Asian Journal of Sceintific Research, 4 Issue 1, October 2 011, no. 16-27 Presented a detailed review on evolotionary algorithms as applied to resrvoir op eration models with single and multiobjectives. The study is compared with the o ther algorithme which showed their outperformance. Nondominated solutions genera ted by the evolotionary algorithme shown that they fulfill the goals of multiob jective evolotionary algorithms i.e. solutions near or on pareto front and dive rse on the Pareto front. 5. Feng Jiang. "Optimization of reservoir Operation by Rule Curve Adjustmen t." Proceedings of the 2011 Gerogia Water resources Confrence, University of Ger ogia, April r 2011, no. 16-27 Developed a MATLAB model of reservoir operation with the historical data of lake Okatibbee in Mississippi River to get better lake elevation and more reliable r eleases. Study indicated that with the certain criteria of performance evaluatio n, an optimum rule curve could be obtained through optimization and the method c ould be modified to accommodate more performance indicators or with the weighted performance targets. 6. D. Nagesh Kumar, Falguni Baliasingh, K.Srinivasa Raju. "Optimal Reservoi r Operation for Flood Control Using Folded Dynamic Programming." Journal of Wate r resources Management 24, no. 3 (August 2010): 1045-1063. This paper uses Folded Dynamic programming, a newly developed search technique o f DP for developing a optimal reservoir operation policies for flood control app lied to Hirakud reservoir in Mahanadi Basin, India. For the programming, it uses flood data from 1958 to 1995 consisting of 68 floods such as peaks of inflow h ydrographs and peaks of outflow hydrographs reservoir during each flood. It is a also concluded that long term operating policy developed for the Hirakud reser

voir system can be adopted for the better utilization of the system and a new ru le curve can be derived using this methodology if there is need to change the op erating policy due to change in hydrological regime or increased risk aversion. 7. Deepti Rani, Maria Madalena Moreira. "Simulation-Optimization Modeling : A Survey and Potential Application in Reservoir Systems Operation." Journal of Water Resources Management 24, no. 6 (October 2010): 1107-1138. This paper presents a elaborate survey of simulation and optimization modeling approaches used in reservoir systems operation problems. Papers infers that thes e methods have been of much importance when used with simulation modeling and tw o approaches when combined gibe the best results. This paper provides a overview of the simulation, optimization and combined simulation-optimization modeling a pproach and their applications. review in the paper not only discusses the Clas sical optimization techniques but also computational intelligence techniques suc h as evolutionary computations, fuzzy set theory and artificial neural networks. This serves as an aid to the future research and system managers to decide app ropriate methodology for application to their systems. 8. Geeta S. Joshi, Kapil Gupta. "Performance Evaluation Model for Multipurp ose Multireservoir System Operation." Water Resources Management 24, no. 12 (Jan uary 2010): 3051-3063. This paper presents the development of a performance evaluation based model for the operation of multipurpose multireservoir in a river basin system. The method ology adopted in the present study has been evolved for (a) allocation of releas es for multipurpose from each reservoir (2) Fair allocation of mandatory flow re leases in the river. (3) The assessment of the system capability for multipurpo se operation. A factor called system performance Index has been introduced as a measure of the overall performance iof the system. This is evaluated for the re servoirs Barna, Sukta, Omkareshwer , Tawa, Bargi etc. in Narmada Basin, India. T his helps in increasing hydropower generation within the existing framework. 9. Pan Liu, Ximing Cai. "Deriving Near Optimal Solutions to Deterministic R eservoir Operation Problems." Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water R esources Congress . ASCE, 2010. 890-895. In this paper, discussion on the near optimal solutions have been made as these provide a valuable options for decision making because in practical reservoir o perations, it is often more realistic to choose one solution from a set of alter natives with similar or even the same objective value resulting from the same op timization model. This paper explores such near optimal solutions and discusses their statistical characteristics with two steps : 1. Using DP model, the near o ptimal space is derived by building feasible conditions during backtracking. Thi s approach can be incorporated into the discrete differential dynamic programmin g (DDDP) frame work 2. Following equifinity concept, statistical characteristics to the optimal solution can be analyzed by using uncertainty methods with simul ation. The same is validated using Three Gorges reservoir, China and it is found that the near optimal solutions do exist for deterministic reservoir operation problem and there is a great potential benefit in evaluating and choosing the re alistic one. ____________________________________________________________________________

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